Uma Triton, daughter of Ursula and Captain of The Lost Revenge. 18 years old, Auradon University Freshman. Charms major with a side of History of Woodcutters & Pirates.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Leia Facilier:
Leia pressed her round lips together in an approving smile and nodded. There was the girl she mentored. She didn’t know how to explain it, but seeing Uma’s eyes sparkling with even an ounce of evil made her feel like a proud Mother. Which, was weird. The Isle didn’t do emotions or any sort of an emotional connection. But this? This was Auradon. ‘A place to be and do good. To be different from your parents.’ Barf. Leia realized that the young lady before her didn’t answer her question, but decided that maybe she would put it on the back burner for now and let the ‘potion simmer’ as her Father called it. She wouldn’t forget, no. But she had some sort of connection with Uma that she couldn’t really explain. It couldn’t be - no. It just couldn’t be that. What would her Daddy think?
She shook off the thought as Uma replied about the pink dorm rooms. “I have to agree. Those are dreadful. I’m still trying to decide if I should use my magic n change my whole room, but I heard they’re supposed to be doing a draw for who gets a single room, so I’m gonna wait until I hear rather I get one or not before I get in trouble or expelled for damaging the beauty that is Auradon or some bullshit like that. But anyway, I’on even think she’s here. Which, puts a damper on my mood. Speakin’ of classes n better food, what ‘chu got?”
Uma took in her approving smile and nod, and, for a small moment, enjoyed it; it had been a long while since the two had been together, but it was still there, the need to impress Leia, do right by her and get the approval any Isle child seemed to be lacking. The daughter of Ursula shook her head hard trying to clear those thoughts away, because she didn’t need Leia for that any more, she had Harry, Gil, her crew, who literally worshipped the ground she walked on. Approval was something menial when you could literally have your own army at your every whim.
Uma scoffed ever so softly, her eyes rolling as her attitude fell back in its perfect place, “You know, every room can be a single room if you scare your roommate enough.” The girl said with a wicked glint about her eyes. Mostly because, yes, she had been planning on doing just that; she quite enjoyed finally having her own space that wasn’t the size of a small closet, even on the ship the place had been so damp and ruined it was hard to sleep anywhere other than the small room she had decided to make home, and she wouldn’t want to trade her new space for the world... even if it was pink with horrific ruffles and princess-ly canopies.
#hyfrleia#( interaction ; LEIA FACILIER. )#//can I just say thanks and hug you a million times because your tags here are amazing omg#but yes sea-bitch for life always
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Mal Bertha:
mal barely admitted she was wrong to anyone other than her best friends. she didn’t want anyone to think they could walk over her or see her as weak. while she had been in auradon for a few years the things she learned on the isle still never left her and she didn’t think they ever world. people from the isle needed to act someway to survive, a way that she knew wasn’t needed in auradon but wanted to make sure she was always safe.
the purple hair fairy crossed her arms at uma. “if anyone is the clutz it’s you.” she said to her. “i didn’t walk into you, you walked into me.”
Of all of the people she could have run straight into, Uma should have put Mal high up on the list, but she had tried, and succeeded a lot of the time, in pretending that the purple-haired girl didn’t exist. Their relationship once built off of mutual enemies and enjoyment of watching people squirm now completely shattered along with a distinct smell of shrimp.
If she wasn’t snarling before, she most definitely was now, even as she bent to pick up her fallen textbook. “I’m pretty certain looking where you are going, works two ways, Mal.” Uma stood back up straight, holding her textbook tightly to her chest as if reminding herself to resolve things with words, not fists; something she had learned, and hated learning, in goodness class.
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LeFou Deux:
Uma found herself in the library one Saturday afternoon when she had no classes and her shift wasn’t going to start until later, trying to wrap her head around the stupid woodsmen part of her ‘History of Woodsmen and Pirates’ class. It was hard for her to keep focus on the task at hand; she had had a late night, and simply wanted to rest, but this essay had to be turned over by Monday. She was a lot more defensive in her tired, weakened state, which was why she jumped when someone appeared behind her. The daughter of Ursula turned to see who was standing there, and recognised Deux as the quivering idiot Gil used to tease back on The Isle. “What d’you want?” She practically barked in his direction with a snarl.
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Still really not feeling well, which sucks, I’m going to try and get around to what I owe, but it may be slow as I’m at work.
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Ozzy Boogie
Ozzy didn’t get bored, on some basic level he refused the idea and kept himself occupied even if it meant he had to entertain himself with something as bland as studying. Not that he was doing anything of the sort then so much as occupying space near the far corner of the school grounds. He wasn’t, contrary to what his naturally pale complexion might insist, allergic to sunlight. Nor was he allergic to people, also contrary to what was likely popular opinion. He simply was adjusted to solitude by habit.
No shock then as he scrolled through his phone and ignored the book on the table that he only glanced up when a shadow fell across the screen for longer than it should have taken for anyone to walk past him.
“Well, I doubt you’re looking for me so I’m assuming you’re lost.” Brow furrowed with the words that barely reached any tone. More offhanded bemusement than anything that took as much effort as annoyance, really, he was far more even-tempered than most claimed, he regarded the other person with what then fell into expectant silence.
Uma rarely had a free afternoon to herself; often finding herself in a class, or studying for a class, or working an early shift in town. So it was the one day of her week when she had a chance to sit out on the lawn with nothing better to do than watch the people around her. She never wanted to overbear her old pirate crew, but as they sat and laughed and joked on the opposite corner of the lawn, she simply observed them to ensure there weren’t any problems or trouble afoot.
It seemed that there was only one problem brewing, Uma realised as she walked toward a familiar, typically empty, corner facing her crew... and that was the fact someone had taken her spot. It was unheard of on The Isle; she had her turf and ruled it so much that if someone was even looking in her pathway, they would move away from her, typically anyway, unless they wanted to meet Harry’s hook.
So as she walked over to the pale boy who was somewhat familiar, though she couldn’t quite place him - there were a lot of faces now between Auradon and The Isle - she couldn’t help her snarl of anger. “I think you’ll find that’s my spot.” Uma informed him, arms crossed, looming over him like a bad omen.
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Leia Facilier
Leia eyed the turquoise haired girl with skepticism. Her tongue pressed against the upper left corner of the inside of her lips as she thought. Uma seemed to have evaded her question in her own way. Not a complete surprise to the dark haired woman. Maybe it was worth a bit of digging into. She dropped her gaze before she spoke. “Yeah, it’s me. What crew? I don’ ‘member nothin bout no crew. Does ya Mother know you’re here?” She wondered.
“What I’m doing here? Simple. I needed to get away from The Isle n that terribly rotten food. It started to give me indigestion n I figured since the scraps on The Isle came from here… why not cross o’a that bridge n try it myself? So months later, I found myself here hook line n sinker, grubin on the finest food i eva did taste. I think the next place on my list to visit would be good ol’ ‘iana. I bet she’d LOVE to see me. What chu think, cher?”
Uma was somewhat pleased to see the old, familiar face of her mentor, Leia, she’d die before she ever admitted that, however. Her eyebrow quirked at the question of her crew, and her mother, too, because surely everyone on the Isle knew about Uma’s crew and actively tried not to mess with them. How had Leia missed that one? She danced around the question, a common thing for her to do, talk in riddles and falsities to try and trap someone into doing what you wanted them to do. She learned from the best, after all. “I don’t give a damn what my mother does or doesn’t know.” Of course, Uma knew, the old sea-bitch knew she wasn’t on the Isle any longer, because she hadn’t shown up for her shift at the shop in a while now, but she also knew the wrath that awaited her if she ever did return.
A laugh escaped Uma’s lips, one accompanied with a roll of her eyes. “I get that.” She agreed, because yes, the food on the Isle was literal garbage, and she had had enough of it to last her a lifetime, “But it is awfully perky here.” She snarled now, remembering the pink of her dorm room when she had arrived, and how princess-ly it had all looked. “Well, there’s never a better time to visit an old friend.” She grinned almost maniacally at the comment, knowing how Leia ticked and that saying anything other than encouragement wouldn’t be well received.
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Evie Grimhilde
A wide smile broke across the girl’s face at Uma’s apology – she always knew she had it in her and was only too happy to see the softer side of the pirate seep out. Evie opened her mouth to speak, but was cut short when the sea witch continued and instead of words a small scoff was let out. “But I didn’t see you, I was getting my sketchbook out of my bag, which you knocked to the ground I might add.” Fighting was unbecoming, already Evie could hear her mother’s voice in the back of her mind telling her that she’d never capture a prince’s attention if she went around starting fights.
Except she didn’t start this one, and she’d be damned if she didn’t stand her ground. “I’ll admit to being distracted, but I will not take the blame when I’m clearly the victim!” Evie pouted and held her notebook to her chest. “I didn’t see your things fall, did you? That makes this your fault. Now thank you for apologizing, but I think you owe me another one for insinuating that this was in any way my fault.”
Oh, she was itching for a fight; felt as if she had lost that part of her and needed to try her best to reclaim it because who was she if she wasn’t a brash and brutal individual who was defensive as all of the hells? If Uma were to be honest, it was actually enjoyable to see the prim and proper Princess a little flustered. Her mouth opened, surely to say nothing that came across as nice when the warning rang in the back of her head: This was Auradon, not the Isle, and even if the barrier was gone, Uma still feared them finding some way to punish any wrong doers. Sure, she wasn’t about to maim and kill the blue haired girl on the spot, but she was still sussing out exactly what constituted as too far in the Auradonian books, for all she knew hurting Evie’s feelings could be a one way trip to working in her mother’s fish and chips shop once again.
Ten. She closed her mouth, and mentally counted to ten, all the while still glaring at Evie standing before her. Apologise, her brain reasoned, say sorry, leave it at that, and go about your business once more. But pride got the better of her, and she wasn’t going to accept the full blame, “If you weren’t looking were you were going either then maybe we are both at fault.” She said, still trying to come off as all kinds of snarky, but it was lack lustre since her crew had disbanded and she no longer had them right on her heels to back her up and bolster her confidence. In Auradon, Uma Triton was just a teal-wearing girl who had a bad attitude, and wore her mother’s very old sea-shell around her neck, and if anyone worried about her hurting them, well she didn’t seem to have noticed it yet.
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I sincerely apologise for it always taking me a while to get to things; my UK ass is obviously too busy for my own good - I’m working from 8am today until about 10pm tonight, then I’m back in work first thing again tomorrow, so I really won’t get much time to reply until maybe tomorrow evening unless I magically get a few minutes today to do it, but I swear I’ll get to them!
If anyone wants to plot, plan, chat, or anything else, feel free to pop into my messages, or find me on Discord as: AutumnMalarkey#9656, I promise I’m not as bad as Uma ;)
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Evie Grimhilde
The nice thing about taking morning classes was that she was able to take advantage of the break in the chilly fall weather. The moment her professor had released them, Evie had her sketchbook in hand and was bounding off to her favorite perch in the courtyard. On a day like this, she was bound to have some sort of inspiration for fall fashions.
That was her hope, anyway. Her trip was cut short when Uma came crashing into her, causing her to drop her sketchbook flat on its face, “Oh no!” she said in a hushed yet urgent tone as she dropped to her knees to pick up the book. Thankfully, none of the pages bent and there wasn’t anything that couldn’t be dusted off. Evie had been so concerned with the well-being of her book that she barely registered that the other was speaking and looked over, confused. “Wait, hold on… are you really blaming me for this?”
She was perturbed with the fact that her path to Corona Hall had been stopped by a sudden showing of blue hair and red lips, so much so that she could not help the glare she was giving, or the way she clung onto her own text book and folder, thankful to say the least, that she hadn’t dropped them. Was it defensive? Yes. Everything about Uma screamed defensive, but it was all she knew, it was just how she was. Yet, she tried to keep herself in check, because she had not been accepted into Auradon quite as easily as some of the other VKs and the last thing she needed was to piss off the best friend of her enemy.
Uma swallowed hard, her eyes definitely avoiding Evie’s. An apology, she knew that was what was meant to happen in this situation, but it was difficult, her Isle ways sticking with her firmly. Sorry shouldn’t have been as hard to say as it was for her, and she couldn’t explain why to anyone here because they just didn’t understand. “...Sorry,” Uma muttered, avoiding Evie’s gaze like a child embarrassed, but then she then felt all kinds of vulnerable and it twisted at the pit of her stomach, not liking it one bit, she added on quickly with her usual glare, “But you could have seen me walking here, too, and you still walked straight into me, as well.” Yes, her apology felt a lot more comfortable now than it had before. She cocked an eyebrow, whatever side of her that had appeared was all gone, slipped back to the poised Pirate Captain that she was.
#( interaction ; EVIE GRIMHILDE. )#fashionablyevie#//hey! it's nice to meet you sorry Uma's so closed off but it's an absolute pleasure to get to write with you
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Leia Facilier
“I would be careful who you’re calling a klutz. You’re the one who bumped into me.” Leia started, having an internal fight with herself as to rather she should pick up the books and be.. dare she say it? NICE. Or do what she was raised to do, and be as nasty and wicked as possible. She shuddered at the thought. She had only been in Auradon for all but 5 hours, and the niceness had snuck into her brain like a virus. One she had to make sure she would get rid of once she reached her dorm.
She then raised up to notice that the one and only Uma Triton had stood before her. Damn near towering over her with her signature turquoise look. She sighed a soft smile. “Blue…” She said, a wicked smile cracking on the edge of her lips. “I haven’t seen you since you were a tike… what’cu doin here in Bore-adon?” Her thick Bayou twang slithered.
For a split second, there was the Isle girl, ready to reach for her sword and take out whomever dared speak to her like that, it was like a little Harry Hook, living over her shoulder, telling her whomever it was had to be cut down to set an example. But then there was the Gil on her other shoulder; reminding her that this was Auradon, a second chance, and not to screw it up for them all. Uma counted to ten, something she only ever used to do when Harry was cleaning up whatever wound she had gotten back on the Isle, it was something she was getting more used to doing since she arrived here.
Her tongue toyed over her teeth, dangerously, preparing to bark back at who she had walked into, when she lifted her eyes from her fallen text books and folder to see someone all too familiar, “Leia?” She didn’t want to seem excited but it was a little nice to see an old, familiar face that wasn’t her crew or one of the original four around these halls. “You’re right, it’s been a long while.” Leia’s question caught her off guard, which was something she hated. She thought as quick as she could, and didn’t let it show once on her face, “Gotta keep my crew in line.” Uma explained simply and with ease, because she didn’t want to admit she wanted to give this her best shot; be someone other than the screw-up girl working for her mother, but also knew that type of vulnerability wasn’t allowed around any other VK or AK here, for her own self-protection. “What’s brought you here?”
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Hadley Hatter
A girl with red hair and blue eyes was all but skipping down the hall. Her hat perched jauntily atop her head as she made her way to her next class. The eccentric young girl was shyer than her father, but that didn’t mean her mind allowed her to walk normally. Humming a song, she suddenly launched into a somersault, rolling before jumping up again. The red haired girl had a huge smile on her face, and she was oblivious to the stares she was getting. Hadley was thinking of all sorts of things! Like she had an unbirthday party scheduled for sometime today, and two tea parties at later today! A very rigid schedule indeed. The Hatter progeny couldn’t help but long for some Wonderlandian company. Everything was much too quiet here. The flowers didn’t sing, absolutely no smiling cats to speak of. Of course, she had grown used to it, all her time spent in Auradon proper prepared her for the boring world that was the main part of their country. Still, she was glad that she had pushed her father into making her attend the series of schools. Hadley looked at the books in her hands, feeling their heaviness and knowledge just seeping out of them. They were sooooooooo boring. Who liked to follow directions anyways? Hadley liked setting her own rules and following her own way. Sure it got her in trouble whenever her own Wonderlandian rule structure messed with their rules, but that’s just who Hadley was and she was not going to change it.
Observance was not one of her strong suits, unlike tea parties and contortion work, so she failed to notice the other student running into her. In a flurry of blue and green, she stumbled back. Her hat nearly falling off before she readjusted it to the delightfully crooked style she had it before. Looking to see who nearly dislodged her hat, she saw blue hair, precise makeup, and an annoyed face coupled with a biting tone. This was Uma, and Hadley couldn’t be less bothered. She knew the names of only a few students, Uma was one of them. To her, Uma was just a regular student. Although the way she spoke was dreadfully rude! It was almost as rude as sitting down at a tea party without a formal invitation. Her brow furrowed as her face set into a slight frown, and her eyes seemed disappointed with the lack of manners. Her father always thought her what was polite and what wasn’t, and this certainly wasn’t. The fact that she was a villain kid made no difference in her mind. “It seems that you are in a frightfully grumpy mood.” Hadley started, her tone matter of fact before sliding into the final part of the rhyme. “That however gives no excuse to be rude.” Hadley’s face then broke into a remorseful look, her moods and emotions always showing on her face. Her thoughts and what she was feeling were always on clear display, so nobody could ever be in doubt to what she was thinking. “Pardon me for being so rotten, I had almost forgotten.” Hadley then grinned widely, spreading her arms and her books fell to the ground again but she cared not. “The reason you are so clearly upset and snarky, is because you thought that nobody remembered your unbirthday party! But never fear my blue haired friend, I am here to give you a party you will never want to end!” Hadley said, her tone getting more and more excited. She did have an unbirthday party scheduled for today, and it obviously was Uma’s! Why else would they run into each other? It was destiny.
Hadley decided to wait to see what the other had to say, bouncing in place while her poor, neglected books stayed where they were on the ground.
Auradon was confusing, to say the least. There had been so many formalities, phrases, and ways of just existing that Uma was still getting used to; like manners, politeness, and even not threatening people on a daily basis. Sometimes, even though she wouldn’t admit it to anyone other than Harry and Gil, Uma found herself exhausted from trying to remember all of their proper and perfect ways. So, it was not for lack of trying, when, after working a night shift at Les Poissons, then struggling to keep up with her homework, sleep and make it to her classes on time, the girl found herself on the cranky side of things. ‘Like ye woke up on the wrong side of ye water bed.’ Harry had told her several times, teasingly, but it still always earned him a glare. As a result, her circumstances had lead her right into this position, standing in a hallway of Auradon University, staring down a red haired, blue eyed, eccentric girl, Uma couldn’t help the scowl on her features, or the way her arms crossed just underneath her teal clothed breasts in a defensive manner, still a hundred percent not willing to apologise; apologies on the Isle were a weakness, and she could not train that out of herself just yet.
As Uma looked her over in a distasteful glance down to her feet and back up to her hat-wearing head again, Uma realised that knew this girl, which was something that disdained her all the more. Hadley Hatter, absolutely bonkers by all Isle standards. Uma wasn’t proud to know her, but at the same time, it was hard not to know who she was when the two of you took the exact same classes; both of them majoring in Charms and minoring in History of Woodsmen and Pirates. It was like she couldn’t get rid of Hadley at all. She scoffed at the comment of her being in a grumpy mood, because who wouldn’t be? Uma had to remind herself it was Auradon, and apparently a lot of people weren’t as brash or as sceptical as she was, for lack of a better word. But as she went to answer back, something that probably wouldn’t have been to pleasant and she may have (only slightly) regretted later on this evening in her dorm room, things moved in almost a flurry of motions.
Overwhelmed was an emotion she had felt too many times in her life to count; whilst on shift at her mother’s chip shop just after the ferries of food arrived, when her and her pirates tried to find a way to Auradon with Fairy Godmother’s wand, and definitely when Mal had thrown a bucket of shrimp over her head. And yet, this was the first time ever, she realised, that she found herself overwhelmed and at a complete loss of words. Uma stood there for a moment, like her fish counterparts, mouth opening and closing trying to find something, anything to say at all but all she seemed to come up with was one question that matched the way her face had contorted into confusion, her eyebrows knitted together, eyes softened, “What in the Isle is an unbirthday party?!” She should have realised sooner that she would live to regret her question. Should have simply bumped her shoulder into Hadley barging past her straight toward Corona Hall, but, and she hated to admit it, curiosity actually had gotten the better of her.
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It was something uncommon for Uma, finding herself with her head in the clouds, but as she walked from her afternoon Charms class, she found herself doing just that. She had to think about her schedule; her homework, her classes, her job, and of course her crew, because yes, she still called them that. She was so taken in thinking she did a second unthinkable thing, and found herself not noticing someone else around her until it was too late, and she had walked straight into them with a mess of dropped books and clattering.
Yes, it was Uma’s fault, but she would be dammed if she admitted to it. “Watch where you’re going, clutz.” The girl grumpily snapped, defences at an all time high as she reached to pick up her own textbook that had fallen to the ground.
#( fall back : let me lead ; OPEN STARTER. )#auradonustart#//hi i'm katrina and i'm not really sure what to post so here's this for now I guess#but I'm always open for plottng and talking and things
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Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home
- my favorite love song
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Pirate’s New Look 🍎
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Friday Night – Uma [CLOSED]
Uma wished she had done more research before she had been convinced by both Harry and Gil to minor in ‘History of Woodcutting and Pirates’. The boys had sold it to her on the premise of pirates, and their history but right now, as she walked down the hall trying to wrap her head around woodcutters that she frankly didn’t give a damn about, the class felt almost like torture. The only thing that made it better were her crew, since they had all managed to find themselves in the same class, it was the couple days of the week where they were back together again which made it feel more like home.
But now it was late on a Friday evening. Everyone had gone their separate ways to the library, other dorm rooms, or campus parties but all she wanted to do was collapse onto her water bed and sleep for the rest of the weekend, however, that wouldn’t be the case.
She reached her dorm room, and, thankful to not have a roommate yet, Uma dumped her books onto the dresser carelessly; she would clean it up later. For now, she slipped into the closet and found her black pants and shirt. Changing quickly, she made sure to feed Crush on her way out of the door with the container of frozen shrimp she had purchased – the only shrimp she allowed around herself any longer, at least she could take satisfaction in knowing her small pufferfish took joy in eating away that horrid nickname. Before she turned and left her dorm room, shutting off her lights behind her.
There were parties, movie nights, and studying to do, and she could hear the bustle echoing down the hallway as she turned and walked down to the main floor and exited Corona Hall, making her way towards the main street where her job was.
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