[ Single muse indie RP blog for an OC set in the Pokemon universe ]
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Her lips pursed tightly shut and her eyes widened as he pulled her against him, hands pressing hard into her lap and fingers curling into embarrassed fists as she did her best not to get too flustered. She managed to bite back her blush however, teeth gritting only slightly as she kept her gaze lowered and lips shut. Usually she could stay pretty relaxed around Red, he was one of her best friends- but this was also a special circumstance. Despite that however she managed a laugh as he complimented her hair, a soft smile crossing her face as she looked- only briefly- up to him, before realizing how close they were and putting her gaze back on the ground.
Then, a few moments passed before his question dawned on her- the young woman quickly forgetting herself as she turned to look up at him again- before quickly looking away, and then repeating the process as his arm slowly started to feel heavier and heavier around her. “I- uh, y-yeah I’m fine.” She managed with a quick nod of her head, gaze settling on half turning back up to him. “I’m...I’m alright, heh.”
"I, uh...I- like your hat."
undefinedxdelicacy: Look who FINALLY got to this thing!
A simple compliment gets to him as quick as anything else would, making him smile a wider, happier smile - it seemed warmer and more welcoming; after all, one of his best friends had uttered the compliment that had flattered him so. Elizabeth seemed to stutter a lot while she muttered the statement to him, and so Red hooked his arm around her back, pulling her against him in a friendly manner while patting her back and letting a soft chuckle elicit from hsi throat.

“Thanks, Elizabeth. I like your… hmm… OH- I like your hair! It looks as nice as it does any day!”
( He’s having fun exchanging compliments, but he notices her stutter within a second. )
“Hey… what’s with all the stuttering? Are you okay, Lizzy?”
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She barely had a hold of his wrist, but the gesture alone put her gaze on the ground- cheeks burning a light tinge of red as he reassured her, only for a few moments of silence to pass while her voice caught in her throat. “It’s just...traveling’s dangerous, so...I get a little worried.”
Wrist: Fear of losing you

“Don’t be AFRAID. You won’t lose me, and that’s certain.”
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Elizabeth’d simply been outside watering her Grandpa’s berries, a soft smile settled across her face as she swayed the waterer to and fro- being sure to get everything once or twice over, depending on what kind of berry it was. It’d been a nice day so far too, as far as she was concerned; the weather was nice, she’d seen a couple of her friends earlier- and best of all- no one’d tried to take her attention yet.
That is- until an unfamiliar voice sounded nearby, all in a moment she tensed, smile faltering as she kept her eyes on her task, heart already going into a small flutter as her grip on tightened significantly around the handle of her watering can. What felt like a few minutes passed before she finally managed to hesitantly turn her head to the stranger, lips parting only slightly before she realized he wasn’t even done greeting her. Despite herself however, she listened to what he had to say- heart beat steadily dying down as he spoke calmly and politely. A refreshing change from the usual stranger, more often than not they came with demands.
She even found herself willing to help by the time he was done talking, her gaze falling briefly as she thought on his question- a few seconds passing as she hummed in thought. “Oh! Yes actually, I do.” She turned her gaze back up to him with a small- almost not entirely forced- smile. “You’re actually not too far away, it’s just the neighboring city- just through Route 211.”
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Elizabeth’s demeanor opened up even more as he took a Pokeball out, excitement clear as her gaze glances in-between him and what she assumed to be his Growlithe’s ball. However, her lips pursed shut as he commented on his travels- head tilting slightly by the end his words as she let the thought roll around, she...honestly hadn’t thought of it being dangerous before- not if someone has Pokemon at least. The though was soon set to the side as her eyes rediscovered the stranger’s Pokeball.
“Oh! Uhm, yes please.” She spoke simply to try and contain her excitement, hands folding over one-another in front of her as the thought dawned that she might have to clarify. “I’d- like to meet Growlie.”
[ Closed starter for preparefxrtrouble ]
“You haven’t? I guess they’re not common around here.” He scratched his head. Often times he forgets that some pokemon are rare in other regions. Growlithe are pretty common in the Kanto region after all. They’re probably rare here. “Do you want to meet Growlie?” With that, he plucked a pokeball from his pocket.
“Traveling is pretty nice. I’ve seen all kinds of things.. I’ve also gotten into some pretty dangerous situations. It’s pretty much a double edged sword. It can be fun, but it can be dangerous at times too.”
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Send me your muse's reaction to my muse falling asleep on their shoulder unexpectedly
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Her brow knit slightly at further mention of the ‘R’ on his chest, the young woman’s gaze dropping down to it again- yet only briefly- as he explained using what felt like the bare minimum of the details...it wasn’t her business though- it was probably best not to pry.
Then, she perked up again as he returned to the topic of Pokemon, lips parting slightly as he spoke of traveling- and eyes lighting up as he talked about his Growlithe, a short feeling of familiarity swelling in her chest as he mentioned how long they’d been together. It was undeniable at this point- she really loved Pokemon. “Oh I’ve never seen a Growlithe before!” She exclaimed excitedly, hands tightening around each-other in front of her as she steadily started to sway back and forth slightly on her feet- some part of her remembering to be conservative as she briefly pursed her lips and adjusted the volume in her voice with a smile. “I’ve only ever been able to see the Pokemon around here personally- traveling must be great.”
[ Closed starter for preparefxrtrouble ]
Maybe he’d let slip some of what that ‘R’ was for without actually saying too much. Besides, he didn’t want to get into trouble just yet. James shrugged and folded his arms. “You sure? It’s just the logo of sorts for the Team I’ve joined. Nothing special.”
He quickly shifted his attention to the topic of pokemon. “I’ve got all kinds of pokemon. It comes from traveling all over the place… My favorite is the one I’ve had the longest, my Growlie. He’s been with me since I was a child.”
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In one of the rare instances that you could find Elizabeth outside, she’d been knitting contentedly, head tilting from side to side as she quietly went through every step of making a scarf, a smile on her face all the while- that is- until a stranger’s voice pulled her attention up from the thread, nearly making her jump in the process as she instinctually pulled the half-done scarf to her chest, butterflies already beginning to grace her stomach as she realized this person was talking to her- and consequentially, it took her a moment to blink and swallow awkwardly before she could respond.
“...I-” Her posture remained rigid, legs pressed together and arms held close to her sides as she knit her brow briefly up to the stranger from her seat on the bench- lips parting slightly as she made to say something, only to interrupt herself by turning to the seat beside her- mostly just to double check that it was, in fact, empty. “T-thank you?” She replied back hesitantly, gaze turning back to the stranger as the Pokeballs on her belt grew a tad bit heavier. “H-how...?” She couldn’t seem to find the right way to ask the question- had she brought any of them out earlier? Had she met this girl beforehand? ...No, no she’d remember someone like her- and at this point, she could only let her brief question stand, pursing her lips shut as she tilted her head up to the apparently supernaturally observant girl.
undefinedxdelicacy started following you

“Ooh! An innocent spirit with innocent pokemon. How adorable.”
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[ Closed starter for pokemon-deliverer ]
The wind had died in the valley- or rather- it had for Elizabeth, finding yourself in the middle of an uncharted forest had a way of doing that... She’d only meant to go on a quick exploration- just enough to see why people didn’t cut through the trees, and well, it seemed she’d found her answer. She was unrectifiably, completely, and utterly lost. She’d tripped, fallen, and had to battle her way through enough wild Pokemon at this point that she couldn’t even begin to keep track of how many times she’s been turned around; and from what she could see of the sky, the sun was starting to go down too.
Her legs ached- in fact- her whole body ached, and it could’ve just been from pure anxiety, if not for the myriad of cuts and bruises she’s managed to scrape up along the way. Out here it seemed, a battle could come from anywhere- she’d learned that the hard way a few too many times, and as such she had all her Pokemon out to travel with her. Pachirisu on her shoulder, Buneary following beside her on the ground, and Mothim- clinging to her back with a sharp eye on their surroundings- ready to intercept any incoming threats.
They wandered like this for what felt like hours, Elizabeth steadily caring less and less about the twigs in her hair and the dirt on her skirt as night slowly but surely continued to fall, her arms wrapped tight around herself while Pachirisu and Buneary took shelter in her sweater, only hoping to find some break in the trees- that is, until they heard a commotion not too far away. She couldn’t tell what- but something was definitely happening, and she might’ve been happy to hear signs of activity, if it didn’t sound so aggressive. Taking a short moment to think, feet freezing in place for only a second, Eliabeth ducked down into some foliage- hiding herself as best she could as the apparent search party came closer.
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For a moment, the young woman thought he was about to explain the R, curiosity taking over her demeanor for another moment longer with an expectant blink. However, it seemed he’d rather not explain immediately- causing a short purse of Elizabeth’s lips before his question reached her. “Oh? Oh, no! No nothing like that.” She insisted conservatively with a smile, hands raising dismissively before she took a small and instinctive step back.
Truthfully, she’d never even had a real Pokemon battle before- just random encounters with wilds, and even that was a relatively new thing for her. She smiled politely however, eyes blinking shut promptly as she took a moment to best think over how to explain. “I, uh...just love Pokemon honestly.” That said, she opened her eyes again and lowered her hands back down to waist level- before folding them in-front of her habitually. Then, short second passed, and her head- oddly along with some of her posture- tilted to the side curiously. “So, what kind of Pokemon do you all have with you?”
[ Closed starter for preparefxrtrouble ]
He’s starting to get the impression that she’s not too keen on interaction. James considered trying to weasel out of things, but then she continued the conversation. In fact, she sounded… excited? How quick this apparent change came over her. It’s confusing to say the least.
He’s taken notice of her fascination over the ‘R’ on his chest. He wondered if he should mention what it stands for. Well, it is his job to spread Team Rocket’s name… “You really like the ‘R’ I’m wearing. It’s getting a lot of your attention.” He laughed, still undecided if he wanted to even reveal what it stood for.
“Of course. That’s how I got this far. Why? You’re not thinking of asking for a battle are you?” That’s the last thing he really wants to do. He’s not exactly the best at battling, though he did manage to win or come close on occasion.
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Elizabeth’s posture was awkward, her feet shifting from side to side as it took every once of her being not to try and find some way to slip away. She’d done enough damage already- and she definitely didn’t want to come across as rude to someone she’d just accidentally attacked. That in mind, she pursed her lips quietly and grit her teeth through an increasingly uncomfortable amount of human interaction.
Despite all that however, the man’s first words got a curious head tilt out of her, the young woman partially forgetting how uncomfortable she was as the words stuck... What an odd thing to say, was he a flying type trainer maybe? Maybe it had something to do with his apparent uniform, her gaze lowered down to the ‘R’ plastered across his chest curiously as she bit the inside of her lip in thought- what could that stand for...? Then his seconds statement snapped her attention back up to his face, a briefly apologetic moment passing silently as she took a second to double over what he’d said- before offering a pleased smile.
“Yep!” She chimed, only to quiet and settle down immediately afterward with a laugh, not wanting to seem too...loud, maybe? “Heh, yeah he...he tries his hardest when I need him to- oh, d-do you have any Pokemon?” She was excited to ask the question, but she almost clearly didn’t like the way she had to ask it. As far as she was concerned Pokemon were friends, not property.
[ Closed starter for preparefxrtrouble ]
If you ask him, this girl’s acting pretty odd. He’s getting a pretty good awkward vibe from all of this. It might just be his imagination, but he’s pretty sure she’s staring hard at him.
“Thanks. I’m pretty much used to flying high off the ground.” He’s pretty sure he’s toughened up thanks to getting blasted by Pikachu’s thunderbolt. He’s probably got an immunity to electricity or something, as well as falls. Maybe he’s adapted to it? Not that he actually knows how that works, but he’s pretty much unscathed so it’s proof it’s possible. “That Mothim of yours packs a pretty good punch, eh?”
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Put a ₱ into my inbox, and I'll randomly generate a Pokemon for my muse to give you!
Current number of Pokemon (719) via the National Pokedex provided by Bulbapedia, updated to Kalos.
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Send me a ✖ for my muse's reaction to yours grabbing them from behind
(Can be silly/angsty/nsfw etc)
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...Trade? Oh, oh he meant Pokemon, she probably should’ve gotten that a bit sooner. She let out a small chuckle, although, either way she didn’t have anything to offer.
“Oh well actually Red I’m sorry, the only Pokemon I have are my Mothim, Pachirisu and Buneary- and I’m not sure how well they’d handle being traded or anything...” She spoke with a poorly deceptive smile, it was clear she’d have as much trouble giving them up as they’d have leaving her.
Closed RP with ;@undefinedxdelicacy;
undefinedxdelicacy liked for a S T A R T E R!
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Elizabeth was almost taken off guard when they actually stopped for her, hand retracting quickly as it took every once of self control in her not to jump back in surprise- hair nearly raising as she balled her retracted hand into a fist and forced it back down to her side, her head tilting slightly and her gaze drifting off to the side as a nervous smile crept across her face. “I’m uh, no- no you didn’t drop anything just-” Well what if they had dropped something? Would they think she stole it? Oh no, would they? She wasn’t a thief!
She blinked with her eyes wide at the ground off to the side, taking a brief moment to bring her thoughts back in order while her posture went momentarily rigid and her hands balled into anxious fists at her sides. “I’m just a little- uh- lost.”
[ Closed starter for galaxcite ]
Mona stopped in their tracks at once at the sound, and they wheeled around at once. “Yes? Is there something you need?” They asked, blinking.

Did she need help? Was she trying to sell something? Did they drop anything? Their hands went to their bags and pockets under the gears on their skirt. Finding everything to be in it’s proper spot, Mona instead went to open their bag and rifle through it. “Do forgive me–I’m just double checking to make sure I hadn’t dropped anything.”
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The young woman dropped down to fall flat on her feet again as he stepped out of the bushes, a nervous smile slowly twitching across her lips as she fiddled with her nails anxiously. True, he didn’t look all that hurt, but that didn’t change the fact she’d accidentally had Mothim blast him a couple feet off the ground just a few moments prior. After another look however something about his outfit caught her attention- nothing specific, just a vague...familiarity- and she couldn’t tell if it was the good kind of familiar or not.
“I-” Her voices caught in her throat as she realized her gaze’d been titled on the large ‘R’ across his chest, eyes widening briefly as she straightened her head and looked him in the eye. “I’m uh, glad you’re alright!” She insisted, hands clasping and lowering in front of her as she straightened up her posture in a misguided attempt at not being awkward.
[ Closed starter for preparefxrtrouble ]
“I’m fine.” He could tell she was worried, but he wondered why she just didn’t come closer. Had he scared her? He wondered that as he stood and brushed the dirt off of him. Well at least the bushes broke his fall.
James stretched a bit more before starting to walk towards the trainer and her Mothim. “Nothing broken or other wise harmed in any way. Everything’s fine on my end. No need to worry about me. I’m pretty much tough as nails.”
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She’d honestly been hoping that flying figure’d just been a figment of her imagination, but as it turned out, it seemed she’d really just had Mothim blast a random stranger into some bushes. How long’d they been there? Wait no, that wasn’t so important right now, were they okay? She pursed her lips and swallowed nervously. “I uhm, I’m...” She kept leaning side to side on her tip toes, refusing to budge from her spot. “I’m sorry!”
The way she said it was obviously genuine, worry and anxiety practically riddling her tone as she pursed her lips and let her feet fall flat back on the ground. “You’re not hurt too bad or anything, are you?” She called over with a small wince at the thought.
[ Closed starter for preparefxrtrouble ]
That gust was huge. Either that Mothim was really powerful or that gust mixed with another breeze. James at least escaped relatively unscathed which was good. A scratch or two was nothing big after all. He sat up and shook his head to clear it just as that Mothim’s trainer called out to him.
“Uh, me?” He pointed to himself as if there were someone else there. Of course, he was the only one there. “I’m fine… but that gust was something else… With a pokemon like that you should have no problems.”
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