UCI Fanfic Request
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Welcome to where prompt requests are recieved and written by Admin or you can submit your own fanfiction, all that revolves around the Gokuto Jihen or Underworld Capital Incident universe.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 5 months ago
Just dropping in to ask is there any random headcanons that you'd like to share about any &/or all the characters that you've never got to share: either cuz no one asked or you were never able to put into a fic? By all means use this ask if you'd like to share as many random headcanons of uci characters as you'd like :))
It's been a while since I thought about headcanons... I have a really old one from 2015 about alt jobs the escorts could have. I feel like I've adopted a lot of the popular ones like the cannibal theory and the naming theory so I can't say I've never shared them before. I have some really dumb ones if you'll bare with me though:
One that I've never shared before is that I think Hachi is just a normal boy that got raised by a yokai cat and now he just... kind of lives in the underworld with her. This has been debunked with rinnedou-sensei calling him 'humanoid' rather than human, but please, let me believe, haha.
Also, I think Sensei is a great physical doctor, but a bad mental doctor, which is why Benibara remains in the hospital, and Chihiro has to do a lot of her memory piecing by herself. But Sensei doesn't like to admit it, so he really is out here faking it until he makes it. I'm on to you, "Sensei"!
Saeki and Tagami probably have secret piano/guitar concerts that not even Rokkaku knows about to earn more money for how many things just kind of get destroyed around the house. But Tagami's too lazy to do anything with the money so it always seems like Saeki is the responsible child who has money to cover damages.
Matsumoto might be a sleeper agent for Saitou so that if in the event Saitou is incapacitated for whatever reason, Matsumoto will assume his role as spy for the Court of Enma and report to them in Saitou's place. The nervousness is an act! He's a spy, I tell you!
Speaking of the Court of Enma, I don't actually think there's a higher up being reported to. I think it's just a different agency that sees how the Special Branch organizes and wants intel. I think at some point, someone left Rokkaku in charge of most things related to the human world and it just ran like a well oiled machine. It's a YoRHa cover up, why won't anyone believe me?!
Magical broom escort, I don't know your name, but I really hope the deduction for your death is you were in a cult. I want that for you.
I dunno, what do you think of them? -Admin Hirahara
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uci-fanfic-requests · 5 months ago
Quick question, do you write Y/N / x reader fics for the gokuto boys? Just curious, absolutely no hate or anything if you're not comfortable with writing that kind of stuff! Still waiting on that 3rd gokuto game 😭😮‍💨
I wasn't really sure what Y/N fanfics were, but after some searching it seems like it's a self insert kind of fanfic? While there are "x reader" fanfics on here, they follow a format of being in first person (example here and here). This is so no specific person is addressed, which I think goes against "your name" style things.
So I guess, yes, we do write "x reader" fanfics but not "Y/N" fanfics...? -Admin Hirahara
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uci-fanfic-requests · 6 months ago
today i was reminded of this game existing while going through rpg horror again and i remembered this blog, if anyone's still around and ends up reading this ask i just wanted to say thanks for all the fun and nice memories that led me to joining tumblr and starting to write and improve, i wouldn't be where i am now if it wasn't for this blog!
You may be surprised, but I am still here and I still see the messages that come in!
Thank you so much for enjoying the stories here, I'm so glad to hear that you are still writing! I hope you'll continue to succeed to convey your ideas in the future! -Admin Hirahara
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uci-fanfic-requests · 2 years ago
Hey, I don't know how long it's been since that Kinoshita/Tagami request was done, but I want to say thank you. And I mean this wholeheartedly. It was very sweet.
I’m very glad you enjoyed it! It means a lot to me! -Admin Hirahara
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uci-fanfic-requests · 2 years ago
You can do make a fanfic about nada and Morpheus? About nada become The Queen of dreaming? Before nada and Morpheus have a secret romance, and nada have an human boyfriend?
And nada find she is pregnant?
Hello, we are a fanfiction blog for Underworld Capital Incident and related content, that is all. We cannot take your request. -Admin Hirahara
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
Is there any crossovers or fics that any of the admins have been wanting to write but haven't because no one has requested it yet. If so by all means use this ask to write whatever fic or crossover that any of the admins have been dying to write :D
A crossover I’ve always wanted to write but had no reason to was with Hypnosis Microphone. What on earth would the Underworld Capital Division even look like? All I can imagine is all of them having literal weapon mics… - Admin Hirahara
“Kirika, ma’am, I have the report for the divisions that will be participating in the first Division Rap Battle.” Ayako brought with her a stack of papers that contained detailed information about the participants Chuuoku could anticipate. It wasn’t long ago that Kirika had managed to storm the prime minister’s office and take control, exposing the previous administration to their corrupted deeds. And thanks to that, she was able to manage Japan pretty well, with her plan to ban weapons and to weed out the corrupted officials and replace them with women. So long as she kept the general public distracted with the rap battles, she wouldn’t have to worry about them acting out against her.
“Thank you, Ayako,” Kirika smiled, patting the table where the reports went. "I know you did a really detailed job. I can always count on you!” She smiled fondly and gave the second in command a pat on the head. “Let auntie praise you a bit!” Ayako looked rather happy with the praise, immediately lowering her head. After she took her leave, Kirika made sure to thoroughly read the notes left for her.
“Let’s see here...” There appeared to be four major divisions that had the most territory. They had beat out the others in street rap battles, so they were probably trying to prove themselves in the tournament.
The first group was the Ikebukuro Division, which consisted of three rather young members. The leader, Kirishima, ran some kind of independent business helping people out. That was pretty noble of him. He was supported by his second and third team members, Saeki and Matsumoto. From the report, it sounded like Saeki was a childhood friend, and while it was Kirishima’s idea to start their company, Saeki was responsible for all the paperwork. It looked like Matsumoto only joined because it was the only place he could get a job, and no one else would hire someone in middle school still.
Generally speaking, they seemed like the kind of good students who were committed to their duties. Kirika wasn’t sure what that meant for their rap skills, but if their territory really was so big, then surely they were not ones to be messed with. It also looked like Kirishima had been involved in many dark dealings in the area before he straighten his life out (thanks in part to Saeki). Kirika thought it might be kind of nice for these young kids to take home first place, and rooted for them in her heart.
Next on the report was the Yokohama Division. These were very serious looking people, led by Rokkaku. “Eh?” Kirika had to double check her report to make sure it was written correctly. “He’s in the yakuza?” He did kind of have the face of a yakuza boss, that Rokkaku. From the report, though, he never seemed to get into any legal trouble with the police. Then again, it could be because the police captain was the second member of the team. Saitou, chief of the police stationed in Yokohama. Through a hard childhood of having lost his parents, he fought his way to the top and ensured to keep the streets of Yokohama clean from illegal drugs. It was pretty admirable. And the last member of the team was an ex-military soldier, Tanizaki.
Kirika, for some reason, felt like that name rang a bell. It would seem that Tanizaki’s captain from the army days was currently in prison in one of the Chuuoku facilities, from the report. “He must have been on the dispatch when we were handing out prototype microphones.” Maybe after his captain’s plan failed, Tanizaki had run off to camp out at Yokohama. It didn’t seem like he was doing anything dangerous, though, so Kirika didn’t have much concerns.
Overall, the Yokohama Division came off a bit shady, but none of them had explicitly done anything illegal. That was the general vibe Kirika got from the reports. They used their microphones to take out people causing trouble for the local store owners, so somehow, they were probably the most successful in helping Kirika in her cause. Maybe she wouldn’t have to keep an eye on them after all.
The third division was the Shibuya Division, led by a rather high spirited Kinoshita. Apparently, despite being on the Shibuya Division, he actually worked in Shinjuku as a host. That was certainly an interesting twist. However, he seemed really devoted to his home turf, single handedly taking over a huge territory before he even got himself a second and third member. As for those members, they were childhood friends, Tagami and Hirahara. Tagami was an author who wrote for various genres under various pseudonyms. He was very successful, but it seemed like most of his money went to support Hirahara’s slight gambling addition problems.
“Oh my,” Kirika sighed, upon reading about Hirahara. It seemed like his father was one of those corrupt officials she took out of office. Hirahara ran away from home before he got mixed up in that, though, so she doubted he had any feelings of resentment towards her. How this group of people found each other... Kirika would never really know. It sounded like they all lived in the same area and ended up being drawn to each other. Together, they made the Shibuya Division an outstanding territory, and were really good at maintaining the peace.
The final division was the Shinjuku Division. They seemed the most mysterious out of all the divisions so far. It was led by the miracle Doctor, who’s name had never really been publicly known. From his background, he studied all sorts of medicines in college, then went to help with the war relief. During that time, he must have picked up quite a number of skills, because when he returned to Japan, he opened up his very own hospital with the number one outcomes. Assisting him in both the team and in the hospital was the head nurse Suigin. Kirika remembered her fondly as someone she wanted to recruit for Chuuoku. The offer was turned down, though, since Suigin really liked her current position. And it was no wonder. Working closely with the miracle Doctor must have been very rewarding.
Their third member was a younger woman named Benibara. “She’s one of the Doctor’s patients,” Kirika stated out loud. Was that... ethically allowed? She wouldn’t question it since she didn’t understand privacy laws for hospitals, but something about reading that felt wrong. Apparently, her random outbursts made her strong on the microphone. She was definitely the wild card of the group. Secretly, Kirika wondered if this strong team would have the strongest raps. They were definitely sitting in top contestant, for her. Not that she was about to play favorites.
Overall, the first Division Rap Battle was looking to turn out quite interesting, with quite a colorful cast of characters. Kirika wasn’t sure how it would turn out, but she did hope to find some strong mic users. After all, while the Division Rap Battle was all fun and games, she really needed to find someone to fulfill her ultimate purpose: to get someone able to use the True Hypnosis Microphone. But until a time like that came, for now, she would just enjoy the peace that Chuuoku had brought to Japan.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
Could I ask for a crossover with zombieland saga? Like, Rokkaku bringing back the escorts as zombies to preform as idols.
“You’ll all become zombie idols and save the Underworld Capital!!” I’ve waited for this prompt to arrive my whole writing fanfiction life. -Admin Hirahara
“So, to recap, you’ll all be doing a flash mob in front of Karatsu Station, so make sure you get your choreography together by then!” While the instructions Rokkaku was giving were very clear, for Kirishima, it was still confusing to wrap his head around the situation that he and his fellow idols were all zombies, brought back with the purpose of ‘saving Saga’. Whatever that meant. In fact, it only felt like a few days ago that he learned he was hit by a truck on his way to an audition and suddenly brought back years later. But he wasn’t someone to linger too much on things he couldn’t change, and it did sound like Rokkaku was going on about something very important.
“Why are we having a flash mob again?” Kinoshita asked with his hand raised. Although Kinoshita was the oldest (read: dead longest) of the zombies, he adapted to modern day concepts pretty easily. And he always brought up very important questions that could be overlooked.
“Like I said, it’s to promote you all upon your debut.” Rokkaku clarified, although his answer still had a lot of holes. That was one of Rokkaku’s downfalls, in Kirishima’s opinion. He never really explained anything thoroughly and left everyone confused.
“How do we promote ourselves if we don’t even have a group name?” Tagami asked sarcastically. 
“You know, that’s a good point,” Rokkaku admitted. “Alright, just make sure to come up with a group name before your flash mob appearance, and we shouldn’t have any problems.”
“Aren’t you going to help, Rokkaku?” Tanizaki asked, also with his hand raised. Rokkaku just shook his head. Apparently, he had a lot of equipment management that he needed to do in order to prepare for this “spontaneous” event. It sounded kind of tough, and honestly Kirishima was just glad that he didn’t have to help with something he didn’t know anything about. Technology could really change in 10 years.
So with that, the zombie idols found themselves in the dance hall, not practicing any routine, but sitting in a circle in deep thought. Coming up with a name really wasn’t an easy task. A lot of them didn’t really have any experience with this kind of thing.
“Hey, Saeki,” Kinoshita perked up, “you were in an idol group before this. What was the name of that group?”
“You mean Iron Frill?” Saeki asked, looking a bit sour. “We were at a big company, so we didn’t have to worry about picking our own name.” Unfortunately, the seven zombies didn’t think Rokkaku was going to offer much help there.
“So then! It should fall on the leader to come up with a name!” Hirahara immediately chipped in, standing up. “And I’m gonna be the leader!” Surprisingly, no one objected. Maybe because everyone was still in the mindset that this whole ‘zombie idols to save Saga’ wasn’t going to go anywhere.
“Alright, then, Number 2,” Kirishima chimed in, “what should our group name be?”
“I have no idea!” Hirahara proclaimed proudly. “I wasn’t thinking about it at all! I just want to be first!” Ironic, considering his member name.
“U-um...” Matsumoto finally chimed in, probably overcoming his nerves. “Shouldn’t we come up with a name that really represents ourselves?” He certainly had a point, there. But what exactly could represent a group of zombie idols?
“Something like the ‘Idols from Hell’?” Tagami offered, though no one was sure if he was kidding or not. That seemed a bit on the nose, considering everyone was a zombie and all.
“I think that might scare people away,” Kinoshita chuckled. “But I like where you’re going with that.” Hirahara must have agreed, because he was already getting out the marker to write the idea down. Granted, however, he wrote it wrong.
“Hirahara, you can’t just write ‘goku’ in hiragana if you don’t know how to write it,” Saeki scolded. He started erasing the letters from the board, only to stop. “Hm... ‘goku’... It kind of has a nice ring to it, though.”
“Doesn’t it?” Hirahara exclaimed proudly, as if it was his idea. “Yeah! Let’s use that!”
“Just ‘goku’ sounds kind of lame,” Tanizaki finally added. He’d been sitting most of the conversation out, but now it finally seemed like he was willing to offer some help. “Maybe it should be ‘goku’-something.” He was clearly deep in thought by the way his eyebrows knitted and his eyes closed. When his eyes did shoot open, he looked like he had a great idea. “Our outfits during the first performance we did looked kind of like soldier uniforms, right? So how about that: ‘sotsu’. Gokusotsu.”
“That does sound pretty cool,” Kirishima admitted. The look on everyone else’s faces seemed to agree. Hirahara was quick to write it all out, proudly looking at his handiwork.
“It looks pretty good,” Saeki agreed. “So then, it’s settled. We’ll be Gokusotsu from now on.” The positive energy was light, that is, until Tagami brought up an important point.
“So how exactly does this flash mob save Saga again?” No one had an answer to that. In fact, if they thought too hard about the whole situation, a lot of things didn’t actually make sense. But... maybe it was best not to ask for now, because Tagami’s follow up question seemed way more pressing. “So besides Saeki, do any of you actually know how to dance?”
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
Hello, may I request a MP100 crossover with Kirishima and Saeki please? I've read a previous one with Hirahara and Tagami, maybe it can be a continuation with the other two?
Admin confession time; I completely forgot we even had a Mob Psycho 100 crossover fanfic and then rereading it gave me second hand embarrassment at my past self;; -Admin Hirahara
Although the incident in the amusement park had happened quite some time ago, Mob still thought about it every so often. It wasn’t the ghost he always thought about, but the strange uniformed men. They had acted so strangely, and they didn’t seem like they were ghosts. Yet Reigen couldn’t see them, and they could interact with ghosts themselves. If they were exorcists, it’d be one thing, but Mob didn’t sense any psychic energy out of either.
The whole thing was rather confusing, so he had put it aside before he got to 100% confusion. Who knew what that might look like. It wasn’t always on his mind, but sometimes when Mob passed someone wearing green, the two would pop into his head. It was getting kind of distracting as of late, so much so that Reigen asked if he could just please go home until he was feeling better.
“I really need to get over this,” Mob told himself one day on his way back from school. “It’s causing Reigen problems.” He decided then and there that he needed to forget all about those uniformed men right away.
At least, he wanted to.
What Mob wasn’t prepared for was spotting those same uniforms on the other side of the street. If there was ever a worse time to encounter those two again, Mob couldn’t think of any. But he couldn’t let those two get away from him this time. This time, he’d actually try and talk to them. So he ran right across the street, calling out to those strange me.
“Excuse me!” Even though those two were the only ones walking there, they didn’t seem to hear Mob at all. “Um! Excuse me!” Mob mustered the courage to yell louder, but the two still didn’t turn around. So Mob hurried over and grabbed the cape of the nearest one, tugging hard. “Excuse me!” That certainly got the two to stop.
It was then that Mob realized that these two were not the same people as the ones he ran into at the amusement park. For one thing, one of them had a cape. And for another thing, their eye colors were different. These two had blue eyes, one dark and one light.
“Oh, hello,” the one Mob grabbed smiled, though clearly surprised. “You can see us.” That’s what the other two said... Mob noted. 
“That’s not good,” the other man said, beginning to draw a sword. Mob wondered if he should use his powers to counter an attack, but luckily, the first man put an arm up.
“No, Kirishima, we can’t cut down this child. That would be very rude.” The other man seemed to put his sword down after that, much to Mob’s relief. “So, did you need something?”
“Did I...?” Mob asked out loud. He did have some questions for them, but actually talking to them proved really difficult. “Um... what are you?” That was the most pressing thing on the middle school student’s mind.
“We’re Underworld Escorts,” the man with the sword stated. “We take care of deceased ones that cause problems in the Living World and deliver punishment to those who disrupt the balance.”
“So... not psychics.” Mob clarified. The two men shook their heads. “Are you ghosts, then?”
“No, sweetie,” the man in the cape smiled. “We’re oni. From the Underworld.” It was said so matter of factly that Mob didn’t really have a retort.
“Oh. Okay.” Mob nodded. He’d have to ask Reigen about it later.
“We’d like to stay and chat, but we’re kind of in a hurry to get home,” the man in the cape continued. “So if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be taking our leave.” The two men bowed before walking off, saying something about needing to be more careful next time.
Although Mob felt like he only created more questions, he was somehow satisfied with the answers that he did get. It, at least, explained to him why they didn’t feel like humans or ghosts. But that just made him question: were there other things he didn’t know about? That maybe even Reigen didn’t know about? He hurried to the office after that - he wanted to get researching right away.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
What about a demon slayer crossover?!?!? Particularly if the escorts end up meeting all 9 of the hashira!!! Do u think the hashira would try to fight/kill the escorts since they r technically demons 🤔
I couldn’t fit all 9 Hashira into a single fanfic (sorry) but I thought the absolute funniest one for them to run into would be Rengoku. So anyways, here’s a crossover where the escorts fight Rengoku, I guess. -Admin Hirahara
On his way to deal with some reported demons that were showing up on a train, Rengoku found himself in a confrontation he had never expected. There were two uniformed men standing before him, each with their own weapon. The icy blue eyed one was clearly hiding a rifle behind him, while the other violet eyed one carried a large club. The feeling Rengoku got from the two was other worldly, so there was only one conclusion: they were demons. However, the one thing Rengoku couldn’t understand was how the two of them were standing out in broad daylight. Weren’t demons supposed to burn up when they were in the sun? Could this be a new type of demon? He stayed guarded, his hand on the hilt of his blade.
“Tanizaki, I think we’re scaring him,” the icy eyed demon mumbled. He then turned to Rengoku and bowed - pretty polite for someone who surely had killed many people. “Sorry, we don’t mean to stop you. Not that many people can see us, anyways. We’re actually looking for the Mugen Train?” Rengoku shook any doubt he had upon hearing that name. He, too, was looking for that train. If these demons knew about it, then surely they were the things causing the problems. If that was the case, then he would act without hesitation.
“I’m Rengoku Kyojuro, the Flame Hashira,” Rengoku announced, taking his stance. “I don’t know how you demons are able to stay out in the day time, but rest assured, I’ll end this quickly for you.” With a deep breath, he drew his sword and ran at the two. “First Form: Unknowing Fire!” He went straight for the neck of the demon with the club. He needed to take out the close ranged attacker to prevent the long range attacker from getting a good shot.
Unsurprisingly, though, Rengoku found his attack blocked. What he wasn’t expecting was for the swing of the club to push him back so much it almost knocked him over. These are very strong demons.
“What’s the big idea? Attacking someone out of nowhere.” The violet eyed demon sounded pretty irritated.
“With strength like that, you must be one of the lower... no. One of the upper moons,” Rengoku acknowledged. Strange, though. He didn’t see their rank on their eyes.
“The hell are you talking about?” The violet eyed demon grunted. “We’re just here to deal with an incident.” You mean cause an incident, Rengoku wanted to say.
“Hold on!” The other demon quickly chimed in. “We don’t mean any harm-” Rengoku wasn’t about to let the demon finish his sentence, though. They could be tricky like that sometimes, trying to persuade people to feel sorry for them. Rengoku couldn’t let himself fall for that. A lot of demon slayers lost their lives because they were too naive.
“Third Form: Blazing Universe!” This time, Rengoku aimed for the man with the rifle. He seemed the weaker of the two. And he wasn’t wrong. His sword made contact with the man’s head, and he watched it roll clean off. “One down.”
“The hell!” The violet eyed demon exclaimed, wasting no time in attacking. He swung the club with brute strength, just barely missing Rengoku a few times. If I get hit by that, I’m dead for sure. Rengoku had to make sure to stay out of it’s way no matter what.
“Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!” Rengoku swung in a circle this time, trying to catch the demon off guard. But the demon was pretty smart. He jumped back just in time, the tip of the sword only nicking him on the knuckle. Rengoku was about to go into another form when he suddenly heard a gunshot. A bullet flew past his ear, causing him to stop for a moment. No way... But he was certain he decapitated that demon already. So how was it possible that the headless body was holding the rifle, and aiming it so well.
The shot was clearly a warning shot. And it really did catch Rengoku off guard. In that moment of pause, the demon with the club quickly picked up the decapitated head. “Oh dear, I’m going to have to go to the hospital after this...”
“What kind of demons are you?” Rengoku frowned, clearly impressed. They survived the sun, and now they survived getting their heads cut off. If there were more demons like then, the demon corp was doomed.
“We’re from the Underworld Branch,” the detached head stated, still trying to be polite. “Really, we don’t want to fight you. In fact, we’re trying to avoid humans all together. We got a report about something causing trouble to a train, and we were told to scout it out and report back.”
“Report back to who? Muzan?” Rengoku asked. “Sorry, I can’t let you do that! It’s my job to stop anything bad from happening to that train!”
“Who the hell is Muzan?” The violet eyed demon snarled. “You’re lucky we were told not to affect the humans around here. Otherwise I’d squash you for decapitating Saeki.” They don’t know who Muzan is? That had to be a trick. But the answer seemed so genuine that Rengoku wasn’t really sure how to take it. “Whatever,” the violet eyed demon clicked his tongue. “You said you were dealing with the train problem? Then we’re leaving.”
“Tanizaki, we didn’t do our job very well,” the icy eyed man reminded. However, the other demon just grabbed the decapitated body by the cape and started walking off.
“You’re headless right now. I’d rather get that fixed. We can report what we know and explain the situation to Rokkaku, and he’ll make the final decision.” Rengoku watched the two walk off, somewhat bewildered. They really weren’t like any demons he’d ever faced before. He’d have to make sure to report it back to headquarters. Of course, first he’d have to deal with the incidents occurring on the Mugen Train first.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
If you're still taking requests how about a dead by daylight crossover. Like maybe the escorts end up in the dbd universe and The Survivors r scared of them and running away from them thinking they r some new killers that The Enity brought & The Killers r confused as to whether the escorts r killers like them considered how scary looking they r or other survivors :))
Sorry for not tackling your request sooner, but don’t worry. So long as our ask box is open, we’re here, still awaiting requests. I’ve never played Dead by Daylight before, and after watching some seiyuus play it, I can confidently say I still don’t understand one bit of it. - Admin Hirahara 
It had been a while since Kirishima and Hirahara went on a mission together, so it was somewhat disappointing to the both of them when it was revealed that their target wasn’t even that strong of an opponent. The escorts had been told that some entity was causing issues in the living world, praying on people and hanging them from hooks for some reason. It all sounded kind of meaningless and gross to Kirishima, who couldn’t understand the purpose of doing that. Of course, it was no match for the combination of Hirahara’s brute strength and Kirishima’s masterful sword skills.
“That’s all we had to do, right?” Hirahara asked, rocking on his heels. “That was so fast. He just totally exploded.”
“Yeah, it was an easy mission,” Kirishima agreed. The only hard thing about all of this was getting to the Living World. “Let’s go back and report to Rokkaku.”
“Eh? Already?” Hirahara groaned. “But we just got here. Come on, Kirishima, let’s look around!” Without much of a warning, Hirahara was already running off. It might be bad in the long run to let Hirahara do what he wanted, so Kirishima had no choice but to go after the other escort. The place the strange being haunted appeared to be a deserted shed of sorts, with some kind of generator in it. Hirahara was having all sorts of fun trying to start it, but it was pretty obvious neither escort understood how it worked.
“How do you start this thing?” Hirahara asked, having fun just hitting a dial with his shovel. He was clearly breaking it, not that Kirishima was going to stop him. Despite the banging Hirahara was doing, Kirishima could just catch the sound of shuffling getting closer. Could it be an animal or some sort that lived in the area? Either way, Kirishima didn’t care much for it. They already took care of the entity, so everything else could just be ignored unless they were provoked.
“Did you get it working?” Kirishima finally asked, looking over at Hirahara’s handiwork. If anything, the generator might have been broken beyond repair, now.
“Nope!” Hirahara laughed. “It’s totally kaput now!”
“Then let’s go back and give the report to Rokkaku.” As Kirishima said this, a sudden bright and somewhat upsetting light flashed upon the two. Kirishima squinted, feeling it kind of burning. That’s a really strong lightbulb. He could just make out the figure of three... maybe four people on the other side. They must have been human.
“They aren’t burning...” One of the humans mumbled, his voice trembling. “Aren’t they supposed to hate the light?”
“Eh? Not really,” Hirahara answered, as if he was being asked. “In fact, when it’s too dark, it’s hard to see.”
“Oh my god, it just talked to us!” A different human exclaimed, clearly fearful. Kirishima was honestly more surprised that they were spotted at all.
“Do you think they were brought here to attack us?” another one of the humans asked.
“If they were, they would have done so already.” The final human noted.
“We definitely aren’t here to attack you,” Kirishima reassured. “We were just taking care of something.”
“Oh no! The generator!” the first human exclaimed, seeing it broken.
“Oh yeah, I broke it,” Hirahara grinned, not seeming sorry at all.
“I knew it! These guys are bad news!” the first human warned, swinging the light around. “You better stay back!”
“We... really aren’t trying to do anything to you,” Kirishima tried again. “In fact, we were just leaving.” He took a few steps forward, which must have scared the humans too much because they dropped their flashlight and started making a mad dash. “Well what was that about?” Kirishima clicked off the flashlight and watched as the four scattered, finding different places to hide.
“Do you think that generator thingy was important to them?” Hirahara asked, finally coming up behind Kirishima.
“It probably was,” Kirishima nodded. “We should leave a sorry note and head home before we cause them more problems.” Unfortunately, he didn’t really have anything to write on, or with, so he scribbled ‘sorry’ in the dirt with his finger. The two returned to the manor after that to give their report, forgetting all about the strange humans they ran into.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
I need a Rokkaku x Sensei fic. Is that too weird lol
It is not too weird at all but I hope you’re okay with my lame attempts to write insults on either of the two men who could probably crush my skull in 10 seconds. (I’m convinced they hate each other.) -Admin Hirahara
Rokkaku got a call from Licorice General Hospital that morning stating that the staff urgently needed Matsumoto to come by and make some medicine. And while normally Saitou was the one who dropped Matsumoto off, the vice captain was currently away on a trip. So with that, Rokkaku ended up taking Matsumoto, hoping he wouldn’t have to run into the bane of his existence - a certain devil who worked as the head doctor.
“Oh good, you brought him,” the head nurse, Suigin, acknowledged. She practically picked Matsumoto up by the scruff in order to carry him away. Rokkaku didn’t really get much of a word out before she was gone. Maybe that was for the better. The longer he hung around here, the more likely it would be that he’d run into-
“Well, if it isn’t the captain of the Underworld Escorts himself!” The sharp voice of Rokkaku’s least favorite person came from down the hall. Rokkaku winced at the very thought of having to have this interaction, but put on a friendly face nonetheless.
“And if it isn’t the head doctor,” Rokkaku greeted, bowing in respect out of necessity. “And here I thought you’d be too busy to give me the time of day.”
“I sure wish I was,” the Doctor grinned, every part of his expression reading like he wanted to tease the captain. “But alas, I’m quite free today.”
“I suppose that means no one wants to see a quack, then,” Rokkaku smiled, not sugar coating his words. The two men just stood in silence, smiling insincerely at each other. “I, on the other hand, am quite busy.”
“Oh, I’m sure you are,” the Doctor chuckled. “That’s why you’re standing around here, wasting time, I suppose.” Rokkaku could feel the vein on his head popping. But it’d be bad to just sock this guy in the jaw. Also because it was a hospital, and this was the head doctor.
“A little break never hurt anyone,” Rokkaku casually stated. “Though I suppose for you devils, you take so many breaks that a little work wouldn’t hurt once in a while.” Again, the two continued to stand in silence. Rokkaku really wanted to just leave, but for some reason, he felt like if he did that, he’d be backing down first. And he really didn’t want to lose to the Doctor.
“Did it take long to get here?” the Doctor asked, crossing his arms. “I’m sure you get lost all the time, with directions being a pretty hard thing to follow.”
“Yes, well, your instructions were simply not up to par with what I’m used to, so you’ll have to forgive me for that.” The conversation was actually getting tiresome for Rokkaku, so he really did think about bowing out for now. He reached into his pocket, feeling a box of cigarettes. He might as well use this as an excuse to go. “Well then, I don’t suppose smoking is allowed in the hospital, so I’ll be taking my leave.” Rokkaku gave a slight nod, turning around and producing the box.
“You know, smoking kills people in the Living World,” the Doctor added casually. “Though I wouldn’t mind if something like that happened.” Judging by the sounds of footsteps, the Doctor also finally left. Rokkaku gave a frustrated sigh, taking out a cigarette and lighting it as soon as he was out the door.
“I really can’t deal with that guy,” Rokkaku told himself, taking a deep puff. He’d have to send an escort over to deliver Matsumoto’s lunch later. But one thing was for certain. He wouldn’t be making the trip back himself.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
Rokkaku/Saitou anon but very late: first date fic is fine too
I am so sorry, the prompts kept coming and they didn’t stop coming and now I’m hitting the ground and unsure which request you sent in before to tag this one onto, so… Here’s a fanfic about Rokkaku and Saitou’s first date! - Admin Hirahara
Rokkaku, if he was being honest with himself, hadn’t gone on a date in quite some time. He’d practically forgotten what that was like, to spend time with someone he liked, ever since he became captain. With that said, though, he really had to get it together today. It was a special occasion, after all. It was just yesterday that the vice captain had invited Rokkaku out for a meal together, and it had only been a week since Saitou confessed his feelings. Rokkaku had taken the news very well, since he had thought his feelings might go unrequited forever. But sometimes things like this just end up working out.
“Rokkaku, sir,” Saitou knocked on the door towards the end of the work day. “I’ve collected everyone’s mission reports for the day.”
“Oh, good,” Rokkaku smiled, thanking Saitou before taking the paperwork. With that done, it was officially the end of the day. Kirika and Ayano had already said their goodbyes, and most of the escorts were either in the lounge or in their rooms. That meant that the two captains were free for the rest of the evening. Rokkaku had made sure of this the day before, as well. He wanted their first date to be as smooth as possible. “Well then, where should we go for the evening?”
“Oh, I picked out a rather nice restaurant,” Saitou smiled. “I saw it when I was returning from a trip. It seems like a lot of residence here like it.” It was just like Saitou to have a place picked out and everything. Rokkaku felt pretty lucky to be able to rely on such a thoughtful vice captain. Ah. Boyfriend. Rokkaku corrected himself. It was the first date. He shouldn’t treat Saitou as a coworker tonight.
The night breeze felt nice as the two strolled through the streets. Rokkaku didn’t go out much thanks to his desk job, so even this was a rather welcoming part of the evening. He took deep breaths of the crisp air, occasionally glancing over at Saitou. The other captain always had a sophisticated look about him, so it was nice getting to see his gentler side. Watching him talk idly about the escorts was quite lovely. Ah, that’s right. I really like him.
There weren’t a lot of people at the restaurant, so the two didn’t have any trouble getting a seat. Apparently, said restaurant was inspired by the Living World “Western” restaurants. A lot of the things on the menu was new to Rokkaku. I wonder what some of these things are. The captain felt bad for needing to ask Saitou to explain everything, so he just decided to pick whatever sounded like something he’s eaten before.
Rokkaku spent the wait time asking Saitou about his interests. He already had a good idea, though. They’d spent a while together already. Saitou thought the question was rather funny, expressing pretty much the same sentiment. Oops, Rokkaku could hit himself. It really had been too long since he went on a date. And it felt wrong to talk about work while the two were out. But it ended up making for a somewhat awkward conversation between him and Saitou. Maybe they could have more to talk about once the food came.
“Oh,” Rokkaku stated flatly when his food did arrive. “It’s pasta.”
“Of course,” Saitou grinned, reading Rokkaku’s surprised expression. “What did you think ‘ravioli’ was?”
“I thought it was... something cooked robatayaki style.” Rokkaku confessed, wishing he had his hat on so he could hide his face. “In my defense, it had seafood in the ingredients.” Saitou chuckled at that, making Rokkaku feel like he wasn’t doing a great job on this date. I’d be pretty lucky if we went on another one after this.
“It’s nice to see you like this, once in a while,” Saitou grinned, much to Rokkaku’s surprise. “You’re usually so put together in the office. But it turns out that you can be a bit of a klutz from time to time. I like it.” Rokkaku felt somewhat relieved to hear that.
“And here I was thinking I was really ruining the night,” Rokkaku admitted.
“Ruining it?” Saitou asked, genuinely surprised. “Oh, I’d go on more dates with you if I could keep seeing you make mistakes like this.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Rokkaku smirked. He sure felt lucky that he was on a date with such an understanding man. And at the hopes of going on another date in the future, Rokkaku felt like he didn’t mess the whole thing up. For someone who hadn’t gone on a date in a long time, this one turned out okay.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
can you write kinoshita/hirahara where they're both drunk and kiss "as a joke" but both actually really enjoyed it and yknow... (sorry if its too corny)
Don’t worry, this isn’t corny at all. I thought about this long and hard, since I’m unable to imagine what kissing as a joke would be like. Drunk actions and the repercussions afterwards, however… That I totally understand. -Admin Hirahara
“Kinoshiiiita!” Hirahara called from the dining hall, peaking Kinoshita’s interest. It wasn’t every day that Hirahara needed him for something. “What’s this bottle that you have on the counter?” Ah, Kinoshita chuckled, taking back his earlier thought. Hirahara probably just wanted to eat something and happened to find Kinoshita’s new alcohol.
“I’m coming, Hirahara,” Kinoshita answered, hurrying to the dining hall. He had to make sure Hirahara didn’t do anything stupid, like down the whole thing. Which, of course, was exactly what Hirahara was trying to do when Kinoshita entered the door. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Kinoshita exclaimed, grabbing the bottle before a single drop hit Hirahara’s tongue. “This is really strong alcohol. You shouldn’t chug it.”
“Aw,” Hirahara pouted, trying to reach for the bottle again. “But I wanted to try it!” Kinoshita thought about it, thinking that maybe he should say no. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Hirahara would have a few sips and immediately become drunk. But then again, all the work was done for the day, and both of them had tomorrow off.
“Maybe... just a cup.” Kinoshita decided. He set the bottle down, still keeping it away from Hirahara. “I’m going to get cups. Don’t drink this all before I come back.” Hirahara made a face that asked ‘do you think I have no self control’, but agreed nonetheless. Kinoshita, against his better judgement, left the bottle with Hirahara and went to find the sake cups.
Kinoshita immediately saw his mistake when he returned. Hirahara, because of course he would, had already downed half the bottle on his own. “Hirahara!” Kinoshita exclaimed, quickly grabbing the bottle away.
“Whaaaaat?” Hirahara whined, clearly drunk already. “I wanted to try it!” Even drunk, he was pretty strong. It wouldn’t be long before Hirahara somehow clawed his way back to the bottle. So, trying to think fast, Kinoshita did the only thing he thought he could do to keep the alcohol away from Hirahara. He chugged the rest in one gulp, slamming the empty bottle down.
“Well you can’t have anymore!” Kinoshita exclaimed, then let out a hiccup. Uh oh. He might have drank too much too quickly, and already felt the alcohol kick in. “Oh. Oh. I need to sit down.” He had no idea the alcohol he had bought was so strong. He should have taken this slowly. No wonder Hirahara’s already out of it.
Even though the bottle was empty, Hirahara was still whining that he wanted to try more. Through slurred words, Kinoshita continued telling Hirahara that they were out, and he couldn’t have anymore, and they were both definitely drunk. Hirahara disagreed, seeming to think he was completely in control at the moment.
“You should sit down,” Kinoshita urged, already flopping back into a chair himself. Oh geez. My head... he managed to pull Hirahara down with just the momentum, and the other escort flopped into the seat next to Kinoshita. “Okay, we’re both sitting.” Kinoshita felt like he needed to say his actions out loud just to inform himself of what was happening. It had been a while since he’d gotten drunk.
“We should get sober,” Kinoshita continued monologuing, not that Hirahara was listening. To be honest, Kinoshita wasn’t even sure he himself was listening. “We should... drink some water. Or, like, put our heads down. Hirahara, put your head down.” What am I even saying?
Hirahara only looked back up at Kinoshita, a dopey grin on his face. “Wow, Kinoshita, did you know that you’re the beeest?” Hirahara’s words came out pretty jumbled, but Kinoshita got the sentiment. It was accompanied by Hirahara trying to give Kinoshita a kiss on a cheek, but he totally missed and locked lips instead.
“Mmm okay,” Kinoshita huffed, breaking it off so he could sit Hirahara upright. The golden eyed escort looked like he was going to pass out at any moment. “Oh yes, good idea,” Kinoshita mumbled. “We should... sleep this off. Right now.” Hirahara didn’t need to be told twice. As soon as his eyes closed, he was already snoring. “Ha ha. Nice.” At this point, Kinoshita was just saying words because they were coming to his mind. “Oh, we are never allowed to drink this much again.”
That was the last thing Kinoshita remembered saying out loud before he woke up eight hours later. Kirika was shaking him on the shoulders, asking if he was alright. “I think... I need water...” Kinoshita mumbled, rubbing his head.
“Oh good, you’re okay,” Kirika smiled upon hearing Kinoshita’s voice. “Let auntie get you her perfect cure for a hangover.” Kinoshita glanced over to find that Hirahara had completely fallen onto the floor. Heavy sleeper... Kinoshita did his best to help wake his fellow escort up.
“My head huuuurts...” Hirahara moaned as he rubbed his eyes. When his eyes locked with Kinoshita, the first words out of his mouth were “I think we kissed last night.”
“Ah.” Kinoshita blinked, realizing he did, in fact, have that memory. “I guess we did.” The two sat on that in silence for a while before Kirika came back with some bitter smelling drinks for the both of them. Then they both pretty much forgot because the taste of the home remedy was so awful.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
Would you be willing to do a comfort fic with Kinoshita/Tagami?
Yeah, totally! Not sure what qualifies as a comfort fanfic, so hopefully this is alright? Kinoshita gets ignored a lot but I think he just wants someone to see him as a good big bro.  -Admin Hirahara
“Kinoshita, why are you blocking the stairs?” Tagami huffed. It was kind of rare to see the emerald eyed escort look so down, curled up in a ball at the top of the steps. Normally, Tagami would just ignore someone like this. But something about Kinoshita’s posture and unwillingness to just move was bothering him.
“I’m not here right now,” Kinoshita mumbled into his knees. “Just go away.” From the tone, Tagami could tell that something really was wrong. He had a choice: do as Kinoshita asked (the clear, easier option), or try and have a conversation. Tagami went with the latter.
“Someone’s going to trip over you,” Tagami stated bluntly. That wasn’t what he intended to say, but it just kind of came out. It only seemed to put Kinoshita in a worse mood, as he hugged his legs even closer. Normally, Kinoshita would just laugh it off. This was a bad sign. “...ugh.” Tagami wasn’t great at figuring out what was wrong with people. Actually, normally people wouldn’t bother him with that kind of stuff. It was bothersome to him, and he didn’t like taking the time to deal with someone else’s problems. But maybe just for today, he could try his best.
Kinoshita, on the other hand, barely paid Tagami any mind. He was too busy wallowing in his miserable day. First, Rokkaku had asked him to rewrite an important report that had been submitted incorrectly. Mistakes like that could be rather costly, and Kinoshita was feeling glum about it the whole morning. Rokkaku had chalked it up to Kinoshita being out so late, but it still didn’t make him feel any better to be lectured on his mistake.
After that, he’d gone on a mission with Tanizaki in the Living World to deal with a deceased one. But after an unfortunate slip that cost Kinoshita his legs, Tanizaki said outright that Kinoshita was slowing him down and that he was better off alone. Tanizaki could be harsh with his words on the regular, but it just stung a little more this time because Kinoshita really had been trying his best. He had to pull himself together and just wait for Tanizaki’s return, to which he was scolded for getting hurt so quickly on a mission.
When he was training with Saeki after the mission, he’d made a very serious mistake that led to him getting shot by Saeki. Although the kind escort didn’t mean anything by his words, hearing him say “you must be getting tired” really cut deep. Kinoshita had been taking training very seriously that day, but Saeki seemed to misunderstand and think he was slacking.
And, to top it off, when he wanted to have a drink with Kirishima, he had been told that he was being rather annoying. Kirishima never said anything like that to him before, so it really came as a shock. Kinoshita liked to think that he wasn’t annoying, but after the day he just had, it was the only outcome he could think of.
Tagami’s going to say I’m annoying, or weak, or being a bother too. Kinoshita thought. It only made him more depressed. Of course. I didn’t do anything right today, and there were people counting on me. I really am a bother. And now I’m blocking the stairs selfishly... Quite a few minutes went by, and Kinoshita thought that maybe Tagami really had walked away.
So it was a bit surprising to suddenly feel someone rest against him. Kinoshita lifted his head to see what had happened, and was surprised to find Tagami’s back against his shoulder. 
“...Hey,” Tagami mumbled, not looking at Kinoshita. “Even though you’re blocking the stairs, I think that’s fine.” From his voice, Kinoshita could tell that Tagami was trying to be careful with his words. “You... make a good back rest. Thanks.” Although it was a bit silly, the simple thanks made Kinoshita feel a little better. It wasn’t much, but it really was nice hearing it after the day he had.
“Thanks, Tagami,” Kinoshita smiled. Tagami didn’t turn around, but Kinoshita could tell that it was because he was getting embarrassed. He decided not to say anymore, and the two spent a very long time sitting in silence. It was a comfortable silence, though. Nothing needed to be said. And Kinoshita felt a lot better because of it.
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
How about Saitou forcing Rokkaku on a vacation trip with him but all Rokkaku can do during vacation is stress about the loads of paperwork that'll be waiting for him when he gets back and worrying about leaving the escorts by themselves and hoping there'll even be a manor to go home to. So it's up to Saitou to destress the captain and help him actually enjoy a vacation for once and take his mind off of things. P.S. thanks for all the lovely fanfics u guys have written they make me so happy to read keep up the good work!!!! 😊😊😊
Aw, we appreciate your continued support! I think after a nice, relaxing vacation, Rokkaku and Saitou would return to the manor entirely destroyed, and Rokkaku would never want to leave ever again… This started out as a “the captains leave the kids at home” but then for some reason, the only scenario I could imagine them coming home to was... a destroyed place...  -Admin Hirahara
It was kind of rare for the higher ups to give the Special Branch a few days off, so Saitou was rather excited to convey the message to the escorts, and, of course, captain Rokkaku. The escorts took the news pretty well, but the captain remained his same workaholic self. “That’s good for the kids,” Rokkaku agreed, “but I should stay and make sure all the paperwork is filed away.”
“Don’t you think the escorts would be kind of disappointed if their captain didn’t go on vacation with them?” Saitou urged, not taking no for an answer. “Think about it. They work so hard all the time. How could they stand to take a break if you, their captain, won’t even leave your office?” Rokkaku gave in a bit at that. If anything, his concern for the well being of the escorts was really what made getting him to go on vacation easy. So long as it was also for their sake, Rokkaku would say yes.
But they couldn’t just take a break and stick around the manor. Certainly not. Saitou knew the captain better than that. He’d try to sneak back into his own office to look through the incidents that needed solving, or paperwork that needed signing. If they were going to relax and not think about work, then they were going to do it right. He suggested to the escorts about going to a ryokan, and they were so eager that Rokkaku had to say yes. The plan was in perfect motion.
The day of their departure, though, Saitou still had to be on guard for Rokkaku doing work when he wasn’t supposed to. He found a bunch of reports shoved into his suitcase, Rokkaku trying to pass it off as his ‘vacation work’. Saitou made sure to lock them back in the main office and pocket the key. Of course, that didn’t stop Rokkaku from talking about work on the trip over. He kept telling Saitou to remind him when they got back to file stuff in the cabinets, or to assign the missions in the ongoing pile.
“I think you need to relax, captain,” Saitou sighed. “The work isn’t going anywhere.” And it was true. The higher ups wouldn’t give them a vacation if they planned to assign more work during this time. There must not have been a lot going on. But there was no way Rokkaku was thinking about that when his head was so filled with his duty that there wasn’t much room for anything else.
Upon arrival at the ryokan, Saitou immediately suggested that they go relax in the hot spring. It was time for plan ‘get Rokkaku to not think about work or bust’ and failure was not an option. Surely the nice, hot water would sooth away any work stress. But that might have been too hopeful, since as soon as Rokkaku sank into the water, he immediately began asking Saitou about the finances for the month.
“We can deal with that when we get back,” Saitou reassured. “We’re on vacation now. Look, everyone else isn’t thinking about work. You shouldn’t either.” Of course, it was easier said than done, since even after Rokkaku stopped talking, Saitou could read from his expression that he was still thinking about work. No one said this was going to be easy...
Distracting Rokkaku with food didn’t work either. While the ryokan had a lot to offer for dinner, it somehow reminded the captain that he needed to ask Kirika about the storage in the kitchen. Saitou didn’t even realize that was a concern until Rokkaku started mumbling about it. “Sir, we can ask her about that when we get back,” he reassured. “Nothing’s going to happen when we aren’t there, anyways.”
Saitou tried taking Rokkaku star gazing that evening when the escorts had (supposedly) gone to sleep. While the beautiful night stars could really sooth most, Rokkaku looked up at the sky and blurted out how he just wasn’t sure if he should be on vacation, because surely the higher ups were only offering it to the escorts.
“No, seriously,” Saitou sighed, rubbing his temples. “They said the whole special branch could take a few days off. That includes us.” It didn’t seem very reassuring to Rokkaku, who only shrugged and looked back up at the sky. Surely, he was still thinking about work.
The vacation days passed started passing quickly, and Saitou had pretty much exhausted most of his ideas to have Rokkaku stop thinking about work. The walks they took in the morning seemed to remind the captain of training. When they got ready to sleep, it seemed to remind Rokkaku about organizing his reports. And even when they went around the neighborhood, Rokkaku would clearly be mumbling about the manor. The whole thing lasted the entire vacation, and Rokkaku only stopped talking about work as soon as they opened the manor’s front doors.
“You know,” Rokkaku declared, giving Saitou a smile. “I actually do feel pretty refreshed. It was a rather relaxing and uneventful vacation.”
“Speak for yourself...” Saitou sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. I guess you really can’t change the captain’s way of thinking. “I guess as long as you thought it was relaxing...” But for the vice captain, he was thinking of asking for some more time off after this. How could getting someone to relax be so stressful, at the end of the day?
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
According to Rinnedou Hirahara is the strongest, not one of the strongest, of the escorts but Tanizaki is definitely the strongest looking of them all (or at least how I headcanon them) so how about a competition between Hirahara and Tanizaki to prove who is the strongest between the two!!!
At first, I was going to write you a classic fight scene. Then I thought… “You know what Hirahara probably actually does? He probably actually challenges Tanizaki to super mundane tasks”. - Admin Hirahara
“Hirahara, for the last time. Leave. Me. Alone!” Tanizaki groaned as he sped walked away from the ever bouncy and energetic Hirahara. The golden eyed escort had been bugging him all morning to ‘have a duel’ or something, and while normally Tanizaki was always up for training, he quickly learned that Hirahara didn’t actually want to have a practice fight.
“But come ooooon!” Hirahara whined, still following close behind Tanizaki. “I wanna know, between you and me, who can catch the tanuki in the yard!” What an absolutely baffling request. Tanizaki wanted none of it.
“Why does this even matter?” Tanizaki finally turned on his heel to glare Hirahara in his clueless eyes. “What could you possibly learn from this?”
“Which of us is stronger, of course!” Hirahara grinned. How exactly is this going to prove anything? Tanizaki wondered. Why couldn’t they just fight, like everyone else? But if that’s all Hirahara wanted, then maybe the sooner Tanizaki played along, the faster this would be over with. So without another word, Tanizaki stormed into the yard, ripped out an entire bush, slammed his hand down onto the first tanuki his hand touched, and threw it at Hirahara.
“Done.” Tanizaki hissed, marching right back inside. Hirahara didn’t look all that happy with the results.
“Wait, that was totally unfair!” Hirahara complained, tossing the tanuki to follow Tanizaki again. “I wasn’t ready! We have to do something else!”
“You’re kidding,” Tanizaki rolled his eyes. “Fine, what else do you want to do?” Surely the next thing wouldn’t take that long.
“Okay, whichever one of us can drink all of Matsumoto’s weird poison and is still standing wins!” Hirahara proudly exclaimed.
“Absolutely not.”
So then how Hirahara managed to drag Tanizaki all the way to the laboratory was baffling to Tanizaki himself. Geez, maybe Hirahara actually is stronger than me, the violet eyed escort thought. But he didn’t get a chance to say it out loud, because Hirahara was already downing Matsumoto’s poison while the concerned escort begged him to stop. Hirahara then spat it all back out and passed out, as expected.
“Well, that takes care of that,” Tanizaki sighed, planning to leave Hirahara with Matsumoto. However, not three steps later, Hirahara sat right back up.
“Eh? Wait! Tanizaki! You didn’t drink any of it!” Hirahara whined, immediately following Tanizaki again. “You gotta do one of these competitions correctly!”
I’m not stupid enough to actually drink poison, Tanizaki resisted saying. Instead, though, he just asked Hirahara what the next thing was. “But this is the last one,” Tanizaki warned. “If you waste any more of my day, I’m reporting you to Rokkaku.” Hirahara quickly nodded to that threat.
“Okay okay, then... the last competition is...” Hirahara seemed to be giving it some real thought. “Oh, I got it! Whichever one of us doesn’t fall asleep when we listen to Saitou read that really boring book wins!”
As insulting as it was to Saitou, it was more than easy for Tanizaki to win this. Saitou barely finished four pages before Hirahara knocked out, clearly finding no interest in what the vice captain was saying. How disrespectful... Tanizaki apologized in Hirahara’s place. Saitou didn’t really seem upset about it, only flicking Hirahara on the forehead to wake him up.
“Huh? What? Did I lose?” was Hirahara’s first words when his eyes opened.
“Yeah, you lost,” Tanizaki sighed.
“Oh darn it!” Hirahara exclaimed, grabbing Tanizaki and lifting him over his head.
“Wait wha-” Tanizaki didn’t have time to react before his body hit the ground from Hirahara’s throw. How the hell did he do that? There was definitely no arguing which of the two had more physical strength, in that moment.
“Okay Tanizaki, you win. You really are the stronger one between the two of us,” Hirahara huffed, admitting defeat. No, Tanizaki wanted to say, you’re definitely the stronger one...
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uci-fanfic-requests · 3 years ago
Imagine Tanizaki learning how to relax I mean he needs a break every now and then!!
Tanizaki looks like the kind of person who lets all the little things urk him and now he’s laying awake at night thinking about all the things he should do tomorrow, only to realize that it’s already tomorrow technically and gets out of bed to start doing things. Someone come and knock this poor man out. - Admin Hirahara 
“Tanizaki, reporting for duty!” The loud voice of the violet eyed escort rang in Rokkaku’s office, as it did every morning. Tanizaki was a very diligent escort, reliable and strong willed. It was one of his many good qualities that helped him complete his missions, one thing that Rokkaku always appreciated. However, the downside to this was Tanizaki had a terrible time learning to take things easy. In fact, when the escort wasn’t running around either doing his own missions or helping others, he could be found doing chores around the manor. It wasn’t that Rokkaku wasn’t thankful, though. It was just worrisome. 
“Thank you for coming,” Rokkaku nodded, gesturing for Tanizaki to relax a bit. “I’ve got a very important mission for you today.”
“Thank you, sir!” Tanizaki saluted. Always so serious.
“Yes, this is a mission only you can do,” Rokkaku stated, equally serious. “I need you to spend all day taking a vacation.” His words surprised Tanizaki, who for a second, dropped his hand from his salute. “As of late, everyone’s taken the time to relax and do something they like. Everyone except you. So it’s your mission - no, your duty - to take a break for the whole day.”
Luckily, for Rokkaku, Tanizaki wasn’t the kind of person to question authority. So even though it really looked like the violet eyed escort wanted to say something, he simply bowed and saw himself out. There he goes, Rokkaku thought, letting out a sigh and sinking back into his chair. I wonder if he’ll be able to do it.
Tanizaki had, however, no idea where to start this mission. It was unfortunate, but he had never actually learned what “relaxing” was. He found it tedious to just sit around doing nothing, so he tried to keep himself busy with tasks. “How exactly does someone ‘relax’?” He asked out loud, passing by the lounge. Maybe he could do some pushups. What did ‘relaxed’ people do, anyways?
The only person that came to mind was Tagami. When it came to taking it easy, Tanizaki felt like there wasn’t a better escort to ask. And the man wasn’t exactly hard to track down. Tanizaki found Tagami tucked away in the laundry room under some blankets Tanizaki assumed Ayako was in the middle of folding. It wasn’t all that hard to wake Tagami up, either.
“What do you want?” Tagami groaned after Tanizaki ripped the blankets from over him. “It’s cold, give it back.”
“I need to ask you something important,” Tanizaki declared, refusing to return the blankets. “I’m tasked with a very important mission of relaxing today. Tell me how to do that.” Tagami gave Tanizaki an annoyed look before rolling his eyes.
“Obviously, you take a nap,” Tagami reached up for the blanket again. “You know how to take a nap, right?” Tanizaki did understand sleeping, but it was hardly easy to do when the sun was still up. He kind of envied Tagami in this one instance only. And maybe Tagami could read the concern off Tanizaki’s face, because he actually sat up and tried to explain himself. “Right. You wouldn’t know.”
It was against Tagami’s better judgement, but he decided to throw Tanizaki a bone today and try and find ways to help him relax. After all, if Tanizaki relaxed, maybe he wouldn’t be on Tagami’s case all the time for sleeping everywhere. What Tagami wouldn’t give to just be able to sleep a few hours without someone disrupting him.
“Alright, there’s no way you’ll be able to just close your eyes and go to sleep, so let’s see...” Tagami gave it some thought before coming up with a list of things for Tanizaki to do. “Some people listen to music before they fall asleep. There’s also getting a massage to relax your muscles. And if you drink certain teas, it should help too. And if none of that works, there’s always medicine.”
The tea was easy enough to get a hold of. Kirika was always prepared with everything the escorts could ever need, and she was more than happy to make Tanizaki a pot of camomile tea. However, after drinking the whole thing, Tanizaki didn’t feel any more relaxed. In fact, after having drunk so much water, his stomach hurt. So the next thing to try was music.
Saeki happened to be home that day, so Tagami suggested that he play some piano music to help Tanizaki take a nap. They listened to a few pieces before it was very apparent that Tanizaki was thinking too hard about hearing the music to actually tune out the music and relax. Even when Saeki expressed that he wasn’t looking for any feedback, Tanizaki just stated that it seemed kind of rude to half heartedly listen to someone play piano.
There were also certain barriers with getting the massage. Tagami didn’t really know anyone who could do something like a back rub, and when Hirahara offered to help, he nearly broke Tanizaki’s neck. Not only was that not a relaxing experience, Tanizaki then spent an hour chasing Hirahara down. It was such a waste of time that Tagami had to drag the both of them to Matsumoto for some medication to just knock them both out.
“Medicine to relax, huh,” Matsumoto asked, rummaging through his cabinets. “W-well, I’ve been working on this new drug, see? It’s, um, its got a lot of melatonin in it. Here, give it a try.” He offered a small capsule to Tanizaki, who felt a little suspicious of it.
“This is really going to help me relax?” Tanizaki asked, squinting hard. Why do I feel like it’s going to have terrible side effects? Matsumoto reassured Tanizaki, though, that melatonin was perfectly fine for them to eat, so without much further thought, the violet eyed escort popped the medicine into his mouth.
And then Tanizaki immediately hit the floor.
“Oh, um...” Matsumoto stammered, looking at the medication in his hand. “I. I think I accidentally gave you tranquilizers...” Of course,Tanizaki sighed, feeling his whole body numbing up. In theory, however, he supposed he’d never been more relaxed before. He should report this to Rokkaku. That is, as soon as he was able to move again.
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