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unknownb37 · 6 years ago
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How many times we wished to go back in time to a specific moment, where we hid what we were feeling, just to say something instead of silence, or to do something differently, sometimes we regret doing nothing when we should have done something as a reaction instead.
Be true to what you feel, act upon what's happening the moment it happens if needed, not recklessly but suitably, because nothing is more mentally poisoning than cumulating what you feel instead of reacting especially if the emotions or feelings were negative. In my opinion, hiding them is like building a tower of negativity inside your brain that has a positivity scattering aura, each floor has a random different unwanted thoughts, like grudges, misunderstandings, anger... And the higher the tower, the harder the fall, the bigger the impact, and the moment this tower falls is the moment where you burst out with all these cumulated unpositive emotions even over a small thing, so it may appear that you're being daramtic and overreacting, when in fact, it was the tower with its floors getting heavy and falling.
Life is what happens to us and what we react to too, and hidden emotions, in my opinion, no matter what they were, are merely actions yet to be taken and/or words yet to be said. So I guess overreacting is definitely not an advantage. -UnknownB
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unknownb37 · 6 years ago
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Personality, personal, persona..  and it stirred my mind that Persona as a word in Latin means "mask", so I guess every person has a personality, has a "mask" weared, and it came to my mind if there is more than one mask for each person? I mean why some of your friends find you funny? And others come to you when they seek help? Others find you serious? And others may not laugh at your jokes, but you laugh your ass off at theirs? I feel like each mask has an aura that gives you a vibe that slightly manipulate your personality traits depending on the company you're with, and the situation you're in.
So that made me think what is like to be without a mask, I mean who are you when you're not wearing any mask? If you were by yourself in a room.. alone, would you be wearing a mask? Or would you be in your bare personality? I guess the way you interact with your thoughts, your alone vibe, the answering you get when you question your thoughts, is you without a mask, it is pure you, there is no one around, it's only you, your thoughts, yourself and your brain, and it's kinda relieving being alone after a stressful period of time. It is healing and refreshing.
It's not tiring having many masks, it is really normal. Energy and vibes would be flowing and your aura would be cascading with the flow, however as your interactions continue with other homosapiens, you meet a new person, with time, you feel like you're interacting with him with your real personality, no mask weared. You feel like you don't need to do drugs, smoke or drink alcohol to have a good and/or relieving time with that person, even sitting with him talking nothing is a good time, it's like you're sitting alone with yourself with him, those kind of people are really rare to find, the kind who understands you without a persona, the kind who loves your company because you are you, because you are who you are. Just hold tight onto these people, your paths have crossed for a purpose, maybe to learn a lesson, or maybe to meet a person that may be your soul mate, and the love of your life.
In the end, that's my perspective, and I guess the deeper your thoughts get, the more likely for you to feel lost, at first, with your many thoughts and perspectives, but it's still amazing when we wander the mazes of our brains.
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unknownb37 · 6 years ago
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Sometimes we question the fucked up things that happen to us, like is it beneficial to me to go through a phase like that? Why me? How did it come to this? Sometimes many things go the opposite way all at once, kinda depressing. On the other hand, there are people, who are going through shittier much shittier phases, but they made themselves, they figured something out, they figured out what to do and how to adapt.
Everyone of us has his own problems, problems that suit his transformation requirements, so it's normal to go through phases like that, but the more you focus on the problem, the more it deteriorates you, it makes you feel like you're incapable of doing anything and everything's closing on you. Figuring out a solution and to work on it until you overcome what you're going through is a progress enhancer.
Most of us, even me, seek to evolve as a person, evolve in life, go to higher prosperous stages, but hate going through rough times because of the generated stress. In my opinion, when you attract the idea of progressing forward in your life, you attract rough situation for you to change for the better, level up as a person. We hate fucked up situations, shitty phases, but I guess we should kinda welcome and embrace them until we get strong enough to adapt and beat them, like "oh a rough phase, you fucker, try me", because little do we know, they're part of the process, actually they are the process, the progression, the thing you attracted, the cost of you being better as a person. -UnknownB
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unknownb37 · 6 years ago
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The more you read, the more you know.. that you still know nothing.
There is something weird about the human brain and really confusing, I mean the human brain is astonishingly confusing but there is that one thing I can't get a clear conclusion or deduction from it. Our brain is full of neurons nearly equal to the amount of stars in the cosmos but there are so many questions that arise with this sentence, I mean how do we know that we know? How do we understand what we know? when you learn something new, do new neurons form or you just unlock that pattern of neurons that were already in your brain as a respond to the newly learnt thing?
In my opinion, the quote that says "you have the universe within you" is literally accurate, I guess human brain has all the knowledge that we need to know about every subject, it's like we are born with a yet to be unlocked built in knowledge, and that explains why meditating can let you explore and discover thoughts and ideas deeper about stuff you used to know shallowly, and also explains why creative psychedelic drugs let you reach higher understandings by yourself without the help of any source about things you used to think about in an old neuron pattern.
I guess it's all about the brain activity which can change manipulate shorten or elongate the neuron pattern about anything you think about, the discoveries and theories that were put by some scientists were reached by a high imaginary brain activity fused with the right amount of logic and equations to back it up.. or maybe.. to give others whom are interested in learning these theories the steps or the pattern of neurons in order to understand them without the need to get to a higher brain activity to reach a discovery of that specific pattern.
In the end, logic settles your neurons and can take you from A to B but imagination connects new neurons together by elongating their patterns and can get you from nowhere to anywhere. -UnknownB
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unknownb37 · 6 years ago
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If we wanna build anything, we have to have it at pieces first, like when you open a new puzzle game to play, you'd have pieces of a pitcure, all scattered, you start putting the peices together, noticing that its structure is becoming stronger and more firm, you start knowing the picture you're getting, understanding every piece where and how should be put.
A puzzle and a homosapien are the same from this perspective. When we go through phases that affect us from the inside, that give us extreme feeling of unease, we feel lost and broken to pieces, then we start collecting these pieces trying to fix ourselves, it is at that moment we start to get a deeper understanding of ourselves, know what we want, understand why and what we feel. We start to have a stronger grip on ourselves mentally and emotionally, and in my opinion, some shitty phases takes a long time to fade away, but sometimes it feels like we survived and overcame it before it even ends, and I guess it is because we get stronger while rebuilding ourselves, knowing our smallest details, knowing our capabilities more, having a solid understanding of what we are that shines confidence from within. Even when working out, if you don't put stress and push your muscles' capabilities in lifting heavier, if you don't, metaphorically, destroy your muscles into pieces, they wouldn't become bigger and stronger, more shaped and structured.
So if you want to live an easy mode, stress free life, you won't get any stronger or bigger, you won't get the chance to know yourself, who you truly are, what you're capable of. Your mentality won't have any motivation to know it's pieces because it'd be like a scattered puzzle in a bag. You can't get the bigger picture of who you are unless you rebuild your pieces after being disbanded. -UnknownB
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unknownb37 · 6 years ago
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Days are passing by.. it's getting boring.. this routine.. these circles of happenings, these patterns.. I guess every person has his own life patterns happening to him, no matter how good, bad or perfect these happening are, humans are never satisfied, they always want something new, they always want to plug in a new pattern in their case of life.
But what's confusing is that human beings love and embrace change as much as they fear it, we all fear change, we accept the routine, even if it's not perfect, just because it is familiar.
Sometimes it takes courage to go the path of the unfamiliar instead of setting back and watching the world around you going in a pattern you already know, how do you expect something new from God when you're doing old?
But actually the thought of life itself is confusing, humans are confusing, sometimes the laugh when they're afraid, they cry even when they're happy.. I mean sometimes you want the time to pass by faster, but you don't wanna grow up.. sometimes you want the time to pass by slower but you wanna see who you would become in the future, you want a happy perfect life but it's boring without problems in it, because it is the spice of it and at the same time too much spice can be annoying and depressing.
So perfection doesn't always has to be the maximum limit of good things, it's a fine combination of good and bad until they reach an equilibrium, it is funny how equilibrium is the summation of low high amounts of two or more things but means perfection in situations like this in my point of view.
But ,unfortunately, there is no perfection in this dimension so called life, you always have to suffer not literally but metaphorically, and suffering gradually increases through time, you're in secondary school and you wanna graduate, you have to suffer, you graduated and wanna build your own self, you'll suffer, you building a home and raising your kids, you're suffering, you're getting old and illnesses are building colonies in your body, you'll be suffering, sometimes others around you suffer because of you like when your mother had you in her pregnancy, she suffered, like when you die and the ones who love you bury you, they'll suffer, see.. so this life is about birth, suffering then death and even if this is what it's all about, why suffer twice? Why suffer from the inside out? Why, if you're already going with these phases in your life until death, let your mind kill you in early stages? Appreciate the small things, do something adventurous, unexpectable, be maturely reckless, enjoy your life, don't let your thoughts lose you, don't let them prison you, don't let them put you on leash, the mind is a maze filled with mazes, it is a two edged sword, use it wisely.
Your mind is created to analyze, comprehend, understand and act upon what's you're going through, for you to grow, evolve and enjoy the moments of your life, so it is created for your own good, for you, not against you. -UnknownB
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