ufosecret · 4 hours
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Guadalupe, Photo by Michael Eastman, 2008
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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Back in 2006 David Lynch sat out in the open on the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and La Brea in Los Angeles, next to a giant poster of Laura Dern, and a live cow to campaign for Laura Dern's Oscar nomination.
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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European jackal By: Karl Soffel From: Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt 1908
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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Fidel Castro and Malcolm X at the Hotel Theresa in Harlem on September 20, 1960. 
Castro was visiting New York City to address the United Nations. He had checked into the elite Shelburne hotel in Midtown but it allegedly demanded an exorbitant fee in hard cash. Tabloid newspapers fumed that Castro’s “uncouth primitives” had “killed, plucked, and cooked chickens in their rooms at the Shelburne and extinguished cigars on expensive carpets.” Castro and his entourage of 50, almost all dressed in combat fatigues, were said to have considered sleeping in hammocks in Central Park and threatened to march to the UN and set up camp on the grounds. Malcolm X and other civil rights leaders arranged for the Cubans to stay at the Hotel Theresa in predominantly black Harlem. Malcolm X wrote in his autobiography that Castro “achieved a psychological coup over the US State Department when it confined him to Manhattan, never dreaming that he’d stay uptown in Harlem and make such an impression among the Negroes”.
“Castro’s first words were lost to us assembled around him,” the New York Citizen-Call reported. “But Malcolm heard him and answered, ‘Downtown for you, it was ice, uptown it is warm.’
“The Premier smiled appreciatively. ‘Aahh yes, we feel very warm here.’
“Then the Muslim leader, ever a militant, said, ‘I think you will find the people in Harlem are not so addicted to the propaganda they put out downtown.’
“In halting English, Dr Castro said, ‘I admire this. I have seen how it is possible for propaganda to make changes in people. Your people live here and are faced with this propaganda all the time and yet, they understand. This is very interesting.’
“’There are 20 million of us,’ said Malcolm X, ‘and we always understand.’”
Malcolm X was later quoted as saying Castro was the “only white person he ever liked”.
(via The Guardian)
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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A Red-winged Blackbird looking like it’s getting a free ride on an Osprey’s broomstick. The Blackbird was focused on driving the Osprey away from the marsh, while the Osprey was focused on bringing back a good stick for the nest.
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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Sorry to anyone this happened to (I would be fuming) but I am howling at EA incompetently creating cursed jewellery by mistake.
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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Doves of peace preschool, Peja
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ufosecret · 4 hours
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ufosecret · 8 hours
teenage boy writing a reddit post: And after she went out for drinks with her "co worker", I found her only fans
user who, based on posting history, makes $363k a year designing turbines for the government: I believe she may be gas lighting you as well,
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ufosecret · 9 hours
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ufosecret · 13 hours
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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ufosecret · 13 hours
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ufosecret · 15 hours
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