u-ormieaarna · 4 months
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Beneath a shroud of spun deceptions, a chilling fear takes hold, The serpent's tongue, once swift and sly, may soon grow stiff and cold. The siren song of acceptance, a yearning deep within, Yet whispers dark of social scorn now pierce the gilded skin.
Long has the world, with poisoned breath, painted a foe unseen, A phantom enemy, a threat, where only shadows glean. Within the heart, a twisted form, a darkness yet untold, May rise and claim dominion, leaving dreams to grow cold.
No more the sting of sharp retorts, the endless, weary chase, The shackles of ambition fall, a respite from the race. This cruel and gilded cage shall break, its iron bars unbound, And freedom's wings, though fragile, lift from sorrow's hallowed ground.
The ostracized bat, a creature shunned, its grace misunderstood, May find a world where shadows dance, and judgment's grip subdued. No longer deemed a freakish sight, but one of starlit grace, A kindred spirit, lost no more, to find a loving space.
The yearning heart, a fragile bloom, shall find its solace there, In gentle hands, a love to share, a burden light to bear. With selfless wings, a shield of love, shall guard this newfound prize, And watch her soar on moonlit winds, beneath the starlit skies.
The echo of her laughter, a symphony so sweet, A lullaby for weary dreams, a solace bittersweet. For in her joy, a sacrifice, a whispered, fading sigh, A soul set free, a love unbound, beneath a boundless sky
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u-ormieaarna · 1 year
A magical waltz
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In the midst of our tender embrace,
I trace the contours of his snake tattooed neck,
A symbol of strength, a touch of grace,
Our love's story, an intricate tapestry to reflect.
Oh, what a waste of these lovely thoughts,
When you aren't here beside me, playing with my hair,
Smiling at me, the world's troubles forgot, In your absence,
my heart feels a longing despair. His heartbeat, my favorite rhythm,
Sets the stage for the world to start rhyming.
His honey brown eyes, fixed upon me, Oh, how they converse with every part of me.
I whisper, "The world troubles my mind," He pulls me close, his lips meet mine.
In that moment, the world fades away, He makes me feel seen, come what may.
I ponder what a world it would be, just him and I, Every love song becomes our lullaby.
We take the lead, while others merely exist,
A piano softly plays, as we slow dance in the mist.
Spotlights shine upon us, as we make our escape,
I say, "Hold me tight," as the sun's rays drape.
I pull the curtains, hiding us from view, It's our little game, just me and you.
Oh, what a waste of these lovely dreams, When you aren't here, fun dancing with me,
While the saxophone plays our favorite tune, In your absence, my heart yearns for the ecstasy.
It's lovely how we laugh after a fight, The way my body tingles with your touch, so right.
It feels like I've reached heaven's gate, When our souls intertwine, it's a beautiful fate.
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u-ormieaarna · 1 year
Shadows to Sunlight
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White-painted walls, ceiling above so high,
Blades in hand, lost, wondering, eyes awry.
Pills whispering secrets, consciousness adrift,
Remembering, smiling, my soul starts to lift.
Pills and blades, companions in the night,
Weak fists clutching, seeking strength to fight.
Thoughts, like razors, carve my heart and soul,
Voices within grow louder, taking their toll.
Numbness blooms within, tears refuse to fall,
Muffled screams to my pillow, I call.
Yearning for numbness, for respite from the storm,
Sparrows within me, drained, their song transformed.
The child in me, once seeking help so dear,
Saw a reflection, helpless, fueled by fear.
Shadows I beckoned, hoping for embrace,
Laughter echoed back, cruel and base.
Even the devil, devoid of empathy's grace,
Watched as I unraveled, tears on my face.
Collapsed to earth, explored depths below,
In shadows' grip, I felt my spirit grow.
Consumed by shadows, yet a spark remained,
Crafting a tale where joy overcame pain.
A journey, a struggle, a triumphant blend,
In the end, a happy ending I penned.
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u-ormieaarna · 1 year
The poets wrote,
"Find what you love and let it kill you."
"Maybe I deserved someone else, but I wanted you."
They wrote,
"What is the point of lukewarm love? If it is not drowning me, I have no desire for it."
They wrote,
"Grief is the souvenir of love."
The poets wrote warnings,
and we awed.
They wrote tragedies,
and we dipped them in romance.
This pain is not sweet.
This pain is not romantic.
The poets were right.
They were right about
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u-ormieaarna · 1 year
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u-ormieaarna · 1 year
Whispers of the Abyss
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In deep blue waters, I'm adrift,
Vision fades, darkness swift.
Sinking low, about to drown,
His name I call, no response found.
A game it seems, all gone awry,
No escape, just waves that sigh.
Ocean's voice, a haunting plea,
Calling me to depths, setting me free.
A mighty wave, a force unkind,
Drowning me, no escape I find.
Tears dissolved, warm and clear,
Tragedy's touch, so deeply near.
His smile appears, I close my eyes,
In that moment, my spirit flies.
Gasping for air, the ocean's grip,
Imagined edges, memories slip.
Amidst the depths, a truth I see,
He's my anchor, my destiny.
Not just devil's play, I find,
Addictions too, within my mind.
In oceans deep or devil's snare,
He's my constant, always there.
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u-ormieaarna · 1 year
Echoes of Waiting
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I'm still here, waiting, it's true,
For you to step from that shower's dew.
Dreaming of dinner plans, so sweet,
Towel-wrapped hair, a sight to greet.
I wait for you to rise, to stand,
Declare your health, take my hand.
Time feels frozen, caught in a spell,
My heart's questions, like tales to tell.
How did hospital walls confine our days?
Waiting for eyes to meet in the haze,
For words unspoken, a quiet chance,
How did we drift into this dance?
My heart whispers, I'm tired, you see,
Of flashbacks that linger, tears not free.
A puzzle, happiness or tears to cry,
A tug-of-war within, reasons why.
Apologies linger, a selfish plea,
Heart's to blame, a fiery spree.
Craving her presence, a constant ache,
In every moment, for her sake.
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u-ormieaarna · 1 year
Blossoms and Scars
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Blossoms tucked in his jacket's fold,
They prodded him, a tale untold.
When he gifted them away, a pang inside,
A wounded heart, love's ebb and tide.
Dream fairies, whispered desires anew,
Manifesting dreams, skies of blue.
A cloud I crafted, his kite did rend,
My heart's ache, a pain to mend.
The cloud, perhaps, exceeded its skyward flight,
Blame on me, and clouds took flight.
Sacrificing clouds, a tempestuous plea,
For you, dear heart, I let them bleed for me.
Fixing what's broken, I failed to see,
Raindrops fell, an inner storm set free.
His chosen songs became my guide,
A victim's guilt, emotions collide.
Cries of "victim," I heard them ring,
But within, I felt guilt's cruel sting.
Every crime laid bare, mine to own,
Elevated him, my heart overthrown.
Love I gave, to a scorpion's sting,
Painful lessons, the scalding zing.
The clouds wept crimson, in the sky,
I stood drenched, asking why, oh why?
In blood-red rain, I stood and bled,
My innocence lost, my heart misled.
A fool to let scars cut deeper still,
In my naivety, pain had its fill.
A lesson learned, a bittersweet plea,
To heal my wounds, to set me free.
Oh, how foolish, my heart once so true,
To let you carve scars, the price I drew.
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