tyrone-x-evita · 4 years
This is going to fly over a lot of people’s heads but ANI ACHOLA isn’t even the worse person on the show. I think Clay and Alex are annoying but you don’t see me harassing and BULLYING those actors. You’re not even watching the show for the messages at this point and it’s disgusting. I’m sorry but I’d like to live in a world where Murder and Rape aren’t considered less punitive than someone being simply ANNOYING. Some of you guys lack brain cells. Thank god this is the last season and the writers aren’t giving you guys the time of day. Can’t wait to see Ani next season flourishing ❤️❤️❤️And you’re that upset that Ani slept with Bryce? Chloe was sleeping with him too after he raped Jessica. This was before she found out that he did it to her too. Where’s her hate at? She slept with Bryce too. Also hold that same energy with Justin who let her get raped in the first place. And also sympathized with the rapist. Alex still entertained Bryce eventho he hurt the TWO most important people in his life. Clay FORCED Jessica to open up about her story. Where was this alliance for the victims then? Ani May have done some shitty stuff but in NO way is it worse than what some of these other characters have done. Just say you don’t like her bc she doesnt look like you and grow the fuck up. If it was really about her character, you guys would’ve been attacking the writers room, not the fucking actress bringing THEIR character to life. I hate that they made her sleep with Bryce too but I can see that that’s not the most fucked up thing in the show and characters who have done similar or even worse shit aren’t getting this much backlash.
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tyrone-x-evita · 5 years
Jo and Xandra | Captain Hook
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tyrone-x-evita · 5 years
🔴⚪️⚫️Alexandra Cabot
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tyrone-x-evita · 5 years
If Josie was my girlfriend, I simply wouldn’t have let her get away.
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
My take on the side love interest
Evita most likely won’t be a villain but it’s highly likely she’ll end up under the antagonist label. That’s just unavoidable- she has a knowledge of the divine pairing. She was raised on the reality that ‘only one can live’ so when the reality comes of Tyrone and Tandy being the supposed Divine Pairing…that will be an issue already. She has a bond with Tyrone…we can assume she’d choose his survival over Tandy’s. But it’s not even just that. Having that education on those matters come the belief that you know how things should go and how they have to be and that won’t meah with Tandy & Tyrone’s own personal views and desires.
Will she end up joining team Divine? It’s possible, it depends how deep and how far they wanna take this two against the world concept.
Hahaha. Now his ass has a good chance of going full evil. I’m not even gonna play with it. He’s placed Tandy on this pedestal and like fandom seems to think their relationship is deeper than it actually is. It’s clear she doesn’t have real trust in him, she’s no where near in love with him, she’ll throw him over - she did throw him over. She has a fondness for him because of their partnership and his treatment of her but the saying of 'it’s not that deep for ha’ fits their 'relationship’. He like the other men in her life fit meeting a need she had. Now he cause feel gutted, rejected, betrayed and that can turn to bitter sourness def if the person in question feels like they’ve sacrificed or giving all of themselves while getting nothing in return. Def when you throw the buding partnership/relationship with Tyrone. We’re already at the stage where she’s observed a possibility of his (Tyrone’s) life and she’s chosen to stay - where as she was so quick to chuck the deuces to Liam. That way of choosing is probably only gonna get more deeper as we go on. It’s a total different thing accepting someone’s coldness when you just think that’s a part of who they are verses seeing them be something totally different for/with someone else because then it’s like - oh so you just couldn’t be that person for/with me..I see. Liam has history with Tandy whereas Evita doesn’t with Tyrone so the levels are very different. So it’s an easy concept seeing it go here cause home boy straight picturing marriage and shit 😬.
Do I want Liam to end up evil? I don’t really care what happens to Liam to be honest. He can die in the next episode and I won’t blink much. I’m not wishing bad things on him but I’m also not here for him. Fandoms usually has this nice guy thing - where if a guy shows an ounce of decency he’s some unreproachable manchild who deserves rainbows and greatness. Liam’s a nice guy…that’s nice, but it means no more than that to me. There’s a lot of nice characters that doesn’t make him special (to me). I don’t really see him on team Divine…what exact role would he play? As of right now I’m not sure exactly what skill he’d bring to the table. I’m actually really not here for him being around in the name of helping out Tandy - that’s just a depressing concept.
As far as hating the two - I think it’s to be expected. They do in part exist to antagonize the audience. They stand as antagonist between what we really want. I might not care much for Liam but I like Evita because her character has a sense of life to her that is infectious through the screen. I, however, am a otp kind of shipper - I don’t multiship at all. So while I think she and Tyrone is cute - that’s actually a problem for me. The more I like her the more I’m gonna want her to shift her ass over a lil bit. I wish they hadn’t even gone this route ever episode I was sitting here like - make them friends, please just be friends - because girls get fandom hate more easily for being the second love interest than guys…and black girls get it way more no matter what role they play.
Right now I’m feeling the whole 'relationship’ thing was unnecessary- unless they go to the deep end it’s pointless. With Tandy and Liam that relationship exist to stand against Tandy and Tyrone. Not so much as opposition cause we’ve been shown she’s not there with Liam, but to act as a warning. Tyrone had to watch as a line of guys knelt before the young version of her and be drugged/poison (however you chose to define it) and Liam is in this line - despite all she does him the same. So in the end there’s an underling question of will she/ can she do this to Tyrone in the long run. How does he respond to this, is it a worry for him or does he quickly decide he knows her at her core? Plus the aspect of the old partner vs the new one. No trust vs full trust. Liam’s sacrifice (for Tandy) vs Tandy’s sacrifice (for Tyrone). There’s these comparable levels for Tyrone and Liam that help the audience understand the complexity of Tandy herself and what will be of her relationship with Tyrone. We have yet to get those parallels with Evita and Tandy - I’m not saying they aren’t coming cause I have some ideals they could play up but as of right now where we’re at they could’ve just kept them as friends and could have accomplished the same beats while lowering the fire Evita’s character will most likely be under.
All in all I just hope they don’t drag this thing out longer than season 1 cause I ain’t got the time or the desire. I personally currently don’t like the way they’re using the outside love interest. I think it could’ve been played up and angst out more. I think instead of outride playing the 'we kissing and daring and all that shit’ card. I think it would have been more authentic and fleshing to have gone the possibility route. On this side Tyrone has this nice girl whose taking the time to pursue him and as they are becoming friends she makes since in his world. The safe path his mom needs him to take. While on the other side is this girl whose seemingly nothing but a bad idea. She doesn’t fit his safe world but the more of her he gets to know, the more his powers allows him to see of her, the more he finds that the her beneath that outer shell fits him for the sake of his own wants. They could have introduced a real internal struggle here instead of going the I got a girlfriend now (despite knowing I’m at least physically attracted and intrigued by another girl - that I’m bonded to one more than 1 level) route for quick drama. They did the set of Liam and Tandy very well but I don’t secretly think we’ve reached the point where they’re gonna drop the ball on that. But we’re only 3 episodes in so….🤷🏾‍♀️
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
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Make a wish.
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
Evita: I'm breaking up with you.
Tyrone: Is it because I say "Uh-Oh, Spaghetti Ohs when things go wrong?
Evita: Yeah.
Tyrone: Uh-Oh, Spaghetti Ohs.
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
Me: Tandy and Tyrone all the way.
*Evita understanding Tyrone and caring about him so incredibly much.
Me *conflicted: okay, I ship it. But I love Tandy and Tyrone too.
*Mina showing up, being all eco friendly and bonding with Tandy. Tandy not invading her mind. Mina blowing a bee ever so gently off Tandy.
Me: okay, forget Tandy and Tyrone. Tyrone x Evita, and Tandy x Mina, endgame please.
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
💕love them💕
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
💕Tyrone 💕
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
That kiss tho 😭💕
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
“You know…I don’t hate you two together. If the city doesn’t destroy itself, you should lock that down.”
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
My take on the side love interest
Evita most likely won’t be a villain but it’s highly likely she’ll end up under the antagonist label. That’s just unavoidable- she has a knowledge of the divine pairing. She was raised on the reality that ‘only one can live’ so when the reality comes of Tyrone and Tandy being the supposed Divine Pairing…that will be an issue already. She has a bond with Tyrone…we can assume she’d choose his survival over Tandy’s. But it’s not even just that. Having that education on those matters come the belief that you know how things should go and how they have to be and that won’t meah with Tandy & Tyrone’s own personal views and desires.
Will she end up joining team Divine? It’s possible, it depends how deep and how far they wanna take this two against the world concept.
Hahaha. Now his ass has a good chance of going full evil. I’m not even gonna play with it. He’s placed Tandy on this pedestal and like fandom seems to think their relationship is deeper than it actually is. It’s clear she doesn’t have real trust in him, she’s no where near in love with him, she’ll throw him over - she did throw him over. She has a fondness for him because of their partnership and his treatment of her but the saying of 'it’s not that deep for ha’ fits their 'relationship’. He like the other men in her life fit meeting a need she had. Now he cause feel gutted, rejected, betrayed and that can turn to bitter sourness def if the person in question feels like they’ve sacrificed or giving all of themselves while getting nothing in return. Def when you throw the buding partnership/relationship with Tyrone. We’re already at the stage where she’s observed a possibility of his (Tyrone’s) life and she’s chosen to stay - where as she was so quick to chuck the deuces to Liam. That way of choosing is probably only gonna get more deeper as we go on. It’s a total different thing accepting someone’s coldness when you just think that’s a part of who they are verses seeing them be something totally different for/with someone else because then it’s like - oh so you just couldn’t be that person for/with me..I see. Liam has history with Tandy whereas Evita doesn’t with Tyrone so the levels are very different. So it’s an easy concept seeing it go here cause home boy straight picturing marriage and shit 😬.
Do I want Liam to end up evil? I don’t really care what happens to Liam to be honest. He can die in the next episode and I won’t blink much. I’m not wishing bad things on him but I’m also not here for him. Fandoms usually has this nice guy thing - where if a guy shows an ounce of decency he’s some unreproachable manchild who deserves rainbows and greatness. Liam’s a nice guy…that’s nice, but it means no more than that to me. There’s a lot of nice characters that doesn’t make him special (to me). I don’t really see him on team Divine…what exact role would he play? As of right now I’m not sure exactly what skill he’d bring to the table. I’m actually really not here for him being around in the name of helping out Tandy - that’s just a depressing concept.
As far as hating the two - I think it’s to be expected. They do in part exist to antagonize the audience. They stand as antagonist between what we really want. I might not care much for Liam but I like Evita because her character has a sense of life to her that is infectious through the screen. I, however, am a otp kind of shipper - I don’t multiship at all. So while I think she and Tyrone is cute - that’s actually a problem for me. The more I like her the more I’m gonna want her to shift her ass over a lil bit. I wish they hadn’t even gone this route ever episode I was sitting here like - make them friends, please just be friends - because girls get fandom hate more easily for being the second love interest than guys…and black girls get it way more no matter what role they play.
Right now I’m feeling the whole 'relationship’ thing was unnecessary- unless they go to the deep end it’s pointless. With Tandy and Liam that relationship exist to stand against Tandy and Tyrone. Not so much as opposition cause we’ve been shown she’s not there with Liam, but to act as a warning. Tyrone had to watch as a line of guys knelt before the young version of her and be drugged/poison (however you chose to define it) and Liam is in this line - despite all she does him the same. So in the end there’s an underling question of will she/ can she do this to Tyrone in the long run. How does he respond to this, is it a worry for him or does he quickly decide he knows her at her core? Plus the aspect of the old partner vs the new one. No trust vs full trust. Liam’s sacrifice (for Tandy) vs Tandy’s sacrifice (for Tyrone). There’s these comparable levels for Tyrone and Liam that help the audience understand the complexity of Tandy herself and what will be of her relationship with Tyrone. We have yet to get those parallels with Evita and Tandy - I’m not saying they aren’t coming cause I have some ideals they could play up but as of right now where we’re at they could’ve just kept them as friends and could have accomplished the same beats while lowering the fire Evita’s character will most likely be under.
All in all I just hope they don’t drag this thing out longer than season 1 cause I ain’t got the time or the desire. I personally currently don’t like the way they’re using the outside love interest. I think it could’ve been played up and angst out more. I think instead of outride playing the 'we kissing and daring and all that shit’ card. I think it would have been more authentic and fleshing to have gone the possibility route. On this side Tyrone has this nice girl whose taking the time to pursue him and as they are becoming friends she makes since in his world. The safe path his mom needs him to take. While on the other side is this girl whose seemingly nothing but a bad idea. She doesn’t fit his safe world but the more of her he gets to know, the more his powers allows him to see of her, the more he finds that the her beneath that outer shell fits him for the sake of his own wants. They could have introduced a real internal struggle here instead of going the I got a girlfriend now (despite knowing I’m at least physically attracted and intrigued by another girl - that I’m bonded to one more than 1 level) route for quick drama. They did the set of Liam and Tandy very well but I don’t secretly think we’ve reached the point where they’re gonna drop the ball on that. But we’re only 3 episodes in so….🤷🏾‍♀️
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
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Make a wish.
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tyrone-x-evita · 6 years
Evita: You’re the Divine Pairing. One of you is fated to die.
Tandy: Oh hell no- I ain’t dying today.
Tyrone: I understand- I will die. It’s okay.
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