tyler-mittens · 8 years
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Mass transit, Nicolas Bannister
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tyler-mittens · 8 years
Good news, everyone!
It’s a little premature to make a post about it on Facebook, just in case it were to get back to my boss, but I feel the need to tell whoever I can wherever I can:
The owner of one of my favorite local restaurants offered me a partnership, along with control over the restaurant’s operations, brand, and marketing. This restauranteur and I have worked together for some time, and apparently he is impressed with the work I’ve done and he feels like he can count on me to help grow his business. It feels so incredibly wonderful to be appreciated, to have something to work toward and look forward to, to come out on top for once.
This has been a great week, and I can’t wait to find out where I’m headed next!
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tyler-mittens · 9 years
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy; And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields. And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief. Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity: For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen, And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.
Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
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tyler-mittens · 9 years
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So this asshat threw a hissy fit and quit in the middle of his shift because he wasn’t on the schedule (which I hadn’t yet made), taking a customer’s food with him. That was fine, we were going to fire him anyway because I did his job more than he did. However, this happened when I tried to get our $250 in gear back from him.
When I die of an aneurysm before 25, you’ll all know why.
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tyler-mittens · 9 years
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
It’s unclear just what we intend We’re alone in our own world You don’t want to be my boyfriend I don’t want to be your girl And that, that’s a relief
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
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Victor Nunes is a genius.
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
life honestly gets so much better when you stop hating pop music for no reason
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
Daft Punk is Playing at My House is playing at my house
(At my house)
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
Sleeping suit? More like my new wardrobe.
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An Emergency Nap Kit That Comes With an Inflatable Mattress & a Sleeping Suit for Comfortable Snoozing at the Office
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
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Find Out What Topher Grace, Guy Fieri, And Kim Deal Have To Say
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
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The only Venn that matters
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
We work in the dark--we do what we can--we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art.
Henry James, "The Middle Years"
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
This is golden
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Ben & Jerry consider just putting the weed directly in the ice cream
Using the sort of reasoning that’s led to innovations like the TV/VCR, smartphones, and shampoo and conditioner in the same bottle, the founders of Ben & Jerry’s say they are open to just putting the weed in the ice cream, thereby streamlining the process. “Makes sense to me,” Ben Cohen recently told HuffPost Live of the idea, one of many pot-related things that have also made sense, like putting fudge-covered peanut butter pretzels into ice cream with more fudge and peanut butter swirls.
“Combine your pleasures,” added Cohen, the decadent Nero of dessert.
Ever the sensibly vanilla buzzkill to Ben’s thought-gobs, Jerry Greenfield cautioned that—while he agrees that “legalizing marijuana is a wonderful thing, rather than putting people in jail for not hurting anyone”—its decriminalization doesn’t mean you can expect edibles-infused Ben & Jerry’s Pot Of Gold or Cannabis Core anytime soon.
“If it were my decision, I’d be doing it,” Greenfield said, explaining that the “wiser heads” from multinational food giant Unilever, who have been running the company since 2001, would likely stop them from associating it with weed.
For now, Ben & Jerry’s will remain only indirectly associated with weed, with flavor names like Cherry Garcia, Hazed And Confused, Bonnaroo Buzz, Phish Food, and Half-Baked, and flavor combinations that were all created, purchased, and consumed while extremely high.
“Ben and I have had previous experiences with substances,” Jerry added, in the most obvious sentence ever uttered.
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tyler-mittens · 10 years
It's not you, it's me taking a good hard look at you and reevaluating my standards.
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