62 posts
We all love our ships and otps, but sometimes people go a bit too far. Just remember people, ship and let ship. Note: this does not go towards ships that have incest/pedophilia/abuse.
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ughshippers · 9 years ago
could you tag /post/145020674452/ as anti-shipping fandom? I've had bad experiences with several well know anti-shippers and I'm not really okay with discussions on it.
actually could you tag both that and just anti-shipping
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ughshippers · 9 years ago
Since Anti-shipping blogs are on the rise, i.e. [x]-is-dead, will this blog make a comeback?
Eh, probably not. I did think about it, but several people I’ve seen in it have said some things about asexuals/aromantics that have made me uncomfortable. Like don’t get me wrong, 99% of what a lot of them say is really good and informative, but then there’s that one post that’s kinda aphobic.
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ughshippers · 10 years ago
U DA bae
Awww, thanks!
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
I met this girl at camp last summer, she was about 12 but I was trying to be nice to her since my lil sis picked on her bc she had a DA. I asked her if she was in any fandoms. She said she liked Hetalia, and her favorite ship was usuk and then she whispered "but I like ukus better." Thank you, 12 year old girl, for telling me whose dick you like in whose butt. I really wanted to know that.
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
I've heard complaints about some fandoms being biphobic. what does this mean
Being biphobic is basically homophobia, but toward bisexuals. Several fandoms I’ve seen either ignore bisexuality or call them liars. It usually goes something like this: Bob is dating/married/in love with Mary. Frank and Bob are best friends, and sometimes there is some homoerotic subtext, but it’s nothing more than subtext, The fandom then thinks Bob is faking his heterosexuality and is actually gay, despite the fact that his romance is with Mary. Some people will think that Bob is bi, but those people will be mocked since “Bisexuals don’t exist.” 
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
I'm going into all of the johnlock tags i know of. Wish me luck.
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
I just wanted to say that this blog makes me appreciate the BBC Silk fandom. We're a quiet but loyal bunch, but and little shipping comes into play. Of course, little doesn't mean none, and if you're not on the Martha/Clive ship, the fandom does not appreciate you. Then, when people decide that doesn't work, they just ship Martha with every random guy that comes along. I'm not hating, just saying that that just because she's over 30 and single, doesn't mean she needs to be hooked up like, NOW.
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
Are you Moffat?
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
Is it wrong to
Yes it is wrong to.
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
I've never heard of PokeShipping and PalletShipping. Can you tell me about this? I mean I get it's about Pokemon, but what are those pairings?
Hoo boy, you’re in for a treat. PokeShipping is AshxMisty and PalletShipping is AshxGary. A long time ago, there was a thread on a pokemon forum called “Do you Think Ash like misty”. Soon the thread became a battle ground between PokeShippers and nonPokeshippers. The most popular nonPokeShip was PalletShipping. You can read more about it here:émon_shipping
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
And this, my friends, is why I just do not ship at all. But hey, let's forget all about Sherlock and Elementary, there are other fandoms as well. Let's take Supernatural for example, where there's basically a way going on between two ships and they go at each other time after time again. I just wish that there could be peace between shippers if they really have to ship so bad.
Ah yes, the great wincest vs destiel shipping war. It shall go down as one of the biggest shipping wars along with johnlock vs other Sherlock BCC ships. But let us not forget the greatest ship war: PokeShipping vs PalletShipping.
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
On the Elementary post, may I just say how, when the show first appeared, Sherlock fans--typically Johnlock shippers--responded to Joan saying things like, "The writers know how much we ship them (Sherlock and John), and they made Watson a woman because they're homophobic!" Like, WTF? And, for the record, that's not why. There's a BTS video where Rob Doherty explains the decision and it has nothing to do with Sherlock or gay undertones. Ugh Shippers indeed...
Yeah, I remember when they first announced Elementary the shitstorm that happened when they found out Watson was a woman. Some people even sent death threats, someone even threatened or joked about bombing CBS, all because they changed one character's gender that had nothing to do with romance.
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
People talk about Sherlock a lot, but can I just mention how the Elementary fandom is SO persistent on shipping Joanlock and that if you don't, you're wrong and your opinion doesn't count? Maybe it annoys me because, due to my lack of shipping, my fanfictions get glossed over due to half-witted shop fics, but that's beside the point. This just isn't meant to happen. There CAN be platonic friendships and the writers do a fantastic job of showing that. Why can't people leave well enough alone?
Tons of people sadly don't think males and females can be friends. That there would always be romantic feelings. 
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ughshippers · 11 years ago
Can I just say that I really hate when people hate a popular ship? Like I don't ship Thorin/Bilbo, who are pretty super duper popular. That's chill, it's fine if you ship 'em. I'm just really tired of people saying they are *so sick* of whatever pairing. People say that a lot about the pairing I write. Dude, if you don't like it, just... don't read it. I don't read ships I don't like, regardless of popularity... that's how this whole shipping/fanfic thing is supposed to work, yeah?
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ughshippers · 12 years ago
I hate when people make ships way too personal. You're allowed to not like a ship and you're allowed to think a ship is a bad ship but insulting a ship repeatedly and insulting all the people who like it //is not a thing that is okay to do.// Like, seriously, be fucking courteous. This is supposed to be FUN.
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ughshippers · 12 years ago
One of my friends would constantly shove her OTP (USUK, one of few Hetalia pairings I can't stand) in my face, showing me pictures of them and telling me of fanfics, and I would constantly have to tell her I didn't like it. Well, anyway, she called me rude for not wanting to hear about her precious babies, told me I couldn't ship England/fem!France because "England is gay", and still wouldn't stop telling me about fanfics of them. Ugh.
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ughshippers · 12 years ago
And of course now that England and Wales have legalized same-sex marriage, I can't go into any British-set fandom tag without seeing bullshit on how now such-and-such pairing can get married!!1!. Ugh shippers indeed.
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