undyingresolveart · 7 years
reblog this post and tag it with how you like your steak, how you like your eggs, and how you like your coffee
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undyingresolveart · 7 years
pro tip, u do not have any banter about chip cards that your cashier hasn’t already heard just do not say anything about the chip to your poor cashier, if u even think about saying “it’s different everywhere you go!” theyll hope u die
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undyingresolveart · 7 years
TRIGGER x Sawano = One of the best animes TBH
listen i know kill la kill is entirely Bad Fanservice but i wanna watch it again
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undyingresolveart · 7 years
I really………hate how genuinely cool stuff can suddenly become gross and embarrassing because some people who like it are embarrassing and it ends up being unenjoyable for people who jus like it and are decent about it
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undyingresolveart · 7 years
90% leg 10% water
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leg so long they take up 2 panels
Tapastic | Patreon | Redbubble
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undyingresolveart · 7 years
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not too long ago i talked to a popular artist on another site who draws in an anime style about sameface and what you can do to prevent it etc. they kind of brushed it off and said they’ll work on it in the future but all their characters are drawn the same because it’s anime and it’s based off simplifying etc etc.
so! i want to recommend an exercise for beginning/any skill anime artists who are worried about sameface.
first decide on an angle and a hairstyle! since a lot of people use only hairstyles to differentiate between characters this’ll prevent that. then draw however many portraits you want where in every single one, you change the shape of their defining features. 
eyes? sure you can have characters with the generic wide anime eyes, but you can also explore squared, droopy, pointy, etc. shapes!
are your noses hooked? straight down? long? button?
is the jawline round? triangular? squared? hexagonal?
big mouth? small mouth? pointy mouth?
idk if its obvious but my regular style isnt anime, so i tried my best here!
bonus points: try to make them look like they could all be in the same show together
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undyingresolveart · 7 years
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Some Eyes I drew at 5 in the morning using @prpldragonart ‘s tutorial! Tutorial: http://prpldragonart.tumblr.com/post/93538223189/full-view-here-tutorial-tag-links-to
I’m still really bad so its just outlines and color but I’m gonna keep practicing!
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undyingresolveart · 7 years
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Full view here~!
Links to examples: xenon | felix | alessa | jade | kanaya | ayato
I started out using this tutorial and kind of branched off. So yeah this is how I color hair. I hope I’m able to help someone out~! ^u^
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undyingresolveart · 7 years
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Full view here~! | Tutorial tag
Links to examples: [~] | [~] | [~] | [~]
Irises are fun to color so I thought I’d share how I do it~
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undyingresolveart · 7 years
I struggle with drawing noses How do you do yours perfectly O-O
Thanks but I have no idea; I’ve always found them really hard to draw. But here’s how I do it I guess:
Step One: Sketch. I usually draw some type of stretched pyramid and add a circle on tip, but that depends on the type of nose.
Step Two: Actually draw the nose. No clue how to describe it other than look at people’s noses and describe it in depth to yourself so you’ll remember…?
Step Three: Shading is so hard for me I can’t help too much on this. Just make sure the tip is lighter if the lighting is normal.
Here’s a gif and the frames:
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Have fun with nose shapes though. The more diversity between characters, the better~! :>
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