unholyglitch404 · 4 days
Guard: "You're not authorized to be here."
Me: "Oh, don't worry. I'm actually related to the owner!"
Guard: "Uh-huh, right... Get out of here, kid."
Me, who understands evolution: "I'm serious! We're both related to Luca—!"
*I get kicked out and charged with trespassing*
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unholyglitch404 · 7 days
Okay, but... Wtf is the "you're not 7'5" thing a reference to?? Like, do queer people just grow abnormally tall? Was that a patch I didn't get??? Am I supposed to restart my systems to get that update? What?
Was minding my own business on Instagram reels when this video shows up
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And knowing how instagrams comments typically suck i still clicked on them and was pleasantly surprised.
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Is this the world healing?
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unholyglitch404 · 9 days
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tell 'em Naegi
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unholyglitch404 · 10 days
So, I was having a bad dysphoria day and decided to look up short male celebrities... And... Can I talk about the bullshit that is height expectations for men?
The average height for cis men, in America, is about 5'9", iirc. So why the fuck are men who are 5'8" considered "sUrPrIsInGlY sHoRt". No the fuck they're not! They're an inch below average! That's not that fucking short! They're, in practice, average height: tall enough that it's barely noticeable, and not distracting. They're lower average, but they're still fucking average height! "Surprisingly short", my ass!
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unholyglitch404 · 11 days
Do you ever stop and realize that our existence, as we know it, is quite literally a hallucination?
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unholyglitch404 · 14 days
The big difference is that Gideon is nine, and Bill most certainly isn't.
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I made a past post showing parallels between Gideon & Bill a while back but the main parallel I noticed are their relationships to Ford and Mabel:
They used to be close to Ford/Mabel before their messed up actions caused a falling out between them
Gave them chances to join their side
Held them captive during the course of Weirdmaggedon
Now this could've been accidental and me just reading into things but the Book of Bill had this recurring idea of Bill being Ford's toxic, abusive ex. It just really cemented this parallel and the idea of Bill being Ford's Gideon.
IN ADDITION - While this might be reaching, I think with this idea in mind, there's an additional way to read to Gideon's line:
"Bill explained it to me nice and simple. She was always destined to be mine. Now that I have her trapped in a cage, she'll learn to love me. I have an eternity to wait"
Another way to read that is, Bill's projecting onto Gideon & Mabel a bit and this was what he initially had planned with Ford: Keep them trapped, and use the endless amounts of time they have to make him "learn" to love him, but then the barrier surrounding Gravity Falls derailed that
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unholyglitch404 · 14 days
I've had this rant before. A word cannot be "gender neutral" so long as it's connotation, or denotation, involves gender. You can use a word to refer to everybody, but that does not suddenly make the word gender neutral. It just means that you use the word in a variety of situations.
no the word is not gender neutral you're just using a gendered word regardless of the persons gender. it is in fact different. simply using male terms for everyone is not gender neutral, it's just male centric.
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unholyglitch404 · 15 days
Umm...? Ma'am, we're talking about accessibility and bodily autonomy, not mass vasectomies? Maybe direct this to an actually relevant post?
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unholyglitch404 · 15 days
Question: Does anybody ever actually listen to DNI's?
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unholyglitch404 · 15 days
Greetings trans MEN
*epic rock music plays*
Seeing as I am a cis MAN born as a MAN I figure I am a MAN expert.
So here is mu guide on becoming a MAN.
Step 1; Decide you are a MAN.
That’s it.
Thank you for coming to my talk.
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unholyglitch404 · 15 days
Don't forget the intersex people! And the trans ones, I guess.
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unholyglitch404 · 17 days
Me, doing research for an essay: Huh, maybe it's be beneficial to include some case studies...
Me: *Tries doing research*
Literally every credible, non-news, source: (pompous voice) "Oh, honey. You need a subscription to read this. Oh? Say that again? You can't pay? Well, if you're too poor, then we're truly sorry, but we can't serve you. Gather up your slop and leave, you're disrupting the valued patrons."
Me, who doesn't have money to spend:
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unholyglitch404 · 17 days
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My mom used to have this drawer in the bathroom with generic pink packaging and I thought it was some sort of bathroom snack to eat while you were pooping. And I finally got curious and opened one and it wasn't a snack and I was sad.
It scarred me for life.
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unholyglitch404 · 17 days
white boy shocks waiter by ordering in terrible chinese and then killing himself at the table
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unholyglitch404 · 17 days
It's honestly infuriating having to dodge around words like that. Like..
"But think of the children!!" <- If you truly think your child is too young or immature, to know about the bad of the world then don't let them onto social media! If you're that worried about them stumbling across the word "murder", then why are you letting the child wander into areas that the word would appear in? It just sounds like you're just releasing a five year old into a mall, with no supervision and thousands of unknown adults surrounding them, and throwing a fit because your child found themself in the back area of Spencer's. Which is, realistically, one of the tamer and best outcomes that could happen. You should feel lucky that the child, you left unsupervised, only found out that dildos exist. Be a better parent, or role model. You cannot baby proof the world, so stop trying to. Some spaces are just not meant for children, and if they sneak their way in, then it's not our job to make the environment child friendly. Adults need their own spaces, just like children do.
"But think of the advertisers!" <- No, actually, let's not. And, let's be realistic for a moment, how many people are actually going to go "Holy shit! I found a Coca Cola advertisement on a video about a serial killer and rapist!!! Oh, no! Coca Cola supports murderers and rape!!! Aaah!!". Like.. I'm sorry, what? Do corporations actually think that their shit being in the mere presence of something, means they endorse it? Because I'm like 99% sure they're the only ones thinking that. If anybody else thinks that, they're definitely not good sources of rationality. Hell, going to an extreme here, if I saw a Pepsi ad on a porn website, I wouldn't give a shit. I'm not gonna associate Pepsi and porn, because of the ad, I'm just gonna assume it's normal advertising shenanigans. Maybe I would do a double take if it was an advertisement for kids stuff, but.. you already only really get kids stuff on content specifically for children! The only real exception to that is targeted ads, that follow you around based on your search history... Which means they didn't choose where their content is going to appear for you. So, again, I don't know what the issue is? It just sounds like corporations being paranoid pussies, and I fail to understand why we need to accommodate that!
”pdf file” “unalived” “grape” “corn” what if i killed myself right here right now
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unholyglitch404 · 17 days
Honestly, this could be an interesting fic idea, too. Because blood is a crucial component of closing wounds.. a scab requires blood flow, because the required platelets travel in the blood. And you know what else requires blood flow? Your immune system. White blood cells travel through the bloodstream. Without blood flow, his body cannot fight off bacteria. He's at risk of an infection, at best.
Him being dead also bring up the idea of his body beginning to decompose. Most of the decomposition process won't be a concern, within this short of a timeframe, but it wouldn't be surprising for Dipper to experience some negative effects from being dead for.. maybe an hour or two. For example, a very big part of decomposition is that the human body has bacteria in— this bacteria functions similarly to prison workers. Once it's no longer kept in check by the body, because the body can no longer keep it in check, the bacteria eats away at the body, and multiplies. And there's also a concern about bodily fluids, like the stomach acid! A dead body cannot continue to produce the mucus that prevents the acid from eating at the stomach!
So, even after the possession, Dipper dying, getting an infection, or experiencing other issues in the aftermath is expected! Of course, it depends on the time frame and how quickly things happen, but the point remains that Dipper can probably expect to experience negative side effects. Confusion from hypoxia, stomach issues from unchecked stomach acid, intestinal issues from bacteria, bruising from non-puncturing wounds, maybe even more, depending on the specifics!
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I kept thinking about how Mabel said she thought he was dead while being possessed… and it doesn’t take long for blood flow to stop. So I had a thought that none of the injuries caused by bill would truly appear until dipper was back in control. So any fork stabs, bruises, scratches, would only appear when his blood was flowing again.
just a thought
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unholyglitch404 · 17 days
I've always enjoy the trans!Dipper and trans!Mabel headcanons... Often where Dipper is transmasc, and Mabel is transneutral... But I have a new idea, and hear me out:
Transmasc Dipper & Transmasc, GNC, Mabel
During the events of the show, Mabel is an egg. You see, the twins have very different trans experiences, with Dipper having a "typical" transmasc experience, and Mabel having an "abnormal" transmasc experience. Mabel just doesn't realize "she's" trans until later, because "she" doesn't fit within the common, expected, and stereotypical, frame of "transmasc-ness", unlike Dipper.
Mabel doesn't mind feminine clothes, and actively enjoys being stereotypically girly. Maybe Mabel has little physical dysphoria, and more social dysphoria, or maybe "she" hasn't realized that it's not quite cis to be jealous of trans men, because they get to be men. Maybe "she" didn't mind living as a girl, but upon realizing "she's" trans, "she" prefers being a guy. Who knows?
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