7 posts
He/Him ᯾ Right now I'm in too many fandoms and with small time to write, really
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ukaissugarbaby · 4 years ago
Ok, this is no hc or fanfiction, just smth that happened to me yesterday that was so random and I wanted to share.
So, a girl in my high school approached me and cassually, I have this charm in my mobile.
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Ok, so she sees it and looks at it for a long term of time really intensely, almost like this.
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And then she tells me:
"Oh, haha, sorry I just thought he was Cat Noir (from Ladybug) and I found it funny."
Thing that left me like this-
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So I decided to ask her, why did she thought it was Cat Noir, bc they don't look very much the same. Ok they're both blonde's but it isn't even the same shade of yellow.
(Here is a picture so you see they're the same person •_•)
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And then her friend looks at it and says:
"Idk, their suits are almost the same."
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(Bitch, since when does cat noir carry grenades in his wrists)
And with that being said, they both went away.
Oh, and not happy with that, it turns out they had started talking to me bc they wanted to have that tipical...
✨G A Y F R I E N D✨
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Wth, I thought that of the gay friend only happened in movies.
I know is so random and stupid but I found it funny.
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ukaissugarbaby · 4 years ago
Hello may I request what a poly relationship would be like with Mirio and Tamaki with a male reader? I really enjoy your writing and I hope you like the idea!!!
Tamaki Amajiki x Male! Reader x Mirio Togata
Tw: Anxiety mentions(bc Tamaki is here so is imposible not to mention it)
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I can litterally imagine Tamaki liking Mirio already, tbh.
He looked up to him so much, so it was just a matter of time until he realized he liked him.
But then you arrived.
His life had already a ray of sunshine(Mirio) and with you, there were two.
And he started to like you too.
Obviously, Tamaki being Tamaki didn't say anything and since you already hung out with Mirio, Nejire and him, he used that to be closer to you both.
He wasn't sure if you both liked guys.
And being insecure, he thought that even if you liked guys, you would never like him.
So he thought it wasn't worth trying.
Of course, he couldn't believe the day you appeared with Mirio holding hands.
Saying you two were dating.
Tamaki not being able to get over you two, decided to:
Distance himself.
And that didn't go quite well.
Because, obviously, you two lovebirds noticed it.
And when you tried to talk about it, he acted distant and evasive.
What did Mirio and you came up with?
Take him with you and force him to tell you what is wrong.
Best solution 100%.
"What is wrong? Are you mad at us?"
He looked at you, then to Mirio, then to you and then back to Mirio, with panic.
A lot of thoughts went through his mind.
Now he had to tell you. What if you hated him? Or if you thought he was trying to break your relationship? Maybe you'd never wanted to talk to him again.
Unconciously, his breathing and pulse acelerated.
Soon, he was sitting on the floor and covering his face with his hands.
Mirio and you sat down next to him, really worried.
You helped him to steady his breathing.
"Tamaki, breath with Y/N, come on. You can do it... You can do it, just follow him."
Eventually, he calmed himself.
But you noticed his eyes going watery.
And then, he started sobbing loudly.
Telling you two everyting.
He stayed there, waiting for you to get angry at him.
But, he only heard two clear laughs.
Were you laughing at him? Was he that ridiculous?
You two hugged Tamaki leaving him between you.
"You should've tell us sooner!"
Mirio nodded, smiling brightly.
"Don't you ever do that again, ok? We need you in our lifes!"
So, yep, basically, you talked about this and decided to include Tamaki in the relationship.
Now, being in a relationship with this two means a lot of cuddles.
Mirio would be the type of boyfriend that steals you and Tamaki kisses, and Tamaki rarelly gives them because...
So you two are the ones who have to give him kisses.
Thing that will make him terribly flustered.
If you have any insecurity, go to Mirio.
Because as much as Tamaki loves you, he isn't good at helping with selfstime.
And that conversation will end up in a closed circuit of you hating yourselves.
"Tamaki, I am so ugly..."
"You're not ugly, I am the ugly one..."
"No, you're beautiful! I am the ugly one!"
"You're not, I am..."
By the time Mirio arrives, you will both have your selfstime at -1000.
Ok, so...
After Mirio's "incident", and the whole battle with Overhaul, it was natural that he was very a little bit down.
So you had to help him to cheer up again.
But probably, the fact that you're there with him already helped him a lot.
So he soon would be back to normal, more or less.
Probably, Mirio would propose to you both 1 year after getting out the UA.
And move together right after getting married.
Probably to an appartament in the center of the city, near your agencies.
Sleeping with them is having them hughing you each one from their side of the bed.
It's nice in winter but in summer, it will be too hot, so prepare to handle high temperatures.
You'd definitely have a pet.
Or a cat or a dog, whatever you like the most.
Maybe both.
And usually, your free days would be picnic dates.
Nejire and Eri are over at your house more than your parents.
To the point Nejire even has a copy of the keys.
But wont get in the way if you three want to be lovey-dovey on your own.
In conclusion-
I think they would be a pretty cute couple to be with.
A/N: I have a lot of school work to be done but I just liked a lot this request, so I had to do it.
Also, I'm not really confident with my writting bc English is not my first language (I'm spanish, haha). So I'm really happy that you enjoy my content!
I hope that you and anyone who reads this enjoys this hcs!
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ukaissugarbaby · 4 years ago
Types of drunk people
☆Haikyuu edition☆
Tw: Alcohol, Gn!Reader
Shoyo Hinata: The hyperactive drunk
The type of drunk that can't stay in a place for more than 5 minutes.
He'll most likely be seen as an orange trail.
Bc he'd be running from one place to another.
Wanting to do many things in the shortest period of time possible.
"Come, Y/N, look at this!"
"Shoyo, were tf are you? I've lost you!"
Asahi Azumane: The scaredy cat drunk
The tipe of drunk that is scared from everything.
He'd be hiding half of the time.
Because sudenly, the world is a nightmare.
And he doesn't want to face it.
"Y/N! Did you see that!"
"It was just your shadow, baby."
"B-But... It's scary."
Nishinoya Yū: The paranoic drunk
The drunk that thinks someone is following them all the time.
"What, Noya, baby?"
"A tall ass man dressed in green is following us!"
"Yū, that green man is a streetlight!"
Koushi Sugawara: The scary drunk
Type of drunk that looks like he's about to commit a murder.
He'd look at everyone with death in his eyes.
Like the do-you-have-a-death-wish look.
Better to not let anyone go near him.
Pretty agressive)?
"That boy looked bad at you. I'm going to-..."
"Koshi, no!"
Tsukishima Kei: The open up drunk
That drunk that opens up about their feelings.
We all know, Tsuki has some problems being...
But when he's drunk, I feel like he would make a flip of 360°.
Suddenly, he's super nice and will be very open about his feelings.
So the more nice he is, the more drunk.
Good way of knowing if he has went over the alcohol limit his body can hold.
"Y/N, I looooooove you so muchhh!"
"Kei, you're totally wasted, let's go home."
Yamaguchi Tadashi: The confident drunk
The drunk that suddenly has a lot of confidence.
He usually can be a bit shy.
But when it comes to alcohol.
He's more 'brave'.
So, yeah.
"Y/N, come dance on the table with me!"
"No, Yams, this time I'll pass."
Kuroo Tetsurou: The philosophical drunk
That one drunk that feels is the best moment to start thinking about random things.
So, I think that goes without an explanation.
He'll ramble about existance.
Nothing that he'll say will be very philosophical, though.
Just random things that pass through his mind and he thinks it will make him the next Aristoteles.
"Y/N, did you think that if Pinocchio says that his nose is going to grow, it won't grow, because in one moment in life it'll grow?"
"Honey, wtf."
Kenma Kozume: The sick drunk
That one that gets very sick when they drink alcohol.
So, he will pass the night sitting in front of the toilet.
Just throwing up.
And feeling really dizzy.
"P-Promise me we won't take more alcohol."
"I'm sorry, Kenma. I promise, this is the last time."
Kotaro Bokuto: The sad drunk
That type of drunk person that is hiper sensitive and starts crying because of everything.
So he would cry because of absolutely EVERYTHING.
It doesn't matter if it is because he loves you so much or because you killed a little spider.
He'll have watery eyes in 2 seconds.
"Omg, baby, are you okay?"
"It's just that I love you so much, Y/N! I don't deserve you!"
"There, there..."
Tooru Oikawa: The horny drunk
Type of drunk that craves doing the naughty a lot.
He will chase you around.
And try to get you under the sheets with him.
Like, A LOT.
So if you're not in the mood, better leave him alone.
Because he will do anything it's possible to try to convince you.
"Not now, Tooru."
"But you look so good in that clothes, I really want to undress yo-"
"Tooru Oikawa!"
Sakusa Kyoomi: The obsesive drunk
That one drunk that obsesses about anything and starts to worry and get anxious.
I think it's clear with what would he obsess, right?
The only person that can touch him is you.
And he will start dessinfecting absolutely everything.
I guess in this case, he doesn't change too much
"This is incredibly dirty... The germs... I can feel them installing inside my body... I-I..."
"Kyoomi! Stop dessinfecting the bar! You're making such a scene!"
A/N: Just a random post. I want to make clear that this isn't canon and it's MY opinion. So please, don't get ofended.| (• ◡•)|
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ukaissugarbaby · 4 years ago
Hitoka Yachi x Ftm! Reader
Tw: Misgendering, dead naming(D/N), age gap(1 year), gossiping, maybe a little bit angsty)? at the begining.
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"So you like... her?"
"Hm?" Yachi looked confused at her friends.
She had just told them she liked you. Yes, the cute clumsy first year fell in love with you, the second year transgender boy.
When you came out, mostly everyone accepted you happily. At the begining, some people dead named you by accident or misgendered you, but everyone called you by your preferred name nowadays. Or at least, they did in front of you. Then, in not-so-private, some people liked to dead name you and misgender you on purpose. In summary, they liked to act like you weren't a boy, thing that you clearly were.
People like Yachi's friends.
"Don't you know, Yachi?" One of them said dramatically. "(D/N), she thinks she's a boy. She called herself transgender or something like that..." She thought for a while. "Well, I don't care, she's still a girl." Then she smiled fakely. "But it's okay if you're lesbian, we totally accept you."
"But I like guys." Yachi said, firmly but a little bit nervous.
She didn't think their friends would be like that. She didn't think they were bad people! Oh, how wrong had she been.
"I-I like..." She flushed bright red at thinking about you. "...(Y/N), and he's a boy."
She stood up, with her friends looking confused.
"Didn't you hear what we just said?"
Yachi inspired and took out all the courage she didn't know she had.
"I don't want to hear more. I like (Y/N), and you won't gossip about him or ashame me for liking him. Bye." And with that, she went out the classroom.
She started running through the hallways, with a mix of feelings.
She was sad, because she had just lost her friends; she was angry, because she hated the fact that they were gossiping behind your back; and she was ashamed, because she didn't know she could snap at someone like that.
She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't see someone coming straight to her.
She closed her eyes, waiting to fall into the ground, but she noticed that didn't happen.
She opened slowly her eyelids, to show you, holding her so she would't fall.
"Hey, are you ok?" You asked, carefully helping her to incorporate.
She blushed intensely.
"Yeah, t-thank you! You're so good... I-I mean, that's so nice of you!"
You blushed, looking at her.
"Y-Yeah, no big deal."
What Yachi didn't know was that you liked her too.
So you encouraged yourself and looked back at her. She was already walking away.
"Hey, Yachi!"
She turned around to look back at you.
"Do you think... y'know... maybe we could hang out sometime? To have an ice cream or go for a walk. Together."
She blushed deeper (if that was even posible).
"L-Like a date?"
You rubbed the back of your neck.
Yachi smiled brightly, with that adorable red still painting her cheeks.
"I would love to!"
You were surprised that she accepted, but you quickly asked her for her number, to agree on the details of your date.
While you exchanged numbers, your good friends Suga and Daichi passed by.
Suga was the first to speak, looking at you both and smiling gently.
"Could they be more oblivious?"
Daichi smiled too and crossed his arms.
"No, they could not."
A/N: I've made this because I haven't seen a lot of fanfiction about Yachi, and as a person that loves her, I wanted to do one. I'm sorry if it's too short. 😅 I want to make clear that misgendering and dead naming are TRANSPHOBIA and that I DON'T promote it in any kind. That's all!
༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ🍪
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ukaissugarbaby · 4 years ago
Hey I wanted to ask if you would write for Mirio? If not that’s completely fine just wanted to know!
Yep! I would totally write for Mirio. I forgot to put that I'm open to requests 😅. I'll change it right now. Anyways, I'm getting off topic.
If you have a request, you only need to tell me the reader you want and the main idea! (I don't know if I'm explaining myself) I'll try to do it as fast as posible.
(Also, sorry if something isn't very clear. English is not my native language.)
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ukaissugarbaby · 4 years ago
👻Bakugou Katsuki with a ghost Male! reader👻
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You where born with a peculiar quirk.
You where a ghost.
So the only people who could see you where your parents.
The doctor told them that you weren't alive, but neither dead.
So to stay in the alive world, or sort of that, you needed to decide a person to be atached to before turning 5 years old.
While that, you had to stay at the doctor's office, where they had installed some special equipment to keep you there.
Of course, your parents had to come regularly because they were the only ones who could see and hear you.
And with 4 years old, you saw Katsuki Bakugou.
He was about your age and he had gone to a revision appointment.
You didn't know if it was because of his spiky blonde hair, for his ruby eyes or because of his grumphy humor, but you decided he'd be your 'host'.
So you casually dropped something in the room to call the doctor's attention.
He inmediately called your parents.
"I want him to be the one I'll be with, mum."
Obviously, they didn't tell him and his family about this.
Because who would react well to someone telling them:
"Hey, can we bond your kid with a ghost?"
So they just told you how to stablish the connection.
"Touching him should be enough."
The second time you saw him, was to bond with him.
An electric current passed through your body.
And that leads us to today.
So, you usually tried your best to hide, so he wouldn't get scared.
Eventually, you even started liking the hothead, but you pushed those feelings aside, because there were no chances of him liking a ghost that stalked him and was a boy.
(You had seen him with a girlfriend in his previous school so you were quite sure he wasn't into guys.)
That went on until you both turned 16 years old.
You decided to show yourself.
Naturally, he freaked out.
"Who tf are you?!"
You had to explain it all to him.
And he wasn't very happy.
In summary, he tried to explode your face.
That didn't do anything, because even if he was the only person (appart from your parents) who could touch you, you dodged it easily.
Advantages of floating.
He didn't like the idea of you being in his life.
So he just decided to ignore your presence, like you didn't exist.
But you had waited for long to speak to someone, so, if he thought you wouldn't bother him, well...
He was absolutely wrong.
You started talking to him all the time.
But everyone has a limit, and Bakugou wasn't known for his patience.
So, one day, he shouted at you, because you were bothering him in the middle of class.
"Bakugou, can we know who exactly are you shouting to?"
"To him!"
He said pointing at you.
Ofc, for everybody else, he was pointing to, ummm...
They thought he had hit his head and sent him to Recovery Girl's office.
You had to hold your laughter.
You didn't want to anger him more.
Surprisingly, from that day on, he started to talk to you and give you the attention you were craving.
He thought that, if he gave you attention, you'd probably be less talkative.
What he didn't expect was to start actually liking you and worrying about you.
After a year, maybe less maybe more, you confesed your feelings to him.
Even if he didn't like you back, you thought he had the right of knowing it.
But, for your surprise, he accepted your feelings.
He said it wasn't a big deal and told you he wouldn't treat you differently just because you were his boyfriend.
But, internally, he was really happy.
So yeah, you became a couple.
For the rest of the world he was single.
And maybe when his parents entered the room while he was sleeping and saw him cuddling with air, they would be a little bit worried.
But you loved each other, so that's the only thing that matters.
A/N: When this came to my mind I thought it was cute, so here is it. Also, I'm working on a Hitoka Yachi x Ftm! Reader, so maybe it will be posted by this week. That's all and here's a cookie! (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃🍪
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ukaissugarbaby · 4 years ago
💜🐙Tamaki Amajiki x Gn! Reader x Eijirou Kirishima🦈❤️ ᯽Headcanons᯽
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• You met them working with Fatgum.
• Because that could be canon asf.
• They inmediately fell in love with you.
• I mean, who wouldn't?
• They were searching for your attention everytime:
• "Y/N, is this good?"
• "Y-Y/N, could you help me with this?"
• "Y/N, you look so handsome today!"
• They even ended up having a small argument about you.
• Both of them wanted you for themselves.
• At the end, they decided to confess to you.
• And that's what made you be a poly relationship.
• Dates: Training together, shopping, restaurants (not very full for Tamaki not being too uncomfortable) and Netflix and chill.
• You also sometimes had to stay to take care of Tamaki in his bad days.
• In the end, they even started to like each other too, so there was no longer a poly relationship centered in you, but there was love between the three of you.
• Kirishima decided he would propose to you both in an afternoon you were having a picnic.
• You were both looking so pretty watching the sundown holding hands.
• Tamaki wore an oversized jersey, with ripped jeans. He was keeping his hair in place with a butterfly pin that matched perfectly with his necklace.
• You were wearing (whatever you like).
• He couldn't think of more beautiful sights than you two.
• He kneeled down to you both with a double ring box.
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(This rings could be perfectly the ones he'd give you)
• Tamaki flushed bright red and you let out happy tears.
• "YES!"
• You spoke of how cool would it be if you all proposed to each other, so you all had rings.
• Months later you proposed to them both.
• And finally, sone time later, it was Tamaki's turn. (For him was a little bit harder, even if he already knew the answer)
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• You got married in the forest.
• And I think you wouldn't get married in the tipical colors.
• More like each one in their favourite color.
• You bought a house together.
• I feel like you would have a a puppy and an butterfly garden for butterflies to come, idk.
• If you had the butterfly garden, Tamaki would spend a lot of time there.
• Like you and Kiri waking up in the morning and find him there, surrounded by colorful butterflies and smiling, laughing or even talking.
• Fuck, so cute.
• Anyways-
• Pet names to each other:
• Kiri would call you baby shark and pebble.
• Tamaki would call you darling, he would get embarrased with another thing.
• Between them:
• Kiri would call Tamaki butterfly or beautiful.
• Tamaki would call Kiri babe.
• So-
• Kiri is the supreme big spoon, you can't tell me otherwise.
• And I feel Tamaki would be small spoon.
• So, yeah, you're in the middle.
• Having them as your partners means that you're going to have Bakugou, Kaminari, Mirio and Nejire over a lot.
• And I mean, almost all the time.
• So I hope you're fine with it.
• Despite, the constant interruptions you get from their friends, they always find a way of showing you their love.
• You're a really cute married trio.
A/N: Just an idea that passed through my mind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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