uchiha-sibling · 11 years
The perplexed look across the girl's face intrigued the Uchiha, as he delicately ran fingers through his hair, allowing the roots to supple and stretch. "I believe I can help you..." he replied, having thoroughly the school already. "I'm well versed in the locations of all the campus facilities, should you need to find one in particular."
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"Izuna is fine." he answered, quite aware of the girl's cautious attitude towards. Perhaps a natural defense she had against stranger, she had likely been betrayed by such people in the past. "I'm afraid I can't tell you much more about myself, but I'll be glad to direct you on your way."
Who Am I?
"Well umm yes I am…" Tayuya said looking at the raven haired man with a curious look on her face. She did not know what to say to him right now as he was a complete stranger. She was scared he might take advantage of her memory loss.
"Who are you?"
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
"Tayuya, huh?" Izuna whispered as he brushed past the pink-haired girl, so out of place amongst the bland halls of the academy. It was rare for the Uchiha to find the need to grace the interior of the institution, the metalwork shed being the haven of which he normally did not depart. However, the girl's antics had piqued his interest, and he couldn't help but watch on. "You wouldn't happen to be lost, child, would you?"
Who Am I?
"My name is Tayuya…" The sound ninja said walking around trying to remember her past. There was lots of static in her mind and she could not think of a proper answer. She wanted to understand herself more now and she was looking for someone to help her out. Anyone who could help the girl understand who she was.
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
"Who said anything about being reliant?" questioned the Uchiha, his smirk clearly visible to the other. "If you desire a battle with tools then I shall be more then happy to oblige, I'm sure you remember well my skills with a shuriken. Not that I care for such nonsense here at least."
It seemed the Senju was not pleased with his attempt at friendly gestures, however it was unsurprising. The Uchiha took no joy in the act itself, and the other's reaction reaffirmed the bad blood that stood between them. "I'm afraid I haven't, however I'm more aware of Nii-san's strength then anyone else. I'm certain that regardless of what fate befell him, there would be others to follow in his footsteps."
Considering the water user's former actions, Izuna found himself taken a back by the former's question. Certainly, they were, but there was no need to make such qualms obvious when living in such proximity. His gentle smile remained through Tobirama's vain attempts to insult him, how unrefined...
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"Who knows. If you're as intelligent as you say then I'm sure you'll take it upon yourself to figure that out. Unfortunately I'm not the person to come looking for should you need a bouquet, however if you find that "tool" of yours becomes damaged, feel free to stop by the metalwork sheds."
Worm in the Apple /// Tobirama
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
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Sayonara… Nii-San.
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
John tucker must die
someone broke your heart, would you break theirs?
"Perhaps not in the manner you're thinking. I'm a man of practicalities, cutting it out seems like a much more effective means then to carry out a similar trivial act."
0 notes
uchiha-sibling · 11 years
50 first dates and mean girls
tell us a story about your most perfect date
“The perfect date? Surely you don’t think I’d waste precious agonizing over such a trivial matter. Life on the battlefield is dictated by resilience, your resolve can not be waver by such unnecessary things.”
did you ever have a crush on a popular guy/girl at school?
“Uchiha children do not attend school, we’re trained from the day we can hold a blade to perform one task. However, I suppose in my many years of fighting there were a few individuals I held a certain respect for.”
0 notes
uchiha-sibling · 11 years
the hangover
tell us a funny drunk story of yours
“Quite the precarious night, Anonymous-san. We were celebrating one of our many victories over the Senju, though this particular battle had been quite the feast. Over half their platoon dead, while ours numbered below double digits. A certain reason for celebration. However, in one of my few foolish moments I chose to invest my stomach too heavily in rice sake. Needless to say, it did not turn out pretty, and Nii-san ended up having to carry me home.
My memory is quite frazzled from the night’s events, however I do recall a blurred vision of a few nearby trees being torched beneath Amaterasu’s blaze. Needless to say, Nii-san was not amused.”
0 notes
uchiha-sibling · 11 years
Get to know me by movies c:
the princess diaries: what would you do if you had your own kingdom?
titanic: tell us an unforgettable story about your ex/current boyfriend/girlfriend
mean girls: did you ever have a crush on a popular guy/girl at school?
27 dresses: upload a picture of your most favorite clothing
sydney white: would you ever join a sorority/fraternity?
hachi a dog's tale: tell us a story about your pet
the social network: three websites you can't go on a day without logging on to
twilight: someone you would risk your life for?
the avengers: tell us about a friend who saved your life
50 first dates: tell us a story about your most perfect date
the hangover: tell us a funny drunk story of yours
she's the man: if you could switch gender for a day, what would you do?
17 again: what would you tell to your 17 year old self?
john tucker must die: someone broke your heart, would you break theirs?
the breakfast club: what do people label you?
juno: pro choice/pro life?
american pie: tell a story about your first time
scream: if you and your friends had a sleepover and a serial killer was inside, who would most likely be the first to die?
freaky friday: first thing you would say or do when you woke up as your mother?
i know what you did last summer: tell us a fun story about your last summer
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
Hi everyone, sorry its taken me so long to get started properly on here! Mun's name is Vanessa, this is my first character in this RP. I look forward to RP-ing with you all, so if anyone would like to start a thread, let me know :) my uchiha-babu can be a bit grumpy but he'll warm up to you all o v o
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
The walls flicker blue, the crackle of the searing air pierces the Uchiha's ears. This sound, this feeling, were all too familiar, and as he slowly turns to face his adversary, his gaze turns the sword that all but ended his life. Caused his brother such sorrow. His eyes flash crimson, as he stares down the Senju before him. "Typical of a primitive savage to resort to violence the first opportunity he gets."
"You think your petty trick would work more then once?" he inquires, keeping his sight fixated on the others. "I've seen through that technique already, while I may have been the fool for falling to such means in the past, these eyes have already read your sword, Tobirama..."
The man sheathes his sword, continuing to spout his mindless drivel. A noble attempt it was by the Senju, however he would not allow intimidation to tarnish the pride of the Uchiha. "I'll have you know that all my pets are tamed, unlike a certain Senju who can't even keep his dog brother on a leash. I'd fear more that he'd accidentally compromise you in your sleep, let alone the wolves you seem so fixated on."
While the room arrangements certainly compromise part of the Uchiha's plan, a smirk appears across his lips. Keeping his enemy in his back pocket may be advantageous for the time being, but sleeping would likely be short spared between the two. No qualm for a shinobi, after all.
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"Certainly an interesting predicament, isn't it?" he whispered, placing a coarse hand on the Senju's shoulder, gaze fixated past the other. "However, I find these quarters to be to my suiting. If sharing a house with an enemy makes you uncomfortable, then by all means, leave of your own accord."
Worm in the Apple /// Tobirama
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
Worm in the Apple /// Tobirama
The assigned room was not as shabby as the Uchiha had expected. For a trash filled encampment such as this, the dwelling areas were certainly well kept. He ran a finger across the the living room table, rubbing the two digits together as nothing dissolved between them. While he had heard there were multitudes who shared the roof, he had not the displeasure of coming across them just yet.
"Hmmf..." he grunted, mildly impressed by the cleanliness of the house. While there were not many personal effects scattered across the rooms there were a few clear signs of those who resided in such rooms. Strange robes, ritual stones that appeared to belong to that of a cult. However, there was one particular item that caught the raven haired's attention.
Etched into a bed post was an insignia he knew all too well. The very embodiment of his clan's hatred, the very reason their souls howled for blood and chakra stirred for battle. And as he ran a finger along the symbol carved in the wood, he could feel the heat baring upon his back. He was being watched, and it wouldn't take much to guess at whom might have been standing there.
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"They say that pets aren't allowed in the dorms, and yet somehow a rotten mutt manages to weasel it's way inside. I'll have you know you have not fooled me, Senju."
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
His gaze rested upon the individual who had crudely bumped his shoulder without warning. Brown, slicked hair, a tall, imposing figure. And those eyes, the sort that look down on any and all that stand in their way. Strong. The smirk that was so delicately spread across his lips sent a light chill down the Uchiha's back, but he'd dare not show any trace of such cowardice.
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"I should have assumed as much..." he muttered, eyes averting from the man before him back to the steadily clearing halls. "The peace, happiness these people exist in. It's all false. Where I come from, the only smiles you see result of a battle signaled over. At least for a small time, no more blood must be shed."
He releases a sigh, allowing himself a small chuckle to escape his breath. "At least some around here are afforded a sense of humor. I will express my apologies for my misconduct, if you in turn will tell me your name."
Contentious Engagement /// Open Starter
A sigh. Mahogany eyes had come to rest on the familiar form in front of him. But no, he had never seen him before yet multiple residents of this school shared all those distinct traits that no doubt meant the stranger was one of them. An Uchiha.
It was a pity, really. Upon researching the subject of the quiet but obviously powerful clan he had come to find they were near extinct. A rare commodity. Now, that was something worth a peak in his interest though each day it seemed the population of the ‘dying’ clan here were increasing, this new addition raising the total to six if he was not mistaken. Nevertheless it did not mean they were completely useless to him, like all shinobi he held a curiosity over them and the powers that were so alien to him. Perhaps it would be worth sharing a word or two with the newcomer, if it weren’t for the fact that the other was currently transfixed and apparently deep in thought. Unfortunately he also happened to be directly in Aizen’s way, and he wasn’t one who would willingly change his path to accommodate others.
The light knock of their shoulders as he brushed past on his way to his classroom seemed to rouse the stranger, a harsh glare sent in his direction. Was he supposed to find it intimidating? How quaint. 
A dark eyebrow raised in reply to the question, the insult that so reminded him of a certain subordinate of his and causing an amused smirk to light his lips. 
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“An ornament? Hardly, I would hope they would choose a subject slightly more aesthetically pleasing were they planning on adding an art installation to this hallway.” Aizen retorted matter of factly. “However, you were in the way and I should warn you that there are not many here who would go out of their way to ‘watch where they’re going’ around you.”
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
Contentious Engagement /// Open Starter
As the irises focused on their new found light, the shape that took form was not what the Uchiha had expected. Concrete walls towered above him, the windows adorned with glass, chatter amongst the students lively and exuberant. At least, he thought it was a school, the way the buildings were arranged made sense.
He takes a few steps forward, entering the main building, scanning the caverns for something familiar. Something real. Instead he was greeted with laughter, joy. Obliviousness. A irritated grunt escapes his mouth.
"Tch, what a farce."
Was this not a time of war? Of self sacrifice? Yet all that lay before him was ignorance. Happiness. Peace was certainly what those among his circle had cherished, yearned for deeply. And yet the man never knew a time in which this luxury was afforded. Perhaps, this just may be some time elsewhere to his natural circle.
While he remained deep in thought, the transfixion was short lived, after a small knock was applied to the Uchiha's shoulder. Regaining his primal senses, he took a few steps back to observe the perpetrator of such an ignorant act.
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"Do I look like an ornament to you? Watch where you're going, trash."
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uchiha-sibling · 11 years
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