typicaloddposite · 2 years
Chapter SIX
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Welp here’s my first official post!
Steddie Mpreg Fic
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typicaloddposite · 2 years
New Chapter!
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Welp here’s my first official post!
Steddie Mpreg Fic
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typicaloddposite · 2 years
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Destiel A/B/O Mpreg
Based on a dream I had way back when! Re-Written for Destiel :)
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typicaloddposite · 2 years
Gonna expose myself real quick by telling y’all how joining fandoms have gone for me so far.
Sees show/movie/miniseries/etc, likes it.
Finds a shippable duo. Thinks, I bet there’s fanfiction about them.
Then, I kid you not, my next thought (if it’s m|m) I bet there’s mpreg about them.
And then I search it up… if there is I disappear from society for a couple days to get my fix. If there’s not… well give me a blank doc and an all nighter and there will be 😂
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typicaloddposite · 2 years
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Welp here’s my first official post!
Steddie Mpreg Fic
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typicaloddposite · 2 years
Hello New Blog! how are ya!?
Ok so first and foremost let me introduce myself. I’m Rebecca! :) my main blog is typicalopposite :) and this one is going to be her smaller more awkward (or ODD if you will) twin!
The purpose? For the weird stuff I’m interested in that I feel uncomfortable (and I shouldn’t I know I KNOW but I do) sharing on my main blog where I know the majority of my followers aren’t following for that.
First and foremost being my Mpreg fics.
Idk it’s something that I know a lot of people are interested in but sharing it on a blog I mostly post other fandom related stuff on wigs me out ☠️
So anyway I could go on and on justifying why I’m making this new blog, but I won’t. Point is I did :) and here we are!
with this I also made a discord server for the same purpose, and she is linked
Here >>> the odd side of fandom <<< There
Same concept just in a different font! Would love to see ya there and have people to squee about the weird shit we love!
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