twoheadstones · 6 minutes
one CREEPY spider just earned the KISS of a lifetime- turning her back into her original princess form! (larger spider
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twoheadstones · 5 hours
David Tennant for Prime Minister, please.
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twoheadstones · 6 hours
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where's that masterpost of quotes that have no right going as hard as they do. I'd like to submit "Protagonism is best left to teens and the insane"
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twoheadstones · 6 hours
i’m at a party right now and i heard someone on a walkie talkie and i turned around and it’s a mom who left her kids home on their own for the first time ever (they’re old enough) and they live a few houses down so she gave them a walkie talkie to call her if they get nervous. they just walkietalkied her for permission to eat ice cream
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twoheadstones · 6 hours
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twoheadstones · 6 hours
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& they say romance is dead
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twoheadstones · 6 hours
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twoheadstones · 6 hours
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twoheadstones · 6 hours
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You still have time to change. 🧚‍♀️
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twoheadstones · 6 hours
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Michael Dandley (American, b. MA, USA, based Zürich, Switzerland) - Shard, 2018, Paintings: Gouache on Paper
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twoheadstones · 14 hours
Hello, tumblr user. Before you is a tumblr post asking you to name a female fictional character. You have unlimited time to tag a female character, NOT a male one.
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twoheadstones · 14 hours
i have a runny nose so im gonna stop by the pharmacy and pick up a curved greatsword to behead myself with
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twoheadstones · 15 hours
fucking idiot gets PRANKED
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twoheadstones · 15 hours
we need to lower the retirement age to 27
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twoheadstones · 15 hours
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twoheadstones · 15 hours
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can i get a moment of peace
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twoheadstones · 16 hours
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