tyrannuus · 2 months
Normal Discord Conversations.
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tyrannuus · 3 months
howdy friends and neighbors. friendly neighborhood Musa here. I know I'm not around here much. really just a spot to get and give out ask memes cause honestly that's my favorite part about tumblr. However, I am always ready and willing to plot or RP. I do most of it on discord, so if you'd like my discord ID please don't hesitate to ask, old friends and new friends, hell, even if you just lurk around on my page and don't say nothin'. Just hit me up in an IM or an ask!
This has been Musa, have a good one. <3
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tyrannuus · 3 months
Midnight Snack starters
"Is that you rummaging in the fridge again?" "Why is the fridge light so blinding at this hour?" "I swear, cheese tastes better at midnight." "Caught you red-handed with that slice of cake!" "Why are we both up at this hour, raiding the fridge?" "Midnight snacking again? That's the third time this week." "You think a snack will help you sleep better?" "I came for a glass of water… and maybe a cookie." "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd make a sandwich." "Did you just finish the last of the ice cream?" "Who knew a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be so satisfying at 2 AM?" "I was dreaming about this leftover pizza." "Are you seriously making a full meal at midnight?" "I guess we're both guilty of the midnight munchies." "Doesn't that noise from the fridge bother you?" "How are we out of snacks already?" "I didn't think anyone else would be up for a midnight snack." "Why does food always taste better when you’re half asleep?" "I came for a snack, not a conversation." "Just a little midnight snack to tide me over until morning."
[DISCOVERY] The sender finds the receiver rummaging through the fridge for a midnight snack. [SHARE] The sender splits a midnight snack with the receiver, bonding over their shared late-night cravings. [COMPROMISE] The sender and receiver negotiate over the last piece of cake in the fridge. [COMPLAIN] The sender grumbles about the receiver’s loud rummaging waking them up. [STEALTH] The sender tries to sneak a snack without waking the receiver, but gets caught. [SCOLD] The sender lectures the receiver on healthy eating habits even at midnight. [DISCUSS] The sender and receiver have a deep, late-night conversation over their snacks. [TEASE] The sender teases the receiver for their odd midnight snack choices. [INTERCEPT] The sender intercepts the receiver just before they grab an unhealthy snack, offering a healthier option instead.
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tyrannuus · 3 months
Send me a ¥ and a command and my muse has to obey.
Take advantage of this…….
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tyrannuus · 4 months
Send “You’re Mine” for my muse’s reaction to yours being possessive of them.
For multi-muse blogs, specify which muse.
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tyrannuus · 4 months
starter call 2.0   feel free to combine prompts !
for  a  happy  starter .
for  a  melancholy  starter .
for  an  excited  starter .
for  an  angry  starter .
for  a  soft  starter .
for  a  silly  starter .
for  an  angsty  starter .
for  a  violent  starter .
for  a  romantic  starter .
for  a  sexual  starter .
for  a  comforting  starter .
for  a  threatening  starter .
for  an  argumentative  starter .
for  an  action / adventure  starter .
for  a  flirtatious  starter .
for  a  loving  starter .
for  a  hostile  starter .
for  an  envious  starter .
for  a  fearful  starter .
for  an  injured / sick  starter .
for  an  urgent  starter .
for  a  celebratory  starter .
for  a  reunion  starter .
for  a  lazy  starter .
for  a  protective  starter .
for  a  domestic  starter .
for  an  intimate  starter .
for  a  weather - based  starter .
for  a  surprised  starter .
for  a  malicious  starter .
for  an  illegal  starter .
for  a  concerned  starter .
for  a  tense  starter .
for  a  sentimental  starter .
for  a  hopeful  starter .
for  a  hopeless  starter .
for  a  guilty  starter .
for  an  embarrassed  starter .
for  an  anxious  starter .
for  a  desperate  starter .
for  a  disappointed  starter .
for  an  aggressive  starter .
for  a  cautious  starter .
for  an  impulsive  starter .
for  a  resentful  starter .
for  a  suspicious  starter .
for  a  conflicted  starter .
for  a  provoked  starter .
for  an  awkward  starter .
for  a  dishonest  starter .
for  a  fatigued  starter .
for  a  grateful  starter .
for  a  flustered  starter .
for  a  vulnerable  starter .
for  a  manipulative  starter .
for  a  professional  starter .
for  a  mischievous  starter .
for  a  relieved  starter .
for  a  cooperative  starter .
for  an  uncooperative  starter .
for  a  moody  starter .
for  an  impatient  starter .
for  a  competitive  starter .
for  an  encouraging  starter .
for  a  sensual  starter .
for  an  interrupted  starter .
for  a  clumsy  starter .
for  a  tearful  starter .
for  an  affectionate  starter .
for  a  cozy  starter .
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tyrannuus · 4 months
“  Out  of  all  the  idiots  in  this  world,  I  love  you  the  most.  ” from my twilight 😈 also hi it’s technicolorponies >:33
Sombra's eyebrow raised slightly at Twilight's comment. Before a small smirk appeared on his face. "While I am usually against backhoof compliments, I am mature enough to realize that I am indeed an idiot. And I'm also the luckiest idiot to have you love me." The King would let out a small snicker.
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tyrannuus · 1 year
IT’S SO FLUFFY!  //  sentence starters
a request by an anon, asking for something fluffy!  as per usual feel free to change pronouns & word orders to make the following sentences more suitable for rp! 
“  hey…  lie  down  with  me.  ” “  I’m  not  tickilish—-  DON’T  YOU  DARE.  ” “  then  she  said—-  what  are  you  smiling  about?  ” “  Out  of  all  the  idiots  in  this  world,  I  love  you  the  most.  ” “  Your  heart  is  mine!  ” “  I’d  go  to  the  store  on  black  friday  to  get  your  soul  if  you  ever  lost  it.  ” “  we  should  get  a  puppy.  or  a  kitten.  ” “  your  mom  called!  your  parents  have  invited  us  out  to  lunch.  ” “  can  you  roll  over?  you’re  crushing  me!  ” “  I  know  we’ve  been  together  for  a  long  time  but,  do  you  still  like-like  me?  ” “  asking  for  a  friend  but,  would  you  go  a  date  with  me—  I  mean  with  my  friend?  ” “  ___  we’ve  been  dating  for  a  year?  ” “  If  I  asked,  would  you  let  me  braid  your  hair?  ” “  You’re  my  kink.  ” “  I  could  look  at  you  forever,  even  if  you  had  lettuce  in  your  teeth  and  garlic  breath.  ” “  Babe,  for  you,  I’d  do  anything—  except  give  up  vine  compilations.  ” “  I  often  think  about  you  in  the  middle  of  the  night.  your  snoring  keeps  me  awake.  ” “  I  could  stay  like  this  forever …  I  need  to  pee.  ” “  Get  back  on  this  sofa  and  spoon  me  this  instant!!  ” “  You  want  a  piggie  back?  You’re  looking  pretty tired.  ” “  I  could  lift  you  up  dirty  dancing  style  no  problem!  wanna  try?  ” “  I  couldn’t  think  of  a  better  person  to  be  judging  other  people  with.  ” “  I  was  this  close  to  buying  a  puppy  today.  ” “  This  is  your  breakfast!  Breakfast  in  bed?  ”
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tyrannuus · 1 year
a collection of starters based around autumnal activities. send an emoji for our muses to do the thing!
Send 🍁 for our muses to rake the leaves together
Send 🎃 for our muses to go to the pumpkin patch together
Send 🌽 for our muses to walk through a corn maze together
Send 🍎 for our muses to go apple-picking together
Send 🍵 for our muses to make apple cider together
Send 🍂 for our muses to jump into a leaf pile together
Send 🌳 for our muses to admire the fall foliage together
Send 🚶 for our muses to go to a fall festival together
Send 🔪 for our muses to carve a pumpkin together
Send 🍲 for our muses to make soup together
Send 📺 for our muses to have a horror movie marathon together
Send 🧺 for our muses to go on a hayride together
Send 🏠 for our muses to visit a haunted house together
Send 👻 for our muses to tell scary stories to each other
Send 🧣 for our muses to help each other bundle up for the cold weather
Send ☔ for our muses to get caught in an autumn rainstorm together
Send 🧶 for our muses to do an autumn / Halloween crafting project together
Send 🥧 for our muses to make a pie together
Send ☕for our muses to make hot chocolate together
Send 🦇 for our muses to dress up for Halloween together
Send 🪣 for our muses to go trick-or-treating together
Send 🎉 for our muses to attend a Halloween party together
Send 🍬 for our muses to eat Halloween candy together
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tyrannuus · 1 year
- a huge weight off my shoulders as now I have finished editing and proofreading my 23 chapter fic. It’s still getting added to slowly, but having all the previously written chapters good to go feels great.
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tyrannuus · 1 year
- totally not me staring at the clock as the time ticks closer to Sinday.
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tyrannuus · 1 year
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A dark force returns to Equestria, a king from a distant past!
Rules - About - Bio - Verses - Ask Box
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tyrannuus · 1 year
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She’ll tear your heart open with a grin on her face. And you’ll thank her for it.
Rules ;; About ;; Bio ;; Verses ;; Ask Box
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tyrannuus · 1 year
munday asks!
🌈 — name(s) & pronouns 🎈 — gender and/or sexuality 🎂 — age and/or birthday 💕 — single or taken? ⭐️ — sun, moon, & rising signs, if known 💭 — MBTI and/or enneagram, if known ❓ — three adjectives that describe you ❤️ — what are some of your best qualities? 💔 — what are some of your worst qualities? ✨ — what would you change about yourself, if anything? 💘 — what and/or who do you consider near and dear to you? 🚗 — what vehicle(s) do you drive? ✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting? ⌨️ — what operating system(s) do you use? 📱 — mobile or desktop version of tumblr? 🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr? 🎮 — favorite video game(s)? 🖱 — any cool devices/tool(s) of the trade? (i.e. type of mouse, monitor, keyboard, tablet, etc) 💍 — any piercings? 💎 — want any (more) piercings? 🖊 — any tattoos? 🔏 — want any (more) tattoos? 🎄 — favorite holiday(s)? 🍝 — favorite food(s)? 🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)? 🐶 — any pets? 😍 — celebrity crush(es)? 😊 — any career desires? 📚 — if you’re in college, what’s your level (undergrad, grad, phd, etc) and/or degree program? 😖 — what annoys you? 🎶 — favorite song at the moment? 📕 — favorite book/series? 🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests? 📺 — favorite movie(s) and/or tv show(s)? ✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr? ✍️ — what other platforms have you roleplayed on? 🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write? 🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most? 😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc? 😤 — what do you dislike the most about being part of the rpc? 💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them! 🎧 — do you write while listening to music/podcasts/videos/etc, or do you need total silence? 🤗 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’d like to meet irl? 😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before? 💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc? 🖤 — what was one of the worst/most depressing moments you’ve had in the rpc? 😳 — what was your most embarrassing moment in the rpc? 🎁 — what have you accomplished in the rpc that you’re proud of? 🫂 — how many friends are in your irl friend group(s)? 🎉 — what are some of your favorite things to do with your irl friends? 😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself? 💯 — share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you.
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tyrannuus · 1 year
The crystal and circle would continue to glow softly as the unicorn watched and waited, silence would follow for a long while as it seemed the rock just sat there unchanging and still. That was until the light began to shift ever so slightly, the edges of the circle beginning to bleed a dark red light, quickly overshadowing the green as it leaked inwards, circling the crystal. The light of the rock flashed, as suddenly it began to crack and leak a black smoke, a deeper black than the unicorn had ever seen. It spilled out, filling the edges of the circle but not going beyond it’s boundaries for now. As the smoke billowed up and consumed the rock suddenly a pair of glowing green eyes appeared within the smoke pupil-less, just two large green lights as they focused quickly on the unicorn and a dark laughter sounded from the smoke. “Hello there, small one.” A deep echoing voice came from them, and almost sounding from the back of her mind as well. “Who are you to summon me?”
@tyrannuus ;; liked ;;
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❝ This must be the place mother said to look. I'm certain this is going to be a bad idea but we'll see I guess. Now she said to use this crystal? ❞ reaching into her pack to remove a small dark hued gem. The unicorn would place it upon the ground in the spot her mother and queen specficly intrsucted her to.
Misty would then unfold the old spell page she had been given motioning to grab a stick in a hue of magic proceeding to draw the spell circle as close to the what the page detailed. tossing the stick aside the unicorn would blast a spark of magic at the circle and subsequently the crystal as well causing it to glow an eriee green as she sat back to wait. ❝ Now I guess I just have to wait until whoever it was she said would come shows up? If they show up that is. That spell gave me a hedache. ❞
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tyrannuus · 1 year
What made you pick up this character? + Have you tweaked the character from canon? If so, what did you tweak? + Are there some things you dislike about how the show/series/etc. portray the character you have picked up? If so, what?
@brightdawning -
so there are a few reasons why I picked up Sombra but there are two main reasons: His powers, and the fact that I am a sucker for villain characters. I mean c'mon, the ability to use one's own fears against them, mind manipulation, crystallokinesis, and shadow powers? He's awesome!
I've tweaked a lot from his canon since we never got one in the show and the comic backstory was always a little "eh" for me. I've taken some inspiration from the comics and added them to his story but for my main tweaks it's a really long story about his backstory a little too much to put in a post like this sorry >.< but I am willing to answer it in a longer format later.
As for things I don't like in the canon portrayal, the only criticism I have (aside from some things from the comics) is his voice. Sombra's voice sounds off to me, and while it fits that "saturday cartoon villain" thing that MLP has going on, look at Chrysalis' voice. She accentuates malice in some of her deliveries. As for me, I wanted to give that suave gravitas and power to Sombra's voice. The kind of voice that would make people turn their head and listen, or sound good reading a phone book. which is why I headcanon his voice as the one and only James Earl Jones. (From Star Wars, Lion King, and many other amazing works of film's fame.)
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tyrannuus · 1 year
“I can’t do this anymore.” ;; Misty to Sombra.
@brightdawning -
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"You can't imagine the amount of times I've told myself the same thing young one. What I've found is that it is a lie. Your mind breaks before your body every time, you must learn to dominate it and power through. Silence the voice that tells you to stop and give up, it is the worst weakness known to pony-kind."
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