seeking g 1 nov 7 bbys
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lair reviewa ( im drunk 15 kt or 14 g ) LAIR REVIEW WHILE A DRUNK
I Would dream of getting 2 STARMAP adm 2 NOCKSTIDE
send cr to opossumblossom
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seking g1s birn nov 7
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why he down there
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opossumblossom-fr now unburdenedbilly
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hey im trying to get back into fr, if you are a flight rising blog reblog this and ill follow you (follows will come from @1-800-give-me-teeth) :3
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This is MEARKO , the first andonly (thus far) multi that I’ve hatched!
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Coatl Coatl’s aren’t always easy to understand, but they always try to be friendly and they are very soft :)
i made a humble little dragon personality test
you can take it here if you like. it’s probably not the most accurate, but it was fun to make and i hope you can have fun taking it :)
i got bogsneak!! tag what u got
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--not fr-- (but please feel free to show me dragons that make you happy!! you can reblog or just @ me. I would loe to see them.)
Hey y’all this is my little Peach Pie. She passed away last night after living a wild and crazy town life! I've had her since she was about 6 weeks old, but I met her when I was working at this pet store (she was only about 4 weeks then). She's been through several moves and even went all the way from missouri to oklahoma with us! Back in dec of 2017 she was attacked by a large wild male rat that had taken up residence in our adjacent room and while she suffered some deep cuts and scratches, one of her eyes got infected a month or so after the attack. One day we came back from the store and her eye had literally exploded. Despite having to have been in great pain she was so well behaved and kind at the doctor's office. A few weeks ago she fell will with pneumonia but seemed to be getting better. Last night she had a few good romps and a big dinner of salad, rice and chicken! I know she had a good time, but I will miss her so much
PS that last image is when she was small and liked to hang out INSIDE of my cow skull
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All of her fluff is on her neck. It tapers out between her shoulders and turns to short fur and scales mostly after that (except for her throat and underbelly).
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YES!!! I gonna have some snapps!
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Opened a shop for them on FR if anyone is interested, will reblog with link.
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the end of that “voices” forum chat tho
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So here’s my headcanon on the Auction House that sort of gets rid of the problematic bit where dragons are selling other dragons, dragon children, etc.
The Auction House is a GoFundMe sort of thing for dragons. Those who want to move to a new clan but can’t afford it post to get funds for the move. Or, dragons willing to work to pay their way to a new part of Sornieth let everyone know what their expertise will cost. OR young dragons put themselves out there to be apprenticed to an adult who will teach them a skill.
I greatly prefer the idea that the dragons on the AH want to be there, and also the idea that the AH has a lore component.
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decided on Akala’s outfit 👌
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full body commission of berserker for goldlake on FR. had a lot of fun with this one
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she screm
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