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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
fight me, i'll fight for you | tascal
Pascal: To say that things had gotten carried away would have been an understatement. When he had seen Ben he just wanted to stop and try to talk some sense into him. That backfired in his face rather quickly because Ben couldn't talk without being a sarcastic dick. He thought that he'd gotten over it. He and Terk had talked and he had gone to sleep feeling better about it even after all the things he'd found out about it all. And then he was swinging in a blind rage and then he was being shoved in the back of a cop car.... Of all the times to be getting donuts. It was only three hours but it felt like a lifetime; a life time in which he wasn't sure what to think or what to do. His only real thoughts were that there was NO WAY he was going to be able to afford this and two, Terk was going to murder him with her bare hands when... IF he got out. Great. He was surprised when they told him that he was free to go. He didn't question it, all but running to reach the doors and escape. Then Terk was there, hugging him tight... and then hitting him. He supposed that dream couldn't last for long... "ow..." He sighed. "I don't know what I was thinking. He just.... is such a smug little bastard! I saw red! Terk, I am so, so sorry!"
Terk: wasn't the type to cry but with the way her emotions had been running all night, it didn't shock her that she was on the verge. "Do you know how bad that could have gotten? If they decided to make an example out of you? Thirty days...ninety? Six months? I just went crazy thinking I had to leave you overnight, and this isn't even fuckin...jail!" She was probably over reacting - but this was easily the scariest thing she had endured this month. Everything that happened with Ben before, her impending homelessness was nothing compared to seeing him in handcuffs. And that spoke volumes of how she felt about him - feelings popping up out of nowhere that she had never experienced before. But she didn't have time to think about that right now - far too busy mouthing off to look at the big picture. But he said he was sorry - and that should have been enough, right? "This is so crazy, I just..." At this point she didn't know what to say - but did she /need/ to say anything? She sighed before pulling him in again, hugging him tighter than before. "Are you okay?" she whispered, because that was the important thing. She just wanted to make sure he was good.
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
fight me, i'll fight for you | tascal
Terk: had been around the world and back again in one night, going from scared to hurt to scared again to potentially relieved and then mad all at once - unsure of what to think or where to go from here. Pas was getting arrested and then he was stuck with no way out, nothing she could do to get the amount of money he needed to come home - but when he implied that the reason he was being held was because of Ben? She jumped right back in her car and got her way - she always did. So outside the police station she waited again - the mere three hours it took her to solve their problems feeling like an eternity in the back of her throat. And when she saw him emerge from the building....she wasn't sure if she wanted to hug him close, fight him right there, or both. Jumping out of the car, where she waited with Sammy, she ran to him, hugging him tight like he had been gone for days, weeks. It wasn't until she finally pulled away that she slapped him in the arm - an afterthought of sorts. "What the fuck were you thinking?"
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: I... Terk, I'd love to. It's just..... wow. I know you've been hearing this a lot but I love you so fucking much.
Terk: you know i love you too, right?
Terk: like. i know this is about to be hard but there's no one else i'd rather struggle with
Terk: cause we're a team...we're gonna get through it.
Terk: and at the end of it we won't have to worry about shitty people knocking us down anymore cause we'll be the ones in control
Terk: at least that's what i'm telling myself lol
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: I feel better now that my ego has been stroked. You're great.
Terk: mad shrug emojis
Terk: the truth don't lie
Terk: listen i have an idea and it's crazy but
Terk: what move with me? like. it doesn't have to be anything weird...most two bedroom apartments go for like 650 a month around here so we could even do that....split the rent.
Terk: like i appreciate it so much that you offered up your house without question, like you have no idea. but it's a temporary fix... and you kinda have to move out eventually, right?
Terk: what if we just...get a place? maybe find something on the other side of richmond so we're away but not so far we can't come of both worlds
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: Yes. Tell me.
Terk: okay so like. he got mad bc i posted those pictures of us on instagram lmao like making all these assumptions about it. i guess he wasn't wrong but it was too much.
Terk: and bc i'm just as petty i told him something ELSE that is not wrong but also too much....
Terk: I told him you made me come more in one night than he did our entire relationship
Terk: HAHA i'm sorry i just. i fucking HAD TO. he was so. UGHHHHHHHHH.
Terk: and that is why i'm homeless
Terk: wow my life is a dramatic comedy
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: He can be a fucking adult though? Like 'oh poor me my ego got hurt and i decided to be A RAGING CUNT ABOUT IT'. You don't deserve that. I don't care what you said.
Pascal: Just let me know if you need anything. And I mean anything
Terk: do you wanna know what i said
Terk: it's actually kind of funny
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: I believe you. I'm just...... I freaking hate him? I was never going to straight up say it but anyone who does this to someone they claimed to love is a fucking hypocrite.
Pascal: I'll be here though, okay? Whatever you need, whatever you want.
Terk: it's my own fault
Terk: i had 30 days and then i said some stupid shit to make him mad.
Terk: was it petty? sure
Terk: still my fault though
Terk: i know....and i love you for it. i really do.
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: Are you kidding? She loves you. She'd be more than happy to give you a place to sleep until you found a place.
Pascal: ...... Yes, I do.
Terk: then TRUST ME when i say it's gonna be okay
Terk: i have a meeting tomorrow to hopefully get a loan
Terk: i just have to find a place kind of cheap that allows chows...that's my biggest thing
Terk: most places are like 'pets are cool, but not pitbulls or chows' like thanks
Terk: idk i just....i don't know what i was thinking. i have it in my head that it would just be easier to fucking leave
Terk: but it would be harder, wouldn't it? we're adults now and we gotta have structure and stability and all that fucking bullshit
Terk: adulthood is bullshit
Terk: ugh. i have to go apply for food stamps tomorrow too
Terk: i never realized how dependent i was on him. i hate it.
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: You shouldn't HAVE to, Terk!
Pascal: The least he can do is make sure you've got enough time to find a house before you get kicked out on your head!
Pascal: First off.... I'll ask mom if you can move in. You're not gonna bug out trying to find a place to sleep
Pascal: what a dick.
Terk: that's the thing, though. i'm ALWAYS gonna have to.
Terk: that's life
Terk: pas, stop. i'm not gonna put your mom out like that like. that's a big thing to throw at somebody... i appreciate it but let's be realistic here.
Terk: YOU are the one who's worrying. i'm working on it.
Terk: you trust me, right?
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: So wait. Like.... he didn't give you time to move out? Like, a proper month or whatever it's supposed to be?
Terk: well at first he did. i got a fuckin 30 day notice in my window
Terk: and then i went to his house to yell about it and we started fighting
Terk: and he got mad bc i said some shit and now it's two weeks
Terk: it's fine....whatever. i'll figure it out.
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: Wait... You have to move? Why?
Terk: the house is in ben's name
Terk: he's got renter's coming on the first
Terk: that's the short version
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: (sent sometime later): Where would you want to go?
Terk: anywhere
Terk: new york. california. middle of nowhere michigan by the lake. idaho. vegas. fuckin...UTAH.
Terk: somewhere i can live my life without everyone knowing my business. somewhere i can exist in my most authentic form
Terk: somewhere with a yard sammy can run around in
Terk: i have to find somewhere else to live and looking at places here is just so....daunting
Terk: i'm so sick of lakeside
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Pascal: Yes
Pascal: If it wasn't for you and my mother I probably would've left a while ago.
Terk: honestly if you came to me and told me you wanted to leave right now i would do it without question
Terk: which is super sappy but
Terk: you're the only reason i'd stay or go anywhere
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t e r k  + p a s
Terk: you ever just wanna away? like pack all of your shit and drive until you can't anymore type run
Terk: don't look back until you've run out of gas
Terk: and just like. pick a place and start a new life?
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twogirls-stuckinparadise · 8 years ago
t h i r t y  days || closed
When Ben had originally bought her the loft, she had refused it. No matter how much money was sitting in his trust fund, no matter how much he ‘wouldn’t miss it’ - Terk was far too proud to accept such an And that was what it had been - a gift.
They had long since had that fight. It was a desperate move to get her away from her dad - neither of them knew what else to do. So she gave in, he gave her the keys - she thanked him a hundred times over and had forgotten about it since. After all, that was two whole years ago.
She hadn’t even thought about it until she saw the eviction notice sitting in the window.
- x -
It took her less than ten minutes to get to his house - not because it was necessarily that close, but because she was speeding all the way there. How dare he, after everything, fucking evict her? Of course, Terk wouldn’t have been shocked if he asked her to move - gift or not, this was still his place under his name. But it blew her mind how impersonal it was, and more so - how little time he gave her to figure her shit out. This wasn’t a situation where a tenant was being awful and had to go - no. This was just her ex-boyfriend being a shitty person.
“Open the fucking door, Ben. I know you’re home,” she yelled through his front door, banging on it as loud as she could. If he was sleeping, if he had his headphones in - fuck, even if he was down the block - he could hear her. It was impossible not to. “I can smell your fucking blunt, dude. Just answer the door!”
When he finally got up, he looked so incredibly disinterested in the fact that she was there - and what else was new? He blinked twice. What are you doing here? Completely monotone as if he was a robot.
“I’m trying to figure out why,” she began, pushing past him to let herself in - they weren’t doing this outside. “you went out of your way to formally evict me from my fucking house, but you couldn’t be fucked to get up and answer the door for five whole minutes.”
He was smirking. God, she wanted to slap that smug look right off of his fucking face. Well, it had to be done, right? After you’ve humiliated me on social media.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
- x -
“You mean to tell me you’re kicking me out because I went to the beach with my friend?” She was laughing - he couldn’t be serious, right? “Is that really why? After everything, you’re mad ‘cause I went to the beach?”
But they both knew the truth, didn’t they? Ben was smart as hell - knew how to spot the glimmer in her eye because he was once the person who put it there. And if he was going to be bitter that it wasn’t him anymore...maybe she didn’t want his fucking house. She’d figure it out - right? She always did. Terk was a survivor long before she met the blonde boy in front of her and she’d be a survivor long after he was gone - she never needed his handouts. 
Money wasn’t everything.
I was right about him the whole time, wasn’t I? It was almost asked with a certain pain behind it. Ben wasn’t that sensitive of a person, but he had his moments of insecurity. And...maybe he was right. Maybe this was a long time coming and the universe was just waiting for him to get out of the way. But Terk had no time to reassure him - not after all of this. If this was any other time, her eyes might have went soft - but she scoffed instead.
“I gotta go. I’ll be out of your fucking hair in a month.”
She turned to leave, but God. She had so much she wanted to say. Like how they wouldn’t have even been in this situation if he had just fucking left her six months ago like he wanted to. Or how between this year and all the years previously with her dad, she never wanted to celebrate her fucking birthday again. But she was trying to bite her tongue, almost out the door when she turned back around. Maybe she wouldn’t say all that - but she had to say something.
“You know what, Ben? You were right. While you were getting trashed at bars all weekend and fucking random girls to get over the fact that you lost the only person who truly gave a shit - I was with him. And you know what else?” She laughed as she closed the gap between them, reaching to her tip-toes so she could whisper in his ear. “He made me come more times in one night than you ever did.”
 And without another word, she turned back around, head held higher as she made her way towards the door. Terk. She stopped in her tracks, but she didn’t turn back. “What?”
Make it the first of the month.
She rolled her eyes as she opened the door and slammed it behind her. Maybe that wasn’t her best move.... But she’d figure it out, right?
She always did.
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