twotonedsoul · 4 years
I can drink 3 cups of coffee and go straight to sleep, this is just one example of what is fundamentaly wrong with me as a person
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
its that time of year again. 
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
“If it were possible to place you in my brain to let you roam around in and out my thought waves you would never have to ask why do you love me? This morning as you slept I wanted to kiss you awake say I love you till your brain smiled and nodded yes this woman does love me. Each day the list grows filled with the things that are you things that make my heart jump yet words would sound strange become corny in utterance. In the morning when I wake I don’t look out my window to see if the sun is shining. I turn to you instead.”
— Sunshine by Pat Parker
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
“Everytime we let straights make out in bars while we couldn’t touch because of laws–It was an act of perversion.Everytime we put on the proper clothes to go to a family wedding and left our lovers at home–It was an act of perversion.Everytime we heard “Who I go to bed with is my personal choice–It’s personal and not political” and said nothing–It was an act of perversion.Everytime we let straight relatives bury our dead and push our lovers away–It was an act of perversion.”
— Excerpt from Pat Parker, “Boots are being polished” 1978.
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
LIZZO live at the 2019 BET Awards
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
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Black girls deserve to learn free from bias and stereotypes.
Most black girls experience this hatred at schools. And classmates are not the only problem, there is no support from teachers, too. That’s why they get so affected by their school experiences. Black kids deserve to be treated just like everybody else, they want to study, they want to learn something ,too. However due to prejudice they are 5 times more likely to be suspended than their white peers and it can ruin their lives forever.  National Women’s Law Center created this video to change the situation. Join the movement to help black girls feel normal and get the same opportunities everybody else has.
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
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HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE Let’s say it’s 6.15pm and you’re going home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself..!! NOW HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE… Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can perhaps buy precious time to get themselves to a phone and dial 911. Rather than sharing another joke please contribute by broadcasting this which can save a person’s life! Be prepared and become part of the solution. Get your free next-of-kin notification card today. Click here: https://www.InCaseOfEmergencyCard.com/
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
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workout of the day
The Beat Parkour Shoes: feiyue shoes australia on onhttp://www.icnbuys.com/feiyue-shoes-australia.
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
Y'all there’s literally no posts about the massacres happening in Sudan right now.
There’s over 100 people dead
Women are being raped
People are being thrown into the Nile river, alive or dead, to hide the evidence of their murders
People are being shot while walking in streets
Hospitals are being raided, patients beaten and nurses and doctors raped
They shut down the internet in Sudan so the word doesn’t come out
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
When They See Us (Part 1: Review)
As an Asian-American woman, i’ve experiences a bit of racism. I have not, however, experienced to where I would compare mine with the black boys and hispanic on the show.It was heartbreaking; I’ve cried probably four times through the FIRST episode. it’s frustrating, having known what’s going to happen but end up seeing it shown on film.
When i was watching, through the episode, all i can think about is: “if my child ever goes through convinction or being a suspect on a case—i want them to know their rights. their rights to be silenced. their rights to be an authority. (i’m not trying to blame them, i knew they were being verbally, physically abusive and coerces into saying those things).” but in a real life scenario; when is my child, an asian-american, really going to experience the kind of systematic racism the central five have experienced?
if you didn’t cry in the first episode, i don’t know what to tell you.
the build up to the plot was driven and focus, and every single character introduced is like a typical teenager being introduced. then we’re dropped into this story, this bitch Linda, and i’m obviously beginning to get upset.
Linda called them “animals” countless times and kept saying they were lying. one of them didn’t even know what the lady was dressed in AND THEY CONTINUE TO GO THROUGH WITH THE FACT THAT THOSE FIVE BOYS DID IT.
when the cops bust through the doors of Antron, and begin searching his house—i didn’t know if i was watching too many crime shows, but i’m pretty sure you’re supposed to have a warrant first. and to get a warrant, you have to have physical proof to convict them to be a suspect.
when they begin to question all of them, throwing words out like this said that, they said you did it, they said you helped, all that shit—i was on the verge of wanting to punch those old white men. they had no respect, they were not calm, and loud and rude and overall a piece of shit. (fun fact: i searched up what happened to the cops and it turns out one of them is now 99 years old and working with the Immigrants Justice Corps to review deportation cases. #shocker)
I HATED THEM. I HATED LINDA EVEN MORE. she was driven by the fact she wanted to make the case right; going as far as to connect the pieces together WHEN THEY OBVIOUSLY DIDNT FIT. THEY WERENT THERE IN TIME. THEY COULDNT.
i cried, at the ending scene where all (four) of them were together; locked in a room, putting names to faces. no one knew who is who, and finally figured out the names the detectives been spilling into their mouths.
i cried, when Kevin apologises for saying their names. stating “i lied about you.” and Raymond joining in to say, “i lies about you, too.”
And when the ending drops,
“why they doing this to us?”
“how else would they do us?”
i’m so sad about this story, so frustrated and angry. i also looked up how many years they served in the mist of this and found:
Raymond: 14 (7 years) turned 21
Kevin: 14 (7 years) turned 21
Yousef: 16 (7 years) turned 22 (i think he was 16 when he was tried)
Antron: 14 (7 years) turned 21
Korey: 16 (13 years) turned 29
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
How Churchill engineered the holocaust of 3 million Indians
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As the resistance swelled, Churchill announced: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.” This hatred killed. To give just one, major, example, in 1943 a famine broke out in Bengal, caused – as the Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen has proved – by the imperial policies of the British. Up to 3 million people starved to death while British officials begged Churchill to direct food supplies to the region. He bluntly refused. He raged that it was their own fault for “breeding like rabbits”. At other times, he said the plague was “merrily” culling the population.  Skeletal, half-dead people were streaming into the cities and dying on the streets, but Churchill – to the astonishment of his staff – had only jeers for them. “If food is so scarce, why hasn’t Gandhi died yet?”
Source: The Independent, Time, IBT
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
Lessons from the Ladies of Game of Thrones!! http://www.fiyaangelou.com/lessonsfromtheladiesofgot
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
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twotonedsoul · 5 years
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