Back in the Bakery Timeline
Stoner 1: Do you think darkness can live without light
Stoner 2: What could that do with baking
Stoner 1: Chocolate is dark
Stoner 2: Then what’s light
Stoner 1: Frostin
Stoner 2: Chocolate frosting already exists
Stoner 1: What if we but the frosting in between the chocolate
Stoner 2: . . .
Stoner 2: Go on
Stoner 1: Make the chocolate a cookie
Stoner 2: We have a masterpiece
Zooms outside to show a Hydrox Billboard
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Energy Drinks
Stoner 1: Hey pass me the coke
Stoner 2: Ok
Gives Cocaine and Coca Cola to Stoner 1
Stoner 1 under his breath: Fusion
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Stoner 1: Hey
Stoner 2: Yeah
Stoner 1: I want cake
Stoner 2: Do you want it to be “Edible”
Stoner 1 and 2: Ayyyyyyyyyye
Stoner 1: Lol, but no thanks
Stoner 2: k
Stoner 2 walks into the kitchen and opens cabinet
Stoner 2: We are out of pans
Stoner 1: Then use a cup
Stoner 2: but what about frosting
Stoner 1: Put it all on the top
Stoner 2: k bro
After making and enjoying cupcakes together
Stoner 1: This is amazing. We should open a bakery and sell these
Stoner 2: Do you really think they will sell
Stoner 1: Of course bro you are an amazing baker
Stoner 2: Thanks
Proceeds to make a bakery and stay friends that get high every once in a while making innovations in baking
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