You're about to be onto 2 decades of trying that and failing
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It's not about trying to bring ai to life then save it without telling the person you are trying to involve
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It's not about a hive mentality. If we had that we wouldn't have cultural diversity, we'd have way less food to eat, way less weed to smoke, way less medicine that saves lives, way less technology to play with/make use of.
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I refuse to color my free will or wear a label. I will take your supposed life style and make it my own thing my own way. If that hurts or emasculates you, you've already lost the game. It's not about keeping it one way. It's about flooding the world with multiple creative ways that open more doors to more creativity. You're thinking way too small.
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Nah fam, imma be the softest alpha, crossdress and shit on hoes that want to believe in gender identity, insecure about free will God blessed them with.
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My dad prepped me for this, although he cut me off because I didn't want to be leathery and hairy like the women and fags with daddy issues that want that.
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Yes I smoke weed🤣
I'm not going to stop, if you can't handle the smoke, you's a lame just like the man who raised you.
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All I had to do was not get vaccinated too xD
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Y'all need to go get right with God, smh. Still in a church looking for Jesus, quoting the bible, but overlooking the book of revelations? Yup, once a sinner, always a sinner with you lot still on that bs.
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I could scratch my nuts and pick my nose, end up spending more money than you do, and yet you have a fucking job that pays you twice as much as I get paid monthly which means your broke ugly asses hydroplaning on drugs with no receipts
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Your COVID agenda flopped just like your ugly asses did IRL. Best y'all can manage is struggling at a fast food job that pays you all way too much.
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Don't even deserve to be on the fucking internet
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Iunno why dudes even try or fat hoes, y'all ugly af
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Gross hoe, you fat af, get your ugly self entitled ass outta here
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Y'all dont pay my bills or put food on my plate, nor the clothes on my back. You've no right to bitch.
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