;; Thinking of moving this account to it's own email. Don't know yet though
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"I love watching you."
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 { ಌ } — "What was that? Did you say ‘I need a better life’?"
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 { ಌ } — Gia clicked her tongue and put the tarot cards away. She hadn't even realised she'd arrived here, and now she was in some kind of a mess.
               Hibari Kyoya, hm? Judging by his attire and aura he was a formidable foe. Probably not wise to get on his bad side, not that she necessarily cared. She just didn't want to cause a fuss.
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                                                        "My business? To read a book in peace, if you absolutely must know."
               With another wave of her hands, the book she was reading appeared. It was a Stephen King novel - and one she had been looking forward to read for a while.
      [☭] - A man with black hair and a uniform that didn’t belong to the school stared blankly at the cards, a scowl on his face as he made no move to pick one. On his right arm was a band that read ‘Disciplinary Leader’. It seemed she had attracted the most troublesome student to ever grace schools.
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"You’re not from Namimori, have you taken a wrong turn somewhere?"
Whispers could be heard nearby, calling him the student council president Hibari Kyoya and that he never let his prey escape.
"It’s against school policies to use such tricks here. State your business."
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myriadofmuses shslmichishige shslvolleyballer fxend modxling thebleachedstrawberry
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 { ಌ } — Gia sighed. More people. She hoped this popularity wouldn't become a thing. She had books to catch up on. Looks like it was time for some more tarot cards.
              Tugging her sleeves on her jacket back, Gia waved her hands and a stack of major arcana tarot cards appeared in her hands. The illusionist spread the cards out, face up, and showed them to the new guests.
                                                                      "Pick one if you want a show."
(Link to the Tarot Cards)
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                                                                 "Leone-san then."
 { ಌ } — Gia flicked her wrist and a lion phone charm appeared in her fingers, "Here. You might like this then."
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—yESS…! Once again, you hit the spot!! My name’s Leone!— was she using some kind of Teigu or something?
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 { ಌ } — Gia raised an eyebrow. Owed it to her? What a strange remark. Well, at least that helped explain some things.
                                                                 "I wonder if your sister has a controlling nature and, despite this, you still remain patient with her. Perhaps you're afraid of confronting her on some of her actions, and interpret it to mean you owe her."
               Gia looked at the girl, a sense of darkness in her eyes. The only thing Gia could think was pathetic - especially considering how strong the girl looked. She looked like a fighter of some sort - a mercenary perhaps?
Even more astounding. How did she do it! Mukuro nodded curiously along as the girl gave her further information.
"Indeed. There isn’t alot of time between us, but as the older sister, it’s my responsibility isn’t it? Besides, I owe it to her slightly…"
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"Oooh~! I’m finally all set up for a show!"
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"Could you reblog or like this post if you’re a Dangan Ronpa Oc or Canon Blog? It’d mean a lot to me babe.”
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"You might even get your own… special show for it.~"
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 { ಌ } — "Don't you understand? I'm not the kind of person who just pulls a card or dove out of her sleeve and then claim it to be magic.I'm not the kind of person who can turn a bird into a beautiful girl. My illusions are far more complicated than that. They aren't something you can explain, they aren't something you can claim to understand.
                                                 I'm the ultimate illusionist for a reason.
               I can make you experience your worst nightmare whenever I want. I could escape any trap you put me into, and any phobia you have appear from thin air. I can make you afraid just with a snap of my fingers.
                                                 You choose which side of me you want to be on."
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 { ಌ } — Gia took a step back in response. Fun? She wasn't trying to be fun. She was trying to get to know the person. Typical behaviour from someone who doesn't understand, she supposed.
                                                         "...Giana Marionette. Call me Gia though, I prefer that name. Your name wouldn't happen to be similar to the word 'Lion' would it?"
              That guess was a long shot, but Gia had a feeling she was on the mark.
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—Heeh…— she guessed correctly. Which was quite surprising. —Yeah! Ya could say I’m everyone’s onee-san, although I’m not the boss…— but well, she was a princess for 3 days because of an M!A, so it still hit the spot.
—You’re fun! What’s your name~?
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 { ಌ } — Gia smiled slightly in satisfaction. Though she couldn't help but think what a poor child to be so willing to give herself up for a sister. Gia wouldn't do anything of the sort.
                                                                    "Little? Seems like she's only slightly younger than you. A twin sister perhaps that was born after you?"
              Caring for a baby sister would trigger a different response after all. More of a motherly response rather than a friendly one.
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Mukuro’s eyes widened in surprise. How did she pin her so easily? She could never really understand this stuff. But still, she found herself leaning in.
"Yes… I have a little sister. I’d do anything for her. Anything at all."
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;; Okay, off to bed
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 { ಌ }  -- Gia looked at the card. Strength, huh? Let's see.
                                                                     "Hm... You're something like a leader, someone people can look up to because of your personality. You look out for them, and they're family."
              She asked testingly, gauging the girls reactions. Yea, Gia was cheating by using tarot cards, but she honestly didn't feel like using too much effort.
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—That one.— she was serious about this, it could give a nice result after all. Strenght it was.
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 { ಌ }  -- Gia sighed and put the other cards away.
                                                                    "The Hanged Man, hm? Let me guess, you have a family member you sincerely care about, one you would go to any lengths for. A sister perhaps?"
              Gia began, watching carefully for the girls reaction.
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Mukuro picks up a card tentatively and flips it around.
The Hanged Man…
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killinlion shsldespairsoldiermukuro puppxts akiyoshie
 { ಌ }  -- Gia noticed the people approach her. Instead of offering a greeting or even smiling for them, Gia merely made tarot cards appear with a flick of the wrist. Once the cards were shown, Gia looked away
                                                                          "Pick one."
(A list of the tarot cards)
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"People who are limited by reality aren't worth my pity."
Dangan Ronpa OC - Giana 'Gia' Marionette - SHSL Illusionist
            { ಌ } 6+ Years Roleplaying Experience
            { ಌ } One-Liner, Crack, Para, Multi Para and Novella Friendly (Prefers Para/Multi-Para)
            { ಌ } Plot Friendly
            { ಌ } Canon + OC + Crossover Friendly
            { ಌ } Multi Verse / Multi Ship
            { ಌ } Mun is Of Age
            { ಌ } NSFW always tagged
            { ಌ } English Only
            { ಌ } Ask and Submit Always Open
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