“Even when I detach, I care. You can be separate from a thing and still care about it.”
— David Levithan
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Being sensitive sucks. It means you take everything personally, overanalyse every situation and conversation; subconsciously manipulating it to be something it’s not. It means you absorb the energy of others around you. It means your feelings are hurt easily. It means you feel everything deeply, and it can suck. But we forget that feeling deeply isn’t always such a bad thing; it gives you the ability to empathise and love authentically, and there is such beauty in that. It is often that the best of lovers are the sensitive ones. They adore you, they think about you, they consider you, they care for you, they admire and support you; simply because they really, truly, deeply love you.
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“Be careful who you make memories with. Those things can last a lifetime.”
— Ugo Eze
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“There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand — without you even speaking a word.”
— Yasmin Mogahed
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“Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason, you’re in trouble, because that reason can be taken from you.”
— Deepak Chopra
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This is the problem with getting attached to someone. When they leave you, you just feel lost.
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“I want to be someone’s everything. I want someone to need me like I need air.”
— Megan Hart, Tempted
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