twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Tosh can't help the exasperated chuckled that escapes her lips. He was just so sure of himself, so confident and... appealing. She was actually kind of jealous. She almost laughed out loud again at the mention of her having a '9-5' job, but managed to contain it. On the other hand, just popping over for the night?
"Are you insane?" she laughed, "There's no way, not even a private jet could do that, and no offense but you don't seem like the kind of bloke with a private jet," She took a sip of her water, thinking it over. Oh what the hell, "You know what," she said, setting her bottle down, "Fine. Say you have some magical way of getting me over there, why not? I could use a mini little vacation," she stood then and grinned at him, "So show me a good time!" she chuckled, "Now how are we getting there?"
A chance meeting (past) || Tosh + Balthazar
“So what if you’ve just met me? It’s not like I’m asking you to go steady or get married or go overdose on some drugs – it’s a festival! It’ll be loads of fun, and if you don’t like it, I’ll take you right back here. What’s that saying…Scout’s Honor, and all that,” Balthazar says, attempting to persuade her with a hand held up in a show of good faith. “And you definitely know the right people – me,” he adds with a grin.
“Now don’t worry, love. We’ll pop over tonight, catch a few hours of the wine and grape festival, and I’ll get you back in plenty of time for your 9-5 job in the city. It’ll be blast! Come on, my treat. When’s the last time you did something for you?” He’s earnest now, excited at the possibility of showing Tosh a good time, just a quick escape from her normal routine. Well, her job isn’t exactly normal, but there’s still the normal office politics and that can get tiresome after a while. He would know – even being in the garrison got old after a few hundred years.
Balthazar knows that he hasn’t exactly been clear on mode of transportation, but he’s hoping to get her to accept the idea first. He imagines that even though Tosh has seen a lot, meeting a celestial being and traveling with said being would probably be a little bit of a shock. He’s not positive, though. Humans have been known to surprise him before, and the charming woman next to him at the bar seemed to have more beneath her surface than she was letting on.
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
A pink smear of a blush formed on Tosh's cheeks and she chuckled softly, "I'm really not, but thanks. I'm just.. good at what I do, I guess," she smiled and nodded, "Of course. I wouldn't have offered otherwise." Tosh took a few of the pictures from the stack, chewing on her lip, "I'd say you're a bit more than that. I mean, most people wouldn't even give me the time of day, but you seem nice enough, A great deal nicer than most of the people I work with anyway," she gave a dry chuckled, glancing down at the pictures then back up at Sally. She really was quite pretty.
"Sorry, what exactly are you looking for in the pictures. I can see a lot of them are of the same place, similar angles even, but what is it you're doing with them? If.. if you don't mind my asking I mean.."
Pardon me (past) || Sally and Tosh
Sally smiled brightly back, glad she’d managed to pull a laugh from the other woman. She had looked like she needed one. “Great, then it’s very nice to meet you, Tosh and thank you so much for helping me.” she replied, giving her a warm smile and balancing the pictures. She fumbled with them for half a second at the offer of help. She’d been close to pulling her hair out over them and now she literally ran into a miracle. She set them down  as soon as they had reached the fountains. She was now stuck between getting the much needed help and pulling this innocent woman into whatever business she was going to get herself wrapped up in. She bit her lip thinking quietly. Well, she needed the help and if Tosh asked anything about she could say it was for a story…an alien, conspiracy story! There. That should be easy to explain and brush off as crazy people making up stories and her disproving them.  “You’re area of expertise? Christ, Tosh. You’re more than an angel then, you’re a miracle. Do you think you could take a look at them then? I mean you don’t have to obviously and if you get bored or stop feeling like it or something you can just stop. I’m reading to burn the bleeding things so…” She asked, starting to ramble on a little. She usually wasn’t this bad with nerves so why the hell was she rambling on like this? “What I mean to say is that, I’d appreciate it, if you aren’t busy or anything. I mean, I am just a clumsy stranger on the street.”
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Tosh shakes her head when Balthazar tips his glass, asking if she'd like one. She's had enough for now and just water sounds nice. She turns to the bartender and ask for a bottle with a smile. She turns her attention back to him when he speaks again.
"We should..? I've only just met you!" she laughs softly, but the truth is she's dying to, "And besides, I wouldn't say I know the right people," I lie of course, seeing as, were a job to take them there, South America would be, just as he'd said, 'a hop skip and a jump away'. But she couldn't exactly give too much away about her line of work, could she. France was closer but still. No way would Jack give her time off just to go to a festival with some guy she just met in a bar.
She falters in the middle of raising her water bottle to her lips, "T-.. Tonight? I can't! Honestly I work on Monday! No way would I be back and ready again by then! Even if it is in France. Besides, I can't afford a plane ticket right now," again, another lie. Jack made sure the whole crew was pretty well off, "What makes you suggest something like that?" she's almost laughing as she asks because she's sure he's joking.
A chance meeting (past) || Tosh + Balthazar
“Oh love, South America is a hop, skip and a jump away if you know the right person,” he answers, chuckling. He gets the attention of the bartender again – he needs another drink. Silently, he asks Tosh if she’d like another one as well with a tip of a glass and a look. He notices her smile falter a bit when she thinks he’s not looking, but tough girl that she is, she musters it back on. There we go. Chin up and all that.
“We should go to a festival sometime,” he offers, leaning against the bar nonchalantly. “There’s a brilliant one in France right now that’s celebrating grapes and wine and generally debauchery associated with that. You’d love it.” Pausing to let her mull it over, he takes a sip. “Let’s go tonight.” Casually, like they could go across the street for dinner. Not a couple hundred miles. Because, well, he could.
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
After experiencing both, Tosh decided that those two words now held little meaning. What was life with out death and vice-versa? She had died once. Wasn't her time supposed to be over? Who had the power to decide that she was allowed to come back? And now what was she supposed to do with her life? 
She was contemplating this, sitting on her kitchen counter. It was around eight in the morning and she had nothing to do. No job after all. Not that that really seemed to matter. She still had power in her flat and the water had turned back on - another mystery. It had been three days since she had had anything to eat, but she wasn't in the least hungry? Was this a side effect of being brought back to life or simple a result of being nervous and stressed? She still wasn't sure about this.
She glanced around her rather sparse flat. She'd been back for almost a month, but she hadn't bothered to take the tarps off of any of her furniture, other than her bed of course. She figured it would just depress her more, seeing her same old couch and chairs and dresser. Same old life. Sort of. There was no Torchwood to consume her life anymore.
This was the exact sentence that went through her mind when her mobile went off, startling her out of the sea of thoughts in her head. She hopped off the counter and walked to the other side of the kitchen where the device was plugged in. Who would be calling her? Everyone she knew thought she was dead. Except Ianto, but he didn't usually call, he would just stop by with a cup of coffee and news.
She looked at the screen to see who it was. Martha Jones? 
Martha Jones! Of course! The doctor they'd worked with on that case with the alien larva. Curious that she should be calling her...
She shrugged and hit the answer button, "This is Toshiko."
I Just Called to Say HELP!
Last night had been a long Night for Martha. She was holding down the Torchwood fort all by herself. Ianto was back in England chasing down The Night Travelers with a new recruit named Clara Oswin. And Amy, well she was dealing with tracking down her lost Husband. Martha dearly hoped that reunion was going well. She had come in early to catch up on the enormous amount of paper work left over from previous mission. She took a sip of her coffee and flipped on the main power switch. The light’s flicked on and the computers started making their normal boot up noises. Martha sat back and decided to read a bit of her morning paper when she heard a strange sound coming from the main computer. She looked up to see the blue screen of death. “Bullocks, not now” she grumbled. She grudgingly got up and walked over to the main server. “What to do now?” She tried some simple commands, nothing. She kicked it a few times, still nothing. “Darn, I guess I’ll have to call someone.” They still had not found a computer expert to join the new Torchwood. Martha didn’t think they were ever going to find someone has good as Toshiko Sato. “Tosh, of course, I still have her number. Course haven’t heard from her in quite a while, but it’s worth a try” thought Martha.  She pulled out her mobile and called Tosh, hoping she would pick up.
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Let’s play "Have you ever?". You ask me and I have to answer you, yes or no.
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Leave a “Amuse Me” in my ask, and I will write a funny drabble about my character trying to cheer your up.
Leave a “Break Me” in my ask, and I will write an angsty drabble about our characters.
Leave a “Call Me” in my ask, and I will write a drabble about my...
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
I think you are beautiful
R-really? *blushes profusely*
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Of course not, seeing as everyone else does...
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
yes and this applies here as well..
Aw yis guess who's back
Thigh’ts right mother fuckers!
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Shows over and I’m free!
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
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Hello. I'm Toshiko Sato.
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
You're so beautiful - men should be dropping like flies at your feet.
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
A laugh slipped through Tosh's lips, the noise startling her some what, "No of course not. Everybody calls me Tosh, actually," she confirmed, smiling softly, "And it's no trouble at all. I wouldn't have offered if it were," she took a large portion of the stack, smiling again as they began to walk towards the indicated fountain.
Leave. Something kept telling her. Just walk away, don't do this to yourself. You can't have friends, its too dangerous. She ignored the part of her that was saying that. She wasn't making friends.. she was... being civil. That's all.
Tosh was actually rather intrigued by what she seemed to be doing. Work for the police maybe? Or just a hobby? Either way, Tosh was still a computer expert, "I erm.. I might be able to help, actually - if... If you want that is," she chuckled nervously, looking down at her feet as they walked, "it's just... if it's a digital touch up, that's kind of my area of expertise.."
Pardon me (past) || Sally and Tosh
Sally grinned a the comment on her name. “Yeah, you wouldn’t believe how many people say things like that. It’s a good name though, feel like I should be part of a detective agency or an author or something. ‘The Adventure’s of Sally Sparrow’. Not that anyone would buy a book about my life.” She joked lightly, hoping she was giving the impression she was just an average person. “It’s nice to meet you Toshiko, that’s a mouth full, huh? Mind if I call you, Tosh? Or is that too personal? I forget about things like that with people. Just tell me if I’m being too forward or something.” She laughed, maneuvering the pile of stuff into mostly one arm and scratching the back of her neck. She nearly dropped the stack again but managed to catch most of it. “Actually, that’d be lovely. I was only going to head over to the fountain to sort these out. I’ve been straining my eyes for hours looking at them. I hadn’t realized how difficult it is to pick out the difference of a touch up and of the original shots.” She sighed,”You can just drop them on the ground at the foot of the fountain. I’ve about had it with them and you’re already being so much of an angel.” 
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Staying with Torchwood forever.Leaving Torchwood forever, never remembering having worked there.
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Do I have to.. answer another?Well.. there's this girl.. Sally I met
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Erm..Owen.. owen harper..
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twtechgirl-blog · 11 years
Seven Deadly Asks~
Greed: 7 things your character wants badly. Wrath: 6 things that make your character angry. Pride: 5 things or actions your character is proud of. Gluttony: 4 favorite foods of your character. Envy: 3 things or people your character is jealous of. Sloth: 2 future scenario’s your character would be happy to settle down to. Lust: 1 person your character loves, or has a crush on.
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