hound three.
29 posts
when reason fails, the devil helps !
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unhound · 5 years ago
@unshepherd  /  sacrifice
after  gym,  the  boys  tend  to  congregate  in  the  locker  room  for  a  bit  before  returning  to  class.  these  periods  typically  consist  of  predictable  locker  room  happenings;  flagrant  language,  rude  humor,  and  the  occasional  brawl,  which  kogami  does  his  best  to  ignore  most  of  the  time.  there  are  days  where  he  joins  in  just  for  the  hell  of  it,  just  to  see what  might  happen,  but  he  has  a  reputation  to  upkeep.  that  doesn’t  mean  he  doesn’t  listen,  though.  so  he  becomes  concerned  when  he  notices  the  tone  change  around  the  corner  where  some  boys  have  been  talking.  they  had  sounded  as  though  they  had  been  taunting  someone,  probably  all  in  good  fun,  but  now  they  sounded  nasty.  
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❛  oi  oi,  ❜   warns  kogami,  stepping  forward  from  the  place  at  his  locker.  he’s  only  half  -  dressed,  pants  buttoned  and  a  towel  hanging  over  his  bare  chest,  but  he’ll  worry  about  his  shirt  after  he  takes  care  of  this  situation.  he  tilts  his  head  to  the  side,  squinting  slightly  as  he  assesses  the  situation.  they’ve  backed  some  scrawny  four  -  eyed  kid  up  against  the  plaster  wall,  and  he  looks  scared  to  death.  ❛  you  know  that’s  not  allowed,  right  ?  ❜  kogami  cracks  his  knuckles,  stepping  in  front  of  the  biggest  of  the  guys,  who  he  can  definitely  pummel  if  worse  comes  to  worst.  ❛  leave  him  alone,  or  you’re  gonna  have  a  lot  to  deal  with  after  school,  okay  ?  or  ...  or  i  could  take  you  here,  if  you’d  prefer  it  be  in  front  of  everyone  else.  looks  like  you’ve  already  drawn  a  crowd,  anyway.  ❜  he  steps  back  and  reaches  a  hand  over  the  skinny  guy’s  shoulder.  ❛  so  what  will  it  be,  huh  ?  ❜  finally,  the  bullies  back  off,  stalking  off  to  slam  the  locker  room  door  shut.  kogami  turns  around  to  face  the  guy  he’d  just  helped.  
❛  sorry  about  them,  ❜  he  mutters.  he  sort  of  looks  him  up  and  down.  the  kid  has  a  few  inches  on  him,  now  that  they’re  standing  face  to  face  and  he’s  not  all  slouched  over,  afraid.  ❛  they’re  a  bunch  of  motherfuckers,  i’ve  dealt  with  them  before  and  they’ll  know  not  to  mess  with  you  now.  i’m  kogami,  by  the  way.  kogami  shinya.  ❜
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unhound · 5 years ago
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—There are other foxes. Creatures that keep escaping the hounds.
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unhound · 5 years ago
😏 i can koga your mi
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any time baby ;)) as long as i can “gino” your “za”
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unhound · 5 years ago
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unhound · 5 years ago
With a sexy smirk upon his face, Sho walked toward the Kogami, hoping that he wasn't too busy to spend some time with him. He had been alone for some time, but for whatever reason, seeing his dick alone made him feel as though his horniness could be easily relieved.
“wow hinakawa more like hornykawa“ he said with lust in his voice. “i would love to see that dick. show that nasty thing“
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unhound · 5 years ago
kogami moaned with a powerful lust anad grabbed sho’s dick. “wow that was fukcing sexy” jhe said 
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unhound · 5 years ago
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kogami shinya DESTROYS little cumslut with facts and logic
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unhound · 5 years ago
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` i’m not playing your games, kogami.` his tone is soaked in it’s usual apathy, but betrayed by the falter in his expression, irritation withering into something more pained. nevertheless, he stands his ground, standing stock still as kogami closes the distance between them, bit by agonizing bit. was he having fun with this?
` i have nothing to say to you. ` most of the bite from before has seeped away, given way to something hollow, empty. he keeps his stare trained on kogami, despite how badly he wants to look away. what’s keeping him anchored here still? it’s not like he can chalk this up to simply keeping a latent criminal supervised anymore. the wind rattles his teeth, and he clenches them tight enough to snap his jaw. 
bitterly, he narrows his eyes. ` besides, it isn’t as if you’ve ever paid any heed to much i’ve said to you before, anyway. ` 
the  agonized  hint  to  his  voice  twists  a  knot  in  kogami’s  gut.  all  he  had  wanted  to  do  was  untangle  the  emotions  shrouding  their  understanding,  somehow  mend  what  he  had  so  horribly  ruined  years  before.  but  he’s  always  been  like  this,  too  intense,  too  intimidating,  when  truly  his  tenderness  hides  below  the  facade.  and  he  wonders  why  ginoza  hates  him.  
❛  gino,  ❜  he  says,  tone  notably  softer  than  before.  he  realizes  his  mistake  right  after  he  makes  it;  he’d  said  it  almost  automatically,  not  putting  any  thought  into  the  implications  behind  the  nickname.  he  had  always  used  it  to  calm  him  down,  but  that  was  ages  ago.  now  it  just  sounded  insulting.  clearly  ginoza  is  bothered  by  this  ordeal,  or  else  he  wouldn’t  be  making  that  face,  the  agonized  scowl  that  kogami  knows  so  well.  only  it’s  glazed  over  with  a  pain  so  intense  that  he  hardly  knows  what  to  do  with  himself.  how  did  he  let  this  happen,  let  ginoza  so  far  out  of  his  reach  ...  ?
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❛  i  didn’t  mean  ...  ❜  god,  what  an  imbecile  he  is,  making  a  fool  of  the  both  of  them.  ❛  god,  i’m  sorry.  ❜  and  those  words  account  for  more  than  just  the  slip  -  up  from  moments  ago.
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unhound · 5 years ago
do the roar!
press x to do the roar
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unhound · 5 years ago
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unhound · 5 years ago
you read 1984 once and now you think you have a 200 iq
we live in a society
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unhound · 5 years ago
plastic tic tac
cuz when we clapping and bashing we clashing
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unhound · 5 years ago
nonverbal memes
add + to reverse who does the action
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention  [ sleep ] for your muse to wake mine  [ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket  [ lift ] for your muse to give mine a hand stepping up or over something etc.  [ kiss ]  for your muse to come up to mine and kiss them without warning  [ run ] for your muse to run their fingers through mine’s hair  [ braid ] for your muse to braid mine’s hair  [ embrace ]  for your muse to hold mine  [ smile ] for your muse to smile at mine from across the room  [ wave ] for your muse to gesture to mine to come closer  [ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger  [ touch ] for your muse to rest their forehead against mine’s [ weep ]  for your muse to catch mine crying  [ eat ]  for your muse to offer mine food [ hit ] for your muse to attack mine  [ love ] for your muse to touch mine as a show of affection or reassurance  [ nap ] for your muse to fall asleep against mine  [ rest ] for your muse to rest their head in mine’s lap  [ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring  [ seduce ] for your muse to touch mine sexually  [ help ] for your muse to lean on mine for support  [ give ] for your muse to offer mine their arm  [ entwine ] for your muse to hold mine’s hand  [ laugh ] for your muse to laugh at something mine did  [ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine  [ sit ] for your muse to pull mine into their lap  [ yell ] for your muse to calm mine down  [ cry ] for your muse to wipe mine’s tears away  [ dream ] for your muse to wake mine from a nightmare  [ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation  [ fix ] for your muse to treat mine’s injury  [ sacrifice ] for your muse to get hurt protecting mine  [ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger  [ taste ] for your muse to cook for mine  [ sing ] for your muse to sing to mine 
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unhound · 5 years ago
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unhound · 5 years ago
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unhound · 5 years ago
some sick part of him relishes in this newfound proximity, the other wants to recoil, shrink into himself, take another step closer, shove him away and leave this conversation entirely. but he’s rooted to the spot by the last vestiges of pride he can muster, unflinching in his resolve, however weak it may be. he’s been effectively cornered, all he can do now is gnash his teeth. 
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` don’t act like you don’t know why. `  ‘ i trusted you. ’ dies on his tongue as fast as it manifested. behind the layer of icy vitriol is a tone of resignation. this scenario has run through his head more times than he can count, an explicit confrontation. ironic that when it’s playing out, he’s already grown sick of it, as if it is a tired and over - regurgitated thing. and perhaps it is, in some way. even when these words remain unspoken, it isn’t hard to understand the sentiment behind their actions. that’s how it is when you know a person inside out. he can tell himself he no longer knows the person in front of him all he wants, but he’s painfully in tune with him. of course the sentiment is returned. 
kogami  has  considered  this  confrontation  so  many  times,  it’s  like  he’s  enacting  a  script  he’s  written  for  them  alone  and  ginoza  is  performing  his  role  impeccably.  they  can  still  read  each  other  so  well  after  all  these  years,  calculating  the  other’s  next  move  with  unadulterated  ease.  it’s  difficult,  performing  as  strangers  when  they  cannot  dismiss  the  complexity  that  is  their  past.  
he  wishes  ginoza  would  just  shove  him  to  the  ground,  let  him  have  it,  put  his  subordinate  in   his  place  and  keep  him  there.  kogami  has  always  tolerated  physical  pain  much  better,  anyway;  anything  would  sting  less  than  the  vacant  melancholy  that  resides  between  their  hearts  now.  but  he  knows  that  the  inspector  is  far  too  passive  for  such  measures,  he  always  has  been.  
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❛  so  you  admit  it  then,  ❜  it’s  more  of  a  declaration  than  an  inquiry.  he  lowers  his  voice  to  a  near  whisper,  taking  another  step  closer.  ❛  but  i  want  to  hear  you  say  it.  ❜  say  it.  say  that  you  hate  me.  
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unhound · 5 years ago
kogami works on the sasayama case but then it all goes wrong
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