i am the million dollar question
i am the freedom of poverty
if you win i will buy you that house
i will keep the heater on
and the air conditioning below 70
we are too rich to care
i am the million and one chance you win
and there are more than a enough people on this earth
risking the same win on the same loss
at what cost is it to bet your future on one thing
by making these plans too early
before you were even handed the money
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if you decide to live on with me for what few or more years i have left, with the chance i may give myself the choice to forever float above the rot of a bridge eager and ready to fall, foot in and foot out
you will not forget the mortality of a person when you look at me, even in a moment of peace underneath what little skin i have left. i will be alone there beside you, and you will grow tired and frustrated of the stones i carry in my sleeves
be my hearse and take me to the beach to swim through those waves with you, i am heavy and bold and you will ask yourself how is someone is so incapable of refusing to set down the grief even for a moment with all the love you give and not see the mirror of my fathers crooked life looking back at you
and i will hold your hands in mine each time we pass a cementary and tell you “yes, you are enough to stay” but the dirt underneath my nails is still fresh from the moments before facing me. you begged me not to try and unearth the same skeletons, and you will see over and over again how i will disappoint you.
and i will pity you on my last day.
“how sad of a life it is to have loved me, all alone you’ve grown old in the heart of a hospice that i have left long before you came”
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everyday i drive to the store and think about how i can’t live with this pain. how the grief has driven me to the point of no return and i will never be able to recover. i’m unsaveable and it’s too late for me. but i park my car and go inside anyways. “im going to die, im going to die right here” i keep repeating and walk to the bedding isle. a woman next to me smiles and laughs, “i hate shopping” and i laugh too. “same.” i replied with my own endangered smile, this stranger somehow unearthed. and we both share a moment of fimilarity. a stranger comfort. i do not know her yet i felt she has saved me. we say goodbye and i go to the next isle. i forgot what i was doing here.
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if my uncle, aunt, and dad died young does that mean i will die young too? is tragedy just born into the blood the moment you hit the air for the first time? i just cant imagine myself melting into puddles of skin the way you do when you get old. my face cant become any longer than it already is. my dad told me once about how my great great great grandpa killed himself at 40 because he couldnt stop hearing a fire alarm. his body wanted a early exit from the smoke and i get why now. he was saving himself. so if i die young just know it was meant to be. isnt that what family is all about, having the same exit?
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im tired of the same day. the same sound of a dull drum bouncing off my bedroom walls like a bullet and i wait for it to hit me. anticipating the moment it goes through me and how ill smile when it does. no more cutting my nails, i can let them grow long. can you imagine how they’ll braid through the roots of a tree? i’m not very picky. whatever it may be, i hope its beautiful like my mother and soft as my little sisters hair.
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you are my father and a nazi
and you are also a jew
a self hating jew
you are the coward
holding the gun to your heart
who couldnt live with himself
after holding the shower door open
in the promise of a clean and warm afternoon
you are no longer the father you used to be
and should be
and should have died being
remember when you who gifted me a star
on my 10th birthday
and tore it from my neck 10 years later
you who starved yourself thin
the before and after photograph of you
behind the fence in your eyes
looking nothing as you once were
and how i remembered you
you made your home into a barrak
wet with your blood and shit
and scraps you have left behind
in the beds where your children sleep
you make murder of us
my mother, your wife
who gives what she has left to her children
without hesitation
we do not starve because of her
she is bones because of you
we count our own heads now
to see who made it through the night
the way you used to every day before school
we drag our feet to the next empty place
and you are the bolder we carry
you are heavy metal
just made to run us tired
to die where we stand
to become your victims again and again
you nazi, you who play god
and i am what you have made of me
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there is no such thing as a present without you here,
only memories
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“why god! why would you take him from me! it is too soon to bury my father! please god, i still need him! i’m begging you god, bring him back! why would you do this to us? to his family! why!”
and god laughed,
“why not?”
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I want to tell you empty rooms have begun to smell like the last time I saw you. How it begins with the smell of gunpowder and a fever.
Then the musk of sweat I watched drip down your spine like a cold can of coke on a August day.
Then the sweet smell of flesh and butter croissants, and the taste of iron from the bullet lost in the belly of your beast.
I chase the scent so I can hold the smoke of your gun in the palm of my hands, and mold into the shape of your face,
so I can tell you
again and again and again
“If you leave me, you are going to kill me”
and mean It this time.
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love holds their fragile, but patient hands to me
loves fingers are spread wide / waiting to hold
but you should know, before we go further
i am in love with a shadow
and if i may leave,
that aching shadow for love
my final and selfish act
to betray you, and your memory
that there is still a chance
you find a door - to an empty living room
and you become hopeful, and certain,
i am waiting there
just as i have always been, right where you left me
only to see an empty chair- still warm and creased
and you must think i no longer love you,
that i have choose to abandon you
so you give up, and leave for good,
never to come again
if i had only waited a little longer to fall for love
why couldn't i have waited,
just a bit longer
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there is not a reason i can find,
to make sense of your death
there is only catatonic, unreasonable anger
so unresponsive and unable to be solved
how there is nothing that could be said, or done
to make me believe in the divine faith
that you are somehow in a better place /
i can only imagine you, crawling on your knees
through some garden maze -
in the deepest of nights, in search of a way out
frustrated in every attempt
you might make to escape
but never the resolve or the outcome,
you had hoped for.
and i know you wont accept it -
that there is no coming back
from the final decision you have made,
and neither can i.
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my body has become a fossil, tears a solid amber
ive become rooted / and still
i cannot bring myself to grief’s door
with pounding fists, and beg for mercy
to ask when does his shadow, become a tunnel
where at the end of it -
i can see a meaning for his death
shouldn't this loss become history
it's been two years now
but why does it feel so present
i want to feel ancient, like an old writing
about what once was
not what still is
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you told me once,
“where there is death, there are ants”
so i look for signs of your trail,
that push in your direction
so desperate for my attention.
to point a finger, demanding i remember,
how you are smothered alone,
in the damp earth
bloated and rotten
how if I held your hand
you would slip right through mine
how your bones, have become hills /
shaped as my childhood home
with hallways, and no doors
how your marrow is a bedroom
that plays a terrible cry
that trembles the floor like a lip
“do not forget about me
for when you do,
i will crawl on your feet,
and bite your legs.
i will dig through your nose,
into your eyes,
and to the back of your head
so that you may never forget
there is no peace
without me”
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she is / the fresh smell
of a new book
a beautiful,
untouched spine
she is tough, and naive
and spread apart,
like the red sea
fold her corners,
bend her pages
her hymn
is smooth paper,
a held breath,
and the flutter of fear.
now broken in, she is used,
and passed onto the next
but the crinkle of a page
tells the story of use
“i was here first.”
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i’m driving home,
and suddenly,
there you are
just across the street
in your frayed jeans
worn out sneakers /
and round gut
and i believed for a moment
you are almost home.
your ghost is my forgetful hope,
my own sick game.
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his death has become
a holy dance /
to stop moving my feet -
is to no longer breathe,
it is to betray god /
sick and unconscious
may you strap me in,
to that gurney
for i will dance even then.
when i die,
pour me into that
shallow earth,
for in death,
darkness and decay,
blinded and the unknown,
i will still be dancing for you.
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