unknown-2008 · 3 years
They can't see me
As a child i was always curious about horror and creepy things back then kids of my age had `imaginary friends ʼ. Everyone always found it weird that how can i not be into childish stuff like the other kid, I guess i was a little mature for a kid my age as time passed i started doing research on the imaginary friends and ghost things. One day i remember reading a article that how spirits/ghost are confused and just don't know the are dead, I as always thought that was total bs so i just forgot about it, after the weekend when it was Monday i went to school as my normal routine but something was strange everything was a lot quieter probably cause it was Monday know one likes Monday's so i brushed it off then at the gate of my school i noticed a strange person a man in his 40s i ignored him but he gave me a smile a warm kind smile, it was the end of the Day everyone was ready to go back home everone on their phones i got out late cause it always took me a long time packing my thing's i walked out of the classroom into the hallway where the janitor was sweeping the floors and teachers were packing to leave i walked out the gate and saw that strange man again the strange kind man there was something about him that made me feel he is harm less, he signaled me to come near my parents always told me the stranger danger thing and i was 14 years old so smart enough to make my decisions but i still followed him he gave me a candy i didn't eat it but that's the last thing i remember. I suddenly woke up which felt like a long nap and found myself on the road directly infront of my school and lot of police officers and people talking they were talking about a dead girl who noone knows how she died her body was found infront of the school i walked closer to the inner circle of the crowd then what i saw sent shivers down my spine it was my dead body stabbed with a candy in it's hand then i looked up and saw the same man smiling while looking at my corpse. I instantly woke up panting and gasping for air i finally caught my breath it was just a bad dream i told myself got up and ready for my school and then my mom said she would drop me cause she has some work too i sat in the front seat and took a little nap my mom woke me up as i stared in horror the same man from my dream smiling at me but this time i saw the evil in his eyes which i didn't notice beacuse the kindness in his smile kept it hidden.
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unknown-2008 · 3 years
Hi guys
I am a normal person on this app looking for friends i don't judge anyone if you ever feel like telling someone something then just don't hesitate messaging me iam thinking of writting stories of my life and fictions if i create some talk to you all next time
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