ukiyoe-fish · 3 years
Happy New Year! ———————————— Ressen Gachu Shiei By Kiyochika Kobayashi ———————————— 列僊画注子英 作 小林清親 ————————————
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ukiyoe-fish · 3 years
Happy New Year!
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ukiyoe-fish · 3 years
Fishing Ladies
Music: A fair lady
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ukiyoe-fish · 3 years
Ryugu Palace is from the Japanese folktale called "Urashima Taro."
Music: Japanese garden
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ukiyoe-fish · 3 years
Fishes Vs. Humans?
What in the wold is going on!?
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ukiyoe-fish · 3 years
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“Divers Fighting against Fishes of Ryugu Palace”
By Utagawa Ikuhide
Description Down Below!(下に説明載せてます!)⇓
This Ukiyo-e is likely to be from 1877~1896.
The gate In the upper left corner seems like the gate to the dragon palace.
One day, three divers suddenly descended from the world above the ground to the water world. The Self-Defense Forces of Ryugu are fighting against humans with their swords and spears. The large octopus in the middle seems to command the Self-Defence Forcces.
In the bottom left, there is a blowfish soldier are being crushed by a human. To help the comrade, the other soldiers like squid and stingray are attacking back the human.
Looking at the picture, some might noticed why the Forces do not just cut off the air hose. Fishes are so used to breathe under water that they might not realize humans will be done by just chopping off the hose.
At first sight, what did you think they were doing? Let me know in the comment section!
作 歌川幾英
この #浮世絵 は明治十年代から二十年代(1877~1896)に描かれたようです。
左上の門は、#竜宮城 の門のように見受けられます。
ある日突然、三人の潜水夫が地上の世界から水中の世界へと降りてきた様子。 竜宮城の自衛隊は刀や槍を持って、人間と戦っていますね。 中央の大きな #タコ は自衛隊を指揮しているのでしょうか。
また左下では、フグの兵士が人間に踏みつぶされてしまっています。 仲間のフグを助けるため、イカやエイなどの他の兵士が反撃しているようです。
浮世絵を眺めていて、なぜ自衛隊は空気のホースを切ってしまわないのだろうかということに気付いたかもしれません。 魚たちは水中で息をすることに慣れているため、ホースを切ってしまうだけで人間は終わりだということに気付かないのかもしれないですね。
最初に見た時、魚と人間たちが何をしていると思いましたか? コメント欄で教えてくださいね!
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ukiyoe-fish · 3 years
Taro must have had so much fun with Princess Oto...
He cannot help looking at her.
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ukiyoe-fish · 3 years
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"The Picture of Urashima Taro Returning from the Dragon Palace"
By Yoshitoshi Tsukioka
This picture shows one scene from the Japanese folktale called "Urashima Taro."
Taro is the guy on the turtle and looking at the Dragon Palace, which drawn on the upper right.
Taro has a little box on his back. It's a gift, called Tamatebako, from the palace
The story has been famous as it had been on the textbook for Japanese elementary schools around 1928.
It is said that the story is similar to other countries' folktales like Rip Van Winkle, Tír na nÓg, 爛柯, and 柳毅伝.
Also, the Dragon Palace is mentioned as something like Atlantis.
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ The Story Shortly Explained ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Once upon a time...
Urashima Taro, the fisherman, found a turtle being bullied by children.
Taro felt sorry for the turtle, so helped it out and let it go back to the sea.
After a few days, the turtle again appeared in front of Taro, and said, "I'd like to take you to the Dragon Palace to show my appreciation."
At the palace, Taro were welcomed by the beautiful Princess Oto and fishes, and then, Taro wonderfully spent a couple of days there.
When Taro was sadly about to leave the palace, the princess gave Taro a special box, and said, "you should never open this box."
Taro sorrowfully returned to his world with riding on the turtle, but strangely, he couldn't find his house or someone he knows.
There was no longer anywhere like the world as it was before.
Not remembering the word from the princess, Taro opened the special box.
Suddenly white smoke came out from the box, and it turned Taro into an old guy with full of grey hair and wrinkles.
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