uksares-diary · 1 year
Heresy and not-so-subtle religious crack ahead. If you are very religious and easily offended, probably don't read, but also how'd you even find this post then.
So I recently listened to a very good online course on literature (it's not in English so I'm not gonna be recommending it), and since I'm hopelessly behind on literature in general, I discovered many things about popular books that I didn't know. Which is embarrassing but also hilarious.
Anyway, one of the first lectures was about the Bible and the Biblical Canon, and my fandom-ruined brain caught the word "canon" and immediately kicked into overdrive as I realised that actually,
Christianity is a fandom.
And from that perspective, things started to make so much more sense. So without further ado, here's my take on Christianity As A Fandom starter pack.
Come to Christianity, we have:
77 (?!!) books in canon
plus honest-to-god headcanons that are almost canon at this point
btw, be careful with that, #goodomens fandom made #ineffablebureacracy canon, but we didn't like the price
it's kinda made up but we also kinda live in this universe so don't poke us with "it's not real" stick
translations and subtitles usually suck
there is problematic stuff that fans will defend with their literal lives
waiting for the next season for all *in Crowley's voice* eteeerniiityyyy
maybe there was another reason he didn't sleep with her
lots of POVs and unreliable narrators
fans turning pretty straightforward canon ideas into crazy conspiracy theories
queerbating, definitely
we should probably put it all on ao3
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uksares-diary · 1 year
Good Omens Season 2 spoilers ahead, obviously.
So I, like all us fans, was screaming-crying-throwing hands at the Last Ten Minutes of Episode Six, shouting that Aziraphale better be already preparing that apology dance, the bastard.
But when I calmed down a bit, I realised the person I was actually mad at — was Crowley.
It's no wonder that it was he, and not Aziraphale, who got the talk about not communicating enough. Because it was he who wanted something else out of their relationship and never said a word.
To Aziraphale, they were already an "us" after Armageddidnt. He was with Crowley, not hiding from Heaven or Hell, calling the Bentley "our car", casually touching him etc. I don't think he even thought about more physical relationship, and, apart from that, they really were an item from his point of view.
And he never stopped being an angel and wanting to do good. He totally wouldn't go back to Heaven and betray Crowley, but that's not what he was offered! He was manipulated into thinking that he was going to be in a position of power, able to actually make a difference, and with Crowley by his side.
And the Second Coming? Aziraphale only learned that it was what Heaven was planning when he took that elevator. But Crowley? Crowley knew. And never bothered to tell his angel. And now Aziraphale is going to face the music alone.
So... yeah. If you wanted kisses and holding hands, if what you had was not enough for you, then maybe you should have said something sooner, Crowley.
Not withholding the important information or acting like you were betrayed by Aziraphale just being himself.
I wish them a happy ending, I do. I love them both. I just don't think it's only Aziraphale who has to learn something out of all this.
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uksares-diary · 1 year
so my best friend, who loves Good Omens as fervently as I do, is watching S2 right now.
She shares her excitement with me as she goes, over Crowley being Raphael, over almost-CoffeeshopAU, over the Dance, over everything.
She asked for no spoilers. She is in the middle of E5 right now.
What do I do to stop what's inevitably going to happen. What do I even pack to wait for her on the other side.
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