undeniablydamaged · 19 hours
They should invent a falling asleep that is easy
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undeniablydamaged · 20 hours
weirdest side effect of the pandemic is how many people i know who get sick and say 'but my covid tests are negative so i should be fine' like you know other illnesses. exist. right.
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undeniablydamaged · 2 days
they were all brothers. they are all brothers.
no one, and i mean no one, will ever be able to understand those years and growing into adults in the bubble they were the way those five will. for five years, they saw each other more than they saw their own families. they became family. they share something so special that people nor circumstances will ever break— they shared their youth. they shared a flash of time together that shaped them from boys into men. and as much as we’ve talked about how integral liam was to our childhoods and growth through this band, a piece of the other four boys’ childhoods and youth also died yesterday. a piece of their history died yesterday. a face to their personal memories died yesterday. and it’s devastating.
they found a home in each other when they were so far away from home, and i cannot even begin to imagine the grief they are feeling and will continue to feel.
walking in the wind has the perfect line like “if you’re lost, just look for me. you’ll find me in the region of the summer stars” and i know for a lifetime to come those four guys will be living that out as the years go on.
my entire chest aches for them. they deserve all the space and grace during this delicate time.
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undeniablydamaged · 5 days
"if you dont ask the answer is always no" yeah but what if the answer is no plus they think im weird for asking. did you ever consider that in ur stupid fucking philosophy
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undeniablydamaged · 5 days
we need to make using chatgpt embarrassing bc sorry it really is. what do you mean you can’t write an email
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undeniablydamaged · 5 days
you know the post that's like: one day I'll be 45 at a party and ill hear a one direction song and ill be dancing my heart out because I never learned to love anything as much as I love one direction?......... yeah.......thinking of that right now
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undeniablydamaged · 6 days
one direction will always be so so so bittersweet to me like they were such a foundation of my teenage years while at the same time those boys were spending most of their days trapped in hotel rooms or waking up at 2 am to record an album and non stop touring and working so much more than anyone let alone a bunch of teenage boys should work and its always been hard to reconcile those two realities especially on a day like today because god when they were good together, they were so good together.
and i just don't think anything like them will ever happen again. 5 boys from basically working class backgrounds thrust into a level of fame the height of which hadn't been seen for decades, all of them becoming the breadwinners of their families before the age of 18. the immense pressure but also the amount of fun they were. the tragedy and joy of it all intertwined. really impossible to put into words
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undeniablydamaged · 6 days
"1D was a big part of my childhood and adolescence, so I'm allowed to be upset that one of its members died young even if he turned out to be vile"/"He died before getting to recover and left his young child fatherless"/"Him dying tragically and having a hard life doesn't redeem him from all the vile things he has done" are all statements that can coexist, btw
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undeniablydamaged · 6 days
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i’m in true shock x
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undeniablydamaged · 6 days
i think like. we knew them when they were so young. and even as we’ve watched them grow up and reveal more of themselves and make mistakes and prove themselves fallible the way we didn’t see as starry eyed young fans. it’s really hard because there’s a facet of me that has immortalized them in my mind as the 15/17/18 year olds on the stairs on a tv show. really young faces and big dreams you know. and it’s like. now one of them is dead? he lived to be a really troubled man and now he’s dead? but i was just listening to him sing to me about first love
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undeniablydamaged · 7 days
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In the depths
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undeniablydamaged · 7 days
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undeniablydamaged · 9 days
i know you just said you are not mad at me but the way you said it made me wonder are you mad at me
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undeniablydamaged · 14 days
bad news! i have no idea what im doing. good news! i will continue nonetheless.
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undeniablydamaged · 15 days
wait americans can just. buy massive bottles of ibuprofen what the fuck
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undeniablydamaged · 16 days
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undeniablydamaged · 16 days
They should invent a falling asleep that is easy
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