The inner thoughts of a driver traveling the city of Los Angeles. These are the stories I never tell a soul, for no one could see with my eyez, so how can they see what I see.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
That time I witnessed, and the I drove some one to a drug deal.
So... how many drivers can say theyve took riders to pick up drugs? Knowingly..
Yeah, but before I get into that, comes a story from when I was in downtown working during the day. Probably a weekend shift. But it was broad day out and Im cruising waiting for a trip to come my way when I noticed a white male walking down the street. This guy is walking with a backpack on one shoulder. Old enough to definitely look like school was behind him. But kept walking towards a man. This individual was a black male and he approach as well. And right in the middle of a sidewalk, they did a quick exchange like this was something they do on a day to day basis. No words said, just a handoff and go. I happened to make a left with the man that got the backpack after. Happened to be one of Downtown LA’s various one way streets. And low and behold, this man was at his truck in the middle of the block placing the bag in the truck. Quick like placing groceries or something. Broad daylight, drug deal done without anyone noticing. Besides me.
Second comes a round trip from a hispanic couple. They got in with a gym bag and just parting their apartment home. This was about a year ago from today, as I write this. So they place the location in and were going from South Central to Cudahy area. Of course stereotypes are drawn as they judge my well spoken tone for wealth. And i assumed they didnt want to talk or just be amongst one another. So the ride there was pretty simple besides the average small talk most throw at a driver. Next we arrive and the woman gets out and the male sticks behind. Shes going into a balloon shop to get nos balloons. I know about this stuff from high school and the parties were these were big things. They should like crazy and were a craze amongst the hispanic crowd. So while shes in there. Things get heated between me and the other male because he felt I was being, I suppose, that I was looking down. Comments like “people think money is everything, but when it doesnt mean anything anymore, watch what happens”. And the fact that I was trying to tell him by using positive thoughts, he could change his life. He spoke on a background of gang violence and issues. He didnt want to hear none of it. Concluded with a “I prefer to hear some music, and a quiet ride”. So when his girl got back, we took off and it was a very quiet trip. Which they left back to a hotel to enjoy their night together off nos. Hopefully they are in a better place. Trip concluded with well wishes and on to the next
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2/9/19-2/10/19 Ride
This was the only thing that stood out in the night because it was probably one of the more positive trips, but remained in that coded space of language.
These riders were in Pasadena and were heading out to Glendale. A White couple that had too much to drink but were fairly young like early twenties. So kudos to being aware enough to not push themselves on driving. So the trips starts out with average greetings, they seem like a decent couple. We hit a silent patch and I just leave them to converse being they were speaking on what sounded of how their night went. Then some weird feeling sturred in my gut along with some thoughts I felt got directed my way from either of the two. But they started this dialogue of where the girl kept talking about meeting someone and then they went away. Kinda fitting the description of what just took place between us. Then they started rambling, but something stuck out when she said “I know whats happening upstairs, I want to see whats happening downstairs too”. Which felt like a code for something. And to push that further, the male says,”Anything I have back with me, I dont mind sharing”. In context of any other time, kinda sounds like a big hint hint on where they wanted to go. And amongst that, the two were making out in the rearview mirror from time to time. I get PDA but its a bit obvious for attention. As well as he made a comment that “if you hang out at bar long enough, youre bound to see some weird shit”.
But the lack of a bite on my end. The female went on that that she had a sister. Inner feelings kinda felt that the recognized that I wasnt for all that couple sharing so she’d through that she had a sister. The male kept saying that the were going to Santa Monica, and kept repeating it over and over. Then something came that since I didnt want his girl, in a metaphysical way or on a wavelength. He said “he’s more than a friend, he’s like a brother. And that means way more.” That actually concluded the ride and that where we parted. I wished them a good weekend and they did as well. But I can say the woman did part on a very saddening feeling in her voice when she thanked me for the ride and parted ways.
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2/8/19-2/9/19 Riders
I dont want to assume it, But I seriously think I over heard my passengers speak on being raped. Its not a far trip at all, but i assume they were talking about it prior to getting in the car. But they get in, the first of the two ladies that are in the trip, finishes a story. But its a story of having nights were shes went out, and got blacked out drunk. Im already thrown off because Im more sober than I aint. But she continues. A story of being drunk, having to be carried on a mans shoulders cause she wanted to get into another club. Saying she woke up with bruises and her friends said she was “fighting a curb”. Even at one point of being black out, she was told that a cop approached her friend and asked if she was alright and couldnt get into clubs being that intoxicated and not being able to walk. And having to be took home and tucked in.
Now heres where things gets bizarre. The next girl begins her story. Begins with telling that shes had her experience with blacking out. But slips that she thinks she was drugged and the other girl thinks the same for herself. She runs on with a story that her friends did it to her. That they got her “fucked up”, blacked out to the point where she wasnt coherent of what was going on. To where her “friends” used her credit card and ran up a $500 dollar bill on a credit card of hers. Took her car and left her stranded, even as far as throwing her luggage out with her. Woke up with bruises and the thought that she was drugged cause couldnt remember any of it. At this point she says she at a airport and calling her parents that she had a crappy relationship with to save her. Back and fourths and being stranded without a clue of how to get out the situation. And at no expense her parents did get her out of it. Said that her “friend” was there the whole time and she knew the people they were with were sketchy but she was around them. According to her, she was drugged, beat, and I can only hope that the worst thing in mind didnt happen. But at many points on her trying to get through the airport and home, many people told her to get to hospital which she never did.
In my head, as fucked up as it is, I knew what kinda happened just with my upbringing. Basically her friend got to know her and behind her back probably hated that she probably never had a want that wasnt met. Of course sucks to assume, but these were white women that probably didnt come from homes where money was an issue. But the characters she was around more than likely did. So they probably used her for her money and the sketchy characters were probably in the other womans ear having her play the role til they could make that night happen, or even being the mastermind to it all. You dont get drugged in a house of friends without some inside job happening.. Of course thankfully shes alive and all good today. But what a story to overhear. These women were speaking on potentially being assaulted like it was a run of the mill thing.
Perhaps Im not aware of just how dark the human can be, or I just have such a respect and awareness for another human that I cant fathom hurting another or taking advantage when things can just happen if you let them fall in your lap.
Which brings me to my next story which is a polar opposite. And that is 4 lustful women that couldnt just admit what they wanted. Which i find these cases very funny and this was actually a first that was an ego boost. So this trip takes place in Long Beach-Huntington Beach borderlines. Its some 80′s rock night so you can guess the crowd attending. All american lol. But anyways, I pull up and a group of women approach the car. This Blonde that ordered the ride and led the pack, She approached the car with this look in her eye that was filled with lust. I can only assume they dont see many young black males around those parts. (Im learning America isnt as intergrated as it preaches). So they all get in, greetings follow. And they start getting ditzy. But its a smooth ride, were Its ever so obvious the blonde is diggin me. Yet, As im learning, younger women dont express their wants or attraction while. As in my story with “The Cougar”, Im very aware that if a woman wants you, she will let you know. Lifes too short for all this thats happening in this ride. But anyways, so in the backseat are her friends, which Im assuming are the cockblocks and overseers of if their friends go home with anyone when they go out. But she kinda narrates the trip. And with this running need for a toothbrush to spend the night at her friends. Which brings up this conversation where the blonde states she has a toothbrush for her. To which we all have a laugh because it sounds rather bizarre that she just has toothbrushes to give out to guest. And then she ask me would I find it creepy if a woman had a toothbrush for me if I stayed over. Which kinda felt like a indirect way of asking me to stay over. But not being bluntly stated, no bite on my end. I tell her that yeah it could be weird but its all on context. To then this point her friend begins talking about she needs vitamin D and a facial mask of some sort. If you ask me, she meant some very sexual things. But once again, not bluntly stated - no bite. Even with the toothbrush conversation that same girl told that blonde, “dont sound like such a hoe”. Which reviewing the trip, its obvious that this is something that isnt out the normal of these chicks. Which among being a good ego boost. Kinda glad I didnt pursue anything thrown out there with any of them. Even more a nod of the right choice, the chicks went from plans on going home to another bar, which it was a little after 12am-ish then. So about a hour and change to drink before last call, or rather find someone with vitamin D and a face mask lol.
This is a very quick trip but a conversation on hindsight that makes me go “hmmm”. Anyways this is directly after the prior trip with the Succubus. And I pick up 3 white guys in Long Beach, like 2nd street where its nothing but bars and nightlife. Im aware of the area being at the beach with an ex near there. Which riding through, it kinda hit me that she probably spent times there for her experience of the nightlife which give her awareness of the beach there. But anyways im going to the pick up with “This Is America” playing. Obvious what that is, if youve ever watched the video or heard it. But I pick them up and its the greets. The guy that sits passenger is the only one talking. The other two or weirdly quiet or maybe offended because with the rate the first guy got in, I only got a introduction to him before they jumped in the back and it was probably a quick “whats up” or something. But anyways we hit the light to turn thats maybe 2 blocks away. So they notice a bar across the street and speak on how packed it is. Which i myself was wondering why this bar had a line to get in it when its many bars in the whole street that didnt. Part of me recognized it was a urban crowd, but it slipped out my mouth that I didnt understand why people wait that long to get in a bar. Which its approaching 12:30am and some of them wouldnt get in til 1am and then it leaves 30 minutes for that. Which the passengers say, “not worth it, right?”. To which I agree. Hindsight i feel he meant its dumb of urban folks to go to bars and wait around for that we just saw. So then he starts asking me am I from the area and i tell him Im from LA. Then he ask where in LA do i visit, bar wise. To which i tell him I just spend my time at home and working that job. To which he calls me a Iron Introvert and then he ask me this really urking question when I look back. “Do you read?”. I chuckled but in my mind im thinking, who the hell doesnt read. Or perhaps he wasnt used to people like me reading. To which he goes in on if ive ever heard of David Goggins. to which he calls a introvert that does crazy shit. amongst the accolades he preaches he tells me about his book. and I ask him whats it about. So he tells me about his growing up and he started with “he grew up in indiana and he was the only...”. Didnt finish the sentence, which i knew exactly what he was gonna say but I was gonna let him say it. So he explains first that his dad had a roller rink and was the first black man to start a business there or thriving business i suppose. Which he abused his son with a lot of beatings. But he becomes who he is and is the only black in the vicinity or that he spoke on. The guy was fascinated by him but kinda was a obvious observations that they dont run into many black folk in that side of the city. And dont truly understand the us, but what they read and see.
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2/6/19-2/7/19 Riders
Potentially a eye opener for a ride. With age and experience I’m becoming more aware of what sides of the city offer. From lifestyles, people, and outlooks. As some call this city a stirring pot, our lives are mixing at a scary rate. Or at least mine is.
My outlook with the work this week is to reach a certain amount of rides to hit some bonuses from the company. Nothing major to me, but this comes with having 30 rides for the first tier bonus, and 60 for the second. This night I covered about 17-18 trips. So i was thoroughly throughout the city.
Revenge Of The Nerds
My first ride that sticks out in mind is in Venice Beach. Judging the event and the occupants, this was a tech meeting or a start up of some sorts. Approaching the car upon arrival are 4 guys. I’ll call this the “Revenge of the Nerds”. One Russian, one Asian, one Middle Eastern, or perhaps two of them were. But mentally this was a very weird trip. A vast majority of the trip felt like a lot of coded conversations that I was picking up without much trying. And I can explain how this was confirmed. So heading toward the freeway, these guys were discussing being at a meeting with Google. They really felt the need to stress this or with stating this it would make me want to join in and ask about what they all were doing. But as usual I stick to my driving and focusing on the road. So there getting into some conversation where they keep talking about Speech 0″. Mental image keeps thinking of a reddit meme where it takes some Fallout scene shot. But I couldnt help but think they were speaking in the idea that I was talking. Along the ride, a song was on. And for this night I decided to hide the display of what song was playing and who was the artisit. More so, so peopl would catch the song and not all that extra info. The car becomes quiet at a certain point and these lyrics go off.
“I was trained to be a soldier for God But as soon as I used my own thoughts I kinda got lost in this smog called reality Where hell is a fallacy And Heaven is a fantasy created by man, so don't believe in it You came in here with nothing then your leaving with Nothing so retreat from this world of deceitfulness But my people it's time to rise Realize there's a heaven whether you think it's inside or in the sky Reach for it before it's gone eternally And you stuck here below the heavens for eternity“
And it breaks into a hook and the Russian in the passenger seat says “Encrypted data. Private companies use encrypted data to protect themselves but let people have it”, something along those lines. “Basically youll get the message but wont know who gave it”. Mentally that was kinda spot on.
Then off the freeway we were cruising down Venice blvd. and Im assuming with the streetlights shining in the vehicle. This allowed a view of my Black Panther keychain. Cause a conversation about Marvel ensued. The spoke upon Stan Lee creating Spiderman or being the main thing he created, amongst The Incredible Hulk. Then they brought up Into The Spiderverse, the recent film and mentally I was hit with the line “Wow, Youre like me”. If youve seen the movie, you’d understand. But with all that, just funny timing because we reach La Cienaga were there is a Captain America mural. Or maybe a coincidence from the universe. But this is were the ride finishes up and not much else is exchanged and the ride ends.
Deceptive Intentions
Now in Hollywood I pick up a rider. Originally this was just supposed to be him although he was standing with a woman. Which when they got in they explained that they both ordered separate rides but since I arrived first, they both got in and the male basically let it be known that he didnt mind paying for the ride. Once again, Im assuming its a couple already so Im completely tuning out the conversation and that when I learn the chick is a mind reader. Along the way Im just in my own world and I come across this thought that I might just be kinda set up to be a music artist and immediately at that thought the woman says “I love musicians, I just cant help it. Even if they are emotionally unstable”. And the male replies, “Probably because you are too”. She laughs and i suppose signalling she agrees. We reach her drop off and she gets out with a hug to him and a “goodnight” to me. At this point the Guy jumps back in after letting her out and this is where he changes to a new person. “SHE NEEDS TO BREAK UP WITH HER BOYFRIEND” “DID YOU SEE HOW HOT SHE WAS?”, He stated pretty hyped up. Which as I tell you, I try to distance myself from the riders. I didnt even see the woman to have a frame of reference. But kinda revealed what his intentions were with the lady. Were headed over to Santa Monica so after a forced conversation that didnt go anywhere the music just played. At a point it reached a song by a artist out of the city and he was speaking on a woman that had died but he was deeply in love with. And it was a powerful record, I cant even deny. But I heard a sniffle in the back seat. I had a notion that it may have even made the rider shed a tear. Kinda made me think Im rather desensitized to emotion growing up the way I have. But another ride done and on to the next.
Eye Opener
Now this is the trip I speak of that felt like an eye opener on revisiting the trip mentally. This was a trip immediately after the previous story. From the Westwood area heading to Venice. Prior to pulling up I noticed 3 suits walking down the road and one just broke away from 2 others. Not much of a goodbye just approached the road and that was my rider. He gets in a bit jive. Almost trying to show he’s hip to urban culture. Which is explained shortly. He’s a talkative type and starts with the usual small talk. “How long you been driving?” and blah blah blah. I explain my 3 years and the usual responses but he reaches a question of “Where in the city do you like to drive”. Which I explain that I just drive. You cant really plan out were youre driving when any given trip you can be sent 10-1000 miies all pending the request. Not remember how it came up but we got into a dialogue of where we were from. Which i explained South Central and he asked if im still there. And upon saying yes, he said “its what you know”. Then he explained he was from Ventura county about a hour away and his family is from the Northeast and the South, after I told him my family was from Virginia. Explained that that side of the family had some different views and brought many conversations that made him look at that side different. So this is where he explains to me that he doesnt like hanging out on the Santa Monica/Venice side of the city. Amongst the techie side of it all, its what he grew up with out in Ventura. Which something told me he meant those with conservative beliefs. And that he preferred Downtown and Echo Park area due to the mix of culture and artsy ways. Felt like a nod to tell me that this side isnt as for change as I’d may think. Or over that way, I can relax.
In this night was a trip with 2 dudes. Asian I assume, but no heavy looks at them besides pick up. But I did notice they guy had a Rams hat on. On my driver profile it states “The New Orleans Saints were robbed #NeverForget”. (NFL 18-19 NFC Championship). Something triggered that he wanted me to bring that up in conversation, but me being me, that aint happen. So in this drive, its a obvious Alpha/Beta partnership between the riders. Which the Beta pretty much is subject to having all his power at a zero and listening to whatever the other says to do with their business venture. In this conversation they do a lot of name dropping and trying to sell something or a idea. Perhaps to get me to listen. But im a “tune out” type as I explain. As im ever brought back into their conversation by how loud they become. Im considered how does someone live like that. The Beta is pretty much powerless and has to listen to every idea the Alpha had. Whenever he suggested something, it was slashed and replaced with a idea from the Alpha and it seemed like a odd partnership. But to each his own. Just along with my non-talk, came towards the end of the ride when I had this feeling that they were going to get negative in their conversation being I didnt bite on whatever they were pitching. A comment of “Its nice to have a quiet ride and catch up on business”. Just felt weird but was said along with somethings that didnt feel right in spirit.
Janky Producers
Last but not least. I had a ride in mid-city. Picked up a White guy, dressed with the look of a producer. I know this simply because being a music artist, you can spot the look a million miles away. So he jumped in with headphones on, but greeted so I assumed he was gonna be in his world, as I was in mine. Totally fine. Now im playing true hip hop. Lyricist infused stuff. Something about it, I just had a feeling he was listening because of that. Anyways, he was headed to a recording studio in Hollywood, but went from a drop off to a pick up of 2 others. So amongst this short extended trip. They were speaking about what was happening at the studio. He kept talking bout working with Tory. Im assuming Tory Lanez or just name dropping to catch my attention. But they came talks of his manager that was at the studio and this is when they starting talking about that guys music skills. Mainly he was off key and that led to a lot of laughter. They ended up getting dropped off at some food spot which seemed to be a flock of musician industry folk getting grub. As a artist, id probably fit in, but my out look on life probably keeps me away. But found it rather bizarre that people can talk and gossip about people they were around through out a night. I know money is the reason. But why be around people you just look forward to laughing at after?
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2/5/19-2/6/19 “The Cougar”
This trip starts in Beverly Hills, specifically in the Rodeo Drive area. This is a really quick trip of maybe 5-6 minutes but so much is said. So I pull up to a marked address to wait about 4 minutes, which the timer is running out and I can cancel the trip. (Without detail, the name of the passenger is the stereotype for an older white woman, like straight out the dictionary). I get a call from “The Cougar”, she askes where am I, and I state I’m at the marked location and she’s around the corner. So I simply pull up and whate seems to be a middle aged white couple is waiting and gets in. We greet and The Cougar then starts talking about how cold it is. And the male agrees. And next thing I know this woman out the blue places her hand on my face. In a attempt to show me how cold she is. Rather made it awkward and rather a flirt in my book. Off bat I kinda assumed this was a cuckold couple. So I turned on the heat and tried to warm them up, and not be in a awkward moment. Only to have a conversation strike between the two that I tried to not be apart of. The male began describing his desire to be home and in warm pajamas, while the Cougar began to state “I’m so cold, I picked a great night to wear this dress, sweater shirt, heels, and no panties”.. 😨.. Yes she stated that very loud and obvious to get attention. I remained out the convo still. And the male states, “well it is your birthday”. To her saying “I can have whatever I want on my birthday”. Gut feeling was that she was talking about something in my pants. Truly making me feel like a Get Out scene popped off and she could just have me for sexual reasons this night. At this point she then ask me how my night was. And I just said it’s been busy and a usual night of sorts. To then they start saying, “I’m getting so sleepy, sis”, “yes, I’m getting sleepy brother”. Probably not the answer she wanted cause either things went from cuckold to incest Or they tried to womanese something amongst themselves that I was “sleep”. Not knowing it’s a big pet peeve when people do some insider around me, because I can pick that up instantly. But anyways, we pull up at this point and the male jumps out and she takes her time out the car, saying her heels would slow her getting out. As I pulled off, she had a deep stare into my rear view mirror. No Cougar for me, no black cub for her. Am I wrong to not be someone’s sex slave? Or am I missing out on wildness? Guess I’ll never know.
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The “Get Out” passengers
So.. quick little reference for the headline. ‘Get Out’ was a movie released by Jordan Peele a few years ago now, which was about a interracial couple. Black male and White female as they go to visit her parents for the first time. Along the way it deals with the hidden faces of racism, white guilt, black fascination and stereotypes. Psychological elements, weird statements and a bit of horror build up the film nicely. Leading to a climax of basically whites seeing that being black is “In” and they hold bids on incoming blacks to take their bodies and implant themselves in and forever leave them trapped in the subconscious and be passengers.
As for being black in America and from my singular view and no one elses perspective, this movie made it ever so awkward to be a black male that does date interracially and has been well spoken. Prior to the movie I was called white washed. Typical for someone from a side of a city that is vastly african american and lower to middle class. Being I was bussed out to the valley to attend schools that were a majority of middle eastern, asian, hispanic and whites students, spanning from middle to upper class. So both sides hold a influence on me, and create who I am today. So this already has me placed into what the film titled as “the sunken place”. Pretty much if you dont act quote on quote “Black Enough” youll pretty much be listed in this. As seen in the film, the sunken place was were a actor was placed in the film. In the opening scene a black character is shown with a what youd assume to say is a “black personality”. He’s then abducted after stating his car broke down in a white/rich neighborhood and he felt sketched out being there being its not a area blacks are known to be in. Later in the film he’s now a sex slave for a elder white woman and acts all proper and lost his “soul”. This sets the table for everyone who has seen the movie and now has a reference to call anything similar to be in the “Sunken Place”.
So this leads into a few of my awkward encounters with some passengers that are rather too eager to prove that they are cool with urban culture.
First in mind comes a trip I had out of Playa Vista where upon arriving I got this weird feeling in my gut that this was gonna be a awkward ride. After so many trips you I have a spider sense for when a weird ride is gonna happen. Pulling up, I arrive and wait to see if I can spot the passenger to pull closer being its a big apartment area with many entrance and exits. Next out the main door walks out 4 white males anywhere in the range of age between 26-35. Not anything bad, but i can only assume its gonna be painfully awkward just cause im aware that on a day to day basis its not average that our races cross paths beyond the means of social media and work. First thing that makes it awkward is this guy thats sitting directly behind me, feels the need to be extra jive. With his “wassups” and use of “lit” and whatever urban culture rip that made its way across the country. Ever make it very awkward that he wants me to know hes cool with black culture. The others are making small talk amongst themselves, I come to the assumption that one or two are visiting because they keep asking them about what are their plans being in the city now. While thats going the other persist on making me the center of the conversation. At a point comes the most awkward moment. He calls me a Spade. For anyone unaware, a Spade is a derogatory term used on african americans. Not so obvious as the n-word but if you know your stuff, you know what he meant. And proceeds to do this along with stating with my good looks, he’d ride my co-tail and basically pick up any of the chicks that would be attracted to me and I didnt pick up if we went out as a group. Making it more awkward was that he sought out a group agreement to which that all agreed. Nothing violent came of the trip, but a example of how awkward things with Americans can get.
Second comes a ride with 3 middle aged white women and a younger male with them. This was in Koreatown and taking them towards Downtown Los Angeles. This ride was simply awkward out of the tension in the ride of noticing that there was some attraction toward me and obviously the difference in race being a elephant in the room. From what I remember it was mainly about of superficial conversation about their day and what theyd been doing. A lot of attempts of tuning out on my end but ever being brought back just due to them being very loud. And literally im a foot away in the enclosed space of a car. So im just trying to avoid it all as they want my attention. Not giving in and just doing my job of being a driver. I reach the destination to them getting out and one calling me a Monkey out of anger and not getting my attention. Women can take rejections just as bad as men.
Third of the many but I’ll save for later. Comes as a white couple I picked up in Torrance and were taking them near LAX. Already sensing some impending awkward-ness I lowered my music and hoped for my Spotify playlist to tune out some mellow records and nothing vulgar to offend them. (Its bizarre how a hip hop record can offend). So after introductions, I just get along with driving and keeping to myself as I assume as a couple they will talk amongst themselves. But not the case. First is the usual small talk. “How long are you driving today?”, “Is this your full time or part time job?”, “Nice car, how do you like it?”. After running that gauntlet I then feel the need to entertain them being they are not going to let it go. So we get in a discussion of weather being its probably warmer here in Los Angeles than most of the country and them being from the East Coast, a definite. They then proceed to tell me how they are leaving for Africa in the following day. Along that they male felt this need to tell me about they were specifically visiting the areas in which slaves were originally shipped out from. AWKWARD. And that they were visiting the areas as part for their group they manage for a upcoming tour or something of that nature. Pretty much they were going in advance to see which areas were best and clean enough for the group to visit and perform. Along with that something about the areas being christian and they teach english. In my head i just picture colonized. But really made them come off really uppity. That they had to visit places to make sure they were clean enough for them but felt they needed to share music. These from my understanding are third world countries compared to the states. But anyways this is proceeded by a awkward silence upon which The Game’s Higher starts to play. Gangster rap, los angeles artist. The man then ask “is this the man thats playing at Coachella. His name starts with a G.” And with the state of Coachella and the acts that attend I quickly knew he was talking about G-Eazy. In general, just so awkward. I dropped them off and they wished me well as they walked into their 5 star hotel.
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The cuckold is real
So... In my past, im a avid porn watcher. Im aware of what a cuckold is in the particular space. Im certain you probably do as well, unless youre living under a rock and dont get on internet or dont admit it. Typically this usually a white couple and there is what they call a black male, A Bull. Not many more details there, but I can only imagine this stemmed from slavery times when some of the women got jungle fever for some of the slaves. But dont get me wrong, there doesnt even have to be a race factor in the situation of cuckolding. But as a black male, these are events presented to me.
Now when i was a bit younger doing rideshare. I think I got the pass cause people think Im under 21 without facial hair. But as ive let my facial hair grow in recent years. It comes with the assumptions that Im probably sexual mature, and not to say I aint, but i pick and choose my battles carefully.
On more than one occasion of working with rideshares. Ive been ever so lucky to end up with older white couples, typically some awkward “Get Out Sex Slave” vibes come about. For starters this trip with a rider with the username of LLCOOLJames. For anyone who isnt aware of hip hop history. Its a play off LL Cool J. Obvious sex symbol amongst being a hip hop legend in his own right. This is a middle aged white couple, at least 50 a piece. The two get in with big smiles and overly friendly gestured. Asking me about my day and how long Im gonna be working. The usual small talk that comes every 2-3 trips from someone who cant deal with silence. Any way Im trying to go about and get them to their destinations on which im starting to feel this awkward tension in the car. As if they want eye contact as I can feel there eyes in the rear view mirror. From glances I can totally see the older woman checking me out and from what I imagine is coded talk amongst each other. (when your together with someone, id assume youd have a coded language. I watched my parents have coded language when I as a kid came around them. For the adult talk they thought they were hiding). Im totally watching her being turned on by the idea of me and him being turned on by the sight of her wanting me. Its probably my first experience with a cuckold and a queen of spades in person. So im kind of shook but its process of learning. I drop them off and they wish me a great day and thank me for the ride with big smiles on their faces. Nothing comes about from this ride but this is the day I started to learn that this shit exist.
Next in mind, I picked up a couple headed for Pasadena, CA. After they left a Laker game in the 3rd quarter. From what they were explaining, they werent truly interested in the game being the male got the ticket for free from work and it was just something to do that night for them. No less than 5 minutes into the trip, these two are making out, clear view in my mirror and sitting up to the point that its hard to miss although im clearly phasing it out and trying to let them do them. But theyre not having it. Once again the buzz words start getting thrown around. Hes mentioning 3′s and the ideas of sharing. And shes going right along with him. Making it rather clear that they want something more. Along with a talk of doing mushrooms, laying around all day and expanding consciousness. The less I bite, the more shes getting pissed off and as we get closer to their place, her anger heightens. To the point that shes throwing shade without throwing it, if that makes any sense. But another disappointed couple dropped off and im trying my best to just stay out of the cuckold culture. Her slaming the door was a pretty high indicator that she wasnt too happy about not having me.
Another couple, which were visitors from elsewhere. I picked them up in the OC. Which im not oblivious, theyre arent a overwhelming amounts of blacks in the city. So I pick them up and they walk past the car. and Im noticing the woman, and shes noticing me. The mans walking with his head down and shes hawk-eyeing me. I just assumed they were my riders, and eventually she nods to him that im their driver. They jump in and its the usual greets. And im my mind Im thinking, she smells so lovely. To which she states “your car smells so nice”. Kinda felt like we were on the same frequency. But anyways theyre rather quiet and start making out, which I catch this vision of a scene from Baby Driver where the couple is making out in front of Baby and a character says, “thats right Baby. Mommy and Daddy are being grown ups” and im just driving along in the back I can hear here acting all ditzy and extra’ed. To the point along the drive she makes a weird comment of, “Im gonna be mommy and youll be daddy”. Again making me feel like were on the same wave. But very awkward by it. But I just get them to their destinations and they wish me well and i wish them a goodnight.
Likewise to the previous, I had a couple I picked up from a cigar bar in Santa Monica and they were going to Playa Vista. Okay no lie, the woman was a gorgeous blonde.. totally amazing body and quite lovely. They were all hugged up and over each other as i pulled up. To which she quickly pulled away and i noticed she kinda was seeing who I was as they headed to the car. Which once again, not much talk bout obnoxious making out within a foot of me and in my mirror. And when needing air this woman was eyeing me like a hawk seeking its prey in the middle of winter night. She was doing a lot to get my attention. Laughing a jokes a bit too hard. Breaking from making out to talk to me whenever she had anything come to mind. And im just sitting there trying to not be in the situation.. lol. He goes into some ramble about being a yoga instructor and im catching some spider sense feeling that theyre all about free love as well. But truly I just felt her presence and she knew she was the spotlight. So i pull up to the destination and they get out wishing me a good night. And in the drive way in front of me she does a dance showing off her body in clear view for me to see. I can only assume she knew how damn hot she was, and wanted to show me what I was missing as I drove away from the situation. Another disappointed rider lol.
Many more trips I’ll write about in later post, but this is a thing I see. For sure I’ll keep this anonymous, but this is clear to me that behind closed doors this is a thriving thing. I try to keep my distance on it, but Im always presented with a random couple with their eyes saying that want something wild in their lives. But has become a norm in mine, at least when I step into their realm, outside the side of the city that they wont enter. I cant help but think the women enjoy this far more. Say what you want to say, but Im sure the Queenpin in these couples is having her needs met, even if Im the one that stayed out of the invite for the night. Is America over sexualizing the Black male, or am I just not taking advantage of my opportunities?
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Rides on 2/1/19-2/2/19
I find coming of age in america as a Black male to be quite the experience. A life thats rathe overly sexualized and comes with many stereotypes and assumptions. Cant say its a eye opener last night but rather a further confirm on feelings and visions I have around people that aren’t POC or in the area. I had around 4 trips with Uber specifically that I can recall that were very very weird and tension filled.
First comes with this couple that I picked up in West Hollywood. White male and Asian woman. They get in and I do my usual greeting of “Hello, How are you doing tonight?”, with their response either being “Good” or “Good and you?”. Pending the two you can assume who wants a conversation or not. Pretty clear, I’d assume. Anyways the car goes quiet to the music playing in the background and literally next thing is the two are seriously making out right in my mirror less than a foot away from me. Awkward, sure. First time of this.. No! This making out is pursued by and silence and the two are texting each other as a way of communication between making out, of which is only broken by the fact that the ordered an Uber Express and had another pickup. (basically a carpool). Which here is where we pick up 2 more asian women which out the blue the couple in the back then turn into the biggest socialites to walk the earth. New energy and a easy spark for conversation. Which either I from my assumption is they either sexualizing a ride with me in the vehicle and the face they show the world appeared when the others got in. The 2 women were dropped off first to that point, the couple then start having a chat outloud. Amongst the eavesdropping I’m trying my best not to do. This guys starts ranting to this woman about him being on Bumble and that he uses it as a means to have men send him money, which she laughs. He then explains that he talks to older men and in return they send him money. I can only assume he’s been enticed to go further than internet talking if he’s willing to consider chatting with grown men to get money out of them. After I try to truly tune them out and drop them off at the destination.
Next trip is 3 very nervous and young gold diggers, which i assume, of course. So its raining and already rather cold all day being its winter time. But these are the types of women that dress a bit “sexy” if you liked to call it that. Pretty much the less they can wear the more eyes on them. Anyways I pull up to a bar called “The Nice Guy”. As some may be familiar. So La Cienaga is took up by valet cars and I have to park on the side street which is maybe 20-30 feet from the door. Anyways Im called and asked to pull closer being its raining and they’re in heels. (Rain was in the weather report all week) anyways they make the run for the car screaming and get in the back seat. One of my policies is that when people get in the car, if they all get in the backseat, they want to keep amongst themselves. Being if anyone wanted to get to know you, they’d sit in the front. Ive rode with Lyft and Uber and always sit in the front seat and chat with my drivers, simple human etiquette. (Ill get back to this). So we start heading to the next destination which is the girls heading to another party of sorts or finding something to occupy themselves from themselves. Which on the way Im lodge into a superficial realm of these 3. Some womanese that Im becoming more fluent with and they make subtle ways to let me know that they are very much looking for drugs. And willing to have sex with those that have them, simply because they do. I kinda have a Baby Driver thing going on where people think Im “sleep” or dead on the inside. But I just know a lot of battles arent worth the $4-$20 dollar trips. So ones steady making snorting noises and rambling about skiing. (obvious someone snorts coke). And one persist on a story to her friends that she was in a bathtub with a football player and her bf. And the football player tried to fuck her in front of her boyfriend. Which Im sure she probably would’ve allowed. Im assume it stays in her mind being she wanted it. Otherwise the memory would fade. So then my spider sense gets to tingling that these chicks are getting made because I’m not talking to them and assuming that I want to fuck them. When actually Im so turned off by their superficial minds that I’m trying to tune them out completely. By the way, There is a new Broly graffiti painting on Melrose where Gohan was that I have to take for a secret instagram account.
Third on this trip is literally a trip after the gold diggers. Where I’m at the Argyle and i pick up this guy or transgendered. I assume being he was in full on make up and and very tight clothing almost couldve passed for a woman. So heres what I mean, you sit in the front if you want to know your driver. The rider, simply gets in the front seat and gives me a smile and we head to their destination. Now Im not an idiot, I understood that I could’ve done anything I wanted with this person. They sat there rather quiet just waiting on me to make a move. But I didn’t want to give in to a moment of being horny and just using a body. So I don’t make conversation for the understanding that I know thats where the person wanted it to go. Upon reaching the destination I just with the person a good night. They give me a deep gaze and a smile and a hesitation to leave my car but finally do. Sorry to disappoint.
Last but not least comes around 2:30am-ish. Im in mid city and pick up a american. He has a destination set but when he gets in he tells me he is changing the destination and needs to stop at a gas station. Upon which he passes me a $20 bill and says thanks. I make a stop across the street at a 7/11. and he offers me a water or something out the store which i tell him, “no, thank you. I have a gatorade.” Tell me why this guy comes back with a Fiji water for me. Next were back on the road and he offers me gum. Which i keep 2 packs in my center counsel. So to be nice to his generosity I accept. Which he goes onto a story about this girl were picking up. Tells me that they’re friends and he was taking her back to his place. Okay here on out, I can totally be having this all happen in my imagination, but things get weird. So he ask me to let me know if she’s hot when we pick her up. I can’t really fathom why he cares what another man thinks about a woman he’s potentially going to fuck. (its almost 3am-ish on a Friday.. c’mon son). I had recently watched Hitch so in my head I’m wanting to tell the guy. She already choose to pick him, but its on him to not fuck it up. Anyways we approach and low and behold is this tanned blonde with these amazing legs and great body. I admit before she gets in that she’s hot. So she gets in and this is another weird thing I picked up. The guys demeanor changed. He went from talking slang and being all masculine to being almost the opposite and high pitched. They start conversing about her night which she was with 3 guys all night to which, in her words, she didn’t want to have sex with because they were too fucked up and drunk driving. Womanese on the other hand started ringing off things with my spider senses. That this chick wanted to get fucked and this guy wanted to share her with me or watch me fuck her. (Im learning the cuckold is real in this country). They start rambling on about small talk about a guy being able to fuck girls at this hour just by telling them to come over. But at this point were approaching the destination and its getting quiet. Im paying it no mind but do understand its quiet. To pulling up and the girl gets out without a word and the guy thanks me for the ride, hesitate to get out and seeming disappointed. I truly felt like the dude try to buy my will or ease me into being of sexual use for them for the night.
With the way these nights go, I can’t help but get a intuitive feel that either people want to sexualize things or they find the black man irresistible. Media outlets cover us like were things to have. Porn, Athletes, Music, Entertainers. And a ever increasing broadcasting of everything interracial on TV and Movies. I even myself have been on the end of being worshipped for being a black man. I try to leave myself out of these equations in these trips. Dismissing that its all in my head and its not happening for me. But on a night to night basis I’m lodge into this pull that people want to devour me for being this black man I am. I roam around this city a lot. And Outside the “hood” and predominately black neighborhoods and areas or urban venues. I see sprinkles of likeness when out and about. And a vast majority they are workers or a seldom few here and there. So theres always a thought that Im that one different thing that happens to be in the vicinity. That must be had. But hey.. Im hoping its all in my head.
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Translation Please? #ubereyez (at Los Angeles, California)
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#ubereyez (at Los Angeles, California)
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#ubereyez (at Koreatown, Los Angeles)
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Uber after dark 😳 #ubereyez (at Los Angeles, California)
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#ubereyez (at Los Angeles, California)
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The silent conversations that take place. #ubereyez (at Los Angeles, California)
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#ubereyez (at Los Angeles, California)
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#ubereyez (at Los Angeles, California)
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#ubereyez (at Los Angeles, California)
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