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ukradlesmojkajak · 2 years ago
Hello my pretty magickal souls 🖤
On today's Folk Magic Friday I'm gonna write something about slavic magical herbs. I've picked three most known magical herbs.
🌿 Artemisia Vulgaris - mugwort.
Very important herb which was tied to dresses or belts as a protection from curses and magic in general. Second thing about mugwort was that old Slavs believed in it's power which was attraction of love and desire. Mugwort was in every flower crown that was made at Kupala's Night.
Now mugwort is recommended for stomach problems and menstrual cramps. Helps with indigestion and also supports our liver's functions.
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🌿 Betula L. - birch.
By old Slavs birch was called a tree of health, femininity and rebirth. Birch trees were praised by all spring time. People believed these trees were full of magic and were sacred. At that time even name of March (in Polish - Marzec) was different and was in honour of birch - Brzeźń (birch in Polish is brzoza). People gathered around birches and performed rituals connected with rebirth of nature in spring, femininity and delicacy. They even hit each other in a funny and playful way with birch little branches which was for fertility and good harvest in upcoming season.
The Catholic Church took that tradition and at The Feast of Corpus Christi birch branches are always at altar. At the end of procession you can take one branch home for good harvest and fertility.
Birch is also used in herbal medicine, it's very helpful with UTI. Birch also has detoxifying properties for our blood circulation system. And also it's very helpful in therapy for psoriasis and seborrhea.
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🌿 Tilia - lime tree.
In Slavic mythology also known as "the sacred tree of Slavs". It was important in a lot of rituals. Under the lime trees were performed rituals and dances. Old Slavs loved to rest under this tree because it was believed that lime tree can give you prophetic visions and dreams. Oh, and also a perfect nap. And because of that old Slavs were also making coffins from tilia. It was believed that coffin like this will give your soul rest and peace.
Now lime tree is best known for it's honey taste and sweet teas, perfect for running nose and cold, but also for UTI. Recommended for sore throat, flu, quinsy and state of nervous agitation.
But also! Dried lime tree's flowers are amazing as incense and has honey, soothing aroma 🐝
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That's all for me now. Let me know how do you use these herbs 🌿
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ukradlesmojkajak · 3 years ago
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Acorn - Good luck, personal power, protection and wisdom. Dried acorns are a natural amulet for youthfulness. It's associated with the Sabbat of Litha and the element of water.
Angelica - Also called Archangel. It is a very powerful protection herb, healing, creates harmony and courage and helps in exorcisms. Aids vision. Element Air.
Apple - Garden magic, love, healing and wisdom, also vanity, marriage and beauty. Associated Mabon & Samhain. Element water.
Basil - Also called witches herb. Use in spells for Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Associated with Imbolc. Aids astral projection. Element Fire.
Bay Leaf - Protection, success, purification, strength, wisdom and healing, also increases psychic powers. Element Fire.
Belladonna - Also Called: Deadly Nightshade. Toxic. Use for forgetting past loves. Protection, beauty and original flying ointments. Adds energy to rituals. Element Water.
Bergamot - Money, prosperity and sleep. Protects from both evil and illness. Good for luck and wealth. Increases magical power. Element Fire.
Black Pepper - Banishing negativity, exorcism, and offers protection and help with inner strength. Element Fire.
Blueberry - Protection of children, keeps evil out, and strengthens the aura. Associated with the Great Spirit. Element Water.
Calendula - Also called Marigold. Attracts success and justice in legal matters. Increases psychic/spiritual powers and aid prophetic dreams. Dispels negativity. Element Fire.
Cardamom - Lust, love, and fidelity. Sweetens the personality Use in handfastings. Element Water.
Chamomile - Love, sleep, protection and purification, also reduce stress. Use for meditation work and to attract money. Solar Magic. Element Water.
Cinnamon - Also called Sweet Wood. Use for Solar magic. Meditation and astral projection. Increases spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, luck, strength, and prosperity. Element Fire.
Clove - Use to protect, banish negative forces, and divination. Also helps with any teeth spells. Aids money and draws love. Element Fire.
Dandelion Root - Magical uses include divination, wishes and calling spirits. It also enhances dreams and works well in astral projection. Element Air.
Evening Primrose - Ideal for moon magic. Also use in love charms and to attract fae. Element Water.
Ginger - Increases magic power. Success, love, money and power. Element Fire.
Hibiscus - Attracting love and lust. Use in divination. Associated with lunar magic. Element Water.
Horsetail - Use for strength and resolve. Protection, cleansing and clearing unwanted emotions. Element Earth.
Jasmine - The herb of attraction. Helps prophetic dreaming, money and love. Element Water.
Lavender - Magical uses include healing, sleep and peace. It also promotes chastity and love. Increases longevity of life, tranquility and happiness. Element Air.
Lemon Balm - Also called Melissa. Love, success and healing. Aids psychic/spiritual development. Supports mental health disorders and compassion. Element Water.
Lemon Grass - Psychic cleansing and opening. Use in lust potions and when using Dragon Magic. Element Air.
Lime Tree Leaf - Healing, calm and love. Aids strength and tranquility, Element Air.
Marjoram - Use for cleansing, purification, and dispelling negativity. Also aids grief and sadness. Element Air.
Mint - Promotes energy, communication and vitality, protection and draws custom. Element Air.
Mugwort - Use for strength, protection and healing. Mugwort amplifies magic. Aids astral projection, and psychic power. Element Earth.
Nettle - Uses include dispelling darkness & fear,and curse breaking. Healing and protection and increases lust in partners. Renewal. Element Fire.
Orange Peel & Flower- Attracts abundance, luck. Love and happiness and strengthens divination. Element Fire.
Passion Flower - Attracts friendship and passion. Caming, peace and instills passion into stale relationships. Good for house blessings too. Element Water.
Patchouli - Used in spells for connecting with spirits. Money attracting, increases fertility and lust. Calming and peaceful. Element Earth.
Peppermint - Use for headaches and other forms of healing. Increases sleep and love. Use for increasing psychic power and divination. Element Air.
Rose - Use for divination, increased psychic power, love, lust and healing. Helps strengthen close friendships. Place around sprains and bruises to help them heal faster. Element Water.
Rosemary - Use in healing poppets and love/lust spells. Improves memory. Increases sleep, mental power and protection. Burn to help purification and removing negativity. Associated with faery magic. Element Fire.
Sage - Used for self purification and cleansing. Helps grief and loss. Healing and protection, also increases wisdom. Element Air.
Strawberry Leaf - Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances. Increases love and aids pregnancy. Element Water.
Thyme - Attracts loyalty, affection, and love. Increases good luck and psychic power. Drink in tea to aid sleep. Element Air.
Verbena - Psychic protection, peace and purification. Healing and helps depression. Increases beauty and love. Mind opening and clearing. Ideal use for exams. Element Earth.
Willow - is Used for lunar magic, drawing or strengthening love, healing, and overcoming sadness.. Element Water.
From the Herbal Grimoire by the blog The Wiccan Lady. Here's the link to the blog for the complete list and further reading:
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ukradlesmojkajak · 3 years ago
Obejrzyj film „210521 Bright with Win Metawin [bbrightvc igs]” w YouTube
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ukradlesmojkajak · 4 years ago
death omens in Polish folklore
the following things, considered to be a sign of upcoming death - or even something that would bring death upon someone - are widely present in many branches of slavic beliefs. they are deeply rooted in the belief in magic - and even if now thought by many to be merely folk superstition, they were once a very set and important way of recognizing signs, foretelling the future, and protecting yourself and your household - way of life if you will.
considering my research and sources I’m using focus mainly on Polish folklore (with lesser additions from other slavic countries) I refrained from using the universal “slavic” title and categorization.  
however, keep in mind that many of those will be present in the folklore of other slavic (especially east and west) lands.
- if a rooster crows three times, it means the death is coming - similarly, if he crows at night. if a hen crows similarly to the rooster, it should be killed because it is a terrible omen
- killing a stork will bring death upon the killer and misery upon the entire village
- if a swallow hits the window and dies, it foretells a death of someone in the household
- if you hear a cuckoo while staring at the ground or looking down it means death will get you before the year ends
- if a woodpecker pecks at the door or threshold of a house it warns you about the upcoming death
- if a woman sees a black pigeon it is a sign she will soon be a widow
- if an owl hoots throughout the night near the household it is a sign that someone will soon die
- if a jay sits upon the roof, someone in the household will die
- if a nightingale sings while someone is sick or dying, it means their death will be peaceful and painless
- crows, raven, and jackdaws circling above the household were the most agreed upon death omen
- if a dog howls relentlessly at night, it means someone will die
- if a dog howls precisely three times, it means that someone just died and their soul passed close-by
- if a dog howls while looking down on the ground, it means he sees death itself coming for someone
- if a dog keeps digging in the ground in one place it is a sign of a grave having to be dug soon
- if a dog dies while its master is sick it is a sign the person will die as well
- cutting down an elderberry would bring death upon the person who did it; cutting one growing above a pond or stream would poison the water
- a lonely tree in a field, especially if dead or slanted, would bring bad luck, demons, or even death upon someone who touched it or sat beneath it
- digging up a rowan or a  hazel tree (or destroying its roots) would bring death upon the one who did it
- killing a household or barn snake would bring bad luck, illnesses or death upon the family
- if a child was sick and a household snake died it was a sign the child would die as well
dead, corpses, funerals:
- if someone points a finger at a funeral procession, they bring death upon themselves
- falling asleep in the room where a body of the deceased was kept would bring sickness and death on the person – similarly if someone sat or put anything between the legs of the dead
- if you look a dead person in the eyes they might take you with them
- if you do not belong to the closest family of the dead person or you are not the one appointed to carry out funerary preparations, touching the corpse might bring death upon you
- if someone looks through the window of the room and sees the deceased, that person will die soon
- if the funeral procession stops randomly while going through the village, someone will die in the house by which they stopped
- do not look behind you while in the procession, as the dead person’s soul might be following and will take you with it
spring and Kupala’s Night:
- if someone fences off his household in spring – or during Kupala’s Night St. John’s Eve – and drives the stakes through the ground, they will die before autumn
- if someone bathes in a pond or river before Kupala’s Night or St. John’s Eve they might die, killed by “the evil in the water” (usually topielce, boginki, witches, evil spirits etc)
these are, in all honesty, just a part of nearly countless beliefs and superstitions connected to death - and the signs and omens. 
if anyone - especially my Slavic followers - knows more and has something to add, please do so, I’d greatly appreciate it.
(main sources, other than personal research and conversations with people - especially older - in villages and cities of Silesia and Lesser Poland: A. Lebeda, Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego: Wiedza i Wierzenia Ludowe, 2002; Z. Sawicka Śmierć i pogrzeb w tradycji ludowej; B. Żurawski Ludowe zwiastuny śmierci i złe wróżby; excerpts from S. Hodorowicz, Polish Customs, Traditions and Folklore)
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ukradlesmojkajak · 4 years ago
Theism: belief in and worship of god(s).
Monotheism: belief in and worship of only one god.
Polytheism: belief in and worship of many gods.
Megatheism: belief that there are multiple gods, but that yours is superior to all others and only They are worthy of worship.
Henotheism: worship of only one god while acknowledging (the possibility of) the existence of others.
Kethenotheism: the worship of only one god at a time.
Monolatrism: the worship of only one god while believing in multiple gods.
Pantheism: belief that the divine is in everything.
Panentheism: belief that the divine is in everything, while also being beyond everything.
Apatheism: being neutral towards the possibility of the existence of god(s).
Atheism: neither believing in nor worshiping god(s).
Antitheism: being actively opposed to the belief in and/or worship of god(s).
Transtheism: a belief system that cannot be easily categorised as either theistic or atheistic. (Sadly, not the belief that god(s) is/are trans or that trans people are god(s)).
Autotheism: belief that divinity is inherently within oneself (may or may not exclude external divinity).
Agnosticism: belief/philosophical position that the divine (and/or whether or not it exists) is unknowable.
Ignosticism: belief/philosophical position that knowledge regarding whether or not god(s) exist is unprofitable.
Deism: belief/philosophical position that God does not interfere directly with the world.
Pandeism: belief that the creator deity became the universe and then ceased to exist as a separate and conscious entity.
Monism: a philosophical position that attributes oneness or singleness to existence.
Dualism: a philosophical doctrine that attributes co-eternal binary opposition to existence.
Omnism: the recognition and respect of all religions.
Panpsychism: belief/philosophical position that consciousness, mind or soul is an intrinsic universal attribute within all things.
Ietism: unspecified belief in an undetermined transcendent force.
Omnibenevolence/eutheism: belief that (a) god is wholly good.
Dystheism: belief that (a) god is not wholly good and may be evil.
Maltheism: belief that (a) god is wholly evil.
(Please correct any false definitions or add new ones to the list.)
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ukradlesmojkajak · 4 years ago
The difference between Bisexuality, Pansexuality, Omnisexuality, and Polysexuality
People keep confusing the sexualities and I wanted to write out the difference so that I wouldn’t have to explain it to people. A lot of people seem to be confused about the understandings of non-monosexuality, so I hope this would help understand the difference and they’re mynute details.
Bisexuality is attraction to two, or more gender identities. This is most commonly male and female though it does not have to be and can include other genders.
Pansexuality is attraction to all gender identities. Pansexual people are gender-blind, meaning gender does not play a role in the attraction and they are attracted to people no matter their gender.
Omnisexuality is an orientation defined as the sexual attraction to all gender identities, though gender still plays a role in the attraction. Omnisexual people are also attracted to all genders, much like pansexuals, but they are not gender-blind.
Polysexuality is the sexual attraction to many, but not all gender identities. This can be anything up to all genders besides one.  
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ukradlesmojkajak · 4 years ago
What's your opinion on Hera? She gets lots of hate, especially from people who only got info about greek/Roman mythology bc of Rick Riordans books etc, and idk, I don't think she deserves it at all?
I love Hera! So much! I know she has many myths where she’s very wrathful, and that she has relatively less myths where she has been genuinely favorable. But still. She’s fierce, regal and very fit to be the queen of Olympus. Even Zeus himself can’t defeat her stubborness. Zeus’ tradition of changing wives came to an end when he married Hera - she is just that powerful, amazing and even Zeus realised that. As a queen she also constantly gives advices to Zeus. She is the queen and she is very important to the gods. And honestly, one thing you have to really appreciate her for is the way she kept her marriage. I feel quite sorry for her sometimes, I can imagine the emotional turmoil she goes through everytime Zeus cheats on her. Imagine facing that while being the goddess of marriage. In spite of that, she still loves Zeus and stays by his side. She’s also a badass. She’s not some lady who silently takes everything that’s put on her. She has rebelled against Zeus, seduced him in order to trick him, openly roasted him and even left him when she had enough of his philandering. (and Zeus had to win her back). I can’t think of any other goddess standing up against Zeus to this extent. In spite of all this, she didn’t stop loving him and I applaud her for it. She didn’t fade into the background as Zeus’s wife. She has a very solid, intriguing personality of her own and I love that about her. And like every other god, she also deserves respect and love.
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ukradlesmojkajak · 5 years ago
In Which Diversity Isn't a Myth
Ok. I’m tired of the typical vampire, werewolf and fairy.I’m also tired of the occidental-centrism in mythology. Hence, this list. 
I tried to included as many cultural variants as I could find and think of. (Unfortunately, I was restricted by language. Some Russian creatures looked very interesting but I don’t speak Russian…) Please, add creatures from your culture when reblogguing (if not already present). It took me a while to gather all those sites but I know it could be more expansive. I intend on periodically editing this list. 
Of note: I did not include specific legendary creatures (Merlin, Pegasus, ect), gods/goddesses/deities and heroes.
The Chinese Dragon
The Japanese Dragon
The Korean Dragon
The Vietnamese Dragon
The Greek Dragon
The Indian Dragon
The Polish Dragon
The Austrian Dragon
The British Dragon
The Ancient Dragon (Egypt, Babylon and Sumer)
The Spanish Basque Dragon
Of the Cockatrice (creature with the body of a dragon)
Alphabetical List of Dragons Across Myths (Great way to start)
Little creatures (without wings)
The Legend of the Leprechauns, The Leprechaun
Chanaque /Alux (the equivalent of leprechauns in Aztec/Mayan folklore)
Elves in Mythology and Fantasy
Elves in Germanic Mythology
Kabeiroi or Cabeiri (Dwarf-like minor gods in Greek mythology)
Norse Dwarves
The Myth of Loki and the Dwarves
Ten Types of Goblins
Tengu: Japanese Goblins
More on Gnomes
Pooka: an Irish phantom
Creatures with wings (except dragons)
All sorts of Cultural Fairies
Fairies in Old French Mythology 
A Fairy List
Bendith Y Mamau (Welsh fairies)
Welsh Fairies
Peri (Persian fairies)
Yü Nü (Chinese fairies)
The Celtic Pixie
Angels in Judaism
Angels in Christianity
Hierarchy of Angels
Angels in Islam
Irish Sylph
Garuda (Bird-like creature in Hindu and Buddhist myths)
Bean Nighe (a Scottish fairy; the equivalent of a banshee in Celtic mythology)
Spirited Creatures
Jinn (Genies in Arabic folklore)
Types of Djinns
Aisha Qandisha and Djinn in Moroccan Folklore
Oni (demons in Japanese folklore)
Spirits in Asturian Mythology
Boggarts: The British Poltergeist
Phantom black dogs (the Grim)
Demons in Babylonian and Assyrian Mythology (list)
Demons in the Americas (list)
European Demons (list)
Middle-East and Asia Demons (list)
Judeo-Christian Demons (list)
Nephilim, more on Nephilim
Mahaha (a demon in Inuit mythology)
Flying Head (a demon in Iroquois mythology)
Toyol (a dead baby ghost in Malay folklore)
Malay Ghosts
Yuki-onna (a ghost in Japanese folklore)
The Pontianak (a ghost in Malay mythology)
Funayurei (a ghost in Japanese folklore)
Zagaz (ghosts in Moroccan folklore)
Japanese Ghosts
Mexican Ghosts
Horse-like mythical creatures
Chinese Unicorns
The Kelpie (Could have also fitted in the sea creatures category)
The Centaur
The Female Centaur
Hippocamps (sea horses in Greek mythology)
Horse-like creatures (a list)
Karkadann, more on the Karkadann (a persian unicorn)
Ceffyl Dwfr (fairy-like water horse creatures in Cymric mythology)
Undead creatures
The Melanesian Vampire 
The Ewe Myth : Vampires
The Germanic Alp
The Indonesian Vampire
Asanbosam and Sasabonsam (Vampires from West Africa)
The Aswang: The Filipino Vampire
Folklore Vampires Versus Literary Vampires
Callicantzaros: The Greek Vampire
Vampires in Malaysia
Loogaroo/Socouyant: The Haitian Vampire
Incubi and Sucubi Across Cultures
Varacolaci: The Romanian Vampire
Brahmaparusha: The Indian Vampire
Genesis of the Word “Vampire”
The Ghoul in Middle East Mythology
Slavic Vampires
Vampires A-Z
The Medical Truth Behind the Vampire Myths
Zombies in Haitian Culture
Shape-shifters and half-human creatures (except mermaids) 
Satyrs (half-man, half-goat)
Sirens in Greek Mythology (half-woman and half-bird creatures)
The Original Werewolf in Greek Mythology
Werewolves Across Cultures
Werewolf Syndrome: A Medical Explanation to the Myth
Nagas Across Cultures
The Kumiho (half fox and half woman creatures)
The Sphinx
Scorpion Men (warriors from Babylonian mythology)
Pooka: an Irish changelings
Domovoi (a shape-shifter in Russian folklore)
Aatxe (Basque mythology; red bull that can shift in a human)
Yech (Native American folklore)
Ijiraat (shapeshifters in Inuit mythology)
Sea creatures
Selkies (Norse mermaids)
Mermaids in many cultures
More about mermaids
The Kraken (a sea monster)
Nuckelavee (a Scottish elf who mainly lives in the sea)
Lamiak (sea nymphs in Basque mythology)
Bunyip (sea monster in Aboriginal mythology)
Apkallu/abgal (Sumerian mermen)
An assemblage of myths and legends on water and water creatures
Slavic Water Creatures
The Encantado (water spirits in Ancient Amazon River mythology)
Zin (water spirit in Nigerian folklore)
Qallupilluk (sea creatures in Inuit mythology)
Monsters That Don’t Fit in Any Other Category
Aigamuxa, more details on Aigamuxa
Myrmidons (ant warriors)
Troll, More on Trolls
Golems in Judaism
Giants: The Mystery and the Myth (50 min long documentary)
Inupasugjuk (giants in Inuit mythology)
Fomorians (an Irish divine race of giants)
The Minotaur
The Manticore, The Manticore and The Leucrouta
The Ogre
The Orthus (two-headed serpent-tailed dog)
The Windigo
The Windigo Psychosis
Rakshasa (humanoids in Hindu and Buddhist mythology)
Yakshas (warriors in Hindu mythology)
Taqriaqsuit (“Shadow people” in Inuit mythology)
References on Folklore and Mythology Across the Globe
Creatures of Irish Folklore 
Folklore and Fairytales
An Overview of Persian Folklore
Filipino Folklore
Myths, Creatures and Folklore
Alaska Folklore
Spanish (Spain) Mythology
Mythical Archive
Mythology Dictionary
List of Medieval and Ancient Monsters
Native American Animals of Myth and Legends
Native American Myths
Bestiary of Ancient Greek Mythology
Mythology, Legend, Folklore and Ghosts
Angels and Demons
List of Sea Creatures
Yoruba Mythology
Ghosts Around the World, Ghosts From A to Z
Strange (Fantastic) Animals of Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Mythology
Creatures from West Africa
On the Legendary Creatures of Africa
Myths, Creatures and Folklore
References on writing a myth or mythical creatures
Writing a MYTHology in your novel?
How to Write a Myth
10 Steps to Creating Realistic Fantasy Creatures
Creating Fantasy Creatures or Alien Species
Legendary Creature Generator
Book Recommendations With Underrated Mythical Creatures
(I have stumbled upon web sites that believed some of these mythical creatures exist today… Especially dragons, in fact. I just had to share the love and scepticism.)
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ukradlesmojkajak · 5 years ago
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Ἀκέφαλος - A Headless Rite Experience
Ok, take this with a grain of salt. Writing about a magical experience can seem like insanity. I have reread my magic diary notes, tried to gather my thoughts and form some type of thesis.
Backstory Over a year ago my life had become rather chaotic, frustrating and uncertain. Family and work life had drastically changed and no conventional ideas seemed to improve matters. At my wits end I began looking for “magical” solutions to break out of the rut. I don’t remember exactly how but I came across Gordon White’s Rune Soup blog. This discovery thrust me back into something I had spent the last decade trying to ignore and that was practical magic. Feeling very curious I purchased The Chaos Protocols by Gordon and was inspired to give the Headless Rite a go. However please note, my ritual is not as prescribed by Gordon, I’ll explain why later.
Ritual It was performed during the day on a Sunday on the planetary hour of the Sun in my backyard. The choice of day was not in my control, as it was the only day I could have my place to myself. But I did choose to perform it in the hour of the Sun to take advantage of the various Sun correspondences.
I began with a meditation to relax and enter a light trance state. I lit white candles located at the four directions as well as frankincense resin. Cast a circle by walking incense around a central altar (it’s just a small table). Read out barbarous names printed on paper, held to my left and right temples facing North. Then facing West towards Orion (who was below the horizon at the time) I read out the Headless Rite. I’m Greek Australian, so I read the rite in the Ancient Greek and not the translation. I don’t think the language used matters as long as the barbarous names are unchanged (that’s possibly where some of the magic is). I then activated some sigils using Gordon’s method of staring at sigils until they flash/fade and go back to normal. Then more meditation to cleared my mind. I ended the ritual and banished by clapping my hands and laughing. Tidied up the backyard.
Considerations and observations Gordon suggests combining an invocation to the Demon Kings. I didn’t, mainly out of fear to be honest. Calling a demon back then felt sacrilegious and conflicted with my Greek Orthodox upbringing. It technically still does, but I’ve subsequently expanded my beliefs/views… not very Orthodox any more.
I don’t feel that the Demon Kings are demons anyway, well not in the biblical fallen angel style. I now view them as very significant spirits who represent/influence the cardinal directions, similarly to the Ancient Greek Anemoi (winds) and the Chinese Heavenly Kings. They are not a part of the Headless Rite, so their omission didn’t break anything.
The incense that was happily puffing smoke did flare up doing the ceremony, which did get the heart racing. The self lighting charcoals can do this which is normal. However I do find it amusing that it tends to happen as an accent or during the climax of a ritual.
I do remember feeling very invigorated once I completed the entire ritual. I didn’t think it was successful, but I felt good. Then the fun started.
As crazy as it sounds I believe that performing the Rite opened me up to contact from the spirit world. The contact I received however was not what I expected, surprise surprise. My dreams three days later felt very, very real. I can lucid dream, but the feeling was far more intense. The first dream was a blend of nightmare and lesson. I won’t describe the entire dream, but basically I was given a lesson, I can either continue wasting life/vitality/energy by being sucked into base desires or I could channel my vitality/energy into meaningful magic. This choice was emphasised by two menacing black hounds with glowing green eyes giving me very threatening looks and growls. Oddly I felt a compulsion to give thanks for the dream after I woke up.
The hounds returned on two more nights. But on the last night within the dream, after I crossed a large canyon the angry black hound split into two dogs. One old, calm and friendly, the other young and active. I had worked through a few personal things so I felt the hounds were happy with me.
“So what, you dreamt of dogs?”, I hear you say. Well yes, but I’m trying to change my life and rediscover magic by performing an “exorcism” possibly written in the 2nd century BC, calling upon Egyptian Gods. No point in rejecting experiences because they sound trivial now.
Conclusions To me the Rite when spoken in Greek has the same mouthfeel as prayers to God I could say in church. I kinda think it is, as it even mentions an “Angel of God”. Please note that I’m definitely not suggesting that the Headless Rite is a Christian prayer, far from it. Calling upon a Headless daemon (Akephalos), Osiris, Set, Bes and others would make a Church Father have apoplexy. I’m talking about the feeling.
I do think this Angel made contact with me and the hounds represent… her. Yep, I think the angel was female. Why do I think this? Well I’ve researched the words in the Headless Rite and symbolism in my dreams. The Headless Rite is included in the Greek Magical Papyri, other “spells/rituals” in the PGM include many of the same deities and barbarous names. A certain female deity is featured quite extensively in the PGM. One of the epithets she has is “Angelos” or Angel of God, so there’s the connection. This Angelos is also more typically known as the Goddess of Magic Hekate. Her heralds are “black hounds”.
That’s when the penny dropped. I got the result I needed but not what I expected. I had not considered Hekate in any way prior to these dreams. It also explains a series of events I experienced as a young child and many other bizarre correspondences throughout my life.
What’s interesting is that it has unlocked the PGM and how I perceive magic. Whether it’s Greco-Egyptian, Solomonic, Cyprianic ( another rabbit hole right there), Chaos or Eastern magic I know that it’s actually real. The spirit world is real, divinity is real and the universe is not just a mistake of randomness explained only in materialist ways.
So call the loony bin, we’ve got a real nutter here. Life will never be the same again. Here is a recording of the Headless Rite spoken in Ancient Greek.
 If you’re interested in the Headless Rite and other magical ritual then check out the book below.
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells: Texts (Volume 1)
Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic Hardcover – 2014
The Chaos Protocols by @gordonwhite
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ukradlesmojkajak · 5 years ago
Basic Homesteading Skills
Cooking and Baking
homemade bread
homemade butter
homemade extracts
dandelion jelly
26 canning recipes
canning jars 101
60 canning recipes
edible trees to plant
what to plant to save the bees
cure and braid garlic
save seeds for next year
braid onions for long term storage
build a greenhouse
homemade chicken feed
raising mealworms for chickens
why to raise nigerian dwarf goats
starting a fire with sticks
trail signs
find true north without a compass
homemade neosporin
all purpose healing salve
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ukradlesmojkajak · 5 years ago
Housewarming Magic
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For when you’ve moved into a new living situation or are ready for a new start <3
Room cleansing
To clear negative energy from a room
Summer house cleansing
Herbal wall/floor wash + witchy cleaners
Home cleansing brew
Thoroughly clearing spaces
Crystals to cleanse the home
Home cleansing tips
Cleansing your space without smoke
Energy cleansing
Warding + Protection:
A crash course on warding
Warding (methods)
To ward the home
House claiming and warding
My home is protected spell
Home protection steam spell
Simple home protection jar spell
“Little lurkers” home protection spell
Room/home protection
Check out the sigils below!
“For a magical and happy home”
“This space is full of life, light, and bright energy”
“I have a clean living space”
“No fighting in this home”
“My home is safe”
“This home is safe for all”
“This home is a safe and healthy environment”
“My house is protected from unwanted influences”
“My home is protected”
Witchin’ it up:
Happy home spell jar
Home sweet home spell jar
Cozy home open spell jar
Doing the dishes the witchy way
Homemade laundry detergent recipe
Laundry magic
Pleasing household spirits
When a bad guest leaves
Odds and ends:
Magic, and power, in homemaking
The history and creation of witch bottles
Cottage witch tips
Hearth witch tips
The basics of kitchen and cottage witchcraft
You may also like:
Bedridden witch: garden / stale energy / kitchen edition
Spells for job seekers
Travel witchery
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ukradlesmojkajak · 5 years ago
cody fern
reblog if you agree
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ukradlesmojkajak · 6 years ago
Information for a Hades Devotee!
Who is Hades?
Hades is the god of the dead, and the king of the Underworld. He is the eldest child of the titans, Cronus and Rhea. Hades received the Underworld after his brothers claimed the rulership of the cosmos and left the Underworld for Hades.
His job is to maintain balance and rule the Underworld. He is known to be understanding and just, with a stern fist. He rarely, if ever, leaves the Underworld. The name Hades originally meant ‘the unseen one’.
What symbols represent Hades?
Cerberus (Three-headed dog)
The drinking horn
The colors black and gray
Black rams
What plants represent Hades?
Cypress tree
Asphodel plant
White poplar
What are some acts of devotion?
Donating to programs that help those with mental illness.
Donating to funeral parlors.
Leaving offerings for the dead at cemeteries
Any kind of death work, really
Save money
Spend time with dogs!
Visit graveyards or cemeteries
Cleaning up graveyards
Create an altar (including some of the good offerings and anything that reminds you of him)
Talking and daily prayers
What are good offerings for Hades?
Red wine
White roses
Oil olive
Bones of any type
Black tea
Black or gray candles
Old photographs
What does Hades help with?
Fear of death
Suicidal thoughts/tendencies
Money issues
Moving on
What are some Spoonie friendly ways to worship?
If you don’t have any energy to leave your bed or can’t leave your bed due to medical reasons a simple daily prayer goes a long way. You can talk to Hades about something you need guidance on or just how your feeling in general.
Auto-write! Maybe sit up with a pencil and see if Hades will take the wheel and write a message out to you. This is a way lots of people communicate with their deities.
Loving yourself! Hades is all about helping with guilt and the negative thoughts in your brain. Giving yourself a compliment or a pat on the back can be a way to show devotion.
What are some Broomstick Closeted ways to worship?
Instead of an altar you can simply have an item of two on yourself that remind you of Hades, like a coin or rock.
If you have tumblr, you could always made an altar online! Many do this, and Hades definitely does not mind if you do it too.
Simply buying any food that may be special to you, and throwing it out after offering it.
Speak to him! Just a daily prayer, doesn’t have to be much. It goes a long way, trust me.
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ukradlesmojkajak · 6 years ago
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bitch im triggered but let this be a reminder
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ukradlesmojkajak · 6 years ago
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💀 Offering Oil For The Dead 💀
Here’s a oil that I made in honor of Thanatos (also props to him for giving me this advice to fill my skull dropper!) This oil is to be used as a offering to Chthonic deities and spirits. You can anoint a candle when working as well as this oil is suppose to have a soothing feel to it for comforting!
What you’ll need: A Carrier oil (I would recommend olive oil but I’ll be using Vitamin E oil), Lavender (essential oil or the herb it self), Rose petals/buds, Myrrh (since this works well for Hades and Thanatos I’ve heard and can be either essential oil or the ashes from incense)
Optional things you can add: Poppy seeds, a bone, graveyard dirt, something dead, a quartz crystal, Selenite crystal, Willow bark or leaf (this aids with safe passing in the afterlife and is also good for protection against negativity and evil).
Directions: (usually when I’m making an oil or potion I light candles and burn incense, along with playing soothing/fitting music. Just a quick note!)
Cleanse the bottle first ( I did so with my juniper smudge wand). Add each item into your bottle, making SURE your adding your intent. (Lavender for peace, Rose for remembrance, Myrrh for troubled souls and can help with protection.) When adding a bone or something dead make sure to thank the spirit to the item. And your done!
NOTE: If you do not want to use oil you can use water for this! You can always modify this as well :)
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ukradlesmojkajak · 6 years ago
Types of Spells & Basic Methods of Casting
Attracting - fill a small jar with honey and add a written statement of intent to the jar - seal and set the jar in direct sunlight to manifest your intent; stir your morning coffee or tea in a clockwise motion while focusing on the intent of what energies you wish to attract for the day; fill a jar with herbs and crystals that represent what you want to attract and add a statement of intent; charge a crystal and wear on your person to attract certain energies; create a sigil and either draw it on yourself or on paper and keep in your pocket; create a talisman, charge it, and wear it to attract various energies
Banishing - take an item that represents what you wish to banish and: throw it in the trash, flush it down the toilet, burn it, bury it, drown it; burn the item and sweep the ashes out the back door or bury them; carve the name of what you want to banish into a black candle and let it burn down completely; transmute negative energy into a stone (preferably a black stone like onyx) and throw it over the fence in your backyard (or whichever direction is south in reference to your home); stir your morning coffee or tea in a counter-clockwise motion while focusing on the intent of what energies you wish to banish for the day; using incense that is associated with banishing negative energy, walk around your space in a counter-clockwise motion with the lit incense in your hand
Binding & Sealing - wrap a string around a poppet or other representation of the target or item you wish to bind; put the poppet or other representation in a plastic bag filled with water and freeze it; place the item in a black box and seal it - store in a dark place or bury the box in your backyard; drip wax over the item
Blessing & Consecrating - anoint an object with holy or blessed water/oil; place the object in a dry bath of herbs or flowers that are known for blessing; pass the object through incense smoke that is associated with blessing
Cleansing - leave the item in the path of direct moon, sun, or starlight; place in a dry bath or herbs or flowers that are associated with cleansing; place the item in a bowl of sea salt; pass the item through incense smoke that is associated with cleansing; pass the item through running water; anoint the item with a cleansing oil or charged water; bury the item in soil for 3 days so it may be “reborn” when unearthed; place a cleansing crystal on top of or next to the item; hang a wind chime outside of your home to negate negative energies before they have the chance to enter your home; open doors and windows; physically clean your space
Cursing - fill a poppet with baneful herbs and crystals, seal it, and store in a black box; add baneful herbs and crystals to a jar with a piece of paper that states the target’s name or a description of them and seal it; create a poppet or other representation of the target and destroy it (commonly by burning); stab the poppet with pins and needles; curse an item and gift it to the target
Dreams & Sleep - fill a sachet with herbs associated with restful sleep and peaceful dreams and hang above your bed; place the sachet under your pillow; wash your bedsheets and sleep clothes with a few drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil; alternately, choose fabric softener that is lavender scented to wash your sheets or sleep clothes with; create a sigil for peaceful dreams or dream recall, charge under the light of the moon, and place it under your pillow before you go to sleep; drink mugwort, peppermint, or valerian root tea before bed for vivid, lucid dreams; drink chamomile tea before bed for restful sleep; drink lemon verbena (vervain) tea before bed for dreamless sleep; when bathing at night, create a sachet that matches your intent and place in the bath or shower
Glamours - anoint the containers of beauty and hair products with Pluto oil or moon water (for transformation and metamorphosis); leave the item you wish to cast a glamour on under the full moon; charge a talisman with the effect you wish to have on others and wear when you go out for the day; add Pluto oil and moon water to a bath for a full body glamour (write your intent with bath crayons on the tub or shower wall for an extra boost); create an energetic shield over yourself in which the outside mirrors what you want others to perceive of you
Goal & Wish Manifestation - write your intent on a bay leaf and burn it; turn your intent into a sigil and store it in a jar filled with herbs or other items that represent said intent; place a written description of your goal or wish in the center of a crystal grid using stones that are associated with manifestation and power; place a coin in moon water while focusing on your wish or goal (leave container under direct moonlight overnight so that it may charge); light a candle whose color matches your intent and while focusing on your goal or wish, blow out the candle
Personal Power & Effects - create or enchant a talisman that represents your intent, charge it, and wear it on your person; take a ritual bath filled with herbs that are associated with personal power; create a potion from herbs associated with power and drink in the morning
Warding - sprinkle a mixture of protective herbs around the perimeter of your home while walking clockwise; leave protective crystals at each corner of your space; hang a protective amulet above the door to your space; wear a protective amulet for personal protection; create a protective witch bottle and bury near your front door; plant herbs or flowers that are associated with protection outside at each corner of your home; draw a protective sigil or symbol on the outside of your front and back door with sun water; hang witch balls or a witch’s ladder near your front door; create an energetic shield and place over yourself, your loved ones, or your entire home
*Please be wary when drinking herbal mixtures and putting essential oils directly on the skin or on items that your skin may come in contact with*
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ukradlesmojkajak · 6 years ago
Alchemical Enchanting: Protection Circle
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Today I’d like to talk about enchanting: the practice of charging objects with a magickal purpose. This can be done in many different ways; it is not required to follow complicated rituals and use specific ingredients to successfully enchant an object, but rituals are a great way to focus one’s will during the process.
This is the way I do it. 🌙
Start with meditation, trying to reach a very deep and focused meditative state. You have to feel your own power grow inside of you. I find that listening to music is a great way to make this process easier. 
Focus on your goal: in the case of a protection spell, you can try to visualize a protective bubble around you, or a shield that repels unwanted energies. Take your time to make the image very clear in your head.
Pick the object you wish to enchant. In this case, I used a round black onyx stone, which is known to have protective properties (but you can use whichever object you have on hand, as long as you feel a positive connection to it). Cleanse and bless the object however you see fit (I use New Moon Water and Chaos Water).
Draw the enchanting circle on a piece of paper. I start with a basic alchemical circle: I draw the three symbols of mercury, salt and sulphur around the circle and I draw a six-pointed star inside. Then I start drawing inside the circle, trying to remain focused on my goal as much as I can, and leaving a blank space where I will place the object I want to enchant.  
Surround the enchanting circle with salt to protect it from any external interference. I also place obsidian, clear quartz and carnelian around it as a representation of the alchemical transmutation. If you want, you can light a candle that matches your goal (for protection, use a black candle).
Place your object inside the enchanting circle and leave it there to charge for as long as you want. You either can remain focused on your enchantment, or you can leave the circle alone to do its magick. (But please, never leave candles unattended!)
Here’s a closer look at my protection circle. You can copy it down and use it as it is, or you can change it to fit your personal spell. 
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If you feel that the object is losing its charge after being used, you can just put it back on the circle and leave it there overnight.
If you’d like to know more about the ideas behind alchemy, check my previous post on the topic here.
Happy enchanting! 🌙
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