undead-eye · 2 years
I'm so sorry!!
Had Gull bladder surgery, and am just now able to fully think and interact.
Man it's been a crazy few weeks XD
I shall do my best to catch up with everyone
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undead-eye · 2 years
reblog this if your muse is Not Straight
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undead-eye · 2 years
Please reblog this is if you would rp with trans muses.
I see a lot of people unwilling to rp with me because my muse is trans, and because of that I feel nobody in the rp community ever will. So, yeah, reblog if you would rp with trans muses (nonbinary muses included).
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undead-eye · 2 years
❤️💚💜💗 (boomgoestheriptire)
The male blinks a few times, with his radiant gaze fixed on you. Soft undertones to their immense lonely nature. Unable to place the how and why, he just knows he needs to keep you safe. Maybe you can help him find out who he was.
He wants nothing more than to hold you close yet must hold himself at bay. His touch is cold and he can't bring himself to cause any miscomfort to you.
He even feels comfortable enough to show his face around you. Though weary with the skin rotted, he hopes you won't see him as a monster.
"Yer good company"
"Now why are Ya jelous of me? You are much more interesting."
He seems to be uninterested though a soft blush is hidden under his face covering.
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undead-eye · 4 years
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undead-eye · 4 years
Send some hearts to tell my muse how yours feels about them.
❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them.
💛: Loves them platonically.
💚: Is a little jealous of them.
💙: Feels pretty indifferent towards them.
💜: Finds them sexually attractive.
💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive.
💗: Finds them romantically attractive.
💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling.
💝: Looks up to them as a role model.
💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
💔: Hates their guts.
💘: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either.
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undead-eye · 4 years
soft asks to get to know people
what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
what calms you down?
what’s something you’re excited for?
what’s your ideal date?
how are you?
what’s your comfort food?
favorite feel-good show?
for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
compliment the person who sent you this number.
fairy lights or LED lights?
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
what do you want most in the world right now?
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
what would you say to your future self?
favorite piece of clothing?
what’s something you do to de-stress?
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
what movie would you want to live in?
which character would you want to be?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
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undead-eye · 4 years
IF you see me replying to everyone's thread but yours
It is for one of these reasons
I dont have the muse for that thread at the moment
I didnt see your reply
I haven’t gotten to it yet
I dont know what to write
Im dumb
It is never because
I hate you
I’m ignoring you
you are a bad role player.
Are we clear?
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I love you all!
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undead-eye · 4 years
Send one in if you want a starter!
Send a ☻ if you want a fluff starter
Send a ✖ if you want an angst starter
Send a ❤ if you want a romantic starter
Send a ✿ if you want a playful starter
Send a ★ if you want a NSFW starter
Send a ❢ if you want a wildcard starter
feel free to add onto!
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undead-eye · 4 years
reblog this if your muse is Not Straight
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undead-eye · 4 years
do i contribute anything to the rpc? no. yet i’m still here
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undead-eye · 5 years
dear anyone who followed this blog under the impression that I was a quality writer I am so sorry 
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undead-eye · 5 years
Upsetti Muse Meme
Send a symbol to find my muse...
🍇 Grouchy because their blood sugar is low
💥 Frustrated because they’re in pain
🌡 Sulking because they’re sick
🛏 Grumpy due to lack of sleep
⛈ Extremely anxious
💧Depressed and crying
😡 Angry at your muse in particular
🗣 Pissed off. They aren’t sure why. It might be because someone breathed at them the wrong way and if one more person tries talking to them they’re going to SNAP —
⁉️ Unable to focus
🌀Disoriented and confused
🔊 Experiencing sensory overload
💢 Screaming into a pillow
Send “reverse” alongside a symbol for my muse to find yours in such a state
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undead-eye · 5 years
Your muse finds my muse lying on the ground, clearly injured and covered in blood. How does your muse react?
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undead-eye · 5 years
send a symbol.
because i felt like making one of these, fuck you.
LEARN SOMETHING ⛈ - what is the muse like at their worst? 📖 - deadly sin that applies to them the most? 🍁 - favorite season? 🏹 - have they ever committed a murder? 💝 - have they ever been in love, and with who? ⚠️ - the worst deed they’ve done/crime they’ve committed? ⛔ - do they believe in revenge? 💫 - do they believe in fate/propecy/destiny? 🥀 - have they ever felt heartbreak? 🌵 - do they consider themselves dangerous? 🍀 - do they believe in luck? 🌙 - do they believe in magic? ☄️ - what is their biggest regret? 🍷  - do they drink? 🍹 - alcohol tolerance? 🍳  - do they know how to cook? ☀  - night or day?
DO SOMETHING 🙈 - muse is blind for [#] asks. 🙉 - muse can’t hear for [#] asks. 🙊 - muse can’t speak for [#] asks. 💥 - muse feels agonizing pain when they raise their voice for [#] asks. 🐔 - muse is uncontrollably afraid/paranoid for [#] asks. ⚡ - muse has unstable emotions for [#] asks. 🍺 - muse acts like they are when they’re drunk for [#] asks. 🍬 - muse is hyper as fuck for [#] asks. 🎭 - muse can only speak in cryptic phrases for [#] asks. 🎬 - any noise becomes deafening to the muse for [#] asks. 🌋 - the muse is unable to control their anger for [#] asks. 🔦  - muse becomes light-sensitive for [#] asks. 👁‍🗨 - muse feels like they’re being watched for [#] asks. gets worse as it continues. 🚫 - the muse hallucinates their worst fear for [#] asks. gets worse as it continues. ♾️ - the muse is in constant pain for [#] asks. gets worse at it goes along. (bonus if the pain is an old wound/scar.) ⛅ - the muse hides their emotions for [#] asks. emotions come spilling through when m!a ends. ✨ - muse is in a state of hypnosis for [#] asks. go wild.
OTHER ♠️ - the muse’s ‘worse side’ shows for [#] asks. ♥️ - the muse’s ‘better side’ shows for [#] asks. ♦️ - the muse becomes emotionless for [#] asks. ♣️ - the muse feels temporarily free from doubt for [#] asks. ♈ - the muse has an ego boost for [#] asks. ♉ - the muse is unreasonably stubborn/bitter/petty for [#] asks. ♊ - the muse is split into two versions of themself for [#] asks. (emotion/logic, happy/sad, etc.) ♋ - muse becomes overwhelmingly pessimistic for [#] asks. ♌  - muse becomes incredibly fucking arrogant for [#] asks. ♍ - muse is shy as hell for [#] asks. ♎ - muse is obsessed with keeping things ‘stable’ or ‘balanced’ for [#] asks. ♏ - muse is unbearably rude/cruel/violent for [#] asks. ♐ - muse is more ‘pleasant’ than usual for [#] asks. ♑ - muse loses all self-control for [#] asks. ♒ - muse acts incredibly aloof for [#] asks. ♓ - muse is overwhelmed by sadness for [#] asks. ⛎ - wildcard. mun’s zodiac applies to the muse. (ex: i’m a cancer, so if i was sent ophiuchus, muse would get the effects of cancer.)
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undead-eye · 5 years
Do everything in your power, hug them, compliment them, flirt with them. Anything goes!
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undead-eye · 5 years
❀ Floral Expressions ❀
Send my muse some flowers to convey your muse’s feelings towards them!
Acacia Blossom– Concealed Love Alstroemeria– Friendship Ambrosia– Your Love is Reciprocated Amaryllis– Splendid Beauty Anemone– Forsaken, Fading Hope Azalea– Take Care of Yourself for Me Bird of Paradise– Joyfulness Begonia– Beware Bells of Ireland– Good Luck Bouquet of Withered Flowers– Rejected Love Camellia General– Admiration Camellia Pink– Longing for You Camellia White– You’re Adorable Candy Tuft– Indifference Carnation Pink– I’ll Never Forget You Carnation Red– My Heart Aches for You Carnation Yellow– Disdain, Rejection or Dissapointment Chrysanthemum General– You’re a Wonderful Friend Chrysanthemum White– Loyal Love Chrysanthemum Yellow– Slighted Love Cyclamen– Resignation, Good-bye Daffodil– Rebirth, New Beginnings Daisy– Innocence, Purity Dandelion– Faithfulness Dead Leaves– Sadness Fern Maidenhair– Secret Bond of Love Forget-Me-Not– Memories, Remember Me Always Gardenia– Secret Love Geranium– Stupidity, Folly Gladiolus– Strength of Character, Honor Gloxinia– Love at First Sight Grass– Submission Hyacinth Purple– I Am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Sorrow Hyacinth Yellow– Jealousy Iris Yellow– Passion Iris Blue– Faith, Hope Jonquil– Love Me, Desire for Affection Returned Lilly Calla– Beauty Lilly Orange– Hatred Lilly-Of-The-Valley– Sweetness, Return to Happiness, You’ve Made My Life Complete Marigold– Cruelty Mistletoe– Kiss Me, Affection Morning Glory Red– Attachment Nightshade (Deadly) Belladonna– Silence, Falsehood,  Orange Mock– Deciet Orchid– Exotic Beauty, Proud and Glorious Femininity Peony– Bashfulness, Compassion, Shame Petunia– Resentment, Anger Pine– Pity Primrose– I Can’t Live Without You Rose Dark Crimson– Mourning Rose Dark Pink– Thankfulness Rose Orange– Fascination Rose Red– Love, Respect Rose Yellow– Joy, Friendship Spider Flower– Elope With Me Sunflower– Pure Thoughts, Adoration, Warmth Sweet-Pea– Departure, Good-bye, Thank You for A Lovely Time Tulip Red– Declaration of Love Tulip Variegated– Beautiful Eyes Tulip Yellow– There’s Sunshine in Your Smile Violet Blue– Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I’ll Always Be True Violet White– Let’s Take a Chance on Happiness Viscaria– Will You Dance With Me?
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