Citizen Yeesh
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I post various things related to games, anime, movies, and pieces of writing that likely alienate most of my followers. I am mostly spoiler-conscious and I try not to get melodramatic. It's a personal blog and you may not like everything you see!
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uman143 · 1 month ago
They should sue
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In Mario Party 4, the main group of hosts (Toad, Shy Guy, Koopa, Goomba and Boo) are using the power of the mysterious Party Cube to celebrate the player characters' birthdays, including gifting them presents. At no point during the game is any malice or selfishness attributed to their motivations.
However, the 2002 official guide for the game instead slanders several of the hosts by claiming that they are using the party as a front for obtaining money (ignoring the fact that it is the hosts themselves that give the players the money as part of the game to begin with) or that Boo's minions steal from the players (ignoring that Boos only steal from players on behalf of other players, and do not keep the money or stars stolen).
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uman143 · 3 months ago
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Official recipe for "Wario's Mystery Appetizers" from a 2009 issue of the French Official Nintendo Magazine.
The idea is to present the dinner guests with a set of identical Wario-themed appetizers whereby some of them are filled with a regular savory filling, like tomato pesto, while others are hiding a surprise overly spicy filling, like wasabi.
Main Blog | Patreon | Twitter | Bluesky | Source: MON (France), Issue 7, 2009
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uman143 · 3 months ago
Have been waiting for this to be put on Nintendo Music ever since they announced the app
In Wario World, Wario sings a deliberately annoying chant on the pause screen. However, should the player stay on the pause screen for 50 minutes without closing it, Wario will say "Sorry" and stop chanting (on that instance of the pause screen; he will start again if it is closed and reopened).
Main Blog | Patreon | Twitter | Bluesky | Small Findings | Source: pantsudesu
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uman143 · 11 months ago
The virgin MGS2: The government ;) wants to redo ;) the first mission ;) using a guy who was trained on a virtual ;) version of it
The chad We <3 Katamari: I'm the King of All Cosmos, the gamers loved the first Katamari Damacy so they want us to roll more balls in this sequel.
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uman143 · 11 months ago
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Were finishing Revolutionary Girl Utena in the discord and I drew this to commemorate
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uman143 · 1 year ago
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Top: a pre-release screenshot of Mario Superstar Baseball, published on the IGN gaming news website in 2005 (note the IGN logo in the bottom right).
Bottom: in the game, the preview image for Mario Stadium uses that exact screenshot, including even part of the IGN logo, seen overlapping Mario's shoe.
This indicates that the developers, despite having full access to the game's code and being able to take any kind of preview screenshot they could want without any restrictions, instead went online and took a screenshot from a gaming journalism website without even editing out the logo.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Source: user "PenguinTheGeno"
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uman143 · 2 years ago
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Top: on Level 3 of the “Pop-Up Patrol” microgame in WarioWare: Get It Together, a window depicting a smiling devil with four words of distorted text may appear.
Bottom: this is actually a reference to a malware website that gained notoriety in 2004, called “You Are An Idiot”, which would display this image, play a song, and hijack the user’s browser to resist being closed, with the only way to leave being restarting the computer. Note that the distorted text in the game lines up exactly with the lengths of the four words on the website, and the last word is clearly recognizable as “idiot”.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Source: user “Akfamilyhome”
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uman143 · 2 years ago
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Animation of Wario and Link dancing together, from a 1994 Japanese commercial for Wario’s Woods and The Legend of Zelda, which released on the same day for the Famicom.
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uman143 · 3 years ago
What secrets does he hide...
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In a 2009 interview, Shigeru Miyamoto talked about the story of Super Mario Galaxy 2, ending the interview with a remark that a Whittle that could be seen in the game’s announcement trailer is “a person that has a bit of a story”. In the finished game, the Whittles are a species and there are no prominent Whittle individuals; in addition, very little is revealed about their backstory. It is unknown if Miyamoto was referring to some manner of more elaborate story cut during development or if he was referring to the small amount of dialogue in the game as “a bit of a story”.
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uman143 · 3 years ago
Updated Ranked List of First-Person Puzzlers I’ve Played
Someone liked my original list recently so that reminded me I should make a new one.
1. The WItness 2. Portal 2 3. Antichamber 4. Portal 5. The Talos Principal 6. Superliminal 7. Maquette 8. Please Don’t Touch Anything
Nothing in the list has moved because the 3 games I’ve played since I made the first list came in under all of those.  There are several more games in this subgenre that I plan to play and I’m in the middle of the game that could be said to have originated it, Myst.
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uman143 · 3 years ago
I was thinking earlier today that it’s a strong possibility Geoff was referring to Game 4 in his tweet.  He’s a fan of Ueda, he understands how important Ueda is, the first tease of Game 4 was in January 2018 almost four years ago, so 2.5 years ago they could easily have started working on a long vertical slice gameplay reveal or something like that.  The fact that he visited them in Sept. 2019 just makes it more likely!
Long post ahead but I need to get this idea out of my head.
The more Geoff Keighley speaks about this year's TGA ceremony, the more he's starting to convince me there might be something in store for us this year... and I definitely do not want to be a crazy conspiracy theorist who gets everything wrong (too late for that, let's be honest, I already am) BUT:
there have been a few dots out there... tiny, little dots... about the size of a dust particle... but I think I've connected them. Hear me out:
Geoff tweeted this earlier today,
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and whatever dev and game he's talking about, even if it's not Gen, sounds like something really interesting and almost like an "honor" to have on the show. He's got my attention already. But then, he also added this,
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So whoever it is, I don't think it's a team from the US, since he mentions a "global" trip. Then I remembered something my brain had buried so deep in my memory archives that I almost had to tear twitter apart to find it, because I wasn't even sure anymore if it had happened or not. Do you know who he was with on summer of 2019? You're absolutely right, my friend.
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I ALWAYS wondered what this meeting was for because he never posted anything else related to this, so I ended up forgetting about it, but it's really curious that the dates kinda match. I also noticed Geoff recently followed Ueda and Gen on twitter, he wasn't following them before. This part might be just a silly coincidence, but for some reason it caught my eye as well.
Honestly I might just be connecting dots that are light years apart, for things that aren't even related, but my curiosity is getting the best of me and I can't help but think this might be it. Geoff keeps talking about how this ceremony will show what the future of games is truly about and that they have their biggest lineup ever. But then again, this could be literally about anyone else. There are so many long-awaited and legendary games out there that could make a comeback at any point, it's too difficult to pinpoint his clues down to a single developer.
If this is true, I'm gonna be so happy because no matter how patient I wanna be... it's time guys. It's time. I just want to see what comes next. And if it's not... well I'll just pretend this post never happened
Just kidding lol, it is what it is. Feel free to share your thoughts or add to the insane theory if you wanna say something hahaha
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uman143 · 3 years ago
I am definitely using these in a trap when I become Jigsaw
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Set of officially licensed 1998 Mario Party padlocks from Japan.
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uman143 · 4 years ago
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Officially licensed 2002 Hi-C juice boxes depicting Nintendo characters and explaining how the character in question relates to the flavor of juice inside each box (zoom in to read text).
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Source: user “NTDOPowerCouple”
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uman143 · 4 years ago
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uman143 · 4 years ago
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“I see you, by the way. I see that you decided to show up, and it’s not… you’re not gonna ruin my night. “
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uman143 · 4 years ago
Thank you for reblogging my post (for anyone else that may see this: not the defense seen here but another response I removed from this reblog) but I just want to say that I wrote this years ago and while the opinions I express are pretty much the same, the way I’d write them has probably changed a lot.  Just to clarify, it makes me cringe a little to read a post like this now.
Also I believe it was Tia who said she wanted to be like Wonrei, so that’s a mistake.
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Defense of Suzy/Suzume Mizuno (Zatch Bell)
Okay I know this one was a bit ago but I'm gonna cover it anyway cos I can.
Annoying: While Suzume can easily be seen as annoying (i.e. she follows Kiyomaro around and sticks to him like glue and is kind of loud and strange), the first thing you gotta remember is that the Zatch Bell characters are FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. Suzume is a middle school girl and she's got a crush on Kiyomaro. She wants to be near him all the time and she wants him to like her, so she tries very hard to get his attention. Because she's fourteen and she's not very mature yet, it's natural and normal for her to come off as kind of obnoxious about it. Honestly, what silly fourteen-year-old girl with a crush that huge isn't going to end up being accidentally clingy and obnoxious about it?
Clumsy/Ditzy: this goes back to the silly awkward fourteen year old girl with a crush thing. I don't know how many people remember being fourteen and having a crush, or if that's not something that happened to all of the people that hate on Suzume. But in my personal experience and from what I've witnessed, it's perfectly normal to lose your composure when you're young and get nervous around someone you like. That said, being clumsy isn't a character flaw and shouldn't be something she gets hated on for. Plenty of people in real life are clumsy like that. As for the ditzy part, again, she's fourteen years old. She draws faces on fruit and stuff because she's still not very mature. That's just that. Chill out.
Anime Portrayal: I'll admit they overexaggerated her less desirable qualities in the anime. I think they did it for comedic purposes and it may have backfired.
Gets in the way of other ships: This is never a reason to dislike a character and I don't enjoy addressing it, except for the fact that, canonically, Suzume literally attempts to get in the way of Kiyomaro/Megumi. This isn't just a NaruHina iz best and i hate Sakura 4 existing kind of thing; Suzume and Megumi meet in canon and Suzume sees her as a rival for Kiyomaro's attention, and Megumi not only recognizes that Suzume also likes Kiyomaro, but she acknowledges there is a real romantic rivalry going on. And they basically duke it out passive-agressively over him. She is in the way of Kiyomaro/Megumi in exactly the same way that Megumi is in the way of Kiyomaro/Suzume; it's done on purpose by the author for comedic value because aside from all the other genres it traverses, Zatch Bell is a comedy series, remember?
Useless: Not gonna restate the for comedic purposes thing because that's basically the initial reason ALL of Kiyomaro's school friends are there. Aside from that, I'd like to remind you that she keeps Kiyomaro's mother company while he's away, she gives him the notes he's missing from class, even when she knows she's not as good a student as him. There is one chapter that I always remember where Kiyomaro's home for a bit and he notices that she's got all these bandages on her fingers and so he follows her because he's worried about her and discovers that she's been helping this little boy build a tribute to his family in order to make a wish for his parents to get back together. She's getting herself beat up for a kid she coincidentally met and becoming emotionally invested for someone else's sake. And she brings Kiyomaro all sorts of get well presents in the hospital. One of the hospital visits, when the red spellbook gets stolen, Kiyomaro asks her to help get it back and she agrees to help instantaneously, despite knowing she's spacey and forgetful and is going to get distracted. She forgets, of course, but she ends up getting a balloon out of a tree for a little kid who's sick at the hospital.
She has her spaciness and her absentmindedness and her short-term memory problem and all that, but she genuinely wants to help because she cares.
Tell me that's fucking useless, I dare you. 
okay done.
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uman143 · 4 years ago
Ranked List of First-Person Puzzlers I’ve Played
1. The Witness 2. Portal 2 3. Antichamber 4. Portal 5. The Talos Principal
Maquette comes out March 2nd, I wonder where it will fit in these.
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