ujiahae · 4 days
the gentlest touch, the softest breeze
warnings : soft affection, light suggestive content
seungcheol had a way with his hands.
not that way - you silly goose.
a way that made your heart flutter in your chest; made time seem to slow each moment the soft skin of his palm came into contact with your body.
when you were in the kitchen, you'd often find seungcheol slipping behind you to brush by. his hand would find solace on the soft dip of your lower back and leave behind a trail as it ran over the fabric of your shirt that reminded you of a soft breeze in the wind - drifting by, barely brushing against you but there enough to make goosebumps trail upwards along your spine. he'd tuck himself in behind you at time to reach up above, digging in the cupboard for a pudding pack while dipping his head down to give you attention. it made you giggle; the way he kissed your temple so lovingly with the very lips you cherished and adored.
he would press as close as possible on movie nights, too. he wanted to be able to wrap his arm around you so both of you were comfortable, his thumb brushing slow strokes back and forth across the soft expanse of your upper arm. it would lull you sometimes, dragging you into a heavy slumber while your head cozied up against his shoulder and his own tucked atop it to keep you warm.
he had a way with his hands that made you feel at peace.
the gentle touches of his fingertips running over your back while you lay together. his eyes are softly open and he's peering at your expression in slumber, lips parted - lashes pressing down when you seem to look elsewhere in a dream. he's never found you so beautiful; and he gets to see this view every night.
the warm press of his palm against your back when he guided you through the tight crowd at the company building. people had swarmed the car as soon as it had arrived, press piling in and photographers gawking for pictures of each member; but seungcheol hadn't spared them a glance. he'd run his hand down your back, pressing firm against the small and gently urging you to keep up right by his side as he made his way to the front doors. he wouldn't let you be lost in the crowd.
and the way his touch lingered every time. there was no brief press or gentle nudge here or there - if seungcheol could have his hands on you, if you were within his reach, he would.
seungcheol had a way with his hands that made him feel like home.
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ujiahae · 5 days
the gentlest touch, the softest breeze
warnings : soft affection, light suggestive content
seungcheol had a way with his hands.
not that way - you silly goose.
a way that made your heart flutter in your chest; made time seem to slow each moment the soft skin of his palm came into contact with your body.
when you were in the kitchen, you'd often find seungcheol slipping behind you to brush by. his hand would find solace on the soft dip of your lower back and leave behind a trail as it ran over the fabric of your shirt that reminded you of a soft breeze in the wind - drifting by, barely brushing against you but there enough to make goosebumps trail upwards along your spine. he'd tuck himself in behind you at time to reach up above, digging in the cupboard for a pudding pack while dipping his head down to give you attention. it made you giggle; the way he kissed your temple so lovingly with the very lips you cherished and adored.
he would press as close as possible on movie nights, too. he wanted to be able to wrap his arm around you so both of you were comfortable, his thumb brushing slow strokes back and forth across the soft expanse of your upper arm. it would lull you sometimes, dragging you into a heavy slumber while your head cozied up against his shoulder and his own tucked atop it to keep you warm.
he had a way with his hands that made you feel at peace.
the gentle touches of his fingertips running over your back while you lay together. his eyes are softly open and he's peering at your expression in slumber, lips parted - lashes pressing down when you seem to look elsewhere in a dream. he's never found you so beautiful; and he gets to see this view every night.
the warm press of his palm against your back when he guided you through the tight crowd at the company building. people had swarmed the car as soon as it had arrived, press piling in and photographers gawking for pictures of each member; but seungcheol hadn't spared them a glance. he'd run his hand down your back, pressing firm against the small and gently urging you to keep up right by his side as he made his way to the front doors. he wouldn't let you be lost in the crowd.
and the way his touch lingered every time. there was no brief press or gentle nudge here or there - if seungcheol could have his hands on you, if you were within his reach, he would.
seungcheol had a way with his hands that made him feel like home.
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ujiahae · 5 days
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It just so happens we're facing today for the first time
♥ 21 | writing for seventeen
♥ this is a safe space. all work that contains suggestive/potentially triggering material will contain a warning at the top
♥ requests are not open.
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