“Hello Leibling.”
The words make my stomach knot and twist. My head is pounding and the light in here is making the rhythm of my heart beat behind my eyes feel like a drum. The last thing I remember is toying with Alex and then smoke filled the room. After that, its complete darkness. For once in my life, I was careless. I want to blame it on 141 because I offered to help and I never had this problem before working alone, but deep down, I can’t blame anyone but myself. It was a rookie move and I fucked up.
I just didn’t think I would be face to face with him. I go to adjust my body but I'm stiff and the slightest movements make me feel like I'm floating in the air. I divert my eyes from his and jerk my head around to see what is causing me to be immobile. My stomach churns from the sudden movement. The sedative still having its effect on me. I close my eyes and throw my head back and take deep breaths, but its hard to breathe.
Fuck. I still have my mask on. This damn thing is a blessing and a curse.
“Hard to breathe when you having something so constricting over your face huh?” Konig says with humor in his voice. Every octave in his tone makes me want to vomit. The shit he put in that gas is top of the line.
I don't reply. I can’t. My tongue is glued in place and my mouth won’t open. I open my eyes as I stare at the ceiling - my neck getting stiff from the position I'm in. My heart rate picks up as I realize I'm dangling from the fucking ceiling by chains.
The faint smell of smoke seeps through my mask and fills my nose. I slowly pull my head up so I'm level again with Konig. A figure to his left catches my eye and my eyes divert to the person leaned against the wall smoking a cigarette. “Did those myself,” the man says with a grin across his face. He points to the chains with the hand thats holding his cigarette.
Slowly, my body is coming back to me as I roll my eyes, but that eye roll made me feel like my whole body rolled with it. “Its a bitch coming off that shit,” the man says as he takes another puff. The smoke growing stronger and twisting my stomach even more.
“You’re…the bitch…for smoking…,” I manage to get out. Ive been under a lot of neurological stimulants and blockers, but this one tops the cake. The fucking cherry on top. He takes another puff and lets out a soft laugh - smoke coming out with each chuckle.
My shoulders are fucking screaming and it takes me a few seconds to realize I'm still wearing my vest. The damn thing weighs almost an extra hundred pounds since I have ceramic plates. They weigh more, but protect you more. Again, a blessing and a curse.
“Shoulders hurt?” Konig says with that same tone. Even though he has a mask over his face, I can tell he’s grinning.
I take in a deep breath before answering, “Not at all,” I pause swallowing the spit and also the vomit wanting to come up, “Im quite comfortable, Arschloch.” I spit that last word out and over dramatize it.
The man against the wall snorts and finally puts out his cigarette - smashing it under his boot. “Something funny?” Konig asks as he turns to the nicotine patient. The humor in his voice still there. This must be his right hand man and someone he trusts fully.
“You’ve got your hands full boss,” he says with that same damn smirk on his face and pushes off the wall and heads to a door. Actually, thats the only door in here and there are no windows. Great.
Before Konig can respond, I chime in, “And after I get done with you, you wont have any hands.”
The smile on his face grows wider. “Three, Lillith,” Konig says as he points from this dude named ‘Three’ to me - as if this is a formal introduction. My heart nearly stops when I hear my actual name come from Konig. How the fuck does he know my name? “Lillith, Three,” he finally says finishing his greeting.
Three nods at me and walks out the door, shutting it behind him. The loud bang echoing off the cement walls. “You my dear,” Konig says as he stands in front of me.
I cut him off, “How the fuck do you know my name?” I say with gritted teeth. My teeth are grinding so hard I'm surprised my molars aren't cracking. It hurts like hell, but its a pain I'm willing to deal with.
“Are a hard person to track,” he finishes his sentence disregarding my question. He’s not wrong. People don’t normally know where I am or where I've been until after the fact. I like to keep it that way, but it seems I have a fucking mole.
“How do you know my goddamn name Konig?” I raise my voice a bit as the fight in me is coming back. Slowly, but its there.
He takes in a deep breath, “Mmmm Leibling,” he says as if he is savoring what I just said. He reaches up and places his hand on my hip. I try to lean my body in the opposite direction to avoid it, but I cant. As soon as his hand touches my body, a fire ignites in that spot as if he’s branding me. “Say it again.”
I know what he means. His name. He wasn’t asking, but telling me and the slight huskiness in his voice sends alarms through me. “Fuck you,” I say through my still clenched teeth.
He keeps his hand on my hip, but takes his other hand and grabs a piece of my hair and twirls it around his fingers. I don’t like that he’s this close to me - better yet touching me. I take in a deep breath and draw my foot back and kick him in the balls. He immediately removes his hands from me and doubles over. I take this lovely opportunity to kick him in the face - which sends him flying back and landing on the hard concrete floor.
Konig immediately gets to his feet and is on me within two strides. Long legged fucker. He grabs my hair and jerks my head back as a sharp pain spreads across my scalp as a small yelp escapes me. His breathing is heavier, but I guess if a heavy ass boot hit me in one of the most, if not the most sensitive part of my body, I’d be furious too. It was a cheap shot, but its all I got at the moment.
I try to fight him as he pulls my head back further by my hair, but using that little bit of strength I had saved up did it for me. “Go ahead and kill me and get it over with,” I say taking in a few deep breaths from exhaustion.
He places his other hand back on my hip and that igniting feeling is back, “Kill you?” He says with a chuckle. His tone tells me he’s not questioning me. He has more to say.
“If you think I'm telling you shit, you’re wasting your time,” I say before he has a chance to speak again. “Torturing me is nothing new, Konig,” I say emphasizing his name. His hand on my hip squeezing me.
He tightens his grip in my hair and I open my mouth in protest but nothing comes out, “Darling, I'm not going to kill you,” he says as he removes his hand from my hip. His green eyes going back and forth between my left and right one. “But I'm going to make you wish you were.” He raises his hand and hooks his finger into the top of my mask that sits right on my cheek bones - right under my eyes.
I try to shake my head and pull it back, but he has a death grip in my hair holding me in place. “Its going to happen whether you like it or not Lillith,” he tells me in that husky voice. His breathing is heavier than it was a second ago.
He finally hooks his finger inside my mask and pulls it down. Panic races through me. This is my safety net. My ‘blanket’ per say and its being stripped from me. I feel the fabric slide down my face as the cool temperature of the room kisses my exposed skin. My eyes stay locked on his as I watch his pupils dilate.
My arms and shoulders are numb from hanging here with the extra weight of my vest and now I wish thats how my whole body felt. Numb. “Mmmm,” he practically moans as my whole face is now visible to him. “Fucking perfect.”
My eyes shoot daggers into his and he knows it. “What do you want from me?” I ask in a low tone.
He brings my face closer to his and continues to hold me there by my hair, “You.” One word. One fucking word that makes me feel like I have fire and ice rushing through my veins. He lets go of my hair and pain shoots to the spot he was holding onto the hardest.
“You’re going to join me,” he says. It wasn’t an offer and Konig isn’t the type of person to ask. He takes.
I snort, “Im not joining you.”
He takes a few steps back and crosses his arms - staring at me, “It wasn’t an offer. You are and you will.”
I shake my head as a smile forms on my face. Its not because I'm happy, but the balls on this motherfucker, “I don’t give a fuck how much you torture me,” I say staring directly into his green eyes, “Break my bones. Rape me. Brand me. Starve me. Do whatever the fuck you feel like you have to do that will make you think I will join you,” I say as the smile on my face spreads, “But I promise you, I will die before I ever join you.”
He clicks his tongue as he takes a step towards me - closing the distance between us, “You see Lillith,” he starts. My name rolling off his tongue with his accent makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I cant decipher if its good or bad. “The torture you went through all those years ago, isn’t going to compare to what I'm going to do to you.”
I roll my eyes. I fucking hate riddle talk. He grabs me by my throat and a soft whimper escapes me, “Do your worst,” I tell him. “Ive been through worse.”
He lets go of my throat and starts walking to the door, “You went through physical punishment Lillith,” he says as he continues to walk. “Im going to dig into that thick head of yours and when im done with you,” he pauses as he opens the door, “You’re going to be so submissive, so needy for me and loving every second of it. You’ll be begging by the time I'm finish with you. And I know thats something you haven’t been through.”
Before I have a chance to speak, he steps through the doorway and closes the door. Within a matter of seconds, the lights in the room shut off and I am left in nothing but complete darkness and my thoughts as I dangle from the ceiling.
**Liebling - Darling (German)**
**Arschloch - Asshole (German)**
#ao3 fanfic#fanfic#gaz cod#simon ghost riley#fanfiction#smut#archive of our own#ao3 writer#KING#konig smut
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Her body molds perfectly against mine as I carried her to my air craft. I took the liberty of killing everyone else except a handful of men. I had other plans in place where I wanted to see the fire in her eyes as we fought, but I'm saving that for another time - which we’ll have plenty of. I was able to see the way she tortured Alex - ripping his skin and making his loud screams turn silent. It made my dick hard and it took everything in me to keep my composure.
I stayed holding her in my arms the whole way back to base. Her breathing was slow and calm - but as the saying goes, theres always a calm before the storm. She made a few whimpers here and there and a smile spread across my face each time. Those whimpers were innocent. The ones I'm going to force out of her will be from hell.
Everyone around me is silent as I carry her to my car. Were not staying here. Im taking her to my kingdom. To our kingdom. I can feel Whitneys stare before my eyes find hers - but only for a brief second. She's pissed and I could give a fuck less. She knew better than to get too deep. Not that we hooked up regularly.
I place Lillith in the passenger seat of my car and shut the door. I have about another hour before the sedative wears off. I made sure to make it strong for this very reason. She’ll be groggy and have a pounding headache, but that will go away in due time. A headache and feeling sluggish is about to be the least of her worries.
I get into my car and speed off to the house. Our house - she just doesn’t know it yet. My dick strains against the zipper of my pants and its becoming more painful the closer we get to our destination. Ive only been dreaming of this day since I laid eyes on her. She's mine and I’ll kill anyone who stands in the way…or attempts to.
The drive to the house usually takes me twenty minutes or so, but I made it here in half the time. My eagerness cant wait and I want her exactly how I have it pictured in my head when her eyes open. Helpless and rage filled.
I throw my car in park and it slides a few feet in the stone driveway and I waste no time getting out and going on the passenger side to get whats mine. She's still asleep. I reached down and pick her up and cradle her in my arms. I shut the passenger door with my hip and the bang from the door makes her brows furrow, but she doesn’t wake.
Three opens the door a few seconds later - having hearing me rush down the driveway. He has a shit eating grin on his face and even though he cant see mine, my eyes give me away that I have one too. “How do you think she’ll be when she wakes up?” Its a rhetorical question that he asked, but also at the same time, its not.
I laugh before answering, “Oh, she's going to be fun.”
My house is fit for a King. I made sure of it when I bought it. Its a dark brick victorian style gothic mansion. Enough rooms to house myself, my staff and any guest I choose to have over. Most of the windows are floor to ceiling and majority of the rooms have cathedral ceilings. My favorite place however, is the basement. Theres multiple stone cells with iron doors - making it impossible for anyone to escape. It stays cold and damp with no lighting except what I choose to give. Making it my captures purgatory.
Thats where were headed.
Lillith starts to stir in my arms and I pick my pace up. I know she's going to come out swinging and give me everything she's got. I cant wait to see the fire that ignites so much hatred in her. I haven’t taken her mask off yet. Even though every ounce of me is itching to see all of her beauty.
We reach downstairs and the change in temperature sends a chill down my spine. Lillith isn’t going in a cell. No, she will be in my open room where I love to torture people the most. Its an open room with only one door. One way in and one way out. Theres hooks mounted throughout the cement ceiling giving me multiple advantages to play with my “victims”. Plus, the cold down here makes it worse on them since they have to hang there and take it. There isn’t anywhere for them to curl up and reserve their heat.
We walk into the open room and Three grabs one of the two chains that hang in the center of the room. I told him what I wanted and as always, he never disappoints. He takes the metal cuff and places one on each of Lillith’s wrists. I gently lay her down on the floor. Three has the chain to her left in hand and I have the one on her right in mine. We both pull at the same time, hoisting her in the air until finally she's eye level with me.
I stand at 6’10, so there isn’t any way she can touch the ground to try and level herself. The only choice she has is to hang there and take it. Three and I begin taking any weapons she has off her. He’s lucky I trust him because anyone else would have their hands broken in every way fucking possible - down to bone splinters and their eyes plucked from their sockets from looking at her this close.
No wonder she's so fucking deadly. She has a goddamn artillery on her. “Im surprised you haven’t taken her mask off yet,” Three says as he reaches into the cargo pockets of her pants and pulls out her throwing knives.
“Trust me,” I say as my hands roam over her legs feeling for any weapons that I may have missed. At least thats part of the reason. The real reason is touching her and feeling every part of her clothed. Soon, there won’t be this much clothing between us. “As much as I want to, I want to see the look on her face when she doesn’t have a choice. She just takes what I do to her.”
Three laughs as he takes the knives and walks out of the room to put in our locked chest outside the room. I have several outside before getting to the cells. Each chest has a special made lock thats impossible to pick. You need a special key to get inside them - and if you lose the key, you might as well say goodbye to whatever is in the chest.
Three returns empty handed and I hand him what I retrieved. More throwing knives, extra mags, two pistols, a few frags, stim shots, smoke grenades and a few semtex. I believe she was trying to blow up the fucking building that Alex was in. Three leaves to put the rest of her stuff in the chest and returns.
I run my hands over her waist and down her legs. I don’t bother taking her vest off and theres a reason for that. “You’ve got it bad man,” Three says as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it. The whitish grey smoke escaping his lips as he exhales. I don't mind if he smokes down here, but in the house, its off limits. But I don’t have to tell him that. He knows.
Lillith stirs and a soft whimper escapes her lips and it goes straight to my dick. I haven’t even touched her yet and she's getting me hard. But who am I fooling? My dick has been getting hard just from scenarios in my head that haven’t happened….yet.
“You ready to play?” Three asks me. I don’t even look at him to know he’s got a grin on his face. He’s the happiest fucker I know, but right now, Im fucking giddy. I don’t answer his question because its rhetorical - as always. Fuck playing, he knows I'm ready to fucking devour.
Lilith slowly moves her head and her brows furrow. Coming off any sedative makes you sensitive in the worst way. The dimmest lights are as bright as the sun and just someone breathing feels like you’re banging on your head on a wall with each breath. The two combined make for a nasty nauseous feeling.
I step forward, getting closer to her. I want to be the first thing she sees when she wakes, since I was the last thing she saw before she went out. The sedative will make her feel like it was a really bad dream and she partied too hard the night before. Just in this case, it wasn’t a dream and her worst nightmare has come true.
Her eyes flutter open and shut as she slowly lifts her head. Each time her eyes flutter open, they stay open a bit longer, but I know she's disoriented. I made sure to put that in there. Finally, her eyes stay open but they’re heavy as they scan the room - stopping on me.
“Hello Liebling.”
**Picture of the house for representation**

#ao3 fanfic#fanfic#gaz cod#simon ghost riley#fanfiction#smut#archive of our own#ao3 writer#KING#konig smut
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Its pitch black - which could be a good thing or a bad thing. My fingers twitch - ready to take the soul from someone. We exit off the helo, except for Nik. He’s staying back to be a lookout and to also be ready to get us the fuck out of here if shit goes sideways.
The place here in Bamberg, Germany is creepy as hell. Its an all black facility with dark orange lights sporadically around the area. It almost looks like a plant, but not as big. Thank God for night vision.
“You know the layout of this place?” Gaz asks me.
“Sadly no,” I say as I sling my AR over my shoulder and reposition the sling to sit more comfortably. I prefer my knifes or hands, but my guns get me out of last minute situations. I guess you could say the best of both worlds. “My guess is Alex is either in the middle of this place or the very top. Something that isn’t so easy to access and he has time to get a head start if someone here is looking for him.”
“Where do you want us to go?” Rosa asks. She's a good operator. Quick on her feet and hands, but her downfall is her stealth. She's had some close calls in the past, but her quickness makes up for it I guess.
“I want everyone to stay out of any light. If theres multiple, be smart,” I say looking around at everyone. I pull my mask over my face and adjust it so it sits like it normally would - over my nose. My helmet covers the top of my head and my night vision goggles are mounted on top. The only thing you see if my green eyes and even those have black paint over them. Its my signature look.
“Rosa and Soap, you two clear the right side. Gaz and John, you clear the left side,” I say as I look at the last member who has yet to be named or assigned, “Casper, you’re coming with me straight down the center.”
Rosa and Soap snort and Ghost narrows his eyes at me. “And for the love of anything Holy or Unholy, do not let anyone call from their radio and set the alarms.” Thats the last thing we need.
Everyone agrees and bumps arms for good luck I guess. Ive never been on a team, so thats the only thing that makes logical sense. Ghost gives me a look and I start walking forward. The center of this place has the most lights - and its not that I don’t trust everyone else, I would rather take on the hardest part. It allows me to think, which allows me to get my mind off other things.
“Casper huh?” Ghost says. We’re all wearing ear pieces so it comes straight to our ears allowing us to talk in a whisper where other people cant hear us.
“Don't cry about it,” I say with a grin, “Its a joke, not a dick.”
Rosa chimes in, “Something you should try to get.”
Thats the downside of these fucking comms. And another reason I like working alone.
I hear Soap snort, “Whys that?”
“Don't answer it,” I say as Ghost follows behind me - both of us close to the walls of this place.
“Because she’s so stressed out. She needs someone to fuck that attitude out of her,” she pauses and the comms is deathly silent. “Which is something she's never had before.”
I scoff, “Oh, I have too.”
I stop when I see movement ahead. Ghost stops right behind me and I can feel him pressing against my back, “If you have Widow, they didn’t know what they were doing,” he says dangerously low. Even though it was through our ear pieces, he said it right next to my ear. I close my eyes as I try to push those thoughts somewhere else. Somewhere being…my pussy.
“I agree with Ghosty,” Rosa replies almost immediately.
I snort at her nickname to him, “I will slit your fucking throat,” he replies back. It wasn’t a joke, but a promise.
“Only if you promise to make it painful.” Jesus, can she say anything without it being sexual. Ghost lets out a frustrated sigh and my anxiety sits in when I noticed we haven’t heard anything from Price and Gaz.
I go to speak, “Two guys ahead smoking cigarettes.” Its Price. I reach behind me and tap Ghosts leg to get his attention and then signal for the movement ahead. He gives me two taps on the side of my thigh and we move forward - death within the shadows.
Theres also two men in front of us talking to each other with their backs turned. If they were smart, they would be facing each other to guard each other. Fucking rookies. “Rosa, do you and Soap have two men too?”
“Affirmative,” Soap says through the comms.
“It wont be my first time taking two men,” Rosa chimes in with her whorish comments.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I love her confidence, but no wonder she cant find a good man. She throws herself at anyone and anything. I hear a few grunts through my ear piece and that lets me know that they dropped their bodies with knives.
“Was war das?” The guy on the left ahead of Ghost and I says. Their body language is stiff and on high alert. I reach down and loop my middle finger into the hoop of one of my throwing knives. Carefully, I pull it out and grab it in my hand, finagling it until the tip of the blade is between my pointer finger and thumb. This makes throwing the knife easier - but that also depends on the weight distribution of the knife as well. Mine, perfectly balanced.
I take in a breath and exhale as I throw. The knife flips through the air in a perfectly straight line and finds its home at the base of the guy on the lefts neck. Before the other guard can react, Ghost throws his knife - the crunch of bone as it dives into the guys skull is music to my ears. No doubt he has a faster throw with more power behind it. He's a big guy - which means more force.
Both guards drop and we quietly move forward to them. We each grab them by the back of the collars of their shirts and drag them into the darkness. We cant have our new friends being seen yet.
I search the guard that I killed - specifically looking for a radio, but there isn’t one. Too be sure their only form of communication isn’t on a cell phone. Could be, and they just have a tracker. Ive seen that before. I grab my knife from the guards neck. Pulling a little harder since its lodged between bone. The suction sound it makes as it breaks free and the blood pours is a beautiful masterpiece.
I wipe the blood off the blade on my pants and repocket the blade. I never leave my weapons behind - unless I absolutely have to. Ghost also does the same. He presses one foot on the guys neck to hold him down as he forcefully jerks the knife out of the dudes skull. The cracking sound of his head splitting even more would cause anyone to squirm, and he eyes me to see if it does. He has a long road of shit ahead if he thinks the sound of bones breaking or blood squirting gives me the ick. I find the melody to be relaxing.
Psychotic I know.
“Both bodies executed to the left,” Gaz says through our ear piece.
“Both bodies done for on the right,” Soap replies.
They must travel in pairs. Smart, to a certain extent. Ghost and I walk forward - listening to any movement and he keeps checking behind us every few steps to make sure were not going to get fucked from behind. We come to an opening and I look to the left - theres two men. I look to the right, theres another two.
“Theres four in front of me,” Price says low. “Two about twenty yards ahead and then two more another twenty yards back.”
The comms go quiet for a bit when I see the figures to my left moving slowly with precision. “Price,” I say out in a whisper.
“Yeah Darling?”
I have a feeling we reached a dead end here, “Hold your right hand in the air.” The two guys in the shadows to my left stop. Then the guy on the left holds his right hand in the air.
I breathe out a frustrated sigh. I hear movement to my right. Its Soap and Rosa. “Well that wasn’t as fun as I thought it was going to be. Two guys?” Rosa starts. Im waiting on a whorish comment. “Im just saying.” Here we go. “Three is a charm.”
I can hear the eye rolling off everyone - myself included. “Can you please keep it in your pants and act like a fucking operator for fucks sake?” My tone not being the friendliest.
She rolls her eyes and lets out a huff. I look around us. Its a fucking ghost town and its eerie. To be sure, the guy has to have more men than just six around here.
“What wrong?” Ghost asks.
I shake my head before turning back to the team, “I don’t know. Six men? You mean to tell me he only has six men guarding this place?”
“Maybe he has the inside?” For once, Rosa actually says something that could make sense.
“Yeah, but why have all your eggs in one basket? If shit hits the fan, thats more lives lost than if they were spread out,” I counter. Something isn’t adding up. “Lets move into the building. Spread out as much as we can. Price and I will take lead. Ghost and Rosa, follow behind, but keep your distance. I want to make it seem like when someone hears us, they think its just two people,” I take a breath, “Gaz and Soap, you will be my anchors. Follow even further back - in case we miss anything.”
Everyone nods and we head towards the building. Its not as big as it looks when you're a thousand feet in the air. Its a three story building with minimal windows. The wear and tear shows its age, but its sturdy. Not a bad place for what he’s using it for.
Price and I stand on each side of the door with our backs pressed against the wall. Ghost squats down in front of me with his AR on his shoulder ready for whoever is on the other side. Rosa is squatted down in front of Price the same. Gaz and Soap stand a few feet back with their guns drawn. This way, anyone inside will get hit from all angles, but us, you’ll never know which direction were coming.
Ghost reaches out and turns the knob on the door. My brows furrow a bit when it unlocks - like Alex was waiting for us. He quietly lets go of the knob and eases the door open with the barrel of his gun. The door creaks just a bit and everyone stops breathing to listen for any movement on the other side.
I watch Ghost shake his head ‘no’ - not taking his eyes off the room before him. Another gut feeling sinks in that something is off. Price and I are the first ones to enter. Followed by Gaz and Soap - then Rosa and Ghost since they took point.
The inside of the building is dimly lit. Its one long corridor with no doorways or openings. Just one long hallway thats about a few hundred feet long. I join Price up front and the rest follow suit with our formation.
We quietly walk down the hallway - my left hand gripping one of my pistols in my thigh holster and my right hand is gripping on of the throwing knives. Perks of being ambidextrous in the field. We reach what looks like a wall, but its the end of this straight corridor and our next place is to turn right.
“Is this place a maze?” Rosa whispers out. “The feeling in here is off.” Another thing she says thats true and not sexual - thank fuck.
A chill runs up my spine when I feel eyes on me. I stop and so does everyone else. “What is it?” Gaz asks.
I shake my head - indicating its nothing, but I can feel someone close by…and I don’t like it. I take a few more steps forward and finally, I hear voices.
“U nas byla sdelka,” I hear a Russian guy scream out. Alex. He’s on the phone with someone and its obvious they just pissed him off. “Ty ne znayesh', s kem svyazalsya.”
“Why would a Alex be in Germany doing business if he’s Russian?” Price asks to not anyone in particular.
“Thats what were going to find out,” I tell them as I unholster my gun and turn the corner with it pointed. The rest of the team following my lead.
Alex has his back to us and my eyes quickly scan the room. Theres no one else here. Just him. “Povernis' k chertu!” I yell out. Alex jumps and tries to pull the gun from his waistband in mid turn. I fire a round in his shoulder and rush towards him. I pull the blade with my other hand and stab him exactly where my bullet went - sending him to the floor screaming.
He hits the floor hard - his head bouncing off the concrete floor. I kick the gun away from him as I reholster my gun. I leave the knife in for the fun I'm about to have. I jerk him up with both hands fisted in his shirt and throw him in the chair thats behind his desk.
I guess this is his office. Bland. It has a small desk with paperwork scattered over it. A wooden chair and one filing cabinet. Theres no pictures or anything on the walls. Just grey concrete. My only issue, there’s only one way in and one way out. So if we get ambushed, our backs will be against the wall…literally. I flip my night vision goggles up to see better in the lit room, and everyone else does the same.
“Bring the chair to the side of the desk and tie his legs to the legs of the chair. Leave his left arm out, but restrain his right one,” I tell Soap and Ghost as they pull out zip ties from their vests. I have a game I want to play.
Alex tries to get out of the chair, but Ghost punches him straight in the face. Blood pouring from his nose immediately and I'm almost fairly certain its broke. “When did you learn Russian?” Soap asks as he ties Alex’s right leg and right arm in place.
“Im fluent in several languages. It helps speed up the interrogations when they try to bullshit you,” I respond. “Alex, you speak English?”
Alex looks up at me with a sinister look and spits. Blood covering my boots and some of my pants. I walk over to him and reach for the knife in his shoulder, but his free arms grabs my wrist and attempts to break it. He did exactly what I wanted him to do.
Thats cute.
I jerk my arm away and grab his free hand with my left hand - my right grabs another knife. I immediately stab his hand to the desk, right between his ring finger and pinky. He lets out a blood curdling scream and tries to move his hand. Its not going anywhere. I stabbed it not only through his tissue, muscle and bone - but also in the wooden desk. Plus, the top of the blade, which is the thickest is facing me. The sharpest side is facing towards him. Theres a reason for that and its fucking painful.
“Do you speak English?” I ask again in a cheerful voice. This is my happy place. Hearing people scream from my torture.
“Fuck you bitch!” He seethes as blood spits across my face. It doesn’t bother me.
I grab the knife in his shoulder and twist. He lets out a silent scream as the squelching sound of blood and tissue mix. Its a lullaby that can put me to sleep. “Im sorry, what was that?”
I twist the knife in the other direction as blood now pours from the wound. I can feel the tip of the metal blade scrape against the metal fragment of the bullet. His breathing is becoming heavier. He’s losing a lot of blood, so his heart is trying to pump as much as it can to stay alive - but at the same time, its killing him faster. A catch twenty two. “I said,” he pauses to take a few breaths as blood drips from his lips, “Fuck you…bitch.”
God, I wish he could see the grin on my face. “Fuck me?” I say standing straight up and pointing my pointer finger at myself. My tone mocking.
I take a few steps back and turn towards everyone in the room. Rosa’s complexion is now a few shades lighter. She's never been the one for gore - which has always made me question her field choice. I asked her one time about it and she just said ‘because it felt right’. Whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean. However, everyone else’s eyes are dilated - wanting more. I remove my AR from over my shoulder and prop it against the desk - giving me access to do what Im about to do.
“Fuck me,” I say with a slight laugh and everyone else gives a chuckle too - even Rosa, the best she can. “Hm.” I turn back around and bring my foot to Alex’s chest - pushing him and the chair back so tilts back. A scream I've heard from many men fill the room - as well as the sound of flesh ripping. The knife on the table stays in place, but his hand is beyond fucked up.
The chair falls back and crushes his other arm beneath him, breaking it. I immediately stand over him and grab his mutilated hand - three of his fingers in my left hand and the other two in my right. “I can be a cordial person Alex,” I say as I begin to pull my hands apart. Blood from his hand pours out as I rip the skin even more.
Rosa adds her dry heaving to the mixture of sounds within the room. “I asked a simple question, but yet you gave me a fucked up answer. So,” I pause, ripping the skin even more - exposing bone. His screams now becoming silent and the color draining from his skin as sweat pours from his body. He's going into shock. “To make it fair, I gave you a fucked up hand.”
The knife through the hand is one of my favorites. If I wanted it to be quick and a clean cut, I would have positioned the knife the other way so the sharp edge would give a clean cut and be less painful. I cant have that. I need them to feel every rip. Every tear and every fucking ounce of anything else I give to whoever is begging me or at the mercy of my hands.
“Who is UNKNOWN?” I ask through gritted teeth. The blood coating his hand is making it harder to pull, but thats fine. I have something else for that too. My eyes drift to his and I see he’s drifting in and out of conciseness. I let go of his hand and reach into my vest and pull out a syringe. I flip the cap and stab it into the center of his chest - immediately pushing the clear liquid into his body. I throw the syringe across the room and wait for the liquid to take effect.
The pupils of his eyes dilate to straight needles as he takes in a gasp of air, “You’re not fucking done until I say you’re done. And I've got all day.”
I slap him across the face - a bloody handprint to leave as a reminder. “Lets try an easier question,” I say, “Where are your men?”
His chest heaves up and down from the drug I gave him, “You…killed them.”
I snort, “In this whole place, you only had six men guarding it. Give me something I’ll believe.”
His face scrunches in confusion, “Six?,” he says almost out of breath. “Theres at least fifty men here.”
That gut feeling sinks back in, but this time the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I cock my head to the side to look at Ghost, “We need to lea-.” I see something move out the corner of my eye.
I go to speak, but several cans are thrown into the room and immediately spray gas in the air - filling the small room. For once, I don’t wear my gas mask and fucking regret it. I cover my mouth with my arm and grab my gun. Trying to stab someone in a fog of smoke is like bringing a knife to a gun fight…literally. You don’t have a good chance.
The team starts coughing and I hear bodies hitting the floor as wheezing follows suit. My eyes grow heavy as I go towards the door frame to get out of this gas and to also kill whoever the fuck threw it. My legs get weak and my body feels heavy, but I manage to get to the opening and lean against the door way.
I cant help it, my lungs start to burn and I start coughing. Fuck. My eyes grow heavy as I step out into the clear opening. Six men have their guns aimed at me - each with green lasers centered on my vest. They’re ceramic plates - which are the best, but they’re not invincible.
I take a few steps back, my gun going back and forth with all six men. My hand shakes and keeps dipping with each breath. Whatever was in that gas, wasn’t just for a smoke out, but some kind of sedative.
My back finally hits something hard and I rest my head against the uneven surface to try and collect myself. My mind is foggy and my whole body at this point weighs a million pounds. The gun drops from my hand. A deep growl from behind me causes the panic inside me to set in, but on the outside, theres nothing I can do - just like it was a few years ago. Its happening all over again.
I push off the hard surface the best I can on shaking legs and turn around. My blood runs cold when I see the person standing before me. It was a set up and he planned it.
“Konig.” Its a soft whisper. Thats all I can manage before my legs give out and my body falls into him. He huge arms wrap around me and pick me up as my head rests against his shoulder. My eyes fight to stay open as my body feels like its floating, but weighing me down at the same time.
“Leave the rest,” he says. His accent thick. “We got what we came here for.”
I swallow hard at his words and before the darkness consumes me, the last thing I see is his green eyes staring down at me.
Was war das? - What as that? (German)
U nas byla sdelka - We had a deal (Russian)
Ty ne znayesh', s kem svyazalsya - You dont know who you’re fucking dealing with (Russian)
#ao3 fanfic#fanfic#gaz cod#simon ghost riley#fanfiction#smut#archive of our own#ao3 writer#konig smut#KING
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Ive been in bed for the past two hours and all I can do is stare at the ceiling. The fan is the only thing in my room making noise, but my mind is far louder. I don’t have a set game plan for tomorrow, but really, we can come up with one on our way to our location. This UNKNOWN guy isn’t for sure going to be there. Sure, he’s the one were after, but as long as I can get to Alex, I’ll get the answers I need. No doubt about that.
I turn over on my side - staring out at the window. Its pitch black, but what else can I expect whenever I live underground. Maybe install some halogen lights on a timer so I can recreate the soft warm glow of a sunrise and sunset.
My phone begins its rhythmic buzz, letting me know someone is calling. I reach for my nightstand and grab the vibrating device. My blood runs cold when I see the name across my screen.
I immediately swap to answer, “Yeah,” I say with anticipation. I sit up in bed heading to my closet to get dressed.
“Lil, calm down. I was just calling to hear your voice,” she pauses and I come to a halt - my anxiety settling down, but my heart rate still on flight response. “Plus, Katie wanted to talk to you.”
“Rachel,” I say sounding out of breath, “I told you to only call if there was an emergency.”
She sighs and I know she means well, but I have to take every precaution that I can, “I know…but I miss you and Katie has been asking when you’re coming.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a few deep breaths. I love my sister, but her and my niece know that communication with me needs to be kept at a bare minimum. In my line of work, all someone would need is the slightest bit of information. “Hows her therapy going?” I ask, changing the subject.
Rachel wait a few seconds, I'm assuming to gather what she's about to say, “She’s starting to remember.”
I exhale a much needed breath, “I have to go Rachel.”
My sister on the other end of the phone gives an aggravated sigh, “You cant keep running from this Lillith.” She never uses my full name unless she's upset - and that just makes the guilt weigh on me even more.
“I know,” I say with a shaky breath as tears swell over my eyes, “I’ll come visit soon.”
“I cant keep lying to her about when you’re coming Lillith. That isn’t fair to her,” Rachels voice still stern. I get it. If the shoe was on the other foot, I’d be the same way.
I sniffle as the tears spill over and run down my cheeks, “Give her a kiss for me. I have to go,” I pause, but speak again before she has a chance to, “I love you Rachel.” I pull the phone from my ear and hang up as I hear her start talking, but the blood rushing to my ears drowns out what she was saying.
I throw my phone on the bed and head to the joined bathroom - the lights making me squint my eyes. I head towards the shower and turn it on - steam filling the glass box and rolling out onto the marble floors. I strip my clothes and step in, shutting the door behind me.
I don't need to shower, but I feel the water will wash some one my guilt and sins away. Im not perfect by any means. Fuck skeletons, I have demons in my closet that are begging to get out. Scratching at the door letting me know with one wrong move, they're going to lurch out and devour me. And thats not something I can afford right now.
I place my hands on the cool stone wall as the water runs over my head and down my body. I hiss at the temperature and see red lines forming where the water runs. It reminds me of lava when a volcano erupts. No one knows the path of the magma, but it burns red and leaves behind marks as it dries and hardens.
Tears continue to roll down my face as it mixes with the water. I hate closing my eyes because every time I do, I'm back in hell. Back where all this shit started. I didn’t have a perfect life growing up and I damn sure haven’t had the best deck of cards handed to me in adulthood either. Ive always welcomed the darkness, but theres this dim light in me that wants to welcome the light so it can burn brighter.
“Is that from when you were captured?”
My eyes shoot open and my heart pounds in my chest. I cock my head to the side and see a masked man at the shower door. Its him. “Don’t you know anything about fucking manners?!”
Ghost snorts, “Im sorry, I thought those were out the window with you reading into our lives.”
I turn the water off and turn around to face him. Really, I don’t give a fuck if I'm dressed or not. Im not here to impress him or anyone for that matter. I can see his jaw tighten through his mask as his eyes roam over my wet naked body, “Be pissed all you want, I'm not apologizing for it,” I say as I walk to him and open the door more than what he already had it.
“Can you fucking move?” I hate that I have to look up to him. To his arrogance, but we both know I can have him on his fucking knees looking up at me within seconds. I’ll let him think he’s the one holding the reigns for now. Tomorrow, will be a different story.
“You’re not supposed to stand under the water with your eyes open,” he says disregarding my rhetorical question. The fuck? I furrow my brows at his statement and before I can ask what the hell he means, he continues, “Im assuming thats why your eyes are red and your face is puffy.”
Fuck. The last thing I need is him adding that I have feelings because Im a human being to his list of things thats wrong with me. “Thanks,” I say dryly as I push past him, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
My wet feet slap against the marble floors as I go to my sink and grab a towel that was resting on top of the vanity. Even though the mirrors are foggy, I can feel his eyes on me. “Why the fuck were you even watching me shower anyway? Thats a bit perverted, even for you Simon Riley.”
I know calling him anything other than his rank or call sign aggravates the fuck out of him. “I’ll answer yours if you answer mine.”
I wrap the towel around me and turn to face him, “Yes.”
He nods his head slowly, taking in my answer, “What actually happened to you?”
I snort, “This isn’t a one way street and I'm not playing twenty one questions with you. I answered yours, now answer mine.”
My eyes watch his dark one and I swear I've never seen a shade of brown so dark, “I had to pee. When I opened the door, I realized you were in here,” he pauses and takes a step towards me, “Then I heard you sniffling and realized you were crying.”
“You going to hold that against me too?” I bite back.
He takes a few more steps and stands before me, looking down at me like I'm some child, “No. We all have bad days in this field, Lillith.” I can deny that pulse that just went straight to my pussy when he said my name. I know I shouldn’t give this asshole the time or day, but Simon Ghost Riley doesn’t bullshit around either. He keeps the few friends he has close, but damn sure has his enemies closer.
I clear my throat and go to speak, but yet again, he beats me to it, “I like the tattoos by the way.”
I forget I have them honestly. I wear all black gear that covers everything - gloves too. So when I do take them off, I forget I'm a painted canvas. “I got them done after…” I trail off making it known what it was from.
I have a left sleeve that is completely black and grey and my right leg sleeve the same. Its of different things that all come together, but its neat to look at if I'm wearing a tank top and shorts. A little yin-yang effect. “Theres some things I will take to my grave, whenever that may be.”
He nods, understanding that my capture is one of those things. Its not something I want to relive. I step and walk around him to go back into my bedroom. “Lillith,” he says and I stop and turn to look at him. “I know what it was like.” To a certain extent, he does. Like me, he was also captured, but everyone knows his story. Mine, theres multiple versions and they are all untrue.
“But you don’t,” I say with my voice shaking. “You will never experience what I went through and I hope to God, you never do.” I turn back around and walk into my bedroom, shutting the door and leaving Simon Ghost Riley and that conversation to wash down the drain.
I barely got any sleep last night. Between the conversation with my sister and the interrogator in the bathroom, it wasn’t one of my best nights. Ive been through worst, but a loud mind is probably one of the worst things a person can experience - and right now, I'm at a fucking concert.
The roar of the helo drowns out most of my thoughts as I sit on the bench - leaned up against the helos metal walls. I haven’t explained my mission and how I want it to go yet, but I feel like its also self explanatory. Ghost sits beside me. Our legs occasionally touching from the shake of the helicopter. I don't mind it. Sometimes a touch of another person, regardless how small, is something you need to keep yourself grounded.
I lean up, rest my elbows on my knees and hang my head. Im ready to go ahead and get this shit over with. I need someone to piss me off in Germany so I can feel the rush that I crave. I need that high of hearing someones skull crack as I drive my knife in it. To feel their blood spray across my face. Some people will take the warm ocean water spray, I however prefer the blood of my enemies. Poetic and romantic.
“You good, darling?” Captain Price asks me.
I raise my head and nod. Everyone is watching me. Im sure they are wondering the same thing - what the fuck is she doing?
I stand to my feet, grabbing one of the fabric hooks hanging from the top of the helo to support myself. “The mission is simple. Kill and capture.” I look around the helo and everyone nods. “My main concern right now is Alex. If we can get him to talk, then we can find out who this UNKNOWN guy is. Kill anyone who gets in our way.”
I take in a deep breath as my heart rate picks up. Im getting excited, “Do not kill Alex or UNKNOWN. I want them both alive and hopefully both coming back with us. Understood?”
Everyone nods in unison. Perfect. “The place is going to be heavily guarded. Use your knives as much as you can unless you have a suppressor. I don’t want to ring the alarm before we get close to our target.”
“What if he isn’t there?” Soap asks adding another voice to the conversation.
“Theres no reason he shouldn’t be. This is his only place. He’s spent too much money trying to get his hands on anything nuclear, there isn’t anywhere else for him to go,” I reply back to not just him, but everyone as well.
Rosa raises her hand with a grin on her face, “I have a question.”
Im not in the mood for her right now, but I’ll bite, “What?”
The smile on her face grows, “What if he’s there?”
I roll my eyes and take in a deep breath to calm the demon in me, “As I said before, kill anyone who gets in our way.”
The rest of the flight is quiet - other than the few conversations between 141 and of course Rosa chiming in with her perverted self. I did end up sitting in the cockpit with Nik to keep him company.
He holds up three fingers to me - indicating to change the channel on the radio through the helo. I change the channel so its only Nik and I on this line. “Whats wrong?”
Nik knows when something is wrong. Ive been around him long enough, “Rachel called me last night.”
He jerks his head towards me, “Lil, if you want me to turn around…”
I interrupt him, “No, it wasn’t that kind of call. She was just checking in.”
I continue to look ahead through the darkness, but can see Niks head going back from looking at me to ahead to make sure were still flying in the clear, “Hows Katie?”
Its a question that I don’t answer. I lean back against the seat and stare straight ahead. Nik reaches out and grabs my hand and gives a light squeeze. Its not intimate, but assuring. He’s like my best friend who doesn’t judge me. He’s always been there when I needed him. He's seen me at my worst and helped me get to my best.
I close my eyes and I hear him say through the radio, “Twenty minutes until we land.”
Good because Im ready to stack bodies.
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Hearing her say my name makes my dick even harder - painful even. Sure, I have whores around base that I like to use to relieve some much needed pressure, but ever since I made her my mission, I've remained abstinent, and its getting harder to control. I have a plan for my little devil, but I don’t know if I will be able to draw it out as much as I want to.
“Sounds like wheels up tomorrow,” Three says with a shit grin on his face. He knows how bad I want her. The bodies I would stack getting to her. She doesn’t know it yet, but I'm what she is missing. Either way, she will learn to love it. And if not, she will learn to live with it.
My eyes go to Three and he can see the excitement in mine. Sure, my mask covers everything, but my eyes - but even my green orbs can show my mood. “I thought so,” he says with his grin getting even wider - showing his straight white teeth. He turns on heel and heads to my door - shutting it behind him. Leaving me alone with my thoughts and the one words coming off her lips that she will learn to scream - my name.
She's planning on going against a fucking invisible person who only shows up when theres already a knife in your back. Ive seen the guy once, and I was impressed - which says a lot. Not much impresses me.
I lean back in my chair and rest my head back against the top part of it, staring at the ceiling. I have multiple plans going through my head with how I want this to go tomorrow. I need it to be perfect, with little room for error. Correction, no room for error.
I lean up and grab my cell, unlocking it and pressing Three’s contact. It rings twice before he answers, “Miss me already?” The humor in his voice tells me he’s excited about tomorrow too. If anyone else would address me that way, I would personally rip their tongue from their mouth and pull each tooth individually so they wont be able to speak at all - but Three is my right hand man. One I'm the most lenient with.
“Grab some men and meet me in the briefing room in thirty. We need to go over how I want tomorrow to go,” I tell him. He doesn’t say anything and hangs up. Again, its Three and I know I wont have to worry about him letting me down.
Im the last one in the briefing room. Three grabbed six other men - so that will make eight all together. Perfect. It gives each of them their own person since theres now six on the Task Force. Seven if you count Nik, but I know he’ll be operating the helo. Two extra men on my side means less I have to worry about. I care about my men as long as they get the job done, but dying means they failed me. Cold hearted, I know, but in this type of world it will chew you up and shit you out for shits and giggles.
“Gentleman,” I say as I walk to the front of the room. The doors are at the back of the room and the room slants down. I know its weird for men who kill people to sit with their back to the doors, but it keeps them on high alert - not knowing who will come through the door…so I'm doing them a favor by keeping their senses strong. A little reverse psychology.
They each nod their head as I pass by - its a way to show their respect. As I've said before, Im a King and this is my Kingdom. Kings get bowed at from their courts to show their respect and I expect no difference. Three stands at the front room with his arms crossed over his chest, leaned against the wall.
“Tomorrow is an important day. The mission on hand is one that will go smoothly,” I pause, “So pay attention. Any error and you will suffer at my hands.” Each man, besides Three, nods their head in agreement. Im proud of my team. I train strong men. Women in this field cant handle my training, so they usually tend to wounds or meals. It may seem sexist, but they are given the same treatment as my men, they just cant handle it.
My mind goes to my little devil. I know she will be able to handle me - whether she likes it or not. My heart accelerates a bit more knowing tomorrow she will be with me - putting up a fight, I hope. “Its a kill and capture mission,” I say. “Bamberg, Germany is the location. Alex Igor is the secondary suspect. As you all know, he’s a main weapons trade dealer, but the main person of interest, is a guy named UNKNOWN.” My eyes drift around the room as I see a few men tense. If I'm being honest, the dude sends a faint chill down my spine too, but not enough to make me flinch.
“But that isn’t the mission,” I say as I turn to Three. He’s still leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, but with that same smirk across his face. I look out at my team for tomorrow and their brows scrunch in confusion, “Task Force 141 will be there to interrogate Alex - hoping to find a location on UNKNOWN.”
“So we take out 141?” My eyes divert to the left of the room to the sandy blonde. Jeremy Flogs. Everyone used to call him flogger thanks to his last name on his old team - that was until he tackled the guy to the ground and gouged the dudes eyes out with his thumbs. He was discharged and banned from that team. I however took him in and gave him a higher rank. This dude is nasty in hand to hand combat.
“No,” I say firmly. “We kill any of Igors guys. Task Force 141 remains unharmed.”
The men in front of me look around at each other. I know they are waiting for me to laugh or change my mind. “Colonel, we’ve been trying to take them out for years…,” Zeke says sitting in front of me - another recruit with anger issues.
“Im aware,” I say as I lean against the desk behind me and cross my foot over the other - as well as my arms, “Im saving them for something special.”
“So who are we capturing? UNKNOWN?” Jeremy asks.
If they could see the devilish smirk beneath my mask, “Widow.” Everyone freezes at the mention of her name. No one other than Three knows my intentions with her. Of course, everyone else here thinks Im going to torture and kill her like everyone else wants too. To say they won the biggest trophy. The biggest fish in the sea, but the only way I will take her life is if she takes mine too.
“You all do what you have to do. Just because I instructed that 141 doesn’t die, doesn’t mean they go unharmed. Widow is mine and everyone in this room does what they deem necessary. Anyone else, is free game and handle them how you want,” I say as I get off the desk to walk out of the briefing room. “Wheels up at 1500 and don’t disappoint me,” I finish off as I close the door.
I feel like a kid on Christmas - well a normal kid. I didn’t have the loving parents who showered their offsprings with gifts. I was lucky to have a warm meal and a soft place to sleep, but this, this is what it must’ve felt like waiting on a non existent person to arrive with nonsense.
I walk the halls of the base to the lot outside. My house isn't far from here and although I have a room set up, I prefer sleeping in my own home…in my own bed. Plus, theres a few extra things I need to do before I bring home my…present.
I exit out and the cool night engulfs me. Even with my gear still on, I can still feel it wrap around me. I dig into the pocket of my black tactical pants and pull out my key fob to my all black Porsche 911. I click the unlock button twice and hear my doors unlock. Footsteps approaching me causes the hair on the back of my neck to stand. Its too late out here for anyone to be coming up to me.
I stop and turn on heel as a familiar face stands before me.
“You haven’t been returning my calls,” she says as she reaches out and runs her hand down my arm to my hand.
I turn my body, making her hand fall and giving her a hint to not touch me. “If I wanted to talk to you Whitney, I would’ve answered.” She's one of the nurses here on my base, and one of the few who took care of more than a few bandages on me.
She scoffs, but then tries to recoup by bringing her hand up again to my arm, “I was thinking, since its been a few months, I could help relieve some str-“
I grab her wrist before she touches my arms and squeeze - not only cutting off her sentence, but also the circulation to her hand. I feel something pop in her wrist and something tells me to break it fully, “Konig, you’re hurting me.”
“You think I fucking care?,” I say with my voice low. “You obviously don’t know boundaries. So here, let me help you,” I say with gritted teeth as I squeeze a little harder - making a yelp come out of her, “You were just a one time fuck. Your mouth was good for a few times, but don’t think you and I will ever be anything Whitney. You’re just like the rest of the insecure whores out there. Now find someone else to fuck,” I say as I fling her wrist from my hands. She falls to the ground, tears streaming down her face as she cradles her wrist in her other hand.
I get to my car and get in - driving off and not giving a fuck about the whore in the rear view. Theres a reason why I haven’t touched Whitney or anyone else in the last few months. Ive never came in a woman - well not in their pussy anyway. Many times down their throats, but theres only one woman who will get that luxury. And I'm saving as much of my cum as I can to load into her. She’ll learn to enjoy it. Love it and by the time I'm done with her, it will be too late for anyone else to save her.
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My footsteps echo down the hallway as I walk towards my room. Fuck! I forgot my phone. I turn on heel and head back downstairs to the living room. I hear Rosa talking and come to a stop - trying to listen to what she's talking about. With her, it could literally be anything.
“Theres one more,” she says. One more what? John asks the obvious, who and my ears strain to hear the answer.
I freeze as the blood rushes to my ears. The silence in the room is ear piercing and the shiver that just ran down my spine tells me this conversation is not meant for me to hear. What else did they talk about? How long did it take me to get to my room?
I clear my throat as I walk down the stairs - letting everyone know I'm here. Also to let them know I may or may not have heard anything else. My eyes lock on Rosa’s and her body stiffens - a clear sign of guilt.
“What about him?” I egg on. Thats a tactic I like to use. Say little, but act like you know a lot. Everyone else turns to look at me. Thats the beauty of hiding in the shadows - the element of surprise.
Rosa clears her throat, “We were talking about people in our line of work who wear masks to hide their identity.”
I take my last step off the stairs and stalk over to my phone, saying nothing.
“You scared of him?” Ghost asks me. The tone in his voice making it known he’s pushing.
I snort, “No. Im not afraid of anyone,” I pause, “I think I have made that part of my reputation crystal fucking clear,” I say not taking my eyes off his dark ones.
“But there is something about him,” Soap says as if he grabbed the baton from his Lieutenant and kept pushing.
I let my head fall back and let out a sigh, “I don’t know him. I don’t know much about him. Which means…I don’t trust him.”
Their captain gets up from the couch and makes his way to the kitchen, “Yeah darling, but you don’t know much about us either.”
“I know enough,” my tone firm.
A snort to my left makes me turn my head slowly, “Its got to be something. I mean,” Ghost pauses before leaning up and resting his elbows on his knees, “You say one thing, but your body says another at the mention of his name.”
I say nothing and stare into his dark colored eyes. “An old lover maybe?”
“Oh fuck you,” I spit.
“Maybe she is right,” he pauses, “Maybe you do ha-.”
Ghost goes to say, but Nik cuts him off, “He’s a sick fuck.”
“How so?” Gaz asks - reminding us that he is still here. The guy rarely fucking talks.
“His torturing methods. The shit he does to people,” Nik continues.
Ghost snorts, “Its no different than her.” He says as his eyes find mine as if I'm not even here.
I jerk my head back in annoyance, “And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
He stands and walks towards me. His body towering over me, “You mean to tell me, Konig has you beat when it comes to mutilating bodies and the shit you do to get information? Im not buying it. We all know how you got your call sign, so telling me that something a fucking Colonel does grosses you out…give me some other fucking excuse that sounds better.” He turns on heel and walks towards the stairs to go to his room.
What a fucking asshole.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” I yell out. Ghost stops in his tracks and the tension in the room grows. Everyone is on edge.
He turns around slowly to look at me, “I just don’t want to lose my life to a girl who cowers at the mention of another man. You’re supposed to be the deadliest person on the planet,” he pauses, “Im still waiting to see it.”
Heat radiates off me from the rage building within me. The phone in my hand I know is begging for a release because I have a death grip on it. “Is that why daddy beat you?,” I snarl. Even though his mask covers most of his face, I can tell the enjoyment he was having, is gone now. “Is that why you’re such an asshole? Because daddy didn’t give you the same amount of attention he gave Tommy?”
I glare at him. Our eyes in a war of their own. Everyone else, they’re just spectators. I know mentioning his dad pissed him off, but his brother too - he’s seeing red.
“Lillith,” I hear Nik say under his breath.
Ghost gives a light chuckle, “I thought you didn’t read my file? So, you cant be trusted either.”
My chest heaves up and down from the anger raging inside me, “Let me make myself perfectly clear Simon Riley. I fear no one,” I say taking a few steps towards him, “I,” I say pointing my finger at my chest, “Am who they call to clean up your fucking mess.” I take several more steps closer to him. He stands there glued in place, “I am the one in the fucking shadows.”
I take three more steps and I'm standing directly in front of him as he glares down at me with his black eyes, “Konig, just like us, has a reputation of his own. It would be suicide for any of us to go hand in hand with him head on. His tactics are unknown and he doesn't repeat behavior.” I turn my head to everyone else in the room, “So if wanting to take extra precautions if he’s possibly around makes me a coward,” I pause as I turn and face the dickhead in front me, “Then I guess I'm a fucking coward.”
Ghost snorts and rolls his eyes as he heads upstairs - leaving me there standing alone with all eyes on me. Tomorrow needs to get here so I can rip someones fucking head off. Literally.
“What time are we leaving tomorrow, darling?” Captain Price says from the kitchen.
I open my mouth to answer, but Rosa cuts me off, “Do you think…he will be there?” I just stare at her, ready to get off this topic. “Well you know,” she pauses throwing her hands out to her sides, “Since were going to Germany and all.”
“Enough about Konig. Im sick of the subject. Our suspect is some guy named UNKNOWN…not him,” I voice out and walk towards he kitchen to the Captain. “Were going to be wheels up at noon tomorrow. That will get us into Germany at dark. The less were seen, the better.” I grab a rocks glass from my cabinet, set my phone on the counter and pour myself a small glass of bourbon. Im going to need it working with Casper.
I snort to myself giving Ghost the childlike nickname. I may just use it to piss him off. His words keep replaying in my mind ‘We all know how you got your call sign’. I take a sip of the bourbon and stare straight ahead. Everyone else is conversing about other matters that I could give a fuck less about.
“How did I get my call sign?” I ask as the talking slowly comes to a stop. Im not talking to anyone directly, but to anyone in the room.
Soap gives a soft laugh, “What do you mean Lass? Its your call sign.”
I throw back the rest of the bourbon and walk around the island, “Yeah, but I didn’t give it to myself. Everyone kept calling me that, so I just said fuck it.”
“Are you serious?” John asks me. I raise my eyebrows to give him the look of ‘yeah’. “Darling, you got it from what you do to bodies. Its like your signature.”
I nod my head without saying anything. Its been a long time since I've been pushed that far. I make eye contact with everyone in the room. Then I grab my phone and head upstairs to my room. I need some fucking sleep and a plan on how in the fuck were going to go against a person who apparently is invisible.
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I was almost dozed off when I heard voices. Her voice. My eyes shoot open and I lean up, taking my feet off the desk so I can sit upright. I recognize the others - its 141, then another voice I'm unfamiliar with. Its some girl she called Rosa.
I grab my phone off my desk and text Three to come back into my office. Locking it, I put it back down not caring to see if he read it or replied. Her voice comes back on through the speakers of my computer and the blood in my veins runs straight to my dick. Its not preppy, but raspy - almost hoarse like.
Three walks through my door moments later and I glance up at him. “You finally find something?” He asks me. I nod and he walks over to my desk and sits in one of the two chairs in front of my desk.
God, I love her voice. I cant wait to hear her scream. “Lillith,” Three says looking up at me. “I guess your nickname for her fits.”
I smile, “It does, doesn’t it?” Lillith was the devils wife. She was just as much as a badass, but it just means she’s meant for me. The Devil is the king of Hell. Im the king of my world.
Lillith goes on telling them of information we already know - which is shocking considering that we knew something before she did. God, Gene deserves a raise for this invention.
Three and I sit listening to her talk and go in depth of the mission Shepherd sent her. Funny thing is, Gene was right - the information came through on my end too. “Damn, that meeting didn’t last long. She doesn’t waste any time does she?” Three asks.
My heart sinks a little. I wanted to listen to her more, but I’ll take what I can get for now. We’ll get plenty of time together here soon. I don’t answer him, but my ears perk up when I hear a new conversation start.
She left her phone.
“What was the name you were going to say?” Its a Scottish guy. Soap.
Theres an long silence before the other girl, Rosa speaks, “His name was Ja-.”
“Rosa.” I recognize Niks voice. Just saying her name he meant as a warning.
“What?” Rosa says in a high pitched voice, “She’s already told them her name and is walking around without her mask. She obviously trusts them.”
My fist curl as my fingernails dig into the palm of my hand. She showed them her face? Already?
“Okay Rosa. But its your funeral if things go sideways,” Nik warns.
Rosa laughs, “Nik, she’s my best friend. I’ll deal with it.”
Theres a brief pause before Rosa speaks again. “His name was James.”
Ah, James Anders. “She talking about snake?” Three asks and I nod.
“The guy they called snake?” I recognize him too - Captain John Price.
Rosa speaks again, “Thats him.”
“You sound like you didn’t care for him,” Soap says.
“He wasn’t what she needed,” Nik responds before I guess Rosa could.
“We’ve heard of him, but not their relationship,” Soap says. “Everyone in this type of field knows the story of them, but I guess we never know what goes on behind closed doors.”
Rosa sighs, “It wasn’t like that, he wasn’t abusive - but she would tell me she needed… more.”
“More?” There he is. Simon Ghost Riley.
“Mhm,” Rosa pauses before speaking again, “He was the lovey lovey type.” Her voice drifts off. I know what she means. He was too submissive for her and thats not what my girl needs. She needs to be dominated. To be brought to her knees in the worst way, but knowing the best thing is going to come from it. James Anders was not a man - but a mere boy.
“Did she ever tell you what happened to her within those two years?” Another Brit speaks. Its Gaz.
The room goes quiet before the mouthy girl speaks, “Thats where I'm going to draw the line and end this conversation.” I hear shuffling from the couch - sounding as if someone is getting up, “That isn’t my story to tell.”
Everyone knows something, but not the full extent. Widow was kidnapped and captured a few years ago. They held her captive for two years - James being kidnapped with her. Theres stories of what happened - some being the same, others a story of their own - but they all have the same ending. The reason she got her name Widow.
“She talks too fucking much,” Three says as he stands from the chair. She does, but I'm glad she has a loose mouth. The more information about my little devil, the better. Those guys may have done unspeakable things to her and tortured her for two years straight - but I promise you, what I'm going to do to her is going to be far worse. My dick strains against the zipper of my pants just thinking of the things I'm going to do.
“Are we meeting them at their mission?” Three asks standing there at my desk. I wait to answer - trying to figure out how I want our formal greeting to go. I want her to be shocked. I want to see the look in her eyes when she realizes she’s losing and has no choice.
A voice from the computer breaks the silence, “Were you being serious when you said she has a mask kink?” Its Soap. Of course he would be wondering. Ghost isn’t going to come out and ask it. He’s a man of few words. But I know he’s curious.
Rosa laughs, “I don’t know. I just like fucking with her.”
“It would make sense,” Gaz says, “Since theres three people in the field who only wear masks to hide their identity.”
“Who’s the third?” Nik asks. I almost forgot he was there.
“Widow, Ghost and now this UNKNOWN guy,” Gaz replies.
“Theres one more,” I hear Rosa say but this time, her tone has changed.
The room goes quiet for a few seconds before their Captain speaks, “Who?”
Three looks at me and nods with a grin on his face.
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My phone vibrates on the bed beside me. Its Shepherd with the details about this mission. Thankfully he keeps it short and to the point. I took a quick shower before I host this meeting. I heard the door open while I was in there - knowing it was him, but heard the door close seconds later. My back was to the door, and the water was set to hell. So thankfully the glass shower walls were fogged up…hopefully.
I get off the bed and put on a cropped tank top and some sweat pants. Im in the comfort of my own home. Theres enough ammo and weapons to supply several armies - not to mention the trained men and women I have down here. If someone gets in and manages to make it this far, shit, they deserve it.
I grab my phone off the bed and head downstairs. The talking thats going on below between Nik and 141 stop when I walk into the living room.
“Holy shit,” I hear Soap say in a loud whisper.
I stop and look around at everyones wide eyes. Ah, nobody in this room except for Nik has ever seen my face and lived to tell about it. “I don't think I'm going to have to make myself clear on this situation,” I say to them. They’re not dumb and can take the hint - nobody speaks of this to anyone. The last thing I need is someone identifying me.
“Biiiitch.” A familiar woman voice makes my ears perk from the kitchen.
A smile forms on my face as I turn to my left and lock eyes with my best friend, “Rosa, you can never sneak up on someone can you?” Rosa has been by my side for the last twelve years. Were the same age and she knows almost all my secrets…almost.
She walks around from the island in the middle of the kitchen and into the living room, “You failed to mention you were having a house full of,” she trails off as her fingertips run along Soap and Gaz’s chest, “men.”
I snort. Rosa is very open with her sexuality and isn’t afraid to voice when she likes what she sees. “I’ll let you have the one with the mask. You know, since you have a mask kink and all,” she says walking past Ghost.
His eyes shoot to mine, “When the fuck did I develop a mask kink?” I ask in a joking way.
She disregard my question, “Well, Im glad you decided to take my advice about getting some.” I close my eyes and exhale, “Its been what? Three years since Ja-.”
“Rosa.” Thats all I can say. She looks at me and her face drops realizing what she was about to say.
I clear my throat and try to walk through the tension in the room. “Lil, I'm sorry I didn’t think.”
I stop walking and hang my head taking in an aggravated breath. Great.
“Lil?” I hear John say.
I have my back to them, but I can feel Rosa staring directly at me.
“She hasn’t told them her name,” Nik says to her.
Rosa gasps, “I-I didn’t know. I thought since you weren’t wearing your mask…” she trails off.
To be fair, that is a fair assumption.
I turn back around and face everyone, “My name is Lillith. Thats it. End of discussion.”
I walk over to the TV that hangs above the fireplace. I have my laptop sitting on top of the mantle and I open it up. I connect the cord thats attached to my laptop to my phone and turn the TV on.
“Sit.” It came out more of a demand, but at this point, I'm ready to go to my room and sleep.
“Since were putting everything on the table,” I say as my eyes shoot to Rosas. Her face frowns, “Lets all get to know one another. Its the least we can do since we’ll be working together.”
“Wait,” she says as her eyes go from me to 141. “You joined a team?”
I exhale and disregard her question like she did mine earlier, “Captain John Price,” I say as my eyes go to his. “Born in the UK. Became Captain in 2011. Specialties are close quarter combat, hostage rescue, kill-capture missions and weapons handling.”
Soaps head jerks to his Captain. I divert my eyes from Johns to Gaz, “Kyle Garrick. They call you Gaz because you don’t say much. Actually, you haven’t really said much since you’ve been here. Also born in the UK and became sergeant in 2020. Specialities are demolitions, covert surveillance and weapons handling.”
I can feel the tension getting thicker. I can tell nobody has ever dissected them like this, “Johnny MacTavish.” His brow furrowing as I unfold his life, “Also known as Soap. You’re a bomb expert. Born in Scottland. Specialties are hostage rescues, demolitions and weapons handling.”
My eyes divert to my next target, and I swallow hard. His gaze that he is giving me now is one I know enemy’s fear. Im no enemy, but Im sure I'm feeling what they feel right now. “Lieutenant Simon Riley,” I say as my palms start to sweat, “Your file was…”
“You read our files?” I hear Soap say as he sits up straight, cutting me off.
“Almost,” I respond back. “You think I'm going to work with someone and I don’t know anything about them?”
His eyes go to his Captains, “You said those were buried deep.” I know what he means, only the best of the best could access them. Guess what, I'm the best of the best.
“Nothing is ever too deep for me,” I remind him as he looks back at me. “I read them all but yours,” I say looking at Ghost.
His eyes haven’t moved from me, “Why didn’t you read it? Couldn’t finish it?” He says mocking me. “Too much trauma fo-“
“It was too close to home,” I bite back cutting him off. I clear my throat, “Again, I’m Lillith. Specializing in whatever the fuck I feel like.” I have my weaknesses, but then I think back to everything I have been through and realize I am that bitch and I keep people in check.
Before I start the meeting, “Im not sorry for looking into your files. If roles were reversed, I would expect the same of you.”
Everyone adjust themselves on the couch and I pull up the text that Shepherd sent me, “Suspect is UNKNOWN. Nobody has ever seen what he looks like,” I start with. “Allegedly, his whole body is covered so no skin can be shown. But,” I pause, “He wears a red skull mask that covers his whole face.”
“Why red?” Gaz asks. I think thats the first time I’ve heard him talk.
“Honestly, I don’t know. Ive never seen him. Apparently no one has unless he wants you to,” I say looking at my laptop then clicking the next thing Shepherd sent. Its pictures of our guy. “He goes by the name UNKNOWN.”
Rosa snorts, interrupting me, “Thats fucking stupid.”
I give a breathy laugh because she’s not wrong, “As far as ethnicity or any background information, this dude doesn’t exist. But,” I say taking in a breath, “We know that he has been trying to get into this guys good graces,” I say as I click the next link. Its a picture of your traditional Russian guy - blonde hair and blue eyes.
“Alexei Igor. This guys family has been in the Slavic weapons trade for generations, except now he wants more,” I turn to the team, “He wants nuclear.”
“Is that why Graves men were in Russia?” Ghost finally speaks. God, this mans voice is like creamy velvet chocolate straight out of the package.
“Yes and no,” I respond a little too quick. “They were actually on an assignment on something completely different with someone selling organs on the black market.”
“Shit like that happens everyday,” Soap chimes in.
“Correct, but this guy was injecting them with toxins so it would kill the person,” I pause taking in a breath at how truly sick these fuckers are, “The people being children.”
Ghost sits up, making my eyes go to his, “So what is the yes with Graves men.”
“Wrong place and wrong time.” They look at me confused. “Graves men heard a conversation with Alexei that they weren’t supposed to hear - I'm assuming with this UNKNOWN guy. They wanted to rush in and kill everyone, but luckily they didn’t know I was there. So,” I pause. “I took them out.”
“Thats cold darling,” John says with a chuckle.
“Its killed or be killed,” I say. “And as we all know, Im not really in Shadow Company’s good graces.”
“I mean you could be,” Rosa says getting up from the couch. “Have you seen Graves?” She asks moving her eyebrows up and down real fast with a smirk.
I throw my head back and laugh, “Is there anyone you don’t want to fuck?”
With a shit eating grin on her face, she runs her tongue across the front of her teeth and shakes her head. “And with that, I'm going to my room,” I say walking past the couches and heading for the stairs. “Everyone,” I say coming to a stop, “Make yourself at home.” I climb the stairs and head to my room. Were about to have a long few days ahead of us.
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I get back to base and head straight for my office. The guys on the yard are training, but they don’t need my help. My focus right now is solely on her. My little devil - even if she doesn’t know it. She will soon, and she will learn to love it. The only way out will be death.
I reach my office and tap my keyboard, making the computer come to life. I type in my password and immediately click on one of the programs I have pinned to my taskbar. Its the tracking app. I sit back and kick my feet up onto my desk - crossing them to get more comfortable. She’s currently in Washington D.C. Probably talking with the old fucker who wants to fuck her. Its no secret. I’ve heard how he looks at her, but she also wouldn’t give him the time or day…ever.
Shepherd likes to play in the big dog world, but big dogs don’t hide and cower behind desks. No, they’re the ones who risk it all to lose it all. And God have mercy on whoever stands in their way. Im one of the big dogs and if I'm being biased, one of the biggest.
She stays in Washington D.C. for about an hour. I pull up the traffic cams - trying to get any visual I can on her. She’s like heroin running through my veins and I cant get enough. I watch her walk out the Capital building, but something catches my eyes - causing me to sit straight up and go stiff.
My blood boils as I see 141 walking behind her. No, she wouldn’t. She only works alone, but my brows furrow together when I see them all enter the helo she left in. My teeth grind together so hard my jaw hurts. This just threw a fucking loop into what I had planned. I ball my fist up - the fabric in my gloves begging for a release.
I try to gather all my composure, but everything in me is wanting to flip this desk the fuck over and wreak havoc to anything or anyone thats within my reach. “GENE!” I call out. My throat hurting just a bit from yelling.
I hear footsteps running in my direction and it better be the fucker I called. My door swings open and almost hits the wall behind it, “Y-yes sir,” he says sounding out of breath. Gene is the I.T. guy here. Some call it cheating, I call it staying ahead and being in the know.
“The tracker you gave me to put on her phone,” I say with my teeth clenched. He is looking at me with his wide eyes, “Is that all it can do?”
He knows im asking for more, but I want to see how well this pipsqueak knows me, “Yes sir,” he says and almost bows. I stare at him with daggers and he immediately changes his answer, “I mean, no sir.”
Sweat begins to form across his forehead. “What else does it do?” My voice low.
Gene swallows before he answers, “I also made it to where you can hear any conversation while the phone is in use, text messages as well. Also,” he says trying to gather himself the best he can. He stands below my shoulders, so im sure my height is intimidating as is, “It can listen in at any given point and time.”
“Even if the person isn’t on the phone?” I ask. Im impressed.
“Y-yes sir,” he says bowing his head.
I stare at him for a few seconds to see if he’s bluffing, “Show me.”
He walks over to the computer and I'm glad I didn’t decide to make this room into a war zone. He clicks a red button that was on the left side of the program and a black voice line pops up. The line moves with waves and he adjusts the volume on my computer.
My ears perk, but the only thing you can hear is the roar of the helicopter. “Will the other person know?”
“No. Its my newest addition,” he tells me proudly.
My hand comes up and rests on his shoulder. I feel him jump and I let out a small laugh - my mood doing a complete one eighty, “Keep that up Gene and you’ll go places.”
Oh, this is a game changer and a dangerous one for my little devil. I sit back down in my chair and lean back, “Thats all Gene.” I don’t thank him. He should be thankful I gave him this job and this position.
He nods and walks out, grabbing the door and closing it. My eyes divert back to the screen as a devilish smile creeps across my face.
I tune in and out of the program - doing exactly what Gene did. All I could hear was the engine roaring. So, I just tracked her until she came to a stop in Tennessee. I type in the address on my computer and a private property shows up. Funny thing is, theres no information on the property except that it isn’t for sale. No pictures, no listings or anything. The best I can get is a satellite view. The road view is useless since the house sits so far back into the woods.
I click back over to my tracker and watch the blue dot move into the house and then stop. Putting this tracker on her has been the best idea and the worst at the same time. It makes tracking her easier, but she’s become my new obsession. Before, she was a want - now she’s a need.
I sit there for another few minutes, but the dot doesn’t move. I grab my phone that sits on my desk and send Three a text telling him to come here. I would ask, but that would give my men an option. The only option is kill or be killed. So I know he’ll come.
Sure enough, a few minutes later he’s walking into my office. He doesn’t knock and I don’t expect him too. He’s the closest guy I can count on and a part of me would consider him my friend.
“Yeah,” he says as he walks to me. If it were anyone else, their jaw would already be dislocated and needing surgery to put it back in place with screws and wires.
“Put this address in and pull it up on the satellite.” I tell him. We made a deal with the Russians about a year ago. They were on my shit list and one of the leaders offered for me to spare his life in exchange of their live satellites. I agreed, but I kept my word. I spared his life - Three didn’t. Three’s response to doing it was “He made the deal with you, not me.”
I give him the address and he types away at his phone. I like for my stuff to be spread out. It gives people a harder time trying to find out information if multiple people have pieces of the puzzle. But I too can access it if need be - it just gives my guys something extra to do.
A few moments later he hands me his phone and I see the top of the house. It looks to be two story house in the middle of fucking no where. I tape the left side of the screen and rewind back to a few minutes ago. I watch the helicopter land. Then six people exit the helo and walk into the house with bags.
“Your girl?” Three asks me. I hand the phone back and smirk under my mask.
Your girl. I like that.
“Yeah and I think she just showed us where she stays,” I say in a lighter tone than before. I sit back down and put my feet back on my desk.
“You want me to get a helo ready?” He asks me as he starts to walk towards the door.
“No,” I reply back immediately. “I want to know where she’s going and catch her by surprise. To be sure, she didn’t join 141 for the hell of it. I want to know their plan so we can be a step ahead.”
Three nods and heads out of my office. I take in a deep breath and interlock my fingers - placing them behind my head. My little devil has been through a lot in these last several years, but what I'm going to do to her doesn’t even compare.
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The ride back to my place was an…interesting one. I didn’t have a chance to talk with 141 and the look on Nik’s face when we all came walking up was like a kid on Christmas morning. I know he does things for them, but I don’t question it. He’s not mine and I haven’t been with anyone in…anyway.
I live out in the middle of no fucking where. Literally. I have a two story cabin that sits on a thousand acre property. My neighbors are the wilderness in the mountains of Tennessee, but don’t let that fool you. I have a whole fucking industry underground that goes on for several miles - and for me to bring 141 here, means I trust them to a certain extent. Not fully, but thats because I will never trust anyone fully, again.
We walk into my home and my staff greet us. I can tell 141 is a bit uneasy, but shit, I would be too staying at a place I'm not familiar with.
“Im sure they will like to take their own things to their rooms,” I tell Margo. She’s been with me for the last ten years. I stopped by the base 141 was staying at so they could get their weapons. Don’t get me wrong, guns shoot and knives throw, but nothing compares to your own weapon. Its weight perfectly balanced in your hands and you know the damn thing better than you know yourself.
Margo gives me a curt nod and walks away leaving us standing in my foyer. I turn to face the team I just joined just to make a point, “I’ll show you where we’ll be staying.”
I turn back around and walk towards my kitchen - which is straight ahead and my living room with cathedral ceilings to my right. I have an open floor plan with very few walls. That way I can see whats going on, but can take cover if need be. Right before I reach the kitchen, I turn left and head down my hallway. I have rooms here in the house and its set up like a house, but really its for my staff. If anyone was sketching the place out, theres someone always here - but the magic happens downstairs.
I walk towards the end of the hall to my bookshelf thats built in the wall. Reaching out, I place my hand around an encyclopedia as if I'm fixing to pull it out of its spot. The lock clicks and I push the bookshelf forward. Cliche? Kind of, but instead of pulling a book to release a latch, I installed a finger scan on the book. Without my print, no one can get it.
The cool draft brushes past me and causes goose bumps to form on my skin. “Are you going to kill us?” The mohawk guy asks.
I let out a small laugh, “Why? You scared?” I say lowly for that dramatic effect while looking at him.
I watch him swallow the spit that was in his mouth - which I'm sure is dry by now. My eyes avert to the black voids looking at me - which causes me to swallow. Something about this one sends a chill down my spine. Something I haven’t felt in a while - and I like it. I miss it, but I swore to myself years ago I wouldn’t put myself back in that position.
I turn back around and head down the stairs - getting old memories out of my mind. The further we walk down, the temperature drops. My staff knows I have practically a small city down below, but they don have access unless I give them access. I have buttons placed in designated areas of the house in case they need to get me or if there is an emergency.
So far, its only been pushed once.
After walking down the stairs for a few minutes, we finally reach flat ground. I can hear 141 whispering behind me about how cool this place is. It kind of is. Everything a military base has, I have - but more. And even better, its all below ground, which gives me the advantage. Nobody can know what my moves are and its one of the ways I stay hidden.
“How big is this place darling?” I hear John ask.
I place my hands on my hips and admire my hard work. Its something that will never get old, “Several miles, but im still building.”
“Thats….fucking incredible,” he says. I can tell by his tone he meant it.
“Yeah, Li-,” Nik clears his throat, “Widow has been working on this for a few years now.” He looks at me with soft eyes realizing he almost fucked up.
“What all do you have here?”
God, even his voice makes my fucking knees weak. Weak to the point I want to fall to them as he stands before me staring at me with nothing but darkness.
“Ever-,” I clear my throat. Thats fucking embarrassing, “Anything and everything.”
I take a step forward and reach my hand out pointing in front of me, “There we have our weapons build. From guns, to knives, to explosives, to fucking nuclear warfare, its here.” I point to my right, “There is a half mile open area with helo’s.” I point up in the same direction, “I installed a retractable roof so its easy access. The ground still remains, but its on tracks so when the doors closed, you wont know anything happened.”
“Fuckin’ incredible lass,” the Scottish mohawk says.
I know their names. Like their real name as well as their call signs, but that conversation can wait until later.
I point to the left, “Down here is where were going,”I say as I get on a golf cart. I have several around here. They’re battery operated, so it doesnt put out so much pollution here. I have air vents the filter, but it saves on how much they have to work already.
The golf cart has three rows of seats - big enough for all of us to get on. Nik gets on the very back with John facing backwards. The one they call Gaz gets in the middle with the one they call Soap beside him. And that leaves Ghost sitting beside me. His leg grazes mine and even with us clothed, I can feel the heat radiating off him. Hes a man of few words. I read his file, so I know why. He was the hardest one for me to get my hands on. And the hardest one for me to read.
I turn the golf cart on and head to where we are going. I hear the guys behind me taking about how badass this place is and how smart it is and how they have never seen anything like it before.
“Butterfly Company?” I hear Ghost say and I glance over at him.
Before I have a chance to say anything, Nik speaks, “Yeah, she started that program years ago for women and children.”
“You mean the one that houses and helps the ones who have been rescued from the sex rings and trafficking?” John asks.
“Thats the one,” Nik confirms.
“Is there anything you don’t do darling?” John asks with a chuckle.
Pulling up to the house and parking the golf cart granted me to not answer him, but I really don’t want to get into that subject. Its a long one, and most of the stories I have, I don’t want to think about.
“Another house?” Soap asks inquisitively.
“I have several down here. Usually my staff here sleep in bunkers that are on the other side of this base. Its about a mile over. On this side, its for me. We’ll be staying here. I’ll show everyone to their room so you can get settled in and then we can meet in the observation room in a half hour?” I ask.
They nod.
We walk in and its set up similar to my house that people can see. The foyer, the living room to the right and the kitchen straight ahead - all open, but where the hallway is to the left of the kitchen, is a set of stairs. All bedrooms are upstairs.
We head up them and there are three doors on each side the hallway up here. Gaz and Nik take the first set. John and Soap take the next set and that leaves Ghost. Of course, he’s across the hall from me. My room is on the left end and his will be on the right.
“Oh,” I say as I open my door, “Each bedroom shares a bathroom.” Great. Gaz and John will share. Nik and Soap will share. Which means, Ghost and I will share. Since the last two bedrooms are on the end, the bathroom is a bit bigger since with sits at the very end of the hallway. That huge wall that separates the doors, thats where my shower is. And to put the icing on on the cake, since my bathroom is so big, my closet sets inside the bathroom.
This is going to be great.
“Hey, lass?” Soap calls out stepping partially into my room.
I throw my bag off my shoulder and it hits the floor, “yeah?”
I watch as he takes a look around my room, “Wheres the observation room?”
I snort. I did forget to show them that. “Just tell everyone to meet me downstairs in half an hour.”
He nods and closes my door. I hear him telling everyone and I plop down on the bed. This was a bad idea.
This was a very bad idea.
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KING - (Three)
I check my phone after we get in the air good and head to Washington D.C. I click on my banking app and then transfer the money Robert sent to one of my accounts that funds an organization I run to help women and kids recover from the trauma they endured while being in the trafficking rings. Its truly a sick world we fucking live in and I feel that its the least I could do.
“What do you think he wants to talk to you about?” Nik asks as I lock my phone and put it between my legs.
I take in a deep breath, “Probably to see if I will join Graves and the Shadows. Its like the old bastard cant take a hint.”
Nik snorts, “What kind of hints are you giving him Lil?”
Turning my head to look at him, “Uh, fuck no, fuck you, I work by my fucking self, fuck Graves. I mean the list goes on where I thought I have made myself perfectly fucking clear.”
Niks face turns red from holding in the laughter that I know he’s dying to let out, “Thats pretty clear.”
I throw my hands out and they smack my thighs when they land, “Thank you!”
“I don't trust him. Never have,” I say turning my head to the right to look out my window.
I hear Nik sigh, “You and me both.” I don’t know what Shepherd has done to Nik, but I know there is bad blood there. I want to bring it up, but something deep down has always told me not to open that bandaid. Some things are better left alone.
A few hours later we arrive in Washington D.C. I hate this fucking place. Politicians that call the shots - well try to - like they know what the fuck goes on. Just because they see video footage, doesn’t mean they know what the fuck we feel. Seeing is believing, trust me, but seeing something in person is different than watching it through 1080p. Again, thats why I work alone. I make my own rules.
Im escorted through the Capital. Its where Shepherds office is. Ive been here more times than I’d like to be, but he pays me and I get to kill people. I’d say an eye for an eye. The two gentleman escorting me keep looking back. Shit, if I had someone behind me covered in blood and a mask while I wore a three piece suit, I’d be kind of worried too. Not to mention, all my gear and shit is still on me - minus my sniper.
They tried to tell me the first time I came here that I wasn’t allowed to bring my guns and knives. You see how well that went. If it wasn’t for me, majority of the people in this God forsaken ass city would be dead or on the streets starving. Im just humble enough to accept the silent ‘thank you’s’.
We turn the corner and head down the long hallway with old white men hanging on the walls. Dead Presidents. What an honor that must be. “Gentleman, its been a pleasure,” I say as they stop and turn around, eyes wide. I snort, “Im not going to kill you,” I pause adding a dramatic effect, “I can make my way to Shepherds office from here.”
I watch the one to my right swallow hard and nod to his fellow colleague. They both walk back in the direction we came in without uttering a single word to me. Honestly, they could have walked me to his office, but I enjoy the quiet walk to get my thoughts together before talking with this hillbilly accent man.
Slowly, I make my way - my ears perked as I hear voices. One is Shepherds, the other is Graves and I roll my eyes. I was right. But then theres another. A deep brit.
“Ive already given the assignment to The Shadows, John,” I hear Shepherd say.
“Whats so hard to understand about that?” Graves. I roll my eyes at his voice alone. Its straight arrogance. “Let the professionals handle it.”
My hand reaches out and touch the cracked door to Shepherds office. I wait to push it open, wanting to hear more of this conversation.
“Call your men off,” I hear the brit say. From the tone, it wasn’t an offer, but a warning.
I push on the door and make my way inside as six men stare at me. I take a few steps in and see two men leaned up against the wall to my right. One has a mohawk and is tapping the guy beside him on the chest like a kid who just seen his favorite super hero. The guy he’s tapping, is taller than him and wears a skull mask. Like me, everyone knows who he is - Ghost.
As I take a few more steps, I realized that the whole Task Force 141 is in here - along with Graves and Shepherd.
“Ah, Widow. Glad you could make it,” Shepherd says as he stands from his desk. What an honor…I roll my eyes.
My ears perk when I hear the mohawk guy whispering, “Its her.” I grin to myself. Task Force 141 are some reputable guys. Ive seen them work in the field, they didn’t know I was there, but I was impressed. They’re some of the best of the best and for one of them to be fangirling over me, its quite comical.
“Why am I here Shepherd?” I ask dryly. I don’t want to be here more than I have to.
Shepherd clears his throat and sits back down at his desk. I feel eyes piercing at the side of my face and I cock my head to look and its Ghost. My eyes stare into his black ones and slowly go down from his vest, to his jeans and then boots. Impressive.
“I have an assignment for you.” Why he’s acting secretive, I don’t know, but it annoys me.
“Okay?” I say harsher than intended, but Im not going to correct myself. One thing I wont do is apologize to this man. Ever. And I don’t give a fuck how prideful that sounds.
“Germany,” he says but pauses. I look over at him and he seems hesitant. “Theres intel that we need. He has valuable information regarding nuclear missiles with people who don’t take kindly to us Americans. The place is heavily guarded, but we need to be as stealthy as possible,” he pauses taking a sip of his coffee. “If word gets out with what were trying to do, it could be devastating. Find the target and eliminate him.”
I nod. Its right up my alley.
“And another thing to add,” he continues, “Shadow Company will go with you. You could use their help.”
“Why cant 141 go?” I ask. Really, I don’t care, but I'm being nosey. I can feel their eyes on me as the question leaves my lips.
Shepherd looks at them and then to me, “Because theres only four of them. I’d feel more comfortable with more men.”
I get it. Makes sense, but I’d trust them with my life more than I would Shadows - and I just met them.
Before I could say anything, Graves interrupts, “They’re on the way there now from Russia.” He has a shit eating grin on his face that I just want to carve off. He seems like the type of guy who wakes up and feels like he pisses excellence - when in fact, he probably pisses all over the place and has other people to clean it up. Arrogant piece of shit. “Now you’ll get a taste of what you're missing.”
I snort.
“Something funny?” Graves ask seeming offended. God he wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s been trying to get me to join ‘the winning side’ as long as I can remember. Shepherd too. I know he has this crush on me, but lets be real, its only to say he tagged the deadliest woman in the world. To feed his ego. Jokes on him, he couldn’t handle me.
Throw my head back and chuckle a bit, “You mean the fifteen men who were sent to Russia to retrieve this?” I say as I hold up a flash drive. Graves face pales and my pussy clenches. God, I love grabbing men who think they are the baddest by the balls. “Have you gotten in touch with them since?” My voice playful.
“I sent them the coordinates,” he says through gritted teeth.
“But did they confirm?” I counter. The tension in the room growing thicker by the second.
Graves takes a step forward, “What the fuck did you do with my men?” Spit flying out of his mouth.
Its a shame I wear a mask that covers all but my eyes because I wish he could see the look I have right now. I look down at my blood covered clothes and back up at him. His eyes following mine, “Im wearing them.” I had to make a pit stop before I went to the Tundra. It was on the way - at least thats what I told myself.
Just to add icing to the cake, “I guess your men aren’t the professionals. Especially if one person can take them out.” I watch this mans face go from pale to beet red. I narrow my eyes at him as I watch his body start to shake. Good. He deserves it.
“Widow,” I hear Shepherd call my name.
Disregarding, I speak, “I’ll join 141.” They jerk their heads up at me, “That makes five,” I say as I look Shepherd in the eyes. “Send me the coordinates for the intel. Ill make sure we get the job done,” I finish as I look at Graves.
I think everyone is in shock from either me taking out most of Graves team just for the fun of it, me working with a team or maybe a bit of both. “Do you need a ride?” I ask not to anyone in particular in the Task Force. The brit who was speaking with Shepherd earlier nods. “Perfect. You can ride with me.”
I turn on heel heading towards the door. I hear 141 behind me and I stop - which causes them to stop. “Oh, I almost forgot,” I say as I turn back around. The guys who are coming with me spread out creating me an opening directly to Graves. I reach into the bottom pocket of my pants and pull out bloody dog tags. I toss them to Graves and they land at his feet. His eyes shooting daggers at me, “Theres your men,” I say emphasizing men.
I turn back around and walk out the door - 141 following behind me.
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From the first time I saw her, I had to have her. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter. Dead, I would be the most feared man and a fucking legend. Alive, she would learn to love me and we could run the world ourselves. I just needed to play my cards right. So far, I’ve folded each hand.
Ive sat back and waited - watched her from afar to know her. Figure her out. Knowing a person and how they operate is deadly enough, but being able to figure out a persons intentions before they do it, can make them a puppet on your hand. And I want her on her knees looking up into mine as she whimpers from my hands. You don’t know how many times I have fell asleep with multiple scenarios of how I am going to make that happen.
Most fear me. I would too if I seen a 6’10 guy heading straight at me with nothing but pure anger through the soulless windows on his face. Granted, thats the only thing that you will ever see on me - unless I let you. Even then, its a death sentence. Everyone knows who I am, just like Widow. Im the Colonel of Kortac. A war machine that stops at nothing to get shit done…and to get who I want.
“Any luck?” My right hand man, Three asks me.
“No, but where close,” I respond. He got the name Three because he wears glasses and one of the lenses he lost in combat. Still to this day, he only has one lens. He’s my sniper and funny thing is, the eye he depends on is the lensless eye. Ironic.
Three nods at me and I look back through my scope. Im feeling my balls off out here in the fucking snow. We followed Widow down here. I got a lead saying she was headed in this direction to take care of someone - but from the looks of it, she seems to be a bit greedy.
A woman with an appetite. I like it.
“You know she isn’t going to come willingly,” Three says reminding me of how desperate I am.
I give a low chuckle, “I don’t give a fuck if she comes willingly. I’ll drag her by her hair for however long I see fit until she realizes my side is the winning side.” I give a brief pause, looking at her slice a guys throat open. The others in front not even knowing whats about to happen. “But best believe,” I say looking over at Three, “She’s going to be coming regardless.”
The breathy laugh he gives tells me he knows I'm not talking about walking or following me anywhere. I look back through my scope as I hear shots fired in the distance. She toyed with he first two, now she’s ready to wrap this shit up.
“When do you want to move in?” Three asks.
I wait a few seconds before answering, “Not today. Its not the right time.” I hear him exhale an aggravated sigh, “Trust me, I want to - but I need her right where I want her.” And an open area is not it.
From what I have witnessed, she is a goddess where men bow at her feet and plead with their lives just for her to take it. She gives no mercy and whether its open area or close combat, you’re going to die either way - or at least wish you were dead. She’s immaculate at both, but you have a zero chance of surviving in the open.
One of her tactics I have noticed is she preys on her prey. She likes playing with her food before she takes a bite - which ironically is something I also enjoy. And something she will soon find out. She makes her opponent weak, giving her the upper hand - but there have been occasions where she digs right in and heads straight for dessert. Fuck the main meal - kind of like today. She toyed with he first two, then shot the rest before going to the vehicles.
She fascinates me. Always had. A woman of all people who outranks any man when they are in her presence is hot enough, but one that anyone in the world knows and fears - it makes my dick hard just thinking about it. Thats true power. She lives her life in secret and no matter how often you search, you will never find anything on her. Just her name…Widow.
“Why she leave the door open?” Three asks pulling me from my thoughts. Fuck what they have said about us men with it being cold outside. Im quite the opposite and could say that my dick is frozen, thats how hard she makes me.
I look back through my scope and chuckle, “She’s playing with her food.” I can see out of the corner of my eye Three look at me, “I bet any amount of money that there is someone in there who is on the brink of dying.”
“So why doesn’t she just kill them?” Ah, the questions we all want to know. I know, not because I asked, but because I have the same demented mind as she does. Suffering.
Without taking my eye off her as I watch her get into the first SUV that crashed, “Theres nothing better than watching the life drain from someones eyes. Someone who doesn’t deserve to live. Better yet, hearing their screams in the distance because something else has done the work for you.” I remove my face from the scope and look into Three’s icy blue eyes, “We started the timer on their life, but were not the ones who stop it and God knows how long it will take. The longer the better.”
Three has been around me to know how I am and how sick in the mind I can be, but watching a woman do it, its unheard of. Sure, theres women in the field who torture the people they capture, but nothing compares to her. And I think thats why everyone is so fucking scared of her or will barely mention her name. She’s fucking ruthless and the shit she does to people makes the hardest men in the fields squirm. But me, I crave it. I need more.
Three looks back through his scope and I hear the sound of whipping coming though the air. I point my rifle up and see a helicopter heading this way. Nikolai. He lands the helo and I watch him help her load her things up. She stands there for a few minutes and I can tell they are exchanging words. A strike of jealousy runs through me. Soon is what I have to keep telling myself.
They both load in the helo and take off in the same direction Nik came. Once I know were in the clear, I motion for Three to get up and we head towards the SUVs. I want to know what caused my little devil to come out here.
Three and I make our way to the murder scene - the temperature dropping steadfast. Our boots crunch in the thick snow and its coming down heavier now. “Go ahead and call Jay for exile.” Three nods and clicks the coms on his vest and tells Jay to come pick us up.
I reach the first SUV to us - the second one to crash - and take a peek inside. A man sits in the back seat with blood seeping out of his stomach and also both of his knees. Ouch.
“Ple-Please!” He begs. Tears and snot running down his face. His skin now pale - even grey looking. It wont be long. “Please help me!”
Before I can ask, Three speaks up, “What happened?”
The man seems baffled that were asking questions instead of helping him like he pleaded. “Th-This crazy bit-“ I don’t give him time to finish the sentence before I shoot a bullet between his eyes. Regardless what her reasoning was, she did it for a reason, but nobody is going to speak about my girl like that.
Three doesn’t even question me as to why I did it. He stopped asking me shit years ago and I guess he just realized on day, I do whatever the fuck I want to do. Just like a king does. I may not be an heir or royalty, but Kortac is my fucking kingdom and I am the ruler of it all.
I walk to the first SUV and see a man slumped over in the driver seat. He’s alive, but barely. I recognize him. His face has came across my screen before. Robert Eager. First time I read his name, I snorted to myself. His parents fucking hated him.
He slowly lifts his head off the steering wheel and looks in my direction - his eyes growing wide when he sees me. Just like Widow, everyone knows who I am too. A black loose mask with two bleached lines under my eyes - as if im crying blood and it dried. The one. The only. Konig.
Robert begins to shake his head and I know thats a silent plea. Like most, I don’t give a fuck when your life is in my hands. I smirk, knowing he can’t tell except for my eyes squinting. I’ll leave this one to suffer. He deserves it, but even to me thats a loose punishment.
Once again, Three doesn’t question and by this time, Jay is dropping the helo. We board and he asks where were headed. I pull out my phone from my from vest and click on my tracking app. While my little devil was toying with her prey, I was toying with her.
“Back to base,” I tell him and put my phone back in my vest. Its almost time for us to personally meet and I feel that its going to be a fight. I feel my dick rubbing against my pants just thinking about how its probably going to go - and I hope its as rough as I picture it to be.
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When I tell you my day couldn’t get any.fucking.better – I mean that will every ounce of sarcasm left in me. Why I decided to take a contract in the middle of the fucking Tundra is beyond me. Oh, I know. I love the thrill. I love being caught in the action. Watching grown men who thought they were the biggest and baddest asses on this Earth piss themselves when they see me will never get old. In fact, thats better than sex.
Being the best operator in the field with the most kills – not in the Country, but in the entire world does something to a woman. And the beauty of all of it, nobody knows what I look like. Well, alive to tell it anyway. I like my private life. Nobody will ever recognize me without my mask – but with my mask, everyone knows who I am. And I also love that. It’s the best of both worlds. What more could a girl ask for?
The cold bit through my thermal gear as I lay against the white snow. My sniper set up with a grey and white cloth on top to cover all the darkest parts. Cant have my position blown while I’m out in the open. That would be embarrassing. I’ve been laying here for almost 5 hours – not able to move and my bladder is about to burst. If my target doesn’t hurry up, I may say fuck it and settle for hand-to-hand combat. It beats lying on the freezing ground.
Robert Eager. The guy’s name is just as stupid as his actions. His lucky name landed in my lap and landed across the United States blacklist for an inexcusable organization. Child Trafficking. As soon as my eyes scanned across the words, my stomach turned into knots. One thing I will never understand is how someone could do that to any human – let alone a child. This guy will be one of the many that I enjoy taking the life from. To say I’m eager, is an understatement.
I check the watch on my right wrist – 17:46. The sun is starting to set, making my position even more untraceable. One of Roberts facilities is here in the Tundra – smart man. Making it to where it’s almost impossible to get to due to the weather and the extremities that come with it.
I’ve been in far worse situations than this and I promise you one thing, I will find a fucking way. When it comes to children, there are no excuses. Shit gets done – even if that means it takes my last breath. I took it doing the right thing.
Movement through my scope makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand. Adrenaline shoots through me as my day, well evening just got a whole lot better. Head lights from one of Roberts SUVs beam across the wintery surface. The beauty of snow and flat land is you can see for miles.
I adjust the zoom on my scope and watch the sleazy fucker exit out of the bunker – a wide smile on his face as he shakes the hands of two other men. Who? I don’t know, but they seem a little too happy for me – so they can meet the same miserable fate as Mr. Eager. Is it part of the contract? No, but I also don’t take orders from anyone. I work for myself and if someone has an issue, they can address it with a less qualified operator.
My heart rate picks up as Robert gets into the first SUV and the other two men get into the one behind him. Friends? Acquaintances? Buyers? Don’t know, but they will all have the same title in the next ten minutes. Dead.
Roberts SUV comes to life and heads towards me. The other one following close behind. I’m about a mile away with my ‘baby’. As coincidental as it may be, my sniper rifle is one of the best – The Tundra. She goes with me anywhere I go, and nothing gets past her .308 self.
Headlights illuminate me, but to the naked eye I’m invisible. I take a deep breath and hold as the cross hairs on my scope align with the grill of the SUV. I pull the trigger, and a faint sound echoes through the air as Roberts SUV veers off the snowy road and into the tree line. Immediately, I fire another at the second SUV, and it takes the same fate.
Once the SUVs come to a stop, eight men exit out of the vehicles – four with each. All of them with their guns drawn. Some of them with pistols and others with sub machine guns. All looking around trying to find me. Jokes on them, I’m the ghost of Christmas past.
I draw in another breath and fire at one of the men with a pistol in hand. Red and yellow splatter behind him and coat the ground. Thank God for thermal scopes. The other seven men tense and grip their guns a little tighter looking straight ahead towards me. The shitty thing about sniping is your position gets known after your shoot.
I get to my feet as quietly as I can and run outwards towards the crash site. I don’t want to run at them head on and get swissed, so were going to play a little game of “surprise-n-die”. One of my favorites.
I watch through my black and white night vision as the men cautiously head towards where I once was. Some bodyguards.
“Theres no way anyone knew about this site.” His voice even sounds fucking ugly. “Fuck!”
Yeah, fuck is right.
I look towards to SUVs, and I only see three men in both vehicles. Perfect. I sneak up behind the man closest to me as my fingers wrap around my hooked knife strapped to my thigh. She’s a nasty bitch. I quickly cover his mouth with my free hand and pull his head back towards me. His body tenses as fight or flight kick in – but not quick enough. I bring my blade towards his throat and pull. Tendons, muscles and tissue separate quickly from the intrusion. His warm blood coats my hand as his body jerks forward. I can feel his hands fly up to his neck, but there’s no fixing that. Hes fucked.
I roll my eyes as he falls to his knees – his hands trying to hold in the blood, but its seeping through his fingers. Overdramatic much?
“The fuck was that?” the man several feet in front of him says. The beauty about the Tundra, when there’s no light, its pitch fucking black. “Rocky?”
I almost chuckled hearing the terror in his voice. “Rocky? Man, stop fucking with me.”
My next target, number six, stops as the rest keep walking. Were these guys even trained or did Robert find them at some random place and put a gun in their hands…because Jesus Christ. “Rocky?”
I step closer to where he can barely make me out, “Sorry, Rocky isn’t available.” Before he had time to react, I stabbed him in the dick and immediately slit his throat as well. The dick was personal. I don’t know if he touched the kids like that, but I’m guessing the worst. I watch him as he falls to his knees and look ahead. The rest of the guys stop and look back.
I roll my neck as I put my knife back and grab my pistols. Each strapped against my thighs. Its getting cold and I’m ready to go. I raise both guns and fire a single bullet into each guy’s head. I’m not in the mood for any more formalities.
I head back to the SUVs and start with the one with the two men. I reholster my left pistol but keep a tight grip on my right. I swing the door open, the interior light illuminating the two men – both with wide eyed faces as I point my gun at them.
“Who the fuck are you?” I don’t have time to pussy foot around. Rocky’s blood was starting to make my hand go numb from the cold.
“I-I” That’s all the closest one could get out before I fired a round through his skull. His blood and brains painting the guy sitting beside him.
I exhale a frustrated breath, “I didn’t ask for a fucking speech impediment. Who the fuck are you?”
Quick and to the point. I like it.
“Okay, Paul,” I start, “Tell me what I want to know.”
He goes to speak, but I cut him off, “And don’t ask any questions or fuck with me. The more detail the better. The better the detail, the more I’m willing to let you live.”
“I’m here on business,” He blurts out. “Look, I have a wife and kids! I’ll pay yo-.” The guy couldn’t even finish the sentence before I fired a round into his stomach. A wife AND kids?! I did all of them a favor. Any man wanting to fuck and touch little kids doesn’t deserve to have the family life.
The man screamed out and I shot two more rounds into both of his knees. His loud pleas turning silent. Tears streamed down his face as he hyperventilated from the trauma. I left the door open as I walked over to the SUV that Robert was in. I could hear the family man cursing my name for everything he thought I was worth. He’ll either freeze to death or an animal will rip him apart within the next several hours. I did my good deed for keeping the door open allowing them to get in and supplying the scent of blood.
The wonderful circle of life.
Roberts SUV tries to come to life, but that .308 bullet going through the motor doesn’t stand a chance. The engine whines and whines, but never turns over. I jerk open the passenger door and climb in – my pistol still gripped in my right hand.
“So, where we going?” I love toying with my contracts before I kill them. It lightens the mood.
With spit flying out of his mouth and teeth grit, “Fuck you, you stupid bitch!”
I place my left hand over my heart and give him puppy dog eyes, “Robert, you hurt my feelings.”
“You don’t have feelings,” he counters quickly. “Anyone who can kill people for a fucking living doesn’t have feelings.”
I throw my head back and laugh, “Anyone who takes innocent children away from their families to sell them is far worse than me. I have my skeletons Robert, but you, you have demons.”
And there it is, the nervous bead of sweat that starts across the forehead. “I’ll pay you.” Hes desperate.
“How much?” I’ll bite.
Seeing a sliver of relief across his face made me smile beneath my mask, “Fifteen million.”
Holy shit. That’s the most anyone has ever offered me and if I’m being honest, that’s five times the amount I’m getting paid for. “Deal.”
Robert jerked his back, I’m assuming he wasn’t expecting me to take the deal, “So you’re not going to kill me?”
I lower my gun, “Scouts honor,” I say holding up my hand. Robert pulls out his phone and I watch as he navigates through his banking apps. He clicks on a green icon and looks over at me, “Y-you have information for me to send it.”
Its comical how bad the phone is shaking in his hand, “Yeah, my routing is 956287413”. He puts the numbers in with the exact amount of fifteen million and presses send. After a few seconds, it goes through with confirmation.
Roberts body relaxes as he slumps against the seat. I sit up and open the door, “Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Eager.” The snow crunches under my boots as I get out of the SUV and the cold wraps around me once again.
Our eyes lock and I raise my pistol and fire two rounds into each of his thighs. He immediately jolts forward and screams, “You fucking bitch! We had a deal!”
“I’m honoring my deal Mr. Eager. I said I wouldn’t kill you. Those are flesh wounds,” I say with a smirk. I go walk off, but stop, “Oh, I almost forgot,” I say as I point my pistol towards him, “I have one round left,”. I fire the last round at his chest. I’m sure I grazed his heart, but it wasn’t dead center. I’m a woman of my word. I didn’t kill him.
I walk off, leaving the door open like I did the other SUV. I can hear small whimpers coming from the family man – it wont be much longer. I reach for the radio on my vest, “Hey Nik, come pick me up.”
Nikolai is one of my oldest friends and a damn good pilot. When I need him he’s there. Hes tried talking me into joining an operators group - Task Force 141, but I work best alone. Don’t get me wrong, those guys are the best of the best. I’ve seen them operate. They never knew I was there, but I was impressed.
“Be there in two,” Nik replied. That really means he’ll be here in less than a minute.
I walk back over to where my sniper rifle is, pick it up and assemble it back in the case. The roar of helicopter blades vibrates through my gear and my chest.
“I thought you said you were ready!” He yells as he gets out of the helicopter.
I walk over to him and he takes my sniper case. “I thought you said you were two minutes out!”
Nik gives me a wink and I climb into the back of the helo and grab my headset.
Without giving me time to adjust my headset, Nik says, “Shepherd wants to see you.”
I roll my eyes as I get settled in the passenger seat of the helo beside Nik. “About?”
“You know he cant tell me, Lil.”
Nik is one of the few that know my real name. Everyone else knows me by my call sign: Widow. Trust me, I didn’t give myself that name – everyone else did. I’m the mystery woman everyone wants their hands on.
I take in a deep breath, “Fine.”
Nik brings the helo to life and I set the coordinates to Washington D.C. I hate Shepherd, but he gives me contracts and pays me. It’s strictly personal business, but I have a feeling he is wanting to change that.
#ao3 fanfic#fanfiction#fanfic#konig cod#cod konig#gaz cod#soap cod#gaz garrick#smut#KING#archive of our own#ao3 writer#ao3 author#dark romance
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You worked alone, but overhearing a conversation made you consider a team just this once. Being the most feared and skilled operator had its perks - but it also had a long list of enemies ready to have your head as a trophy. One enemy in particular stopping at nothing. He was going to have you one way or another - and there was no denying him. There was no denying Konig.
**Hello my beautiful readers!! I'm in a maniac episode and decided to write a story that has been on my mind for a few months now. Please know this story is for a MATURE audience and Trigger Warnings will be listed below. Also as you know from reading my other stories, I do not post TW at the beginning of the chapters due to spoiling any surprises I decide to put in. If you feel that I need to add more here, please reach out as I am not perfect and forget things. Also as you may know, mental health is big for me and my stories are not for everyone!! Last but not least, enjoy!**
***This has also been added to my Master List at the top of my page***

#ao3 fanfic#fanfic#fanfiction#cod#konig smut#konig mw2#konig cod#cod konig#gaz garrick#gaz mw2#simon ghost riley#smut#dark romance
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Devour Me - Chapter 12
“She was my mother too.”
The words molted into your brain like lava molts against the soft Earths floor. Alessa’s words replayed over and over as you felt your world spiral. “Th-theres no way,” you say to her shaking your head. “Make it make sense.”
Alessa looks over at you, “Its something I am still trying to figure out. Time stood still here but as they tried to ‘cleanse’ my mother of being a witch, she ended up pregnant – luckily, no one knew about it until after the fact.”
One word escaped your lips, “How?”
“I don’t know.” Alessa’s eyes pierced over at you, “What do you remember of your childhood, Ally?”
You swallowed hard. Thinking back, you cant remember much of your childhood. Your earliest memory was your teenage years. You had tried hard to think back and delve deep in your mind of your life as a kid, but each time you would get a migraine and your whole body felt as if it was lit on fire – everything hurt.
“I don’t remember.”
“Think harder.” You could hear a bit of desperation on Alessa’s voice.
You swallowed hard as your eyes locked with hers, then to Pyramid Head before closing your eyes and taking in a deep breath. As you exhaled the breath from your lungs, faint memories started coming to you, but it almost seemed like something you dreamt of. “Loud,” was the first thing you said. “With lots of people.”
The memory was becoming clearer. You couldn’t see where, but the commotion was deafening. You couldn’t move, like you were being held back. “I cant move.” You could tell you were surrounded by people. Angry people that were taller than you – but you couldn’t make out any faces. “Theres yelling. Angry people.”
“What are they wearing?” Alessa’s voice making the memory come back a little more clearer.
Your brows furrow as you think harder, but this time the migraine is not there. “Torn clothes. Like they have been wearing them for a long time.”
“Why cant you move?”
“I-I don’t know. Its like someone is holding me back. Or protecting me.” The words protecting me, send a chill down your spine. “Wait.” You fought harder to get a clearer picture.
“Burn them all!”
“Her and her children have plagued this place!”
You shook your head back and forth. Panic shot through you as you tried to open your eyes, but you couldn’t. “No,” you whisper out. The sea of people surrounding you parted ways and a lady dressed in red walked towards you.
“Take her and the child,” she snarled. “Take them both down below. Find the other child and lock her down there as well,” she says as she turns her back to you. “Tomorrow, tomorrow we will be cleansed.”
You felt another set of hands on you and your eyes flew open as you gasped for air. “They knew,” you said.
“The church. They knew about me,” you say still gasping for air.
“No. They didn’t know about you until after you were taken out of Silent Hill,” Alessa says looking at you confused.
“I was in a room full of people,” you start, “and that fucking red lady was there. She told them to take ‘them’ down below and grab the other child and bring her down too.”
“Ally.” You could hear it in Alessa’s voice. You didn’t respond back. “That was me. That happened to me.”
You take in a ragged breath, “That’s what I saw.” Alessa throws her head back. “I just want to know what the hell is going on. Why cant I remember things about…me?”
“I told you what is going on. Our mother made a curse when she was being burned. Its going to take both you and I to break it,” Alessa pauses, “And im not breaking it. They deserve to die.”
“What about me?! I didn’t sign up for this!” You said as you stand up. You see Pyramid Head shift out of the corner of your eye.
“Careful Ally,” Alessa warns. “He may have feelings for you, but he is still my protector.”
“Fuck you,” you spit as you walk towards the door.
You hear Alessa laugh, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Still walking you say, “I could give a fuck less what you think I should do. I need some fresh air anyway.”
“Ally.” It was a warning, but when did you ever follow the rules. You placed your hand on the door handle and flung the door open, stomping your way down the hallway trying to find the closest exit out of this disgusting Hospital. You needed space to process all this. You need air to cleanse your lungs rather the dusty molded walls of the Hospital.
Halfway down the corridor you were walking, the sound of screeching perked your ears. You stop and turn halfway to see Pyramid Heading taking up most of the space around him. “Im not escaping!” You shout, “I just need some damn air!”
You go to turn back to keep walking, but his footsteps pick up and sound heavier. The hair on the back of your neck stood up knowing that the change in his walking indicated just how pissed off he was. A loud bang made you jump as the walls around you shook. He had dropped his sword and was coming at you in a rage of fury.
Fear went through you and you started walking faster. You dared not to run, knowing that would for sure set him off and you knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could outrun you – regardless how heavy his helm was.
You come up on a doorway to your right. The room is open with a broken window and you dart inside – not bothering to shut the door. It wouldn’t do any good anyway. You sprint towards the window and poke your head out. The fog is still just as thick and you cant tell which floor of the Hospital you are on, but breathing in outside air again, eased you.
Pyramid Head stormed inside the room and before you could protest or defend yourself, he grabbed you by the back of your neck and threw you onto the bed the sat against the wall. “I just needed some air!” The grunt that came from him told you he didn’t care.
“Pyramid Hea- “. You couldn’t even get his name out before his hand enclosed around your throat. The grunts coming from him were different than they normally were. They were deeper. Raspier.
His other hand grabs your clothes and rips them off you. Ripped fabric leaving red marks across your skin. His thick fingers roughly enter your tight pussy without any warning – making you arch your back and your pink walls flutter. It doesn’t take long as he pumps his fingers in and out of you for his fingers to become coated in your slick arousal.
He knows your body. He knows cutting off your air supply will make you bend to his will any way that he wants you. Your eyes start rolling in the back of your head as his fingers roughly devour you. Squelching noises from your wet pussy fill your ears and it makes him pump into you harder. Faster. You feel your walls contract and the sudden urge to pee overwhelms you, but you welcome it.
Pyramid Head lets go of your throat and you take in the deepest breath you can and scream immediately as the orgasm rips through you. You hear how wet hes made you and can feel yourself squirt all over his hand – making it run down your ass and onto the bed, but he doesn’t stop. He keeps fucking you hard with his fingers.
Your hands reach down and grab his wrist, a silent plea to stop and that you cant take anymore. He removes your hands from him with his other hand and continues to pump his thick fingers into your drenched pussy.
“Please!” you moan out, “Please! I cant take anymore.”
He grunts louder and you feel another wave of having to pee and the more you fight it, the faster it comes. You squirt all over Pyramid Heads hand again, but in the midst of soaking his hand again, he quickly pulls out his fingers and shoves his thick cock into you. Making your screams go silent. It was too much pleasure.
Just like his fingers, he fucked you hard and rough. He finally let go of your wrists and you immediately wrapped them around his neck, bringing him closer to you. His grunts coming from his helm filled your ears and made your wet pussy flutter around his dick. With each flutter, his thrust became harder – to the point your pelvis was hurting. But it was painful pleasure. Something you would never complain about.
“Don’t stop,” you breath out a moan, “I need it. I need you.”
Those words sent him over the edge as he buries his cock deep in your pussy and grunts hard. You feel his warm cum fill you and your walls clench around him – milk out every last drop of cum he gives you. He stays inside you for a few minutes as your eyes grow heavier. You thought you needed space, but this…this is what you truly needed.
Pyramid Head pulls out of you and watches as your eyes close and your breathing evens out. He loved how feisty you were, but this was his favorite version of you. At peace and all because of him. He fixed the apron around his waist and then scooped you up – your head resting against his shoulder.
“She suits you.” Pyramid Head looked towards Alessa. “No I wasn’t standing here watching you,” she says with a grin. “Take her back to your place and you both get some rest. Weve got planning to do.”
#ao3 fanfic#fanfic#fanfiction#pyramid head x you#pyramid head#pyramid head x reader#alessa#silent hill#silent hill 2#devour me#soulofdarkness
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Just read A Light in the Darkness in one sitting. Thank you
Im just now getting to this! I dont have my notifications turned on for Tumblr, but thank you!!
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Devour Me - Chapter 11
The weight of the world felt like it weighed on your shoulders. How stupid could you possibly be? How could you fuck up the one person who everyone feared in this soulless town? You kept the distance between you two, but the hair on the back of your neck still standing up from the demonic creatures who wanted to tear the skin off your body. You were certain if there was anymore of a gap between you and Pyramid Head, they wouldn’t hesitate – so you decided to close the gap between you and him just a little bit.
His footsteps shook the hospital with every step he took. You didn’t know where you were going and as far as you knew, he was taking you to the place to finally rid himself of his burdens. You. Your stomach twisted at the thought of being killed by him. You couldn’t deny that you had caught feelings and the stupid stunt you pulled only made your overthinking brain worse.
Your mind went elsewhere and delved deeper into your mind. You lived a lonely life before you got to Silent Hell, so really being brought here was kind of a saving grace. A fuck up one, sure, but a saving grace.
Your body crashed into something hard – startling you from your thoughts. You jumped back and looked up. It was him. “Sorry,” you whispered out. Your arms wrapped around your body. A dead giveaway of your anxiety.
He cocked his head to the side to look at you, but not much. Just enough to show his annoyance of you not paying attention. You swallowed hard as you noticed his muscles tensing and then you looked past him to see rusted double doors. This was it.
Pyramid Head pushed open the doors and the screeching of metal on metal pierced your ears. You quickly covered your ears with your hands and shut your eyes. “WHERE ARE WE,” you shout out at him over the sound, but just as you started shouting, he stopped pushing the doors and the screeching stopped. “Going?”
He doesn’t answer you and you knew it was pointless to ask, but it was killing you not knowing if this was the end of the road for you or a new beginning. “If you’re going to kill me, just go ahead and get it over with. I can’t stand the suspense.” Your tone coming out a mixture of anxiety and aggravated.
Pyramid Head ignores you and keeps walking as if you’re not there. At least where he’s headed is lit more than where you two have been at. You jog forward to close the distance between you two – but its mainly so nothing tries to grab you because you knew he would probably let the other creatures kill you.
“Can you at least,” you pause, trying to find the words, “I don’t know, do something! Stop ignoring me!” That came out a little louder and harsher than you expected. You hated being ignored and it lit a fucking fire deep in you.
Just as you inhaled to say something else, the same breath you breathed in was harshly taken from you. Pyramid Head grabbed you by your throat and pushed you against the hard concrete wall. Your fingers clung to his wrist as your fingernails dug into his skin. Fresh blood seeping out of half-crescent shaped moons from your nails.
“He doesn’t like betrayal,” a voice said. It was her. Alessa.
Your head pounded from lack of oxygen and also from the iron grip he had on your throat. You could feel your face heating up and your lips swelling from the blood building up. You mouthed ‘please’, and Pyramid Heads grip tightened. Your vision blackened and your ears thumped with your heartbeat.
“He may be a monster to some, but when it comes to you, he does feel. I told you this earlier and you act is if you could care less. So, he could care less.” You could barely hear her words, but they felt like a knife in the chest. “Don’t mistake his kindness for weakness Ally,” she continued, “Because he can show you just how weak he really is.”
You retracted your nails from him and instead, replaced them with your fingertips. You stopped struggling and allowed yourself to melt right into his grasp. Trust was something you struggled with, but you couldn’t think of one time where Pyramid Head broke your trust. He protected you. He brought you to Alessa just like you asked and he has never done that with anyone. It was you who was biting the hand that was feeding you and now the hand was fighting back.
You were on the verge of passing out, when you felt his grasp loosen. You gasped in as much air as he allowed and that’s when you realized he was the one in control, you just needed to trust that he will keep you from harms way. Tears filled your eyes at the realization and from lack of oxygen.
“What id give to be you,” Alessa says. “I’ve never seen my Executioner so…in love.”
In love?
Butterflies swarmed in your belly as the words replayed in your head. You could hear Pyramid Heads breathing pick up from the four-letter word leaving Alessa’s mouth. Pyramid Head lets go of your throat and you lunge forward and land on your knees – chest heaving as you take in as much air as you can.
Pyramid Head stands there before you, looking down at your submissive state. You catch your breath as much as you can, and you look up at him. A deep growl radiates from his helm seeing you there on your knees before him.
A giggle breaks the silence and the tension in the room as Alessa walks past you both and heads into the living area. It looks like this used to be some sort of office. It’s big, maybe it was the director’s office of the hospital, but its set up like a little apartment. Alessa walks over to a love seat and sits down with a grin on her face – eyes pierced right at you.
Pyramid Head continues to stand there, but notions with his helm for you to take the chair that is across from the love seat. Obediently, you get up and sit in the chair like you were ‘told’ to do.
“This town has a dark history,” Alessa says. Her gaze has drifted away from you and out towards the two windows on the far side of the wall behind you. You look over at Alessa and there is no emotion in her eyes. “They blame me for what happened to this town.”
“Who?” you ask.
She snorts and her eyes go back to you, “The church.” You furrow your brows as confusion spreads across your face. “Fifty-six years ago, there was a coal mining explosion in this town. I was eleven at the time and everything went to shit.”
You draw your legs up to your chest and rest your head on your arms that you crossed on top of your knees. “There was something demonic down there that cursed this town. It was like time stopped and the world went to shit. Creatures crawled out of the cracks at night and never went back to where they came from. They tore people’s skin from their bodies. Their screams used to haunt me.”
“For some reason,” she continues, “They never went inside the church. So obviously, people flocked there – me being one of them.”
You look over and see Pyramid Heads muscles tighten. “For some reason, they never seem to bother me, and talk came about. The people of the church said I was the one who could cleanse the spirits of this town and the one who can break this curse.” You swallowed hard. “I think you know where I’m headed next.”
You took in a sharp breath realizing the same torture they put you through is the same torture Alessa went through. “They fed me the same bullshit how I was the one who could fix everything,” she says as she gets off the love seat. “Just like they did you.”
“I’m sorry tha-,” you go to say.
“Don’t finish that sentence,” Alessa says through gritted teeth. “I’m not sorry at all. In fact, it made me who I am today and gave me a reason to do what I need to do.”
You lower your head, looking at your fingernails, “But what does this has to do with me? I’m a nobody. I don’t understand how you and I are connected. I can feel the connection, but please help me understand my purpose with all of this.” It also came out like a plea.
“You have a choice to make in the end. Lets hope you make the right one,” Alessa says.
A frustrated sigh leaves you, “What fucking choice? I don’t understand a damn thing with this town and how its connected to me.”
Alessa walks back over and sits on her love seat, “There was a woman who was taken to the church when the town was in an uproar. They casted her as a witch and blamed her for the dread that happened in the town. They tied her to a wooden post inside the church and burned her alive.”
You gasp.
“As the woman was burning, she never screamed out to make it stop. She never pleaded to end it all right then. But she did say one thing that has always stuck with me,” she pauses. “She said, ‘When I take my last breath, it will be split in two. And they will wreak havoc on you all.’”
“Alessa,” you say, “I still don’t understand what this has to do with me. Can you please stop speaking in riddles and just tell me?”
“Does the name Veronica Adams ring a bell?” she asks with a smirk.
I jerk my head back as I stare back at her, “She was my mother.”
“She was my mother too.”
#ao3 fanfic#fanfic#pyramid head x you#pyramid head x reader#pyramid head#alessa#silent hill 2#silent hill#rapeawareness#rapekink#fanfiction
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