I love when I’m about to clock out and a coworker says “you’re leaving me?” like first of all it’s so touching to know that my presence here offers you some semblance of joy and relief from the misery and anxiety-inducing stress that our work environment causes. Second of all yes bitch I’m OUT I’m gonna go play some viddy games suck it
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its time to block out everything for those a levels !!!
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she really wasn’t kidding about johns underwear
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PTSD Symptoms and If Someone You Know Has PTSD
Poor Judgment
Intrusive Memories
Poor Memory
Survivors Guilt
Startle Reflex
Anger and Rage
Self Destructive
Lack of Feelings
Poor Concentration
Poor Self Esteem
Negative Self Image
Excessive Blame
If Someone You Know Has PTSD
Acknowledge the reality of their struggle
Offer to go with them to see a counselor
Listen to them
Encourage and support them
Try to imagine a day and night in their shoes
Accept you will never fully understand what they went through and are going through
Respect their need for space
Ask how you can help and support them….then do that
Call them crazy or weird
Say it is all in their head or they’re making a big deal out of nothing
Assume you know what they’re going through
Judge, pity, or try to fix them
Tell them to suck it up, move on, or just get over it
*Feel free to reblog and add more! These were just the things on the handouts I got during my most recent stay in the hospital.
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Equals. Not more, not less.
I don’t know what this further nonsense is about people saying Steve’s looking at his compass trying to decide what Peggy would do/looking for direction. Because Steve never used that compass in significant moments of the films looking for direction.
Before he puts the Tessaract jet down in the ice, he looks at Peggy’s picture with regret–not to set a heading either moral or geographical. If anything, her picture would dissuade him from what he’s about to do. Peggy, over the comm, tells him NOT to put the jet down in the ice. More than once. Her moral compass disagrees with his summation of the situation.
He’s not thinking about saving Peggy, either. She’s an ocean away at that time from the jet’s destination (Manhattan/NYC?). Peggy’d never be on-board with Steve sacrificing himself. That’s a Steve move. He’s a soldier. Laying down his life is part of the code.
Peggy’s a spy. Spycraft doesn’t do self-sacrifice, b/c there’s no way to complete your mission, deliver the intel or the item if you’re dead. [Exception: If you are about to compromise others, one might opt for cyanide.] In fact, I can’t think of a single instance when Peggy tries to self-sacrifice (though I admit my recall of S2 is fuzzier).
Yes, Peggy’s picture is in his compass (a necessary, ever-present tool for a WWII soldier), but as someone else said, it’s really more of a man-locket than “Peggy is my True North”-representation. Relationships where one partner is True North are hardly ever equal.
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Maybe some of this comes about from Peggy’s CA:TFA characterization? Maybe viewers have trouble reconciling that even though Peggy holds a higher rank (at least at some point) than Cap, and correctly acts as his superior in most of their operative/handler situations in that film, Cap and Peggy are actually very well-matched equals.
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Remember this guy? Peggy Carter does.
In S1 Peggy steals a picture of Steve from the Operation Rebirth file at SSR. The world, by that time is so full-up of Cap that there’s even a radio drama about him—his picture hits the front page of the newspaper when Howard Stark testifies before Congress. But Peggy doesn’t clip that picture. No, Peggy steals a bootcamp picture of Skinny Steve to treasure (her man-locket, if you will). She sees and saw Steve as who he is/was deep inside that skinny, skinny body. Peggy Carter doesn’t see herself as having molded Steve Rogers or his convictions into being. 
And neither should you.
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We must not be complicit in Trump's distortion of the huge Democratic Midterm 2018 win
(via DKos)
CONGRATULATIONS Democrats and Progressives. You won, and you won big. Do not allow any narrative other than one of a big successful fruition of hard-fought campaigns. Nationally, we won the House and netted at least seven governorships. We elected an unprecedented number of women. We made a statement in Trump’s ethno-racist America by electing two Muslim women. We turned at least 6 state legislatures blue. Three Red States demanded the Medicaid Expansion to Obamacare. Several states voted in favor of recreational marijuana and medical marijuana and an increased minimum wage. After our step backward with Donald Trump, we have taken many steps forward.
Our mainstream media continues to “group think” and work as a staged production. They decided that Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum, Beto O’Rourke, and Bill Nelson were the bellwether for Midterm 2018. We would have loved for every one of them to win. But in the grand scheme of things those were acceptable and probable losses. I live in Harris County Texas. While Beto O’Rourke lost our statewide race by a few percentage points, his energy activated our Latinos, Millennials, GenZs, and others for a clean sweep of virtually all positions of consequence in the county. These positions have a direct impact on every Harris County resident’s everyday life. As an example of our success in this very diverse county, the most powerful politician in Harris County is now Lina María Hidalgo, a woman, a Latina, an immigrant from Colombia who paid her dues with her grassroots service. (I’ve interviewed here several times (http://bit.ly/2yJ6drJ).
So, folks lets lift our heads. Let’s not succumb to a narrative that attenuates the sweetness of our success. We have activated populations that were either apathetic or thought they did not make a difference, or that no one cared about. Again, you won, and you won big. Now work to make it not only lasting but growing. Our work has just begun.
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the REAL mood of 2018…
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peter parker: a disaster, even in death
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unless you’re planning on starting and completing a socialist revolution by november 6th there is absolutely no reason to abstain from voting. it is not a blood pact. you are not beholden to democrats when you vote for them over abstaining. there IS a lesser of two evils and it’s not inaction. every republican voted in kavanaugh and only one democrat did. statistically we are literally safer with democrats in office.
and no, i’m not planning on relinquishing communist ideals in deference to dems. i just don’t think as black and white as “anything short of a communist revolution is useless.” roe v wade is in jeopardy and women WILL die if it gets overturned. leftists sitting on their asses are about as useful as the thoughts and prayers of school shootings
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i love sir patrick stewart more with each passing day.
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i love sir patrick stewart more with each passing day.
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Tweet from devon sawa:
You bought a lottery ticket huh? Rushed out there and grabbed one in hopes it could make your life better? Even though your one ticket might not win, you did it anyway cause it’s worth a shot, right?
So did you vote?
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“theyre homophobic but theyre good people!!!” hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. are they really. are they REALLY. are they. are theyr eally. Are the
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Link to NY times article
If now is not a time to organize, idk what is.
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It’s your first day in office, you were just sworn in as president, you arrive at the white house and are escorted to the oval office, as soon as you sit down Abraham Lincon and George Washington’s ghost emerge from their portraits, soon all the ghosts of dead presidents fill the room, they are here to help you be better than the previous presidents, even if their advice is a little… Dated
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