uhohohsehun · 4 years
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uhohohsehun · 4 years
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uhohohsehun · 4 years
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Once a little boy went to school. One morning The teacher said: “Today we are going to make a picture.” “Good!” thought the little boy. He liked to make all kinds; Lions and tigers, Chickens and cows, Trains and boats; And he took out his box of crayons And began to draw.
But the teacher said, “Wait!” “It is not time to begin!” And she waited until everyone looked ready. “Now,” said the teacher, “We are going to make flowers.” “Good!” thought the little boy, He liked to make beautiful ones With his pink and orange and blue crayons. But the teacher said “Wait!” “And I will show you how.” And it was red, with a green stem. “There,” said the teacher, “Now you may begin.”
The little boy looked at his teacher’s flower Then he looked at his own flower. He liked his flower better than the teacher’s But he did not say this. He just turned his paper over, And made a flower like the teacher’s. It was red, with a green stem.
On another day The teacher said: “Today we are going to make something with clay.” “Good!” thought the little boy; He liked clay. He could make all kinds of things with clay: Snakes and snowmen, Elephants and mice, Cars and trucks And he began to pull and pinch His ball of clay.
But the teacher said, “Wait!” “It is not time to begin!” And she waited until everyone looked ready. “Now,” said the teacher, “We are going to make a dish.” “Good!” thought the little boy, He liked to make dishes. And he began to make some That were all shapes and sizes.
But the teacher said “Wait!” “And I will show you how.” And she showed everyone how to make One deep dish. “There,” said the teacher, “Now you may begin.”
The little boy looked at the teacher’s dish; Then he looked at his own. He liked his better than the teacher’s But he did not say this. He just rolled his clay into a big ball again And made a dish like the teacher’s. It was a deep dish.
And pretty soon The little boy learned to wait, And to watch And to make things just like the teacher. And pretty soon He didn’t make things of his own anymore.
Then it happened That the little boy and his family Moved to another house, In another city, And the little boy Had to go to another school.
The teacher said: “Today we are going to make a picture.” “Good!” thought the little boy. And he waited for the teacher To tell what to do. But the teacher didn’t say anything. She just walked around the room.
When she came to the little boy She asked, “Don’t you want to make a picture?” “Yes,” said the little boy. “What are we going to make?” “I don’t know until you make it,” said the teacher. “How shall I make it?” asked the little boy. “Why, anyway you like,” said the teacher. “And any color?” asked the little boy. “Any color,” said the teacher. And he began to make a red flower with a green stem.
~Helen Buckley, The Little Boy
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uhohohsehun · 4 years
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the power of forehead kim seokjin
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uhohohsehun · 4 years
hui puts a rock spin on itzy’s dalla dalla (full episode)
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
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two bros chillin in the tub give feet apart ‘cause they’re responsible and following cdc directives to practice social distancing and help flatten the curve, even though they’re young and low-risk, because this is a crisis of public health not an individual threat
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
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life imitates art
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
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exol revival ♡ week 5: Favorite EXO friendship.
⤷ XiuChen → (KMS) There’s no members who are closer than us. (KJD) He’s like a real brother. (KMS) He’s like a wife to me.
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
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exolrevival, week 5: favourite friendship xiusoo in ‘exo’s ladder II’
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
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Our Umin who will protect us! 👊 → trans cr. x
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
Ferret shows the owner her babies.
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
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baby don’t cry // korean music wave in beijing
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
My closest friend of 12 years has been let down by the benefit system and has found himself in an not only a financial crisis, but a terrible psychological crisis too. Let me tell you a little bit about his story. Having struggled with autism and severe depression and anxiety for all 29 years of his life, my friend Jack has never had much hope that his dreams would ever become reality. Though his aspirations and goals were always big, his mental health never allowed him to achieve them. Over the past years, I've watched him fight extremely hard for every small improvement. Last year, this led to a sudden breakthrough: he wanted to go to university to finally give himself a chance at a proper life. From that moment, he started working extremely hard to make this possible. He started his A-levels in order to meet the necessary requirements to be accepted to university and last month, he even got the news that he was accepted! In the twelve years that I have known him, I have honestly never seen him look so happy and hopeful that things might finally start to look up a little bit. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I was that he had come this far. Like I already said, I have been with him for twelve years now. I've watched him go through the most painful breakdowns you can imagine, but he never gave up fighting. He always got back up to try again, because he was so determined that he would one day truly get another chance at life again. However, all of his hard work was recently taken away from him by the benefits system. This financial aid had always been the only type of income he has been able to get and with this money, he would have been able to attend university. Since this suddenly stopped, his hard work has entirely gone to waste and it hurts me so much to see him go through this hopelessness yet again, right when things were starting to look up a little. I hope I can properly bring into words just how unfair this situation is, but because I don't want to leave you with a somewhat vague story, I will try my best: My friend was getting this financial aid from the Dutch benefits system (called UWV). Although we currently live in London, he is Dutch and has spent the majority of his life in the Netherlands. Back in 2015/2016, his girlfriend had to move abroad to London, UK in order to get her university degree. As his girlfriend is his main carer, the UWV approved of this and stated that he would continue to get his benefits while he was abroad. This allowed him to try to build a life here, together with me and his girlfriend. In the past years, we tried everything to build the support system we have in place now. A few months ago (almost five years later), the UWV suddenly got back on this statement and changed its mind completely and stopped his financial aid without any further notice. This left him with absolutely nothing. The last year, which he spent entirely on meeting the requirements for his university course, has completely gone to waste. Everything he has fought for in the past few years of his life has all been taken away from him in one go. Once again, he feels hopeless. Part of him feels that this is just some sort of sign that nothing is ever going to work out for him and that he might as well give up on everything, which is why I am setting up this page for him. I am desperate not to let this happen. I can't even begin to describe how painful it is to see someone suffer so much for every small improvement, but I suppose you can imagine it. Therefore, I am begging you to please help my friend let a glimpse of hope back into his life again. The donation amount is set to 9000 to help him pay for his first year of university. I hope we can get at least close to this amount so that he can finally, after all these painful years of fighting,  achieve what he has worked so hard for. If you have made it to the end of this message, I want to thank you so much for reading it. If you have anything left to spare to help my friend make his dream come true, I would be eternally grateful. If you can't, which I can of course understand, I would be just as grateful if you could share this gofundme page. Thank you so much in advance.
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
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EXO-L Revival [Week 2] → favorite photoshoot
↪ Sehun for LEON Magazine ✦ January 2018
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
exo make me the happiest 🥺
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uhohohsehun · 5 years
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