54 posts
Welcome to UMINEKOS. The UMINEKOS extends their heartfelt greetings. First, please put yourself at ease. There is nothing too difficult to think about. Accept entirely, silently, the events to happen. That is all that is asked of you. The difficulty is standard. Shall we first take the easy road?
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
uminekos · 11 years ago
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so I’ve noticed a lot of people are freaking out about the simultaneous end of DR, snk, and Free! all at once to the point where I’ve never seen so many existential crises on Tumblr at one time
"what do I do with my life now?" u ask. well, u can always devote ur life and soul to Umineko
Umineko is one of those things that literally everyone should at least TRY reading if u have any inclination at all to things involving murder, romance, gore, mystery, humor, etc. so here, I’m even going to tell u how to get the VNs:
they can be bought over HERE. they’re really not that expensive! the English patch found HERE, as the PS3 patches (for the fancy art and graphics and stuff) HERE and HERE are completely free!
but, those of u who don’t have the money to spare can download them HERE and HERE for free (if u wind up liking them, try contributing some money though!)
all other links you can find HERE, at nitsu’s big masterpost of Umineko resources!
I’m 100% serious when I say getting into Umineko was one of the best decisions I ever made. the fandom is relatively small on Tumblr currently, but it’s a friendly fandom overall! please consider sharing this around if ur looking for a new series to get interested into!
(also don’t go looking for Umineko spoilers as opposed to just reading the VNs because there’s actually a lot of fake, unconfirmed theories out there that somehow gained popularity and are NOT the true answer to the VNs. not to mention by just trying to look things up u will be 1000000% more confused and won’t even get the full experience of all the beautiful prose and art and music!)
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uminekos · 11 years ago
[Download] Higurashi Minigames + Higurashi Daybreak KAI
Happy New Years everyone! Long overdue post ever since MediaFire sabotaged the last downloads of these, but I finally got around to getting these back, patched up and reuploaded (especially with the Higurashi fandom getting a nice big handful of new folks lately). Anyways, this post is going to include the Higurashi minigames that were part of the removed content from the MangaGamer version.
Credits to Sonozaki Futago-tachi for the English patch, and many many thanks to Joly for letting me use her copy of the original Japanese visual novel arcs 1-4! Especially since the source I got them from was killed due to MU’s death and I couldn’t find it anywhere else.
Higurashi minigames list—
1. Rena*POW* -Recommended that you read the storyline and pay attention to what the Soul Brothers have to say in order do well in this game even if their presentation is a bit over the top.
2. Sufi Fairy Bomber
3. K-FLASH! Satoko Bomber -You need to complete Sufi Fairy Bomber Level 4 in order to unlock this.
4. Devi-Devi Devils
5. Big Boobs Bounce (give thanks to Irie for the name) -Similar to above, complete the hardest difficulty in Devi-Devi Devils to unlock this.
6. Strolling Rika-chan
No installation is required and you can put the unzipped folder anywhere you like on your computer i.e. straight onto the desktop. Open up the higurasi4 folder, then go into the folder named Minigames, and then double-click the “Higurashi Minigames" application.
Joly’s version also includes Sonozaki Futago-tachi’s Onikakushi-hen English patch which does cover some humorous outtakes if you feel like reading them. In that case, higurasi4 -> English -> double-click the onscripter-en application -> in the window that pops up click Omake -> Unlock Scenario -> pick Tatarigoroshi-hen -> Click through everything, then go back to Omake and then click English Bonus.
Minigames DL Link
Now for Higurashi Daybreak, this took an extremely long time to torrent (nearly 4.5GB worth— which, I’m warning in advance you’ll be waiting a good bit of time to get this downloaded and extracted yourself), I went in and patched up the game so that you get the KAI expansion pack which includes the adult cast’s storylines. The game itself has Netplay in case you’d like to play with your friends! (And hey, if any of you have a Hamachi network and are looking for players, I’m open heh)
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(Really old image because I’m too lazy to take new ones)
Directions for starting up the game: Unpack the RAR, open up the first folder and then the DAYBREAK folder, click to open up the data folder, and double click DaybreakDX with the Hanyuu icon (NOT THE RENA ICON). Refer to here for translations of the menus as well as information on the characters’ stats, weapons, etc.
Daybreak Kai DL Link
There is an English patch for the menus (sorry, not really any story / ending translation patches out there yet) created by Roger Pepitone, however I did NOT install it into the folder due to the fact that there have been reported issues of the patch not exactly working with Windows 7 and later OS versions in the sense that it causes the game to freeze up / the patch freezes up and aborts itself / double-clicking the patch does nothing, et cetera. In my case, as I am also running Windows 7 the patch simply did not do anything upon activation so I left it out of the folder.
IIRC the patch DOES work with XP though (not quite sure about Vista), so I still left the RAR patch in my sharefolder for those who would like to try it out. Extract the RAR, open up the first folder, then your DAYBREAK folder, then open up the data folder and move the RAR’s contents into there. Double click the perform-patch program with the Satoko icon, a black window will pop up, type in and hit enter the command to let it copy its contents into your folder. If it doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything, let it run for a few minutes, it could take even at least 10 minutes for it to fully extract.
Daybreak English Patch DL Link
As for the Daybreak OST that came with the torrent— I’ve tried for over an hour numerous times with numerous programs to try and extract the contents of the Disc 1 and 2 CUE files in order to convert the tracks to lossless FLACs and WAVs, but to no avail and eventually everything ended up just corrupting itself and freezing on me, so I apologize but I cannot provide the music. However, I did still package up the CUEs in case anyone who has more knowledge on the matter would like to try and extract the tracks themselves.
Daybreak OST DL Link
Let me know if anything doesn’t work correctly. Enjoy!
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uminekos · 12 years ago
How to get into Umineko
I don’t really recommend it as much considering that there are no answer arcs available and the story is kind of rushed but you’ll love it once you’ve finished the game and know the stories behind everyone’s actions.
MANGA (Question Arcs)
Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch
Episode 2: Turn of the Golden Witch
Episode 3: Banquet of the Golden Witch
Episode 4: Alliance of the Golden Witch
MANGA (Answer Arcs)
Episode 5: End of the Golden Witch
Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch
Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
Episode 8: Twilight of the Golden Witch
MANGA (Side Story Arcs)
Umineko Biyori
Umineko no Naku Utage ni: Tea Party of the Witches
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni Episode X
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni Tsubasa
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni Hane
Ougon Musou Kyoku
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Shi: Forgery of the Purple Logic
ORIGINAL PC GAME (Ryukishi07 Sprites)
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni Chiru
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni Hane
PS3 REMAKE FOR  PC (Alchemist Sprites + Voices)
Majo to Suiri no Rondo
Shinjitsu to Gensō no Nocturne
Ougon Musou Kyoku + Ougon Musou Kyoku CROSS
Anime Download Episode 1-12 (720p)
Anime Download Episode 13-20 (720p)
Anime Download Episode 21-26 (720p)
PS3 Sprite Rips + Backgrounds
Umineko WIKIA
Umineko Texts Blog
Umineko Audio Blog + Download Links
If you join this fandom I will assure that you will have no regrets. This fandom is where the developers acknowledge the efforts of fan translators and appreciates worldwide fans. Also, the people in the fandom is really great, coming up with funny ideas even cross-over ships that came from nothing. Please do know that the PC Game and PS3 Tweak are sound novels, meaning they’re not your typical visual novel with choices and routes. It’s just a visual novel without options. The PS3 Tweak also includes CGs and PS3fied Opening. Ougon Musou Kyoku is a 2D Fighting Game, recognized by 07th Expansion themselves. Missing links mean that scans are unavailable online, feel free to edit and add links if you want. If you are willing to talk about Umineko to people, please reblog and add your link below!
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uminekos · 13 years ago
How to get RGD to run in English on a Mac
As far as I know, there is still no actual Mac Patch, however, I figured out a way to get it to run.
FYI: Before anyone asks, I am running on OS X Leopard. I do not know if these guidelines will work the same for Snow Leopard or Lion. I can’t see why it wouldn’t, though.
First, you’ll have to download the demo that’s mac-ready from: (Upload provided from Yirba)
You may need a different ONScripter, too, which you can get from here:  (The provided ONScripter did not work for me, but the one I got from here did.)
Download the INSTALLER-FREE Windows patch:
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Within the RoseGunsDaysTrialMac folder is another folder of the same name. (Shown above.) Within that folder, I put the patch and within the patch folder, I put the ONScripter-En, which is the ONScripter that works for me. If the one provided works, then you should be able to just move that one to the patch folder.
Once all is said and done, click the ONScripter and the game should run in English.
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  If you have any questions, hit up the ask box.
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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uminekos · 13 years ago
Question to fellow Umineko fans who played the VNs...
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Ok, so you might or might find me to be an ignorant fuck after I say this…or hell, you might just not be surprised, but… I’ve NEVER played the Visual Novels. I’ve wanted to…OH GOD how I’ve wanted to, but my previous laptop was so shitty, one download would incapacitate it or something. That said, I’ve tried asking a few friends about what downloads/systems/what all I need in order to download the games successfully, english patch and all, but I get a million bazillion different answers. …So can someone help me please. Does anyone have the patience to explain it in a step by step process for me? I’m a slow idiot, so I’m really sorry to ask this, but I’ve waited almost 3-5 years or something like it to play these games, and now that I have a working computer (A Lenovo…if someone knows the best downloads for that if it needs anything specific?), I am just confused and depressing myself as I try my hardest to get this on. …please help me. I’ll be on msn and skype if it requires a lengthy explanation. 
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uminekos · 13 years ago
How to install Umineko without actually installing it
First, if you have an iso file, download ‘daemon tools’ > mount image to the Umineko iso > and get to this folder
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COPY AND PASTE these contents into a new folder with whichever name.
Then, once you have a new folder with these contents, go to the folder called “fullsrc”
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Once you’re there, COPY ALL THE CONTENTS
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Once you’re done, you’ll have this
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After that, go to and download the “installer-free” patch (for whichever EP you’re dealing with)
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Now you have this
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Copy and paste this folder onto your main folder you were previously working on
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Double-click ‘ONScripter-EN’ and you’ll start the game
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NOTE: I’ve only tried this with a pirated version of Umineko and on Windows!
ALSO, please support 07th Expansion by buying the actual copy once you can! I plan on doing so!!
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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Alchemist, I upgraded your fanservice
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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cockblock ange
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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uminekos · 13 years ago
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Requested and original image provided by rabbitwitch
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