Universal Idiot
14 posts
Indie Rp blog for Galo Thymos from Promare
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
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Hey everyone sorry for being gone for so long, trying to work on other blogs and school got in the way but i’m on break now so please go ahead and like for a starter. 
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
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Water and glass fell all over the table beneath them.
“That might have been a little too much passion..”
Lio sighs but smiles again soon after - unfazed by the growing attention of fellow customers and staff. He takes some napkins and immediately begins picking up some shards of the glass.
“How about we clean up and call it a day? We’ll make up for the loss of pizza tomorrow.”
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“Yeah. You’re right sometimes I don’t even know my own strength. That’s probably why they call you the brains between us.”  Laughing lightly as to not gather more attention luckily Galo was still wearing his gloves from work casually pulling the shards from any pieces embedded in the safety material. Scooping them together into the trash the embarrassed hero couldn’t help but leave a large tip when paying. After all this was pops lively hood who was he to disturb it even accidentally. Making his way to the motorcycles chained the bike rack casually undoing the lock while casually talking,
“You gonna be okay making it home from here, I’d hate to hear you got lost on your way home.” 
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
Soulburner never made it a habit to stand around the central plaza to watch on-going duels. Unless he or someone he knew were playing in one, a duel had to be pretty impressive to hold and keep his attention—but that’s exactly what this one had done!
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One of the duelists was obviously a beginner. That much was obvious with how he’d held himself, but he’d actually won and that was enough for Soulburner to jump off the small ledge he’d been watching from to walk over after the match.
“Oi!” he’d wave in the others’ direction, “I gotta admit, you’ve got some serious beginner’s luck for a newcomer around here! Did you already have skills like that in the real world, too.”
Shaking hands with his opponent Galo had to stop for a moment so pumped up from his duel with the random duelist that he’d forgotten what he was doing in the first place. That was until he got distracted again by this new person approaching from behind. Listening to what this stranger had to say it did strike a cord with the fire fighter boosting his ego more then it had already been from his first victory,
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“Skills? Why would I need skills in a card game? I just followed my strong instincts and belief in my fire fighter soul did the rest! Although if all these duels are that intense I might have to make a hobby of universe hopping more often!”
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
He unintentionally brings a hand over his mouth and laughs a little. There was a strange logic to the way Galo’s preferences worked, but Lio couldn’t really deny the appeal. More than anything, it was calming.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind a little misplaced laundry. So tomorrow at noontime, right?” Lio lifts his glass of water into the air. “Let’s show that chef the combined strength of our souls and make the best pizza he’s ever tasted.”
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Wow Lio had really gotten into the idea of them making pizza, it was actually pretty enjoyable seeing him getting so heated up for a change brought back the memory of them standing together watching the sunrise. It was super motivating inviting Galo’s burning soul! 
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“Hell yeah we will! We’ll make the best damned pizza and we’ll show everyone the physical manifestation of our burning raging climatic firefighting souls roar brighter then ever before! Cheers to that!”
Raising his glass he’d intended to knock them together in a toast what had actually happened was Galo accidentally smashing his cup so hard into lio’s the glass shattered getting over their plates and drawing the attention of everyone else in the shop that wasn’t already listening to the rising volume of the conversation.  “Ooops.” 
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
@uurameshii​ liked for a starter. 
Flames roaring, sirens blaring the moments felt like years passing as Galo raced through the flame in only his firefighter uniform. Usually more prepared the hero recklessly rushed in as soon as the fire broke out on his way home from work casually walking along as flames burst the glass into the street. Rushing inside evacuating the apartment attendants one by one Galo had seen the teen laying on the ground seemingly unconscious. Grabbing his body the two raced through the flames jumping from the second story building into the tree outside and then onto the first story below. Recovering quickly despite landing head first Galo checked on the teen trying to make sure he was alright. 
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“Hey wake up if you can hear he say something. If you do not respond I will start giving resuscitation in hopes of reviving you...”
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
@soulburnings​ liked for a starter 
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“Man...lets see your Bestiari has 1500 attack points, and you have 2000 life points left. My peacock, Eland and Dragon are all stronger. 24....subtract the...WHATEVER. Burning flames kindling my burning firefighter soul! Meld with my monsters for a all out attack! Fire formation Tri-attack!”  Taking out his opponent Galo causally turned away, that duel took up way too much of his time when he was trying to figure out where the heck he was. Everyone was calling it Vrains but they never explained what Vrains actually is. The crazy sky, all these weird people walking about in cosplays like a convention. Last thing he knew Galo had slipped falling into Aina’s big sis’s big wacko machine. Next thing he knew there were people crowding around him trying to see if he was okay and there was a weird thing on his arm filled with cards he’d never seen before.
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
The pizzaiolo… 
Lio’s eyes lowered as he stared at the half eaten pizza in hand. 
He must have been one of the Burnish who were captured by the Freeze Force. It would stand to reason the pizza just wasn’t as good now because the man no longer had full control of the flames that cooked it, but Lio couldn’t bring himself to admit to that out loud. It made him question his own worth now that he was a normal human as well.
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His eyes blinked open as the sudden question pulled him from his thoughts.
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“My favorite pizza? Wait. Before I answer that – You want me to go to your home tomorrow so that we can make pizza together??” He really had to wonder how Galo came up with these ideas.
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Damn...he wasn’t expecting for the question as fast as it came, sure it’s easy to ask someone their favorite pizza but answering themselves on the spot is another story. Stuffing his face for a moment with the newest slice Galo just said what came natural. 
“Well of course there is the special here, Sometimes I like Pineapple but then other times I just want something simple like plain pepperoni. Just depends what I eat for breakfast the morning of. Like if I eat eggs and bacon i’m not gonna want more savory i’m gonna want sweet. Or if I eat some sugar cereal i’m not gonna want something too sweet. Pizza is something that I love and cherish so I gotta respect it and my (taste)buds’. If I don’t it won’t be a tradition it will become another routine and that’s lame.” 
Oblivious of Lio’s thoughts Galo thought he just was trying to stomach the pizza for him not wanting to admit that he was still caught on the coming over situation.  “Yeah I mean, It would be us and Aina but ever since the whole Promare thing she’s been spending so much time with her sis after work it feels like she’s catching up for lost time. I can’t blame her really, but kinda puts her friends in a awkward position. If you’re worried about my apartment like it’s clean I promise the only thing that’s messy about it is sometimes I leave my laundry all over the place but i’ll pick up.” 
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
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For reference I’m not dead just been busy. Replies are coming. Followers who aren’t active in a thread like and I’ll write ya something of varying length.
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
The pizza stopped just short of reaching Lio’s lips and his mouth formed a grimace before he narrowed his eyes looking at Galo’s display. 
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“Is that really something to say after you went through so much trouble dragging me here insisting this was going to be the best pizza in the world and I’m not a true member of Burning Rescue until I try it?”
He takes the bite. After all of that talk, Lio was actually looking forward to this moment with great anticipation. By no means did Galo seem like a gourmet, but he was sure Galo could at least tell good food from bad, and it was nice having this moment to eat together and getting the chance to see pizza sauce stuck on the side of that goofy face. Not to mention the scent of roasted garlic wafting through the air outside of the restaurant was making him hungry. He looks to the side and chews the food while he thinks.
“It’s good, but I wouldn’t call it the best pizza.”
Fork stabbed into the cheese sauce amalgamation that slipped from the pizza down onto fork below Galo casually eating the whole thing in one bite before starting on the cheese/sauceless pizza. 
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“It WAS the best but somethings wrong...man I feel bad, I don’t wanna blame the Pizzaiolo after all the crap Gov’ put him through but it’s not the same as it was before. Mmmm....MMMMMM Lio! Come over to my place tomorrow we’re going to make our own Pizza we’ll put both our burning souls into it! Maybe cheffy’ just needs to be reminded just cause he’s no longer a burnish doesn’t mean the flame in his soul is out.”    
Yes Galo was totally going to ignore what he said before, even if his hype was over the top it was still tradition to enjoy pizza with friends after a success. In this case it was Lio just accepting his invitation after everything they went through although their time was short they must’ve been friends. You don’t just save the world with someone and not be each others best friend afterwards. Even if that was the case asking the question was harder then it was to ponder. Joining fire rescue even knowing the high death rate must’ve been proof of their bond. 
“Hey Lio speaking of’ what’s your favorite kinda pizza?”
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
Send 🎶 and I will find three songs I think fit your muse!
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
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So there was some discussion with @madburnishdetroit uhuhuhu
How will Galo handle 2 Lios? We’ll see how this pans out soon 
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
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Months had passed since the Promare incident and life had finally began returning to a sense of normalcy even if everything had changed. No more burnish, everyone was equal again. Finally the people who had been robbed of a normal life could enjoy living free and without worry of prosecution. That is what brought the two to today enjoying lunch. However this wasn’t the thing clouding his fire fighters soul, as smell of cheese and tomato filled the air the two sat outside across from one another. A small pout the pizza was raised to eye view Galo examining everything from the crust to how the cheese slowly began to slide down onto the plate below.   “Mmm I don’t get it, the recipe hasn’t changed, the ingredients didn’t change I was sure and checked everything. The oven isn’t messed up, so what is it? What is changing the flavor so much...mmmMMMmm all this thinking is starting to give me a headache...what do you think Lio? How does it taste?”
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unbound-flame-blog · 5 years ago
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Hey guys! Burning Rescue’s rising star Galo here! Do me a favor and Like/reblog if you’re up to writing with a Indie Galo Thymos from Promare! All the help and support is appreciated! I’m multifandom and Oc friendly! Don’t forget to check out the rules and I can’t wait to write with ya!
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