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Car Talk #6 — Pushing Your Limits (transcript)
Welcome to Car Talk, this is not talking about cars, it’s talking inside of a car. This video is about limits, it’s been an extremely taxing couple of weeks for me, as my wife has been recovering from surgery. Thankfully, everything is going well and she’s on the path, but she had foot surgery two weeks ago, tomorrow and I’ve always been a pretty active dad, active husband kind of thing around the house, but as she has been unable to walk for some of those days and now still very reduced activity, the bulk of the activities, as far as household things, food, kids all that has transferred over to me.
Now, the kids are in school during the day, so I generally am able to get to work during the day, but that’s less work than it normally is and this is the busy season for me with the earbuds because of state testing and things like that. So then, in the middle of all the activity and keeping up 5AM to 9PM kinda days, between work, helping my wife, helping the kids, bass, homework, that whole deal, on top of all of that, then the wonderful people at Saint Claire County and their ultimate, everlasting wisdom picked me for jury duty.
So, on top of once all that came in, now there is jury duty and I was having a hard time keeping up before and now, I have to deal with this at least the rest of this week plus next week and it makes me think about limits because there’s been a couple times that I don���t really know where my limit actually is because I feel like everyday I take on more than the day before and I keep on thinking that I might collapse from exhaustion at night. Hasn’t really happened yet, last night, playing with the kids, I had a hard time picking up the little lady, but it’s been a heck of a couple of weeks and it’s made me realized, and I hope some of you might take away from this, to realize as well that you’re capable of so much more than what you think you are and that you can do almost anything, you can really push, push, push and you can keep thinking your body will give out or your will will give up or your mind will give out and it turns out you don’t.
I remember a story, I used to be big into running, big by my standards, not marathons but like six miles and I had the mental mindset that I’m gonna keep running and I’m either gonna collapse onto the ground or I’m gonna finish running this stretch and I never collapsed, I always manage to finish running so, it made me realize that I could have pushed myself harder every time. Every time I wanted to quit, I realized I could have pushed myself a little bit harder and that was a valuable lesson I learned back then and still one I hold through till this day with business and taxing, exhausting times such as now.
I never seem to collapse, so I must be capable of more and that’s an interesting and I think a lot of disciplines push that, as you don’t know what you’re capable of until you really are pushed with it and I learned that about myself and I hoped for somebody out there, anybody that watches this particular video, whether it’s on YouTube or Facebook or Twitter or anything like that, or LinkedIn, you’re gonna realize that you’re probably be capable of more than what you think you are just like I realized as everyday has passed and I feel like I put on more everyday, under my plate that I’m capable everyday of more than I thought I was and that’s an interesting lesson to learn. You could do more than you think you can, if you really are forced to adapt to it.
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Car Talk #5 — Being Misunderstood (transcript)
Welcome to Car Talk, which is not talking about cars. It is talking inside of a car. Just a few minutes ago, I was talking to my wife, and I was explaining why I am doing something just like this, the Car Talk series, and having a phone which records the video in the car while I’m driving. She said, should I just shake my head now at you, or should I shake it later? I said, go ahead and shake it now. And that was kind of insightful, because that’s the same story as so many people have to deal with with their entrepreneurial business goals, because oftentimes, people just don’t understand. And my wife is incredibly supportive and gives me all the leeway that I need to try out new things, and she says that because we tease each other.
That’s how our marriage… That’s been the point of our marriage, is communication and teasing each other. It works well for us. But the fact that she doesn’t really understand why I do the things I do is always I feel like how so much of my life has been, and maybe some of you feel that same way, misunderstood. Not like in a, no one understand me, I’m sad, but in a, people just don’t see things the same way that you might see them. And that’s perfectly fine, because people do things different ways. Like, the thought of getting some job and working my way up the chain, and kissing some boss’s ass, and then kissing the next boss’s ass, and doing the whole deal, sounds kind of like my own version of hell.
So there’s nothing appealing to me, but to some people, that’s what they wanna do. They wanna get that secure job with that steady paycheck every two weeks, and to me, that’s not what I want, and I’m willing to do things that don’t necessarily make sense to other people to get there, such as starting a vlog series while I’m driving my car. Something interesting to think about. It was just an interesting example of how, just in everyday life, you might not be understood, and that’s perfectly okay.
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Car Talk #4 — Success And Failure (transcript)
Welcome to Car Talk.
This is not talking about cars. This is talking inside of a car. Today’s talk is about successes and failures. Now while I am a successful entrepreneur business person. I work for myself. I make plenty of money to support my family.
I have had many, many, many failures and they are many more than the successes I have had, but the successes I’ve had have far outweighed the failures. And that’s something to remember if you’re someone thinking about starting a business, thinking about trying something new, taking that risk. There’s an old Michael Jordan quote that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. That’s 100% true and someone like me, turn a little bit here, I can be wrong lots of times and I have been wrong lots of times.
There’s been times I was for sure I had the right thing and it fell flat on its face, but if you don’t try, you’re never gonna succeed unless you really try with some idea of yours, some business plan, something. If you don’t ask out that man, that woman, that boy, that girl, they’re never gonna say yes. So you have to be able to at least go for what you want and, yes, you could be wrong. There’s a good chance you’re gonna be wrong. The road to success for an entrepreneur is paved with failures and failures and most times you see somebody at the top of their game, I can’t put myself in that class, but if you look at the people that have really, really made impacts on the world as business people, most of them have had so many failures along the way.
Not all, but most. And you only need one idea to really pan out to make up for all the other failures you might have had. So today I encourage you, I implore you, to take that chance, to do that thing you want to do. Start that business.
Ask out that person. Ask that boss for a raise. Whatever it is you want to do, you need to do it because that’s the first step to getting anywhere with life, with success, with business, with women, with men, whatever you’re into, is you have to take that chance. You have to be willing to try to get what it is you want and that’s kind of how you measure things and a sidenote about that too is it’s hard to measure failures and what I say is that, yes, maybe some of you didn’t make money, but you never know what one thing’s gonna lead to as far as the next thing. There’s been lots of things along my journey that I tried something and it didn’t make lots of money, but yet I learned tremendously valuable things along the way and by learning those things, that allowed me to more successfully execute my future ventures. And that’s something very important to remember is that even if something might not be by the book a success, there’s lots of other things that could lead to much more likely successes in the future, such as networking, people you’ve made, things you’ve learned about business, about life, about how to play the game, about all these things, about how to mitigate your risk, how to take smart chances. You learn all these things along your journey and that’s very important to remember is that not every failure is by the book a failure and also not every success is necessarily a success ’cause you have to think about how you define things. Honestly, as far as a business success, making money or being on the path to make money ’cause sometimes there’s a business model that might be predicated on adding subscribers or adding this and that, but yet you have to pay a lot more out to acquire these users than you earn from them so it’s already a broken model.
As a side note, it’s much easier to identify successes because they tend to make money. They need to make money, really. The failures are harder to measure because you learn a lot of stuff along the way. You learn what doesn’t work, what does work, what needs to be tweaked, what might have worked if you had done it just a little bit different. You have to reflect backwards a little bit, not focus on the past, but you have to learn from your mistakes, and be able to follow your gut and make the best choices that you can. And that is today’s Car Talk on successes and failures. Please follow me on all the social networks. I would really appreciate it. If you enjoyed the content today, feel free to share it, comment, like it.
I’ll respond to every single comment so anything with follow on Facebook. You’ll find us on Facebook, Twitter. SoundCloud, there’s a podcast. YouTube, please subscribe on YouTube. Channel’s Tyler Douthitt and you’ll find me everywhere. Thank you so much for viewing my content and I hope to see you again on Car Talk, which is not talking about cars. It’s talking inside of cars and my daily vlog which is the TD Grind.
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Car Talk #3 — Hidden Values (transcript)
Welcome to Car Talk, this is not talking about cars,
this is talking in a car. This topic is about things that seem ridiculously expensive and stupid to buy, but in reality, might actually be a good value. For example, I have a pretty typical house. It’s about 3,000 square feet. Nothing crazy.
Big to some, small to others, I suppose. And I got the Google WiFi. It was $300, it was a lot to get the wifi speeds up, but then was really good. It worked fantastic, like, three little pucks. And then I got three more ’cause they all go together, which is then $600 basically for a router, which is a lot of money. Which sounds crazy, but the reason I did that is things just like this. I upload a lot of content, and if I can get a good, strong signal in every room of the house, which was my goal, then I spend less time having to do that. So I rephrased it in my mind. It wasn’t so much thinking that I spent 600 bucks so I can have a good internet connection in all the rooms of the house.
It was I spend 600 bucks so maybe I can save five minutes a day every day for a year. Which if you phrase it like that, it makes a heck of a lot more sense to me. And the other thing, too, I bought some new shoes over the weekend ’cause I’m on my feet with work pretty much all day every day, and my legs when I started about a little over a year ago, my legs were hurting horribly bad. And then I tried different shoe options out, and it was like $200 for a pair of shoes, which to me sounds stupid. Stupid. 200 bucks for a pair of shoes, but they said they were the best ones I could find. And turns out, I did that, a day later, my legs stopped hurting.
So in the same way, it’s not really $200 for a pair of shoes, which is stupid, it is $200 to have my legs not hurt every night, which is smart. So it’s just two examples from my life of things that might seem like you would never spend money for something or how would anybody ever do that? But then you realize, it’s not really that thing, it’s saving other thing. Like I might save a lot of time, or I might save a lot of pain. And if someone said, “Oh, you could spend 500 buckson shoes but your legs not hurt for a year,” I would buy it in a heartbeat. I only did 200. And if someone said, “Spend 600 bucks to save “three minutes a day every weekday for a year?” That’s a steal, too.
So it’s interesting to think about how you phrase these things on different platforms. So anyway, this is Car Talk. Remember, not talk about cars but talk inside of a car. And you can follow that on my YouTube channel, and Facebook everyday.
I post things as they come about, and as I have time in the car to optimize my time. Thank you, out.
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Car Talk #2 — Jury Duty (transcript)
Welcome to Car Talk by Tyler Douthitt.
This is not my thoughts on cars, but my thoughts inside of a car. So, tomorrow I have jury duty, my first time ever, 34 years old, and my first time ever with jury duty. I am self-employed, business man, so I have commitments that my wife just had surgery, so I’ve got a lot going on at home, and then I get called in to jury duty at about the worst possible time anyone could ever imagine. Well, I’m not gonna go that far, but a really, really bad time, so I wrote the jury commission of the county and said that it’s really gonna cause a financial hardship on my family. I’m the sole provider right now, and my wife had surgery. Can I please be excused for now for jury duty?
I got back from the judge like a one-sentence reply that says your request has been denied. Please report Monday, March 27th, so I have to go tomorrow morning. I’m hoping that I can beg and plead and be honest with that. It is a bad time, and it will seriously impact my ability to earn a living if I have to be gone for fays or weeks from my work. Some people have that luxury where they can be gone for a long time, and it’s not a big deal. Some people, like me, don’t, and I’m sure many of you don’t have that ability either, so it made start to think about jury duty in general. I think the hardest part for me is the unknown. If they were gonna say you’re gonna be gone for a couple days and you’ll be back normal, I’d be fine with that. I would appreciate the fact, and I do appreciate the fact that we live in a country where there is a jury system and it’s not a dictatorship or some king or whatever the case may be. There is trial by jury, and I appreciate that. I do, and I know that juries are not only made up of unemployed people, so I also know that as well, but it is the unknown, and I would happily do it if it was two or three days, and they said have to to do this two or three days and serve your county. Do your civic duty, then you would be done, I would do it, without complaining, but the unknown of it is a lot harder.
Some trials last weeks. Some last months. I think most are pretty short, but regardless of that, it’s the unknown, and it’s hard to plan against the unknown, especially when I’m the only worker at my business, and I have to find some way to get enough done to try to earn and protect my living, so it’s a bit of a tricky thing, so I don’t know, people out there or anybody watching, if you’re an entrepreneur, self employed, if you rely on, like, if you’re the kind of person that you only get paid when you work, and that’s really what it comes down to, ’cause that’s the hard part. At my old job, I had a nine to five grind. I had lots of paid vacation days and stuff, and I could have, and this is the same, too, I could have been on trial in the jury for several weeks. Nothing really would have happened to me. Now is a very different situation, so I don’t know how people out there handle that. I was trying to, I looked up ways online to try to get out of it.
I looked up legal ways to get out of jury duty, ’cause that’s a problem for a lot of people, I’m sure. It’s a inconvenience for most, and they pay you an astonishing $10 a day plus 20 cents per mile travel, so pretty much a third of poverty.
But I looked up online ways to get out of it, thinking what can I do, and you don’t wanna lie, ’cause you’re gonna be under oath, so you don’t wanna lie ’cause you can get thrown in jail for contempt or perjury. If you’re a total jackass, you might get thrown in jail for contempt. If you lie, that’s perjury. I don’t want either one of those, but you can accentuate, emphasize, certain parts of your personality, so I am going to beg and plead in a nice way, my wife just had surgery. I am her caregiver. Right now, I need to be at home. I also have to run a business and find ways to pay the mortgage. This is gonna cause a serious hardship on me.
I’ve got a young child that is normally at home. I had to find childcare today. How are we gonna do this? ’Cause I don’t think anybody wins if the county puts somebody out of their house, like a juror, during a trial.
Nobody wins by that. I doubt they really want that, but the legal ways I have found, some are saying you really wanna accentuate, like one, act like a know it all, because they say that lawyers in general in the jury selection don’t want someone that knows everything, or better yet, thinks they know everything about the case at hand, whatever the case may be. If you’re a little crazy, act a lot crazy. If you, and this is a horrible thing, but if you are racist, act racist, but nobody should be racist. I don’t know. I’m just hoping that I can throw myself on the mercy of the system and beg and plead and accentuate reality, that it’s horrible for me to be gone, and I’m hoping that someone in the system has enough common sense or decency or sympathy or empathy or anything to help out to take care of that for me, even if just to delay it til maybe the summer.
That would make it a heck of a lot easier, too, but we’ll see what they say, so we’ll see what happens. This rounds up Car Thoughts for today, which are not my thoughts on cars, but my thoughts inside of cars, and make sure to watch Car Thoughts as they get pushed on YouTube, Facebook, the whole deal, and also follow TD Grind. That is my entrepreneurial journey every day across all the social networks, Tyler Douthitt everywhere, and that’s the TD Grind.
It’s a compilation of my Snapchat, sorry, compilation of my Instagram story throughout the day, which I post on all the various channels, and I’m also starting, this is episode two, or my Car Thoughts, which is not my thoughts on cars, but my thoughts inside of cars. Alright, thank you.
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Car Talk #1 — Hard Work (transcript)
So this is the first in my series of Car Talk
which is things I talk about while driving in the car. Whatever’s on my mind. And, first of all, you might wonder why I would do something like this in the car. The main reason is time efficiency. I’ve always got things going on when I’m at home,
whether it’s work, family stuff, but the time I have in my car, these five, 10, 15 minute drives here and there are essentially a waste of time and one of the best ways to be productive is to find times of the day when you have wasted time and make them no longer wasted time.
You’d be surprised how much you can get done when you start doing that. Bringing me to my first point, I think we’re gonna just talk about today and, once again, these are all in my opinions. Take ’em or leave ’em.
But I have had some modest amount of success in my life so take it or leave it however you think. Follow or don’t follow. Listen, don’t listen. Maybe ’cause the first one is working hard. I feel that, just like I said right now about trying to find a little bit of dead time during your day, time where you might not realize you’re wasting, is one of the best ways to get more work done and more accomplished throughout the typical day.
When you add up the time you’re spending looking at Facebook, looking at videos on YouTube, chatting around a water cooler, spacing out, whatever the case may be, talking to your coworkers, if you have coworkers, these are all times during the day that you’re really gonna waste and not really even realize it
and I bet in the course of a day, if you’re at an office, say working, like, an eight something hour shift and you’re there about nine hours, I bet at least an hour of the day is time you probably waste doing any number of random things like that. Might not be the case, but it very well might be the case and you probably don’t even realize it. For people like me that are self employed entrepreneur type people where I don’t really– I’m the sole operator so I don’t really have any coworkers
But the main thing is various time sucks whether it’s scrolling through a Facebook feed or watching some TV in the background or running around this and that and the main thing I think is you really have to work hard and you really have to look for those inefficiencies in your day to do things. Like, I’ve started, like if I have to run to the bank to drop off things, deposits, things like that, run to the post office to do that instead of my house address for a lot of things, that is much better when done early in the morning.
I’m talking, like, 5:00, 5:30 time frame to do these things because you can get through much faster so if you need to run from your house to the post office and the bank which is a very common thing for a lot of business type people you might be able to do it in 20 minutes versus 45 minutes later on in the day and right there is a 25 minute savings (fingers click) just like that. And someone like me who’s a practitioner, I have a business I have to run day to day every day, that is obviously a time thing but if I wanted to also push out my personal brand such as this, I realize there’s a lot of dead time in the car if I take the kids to school, I pick ’em up, like right now, on the way to the grocery store, weird random things like that I can do, I can document something right now and have a five to seven minute video,
Whatever the case may be, which I can also then put on the SoundCloud as audio for anyone that wants to listen to things like that to generate content. So anyway, that’s my thoughts for today on the premier episode of Car Thoughts which is not thoughts on car but thoughts inside of cars and make sure to watch the TD Grind, that’s every workday, every weekday you’re gonna find that on all the social channels on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, everything like that. You’re gonna find it–Instagram. It’s a compilation of Instagram story throughout the day. It’s like a two, three, four minute video of the trials and tribulations of that particular day. So that’s the TD Grind which you can find by following me at any of the Tyler Douthitt on social media profiles that I operate.
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