TwiWrite Flare
14 posts
Howdy there! Name's Twilus Write. I'm the moderator of the web comic The Adventures of Pom the Sheep, A project of love that I have been working toward since early in 2016 based off of the fighting game Them's Fightin' Herds created by the Mane6 development team. In it, I follow the many adventures of Pom and her friends as they undertake their heroic quest in search of the Prophet's Key to save their land from the predators that once ravaged it. This is where I post all of my progress updates in regard to that project, as well as anything else that pops into my head or grabs my attention from time to time. My Web Comic: Other Places to Reach Me:
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
twiwrite-flare · 7 years ago
Umm. . .Ummmmmmm. . . M-Maybe I should g-go and finish something. . . Yeah. . .
Posting a chapter of a story you haven’t updated in ages
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twiwrite-flare · 7 years ago
This So Much This
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twiwrite-flare · 8 years ago
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Mane6 Work Stream #17 and important CF reward information
The April work stream is now a thing that exists (or will exist). It’ll happen Friday, April 21, 3pm PDT at our twitch channel.     It’s also very possible this will be the last work stream before release, barring unforeseen circumstances, given that by the time the next one’s meant to roll around, we’ll be either in the middle of Backers’ Beta, or preparing for release, and be unable to have a stream then.         And since we’re already talking about Backers’ Beta, a notification to everyone, but most specially to people on the $40 tiers and above: Backers’ Beta is coming, hopefully before the end of the month. Can’t give you a specific date yet, because we need to submit build to Steam and get a pre-flight check done by Valve. That said, it’s most certainly not happening before (or on) this weekend. Next week-ish sounds more certain. We’ll let you know if there’s any act-of-god level delays.     If you’re in the $40 tier and above and you haven’t made a forum account yet, we recommend you do so, as that’s where we’ll be taking feedback and bug reports. If you previously made an account, you should be already setup for Backers Beta; If not, take a look at this forum thread, which includes a mini-FAQ on the Backers’ Beta.     And for everyone, but particularly people on physical tiers: Complete survey lockdown will be happening on Wednesday, April 26. That means no new survey answers will be accepted (stragglers, get in here) until after game release, and no changes to shipping address for physicals either.     Please make sure that your shipping address is correct IN THE BACKERKIT SYSTEM. If there are discrepancies between your Indiegogo/Backerit addresses, we’ll be shipping to the Backerkit one (even if you updated your IGG address at a later date than you filled your survey), so make sure all your information is correct and matches between the two places so your rewards arrive to the proper place.     Likewise, if you’ve not answered to your Backerkit survey, we will be unable to send your rewards in the same batch as everyone else’s, and you’ll need to wait until after game release to fill your responses, and even longer to get your physical rewards, so please make sure you’ve given us all your info!    Thanks once again to everyone for backing the project. We’re pretty excited to be so close to let you all get your hands on the game! (and your reward swag, too!)
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twiwrite-flare · 8 years ago
Update #2 - The Adventures of Pom the Sheep
Hi there everyone.
This is my second update on my progress for The Adventures of Pom. I’m afraid that I’m not really much further along into the next post than I was about three weeks ago sadly.  Don’t worry, I have no intention of stopping on this anytime soon if I can help it, but I got really sick out of the blue there for about a week and a half and it REALLY took all the wind out of my sails.  I’m trying desperately to reignite my fire, but it’s just hard when you lose so much inertia at once.  I know that that really isn’t a very good excuse, but I’ve struggled with motivational issues for my whole life.  It is, quite frankly, my least favorite of all of my character traits.
Anyway, enough of the downer silliness.  I’m starting again today and hopefully can start chugging along back into my higher self that I was tasting a month or two ago. As for where I am currently, I mentioned last time that I had started on the line art and that that always took me the longest out of everything that is involved with drawing.  Like I said, I’m not too much further along into that than I was last time, but I HAVE been experimenting with some new story-boarding techniques that may aid this comic quite a bit in the long run.  Up to this point I’ve just been drawing six or so panels as individual shots to tell the over-all story; however, that was giving me quite a bit of trouble when I tried to put them together into any form of actual “page“.  They just didn’t look very good when viewed all together rather than one at a time (which seems to be the optimal way of viewing on tumbler).  For an understanding of what I’m talking about, here is a link to my DeviantArt showcasing my issue that I ran into on my last update: I talk about it in the description more in depth I think if you’re interested.
So, I’ve decided to start story-boarding these in more traditional comic layouts and actual pages. Now, don’t worry, I still plan on posting each panel individually here on tumblr in that nice panel by panel style and each one will still be drawn at the same resolution as before, no matter what it’s size ends up being on the actual page.  However, this DOES mean that the style of each panel might be changing quite a bit.  Posting with full pages in mind will likely aid me in the story telling department if I am correct, but each individual panel my not have quite the punch that they once did (such as it was).  I may be completely wrong and it my end up being an improvement on EVERY front, but the idea is that I will be making full comic pages that can hopefully be greater than the sum of their parts for the best delivery and feel for the comic as a whole. I’ll be sure to start posting the full pages on here as a sister post as well; however, tumblr being as it is, they probably wont look as crisp and pretty as they will on DeviantArt.  I’ll just have to see once I’m done.  It’s rather irritating actually.  Tumblr is the better choice for posting each individual panel, but DeviantArt seems to be the best choice for posting the full pages.  Why is nothing ever easy ^_^
Anyway, that’s about it.  I’m finished re-story-boarding this next part and thankfully I don’t have to throw out anything that I already had done other than my previous story-board plans, so that’s great.  Personally, I think that the end product is going to look amazing when all is said and done; the sketch version looks fun at least ^_^
Alrighty, I’ve rambled for long enough.  Sorry I’m not as far along as I should be, but I promise that this is still the most important project I’ve got going on for the foreseeable future (other than possibly REALLY turning up the heat on finding a better, more satisfying job).  I just need to sit down and muscle through this silly post sickness funk I’ve put myself into.  I’ll try to have a much more interesting update for you guys and galls in the future.   Until next time, I’ll see you all later! Peace! --Twilus Write
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twiwrite-flare · 8 years ago
Dawww! ^_^
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twiwrite-flare · 8 years ago
Daggonit!  I missed it again! *Sigh* Could someone tell life to chill the heck out for a bit?  It would really be appreciated. Alright, enough of the moaning and whining Twilus; no one wants to hear that. At least it’s Friday. I look forward to watching the stream when it’s uploaded to Youtube then guys.  Sorry I didn’t reblog the announcement again either.  Things just got away from me and it slipped my mind.  I’ll try to do better in the future. Peace!
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We streamin’, pile in!
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twiwrite-flare · 8 years ago
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Hey there all! Kind of leaning heavily on that whole “. . . or so . . .“ part in regards to how often I’d be posting status updates aren’t I? Darn it, I feel like all I do is apologize every time I get on here to talk to you guys and galls.  Sorry about tha-DANG-IT!  I DID IT AGAIN! Anyway, welcome to my first official status update for The Adventures of Pom the Sheep on my old, re-purposed mod blog.  YAY! Sadly, I have to say that I’ve only just begun on the next part thus far.  The last few weeks have been anything but kind to my free-time and stress levels in both by personal and professional lives.  Don’t worry; it’s nothing too serious.  Just a few family scares and work not really cooperating with me. Here’s hoping I can start focusing on this again now that most of the crazy is over. I’ve got the next part of scene 2 all planed out and I am just now starting on the line art.  The line art is what takes me the longest out of everything that goes into these panels.  Once that is finally finished things should come together much quicker.  I need to learn to speed my sketches up.  I feel like I need to develop some better habits in my day to day life to allow for more traditional practice at sketching so I can start getting quicker and not relying so much on all the fancy tricks and cheats that digital art programs offer.  Sometimes I feel like they give me TOO much control and I end up losing myself in the minutia of my line art and my OCD, perfectionist qualities. Sorry, I know I’m rambling.  These little status updates will get more streamlines as I go. I’ll try to be more active on this mod blog from here on out, but I just wanted to actually have something to say other than “haven’t started yet“ for my first mod-blog post. If it’s any consolation, up top is just a quickly thrown together background for the best Pom I’ve ever drawn.  Even got some neat special effects thrown in there from when I was playing around. I’ll be using that picture of Pom in just one more piece that I have planned in the future and will actually be giving it a legitimate background rather than just lazy, abstract hills and hollers at sunset.  I hope it turns out half as good as I imagine it at least. Till next time guys, Peace! Twilus Write
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twiwrite-flare · 8 years ago
It’s here!  It’s HERE!!!  It’s FINALLY HEEEEERE!!!!!! Oh my gosh I am SOOO happy, LOL! I can B good artists now?!?!?
Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the beginning of the project that I have been working towards for over a year now.  It’s been a long and arduous journey, even learned an entirely new freakin medium of art, art programs (praise SAI!), and all that crazy stuff, but I FINALLY did it! I’ve got so much planned, you don’t even know ^_^  Anyway, I now present:
The Adventures of Pom the Sheep
Welcome to the story of a little lamb named Pom.  Join her and her many friends as they adventure throughout the great land of Fœnum in search of the Prophet’s Key to save the land and people they love.
The story will be set in the world of Fœnum and be based heavily off of the lore entries created by Lauren Faust and the Mane 6 development team for their up and coming fighting game Them’s Fightin’ Herds that was successfully crowdfunded almost a year ago exactly!  Fœnum and all characters that belong to them (thus far including Pom and her four sheepdog puppies) are, of course, copyrighted to them and them alone along with large portions of the overall story.  This is intended entirely as a celebration in honor of their fantastic success and hopes that this dream of theirs will continue being as successful as possible (and to get my lazy artistic butt in motion).  This is my artistic interpretation of the journey and adventures of Pom, The Champion of the Meadow as she quests to save the world.  Expect deviations to occur that conflict with canon as I wrote much of this before much of the game had been completed and all I had to go on where the lore entries on their website and the live streams.
If past experience is any indication, expect updates every four freakin months or so, LOL.  Just kidding, I hope to be WAY more frequent than that... maybe I can shave it down to two... Anyway, I love you all and hope to be a shining light of fun, happiness, friendship, and personal growth as we embark on the massive journey that I have planned for us. Have fun everyone!  Here we GO!
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Our Story Begins
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twiwrite-flare · 9 years ago
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Alright, Here we go. Ok, I can totally explain why I haven’t started this whole online comic yet even though I said that I was hoping to have it going by mid May over . . . a month ago? . . . Yeah, a month ago. I could totally bore you all with excuses and stuff about various technical difficulties, out of control personal life stuff, overly complicated and finicky art programs that I had to replace because they were driving me bonkers, and various other delays.   But I won’t.  Because dispite all that being true, the ultimate reason why I haven’t gotten this whole show on the road yet is because I got distracted with inspiration for a table-top, RPG game I’ve been working on again/off again for the last two years that will likely never see the light of day AND ultimately This whole drawing thing is taking way longer than I originally anticipated.  I’ve always been a notoriously slow artist because of my perfectionist and OCD tendencies and my inability to move on and find the point that my work is “good enough” for me.   As I mentioned in my previous post, I am primarily a writer by nature.  I’ve never possessed much skill at drawing before and I am realizing that, despite having an amazing imagination, the characters inside my head are always in motion (alive).  As such, when I try to think about what they look like exactly, all I get are vague blurs instead of crisp detail.  As such, this first image that I’ve been working on over the last month or so (my gosh, has it REALLY been that long?!) has also been me creating the physical features of at least four ‘new’ characters for practically the first time.  I’ve still been finding their looks up to this point.  Anyway, I finally think I’ve got them all now.  All I have left to do is finish the background and I’ll be able to finally get started “for real”. Any way, here is a little teaser for the image I’m working on.  As you can see, I’ve already improved dramatically since my first post of Ruff back in May. Featured here is Tuft, the brown one, about to get a rude surprise from his little brother Ruff, whom I’ve already introduced you all to.  Don’t worry, it’s cool; these two are practically inseparable ^_^
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twiwrite-flare · 9 years ago
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Hi there to any that may care (likely in the future, because I currently have zero followers, lol . . . *sob*)!  This is just a test and a bit of practice for a fairly large project that I’ve been working on slowly for the last few months.  Here’s to hoping everything works out as I’m pretty new to posting, drawing, and pretty much everything that this project is going to entail (other than writing, because, if nothing else, this nutty, one-trick pony knows how to write ^_^).
Anyway, this here is a rough sketch of a cute little puppy named Ruff (or at least my interpretation of him) from the fighting game Them’s Fightin’ Herds that is currently under development by Mane6. 
Consider this up-and-coming project to be my own little way of celebrating it’s successful crowd fund.  I’ll be posting links to the project tumblr blog here within the next week (hopefully) and will likely be turning this blog into my mod blog if everything goes according to plan.   Anyway, wish me luck and have a wonderful day!
P.S. Oh, and don’t be too put off by the noob art, I’ll admit that I’m pretty green to drawing, but half my reason for starting this was to accomplish a lifelong dream of finally learning how to draw.  I intend to be vastly improving my artistic skills as we go along. . . also, I’m still learning this ridiculous art program and can’t seem to find any of my Transform tools (Making it REALLY hard to fix my noobish lack of proper proportions).
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twiwrite-flare · 10 years ago
Step aside junior and let a old pro show ya how it’s done ^_^
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Wife Throwing_ 30 Minute My Little Art Challenge
Participated in todays My Little Art Challenge. Topic, the olympics. My Little Art Challenge
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twiwrite-flare · 11 years ago
Well spoken.  Thank you for taking the time to write all of this.
Rant: Farewell Princess Molestia
This is going to be a long one.  You can read it if you feel like you have the time to indulge in my boring lectures.  And there will be no “too long; didn’t read” at the end because if you never had the patience or interest in what I had to say then don’t even pretend that you did.  It’s rude.  And inconsiderate.  So yeah…  This is my long and thoughtful reflection on recent events involving an ask blog brought to us by an artist named JJ.
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twiwrite-flare · 11 years ago
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twiwrite-flare · 12 years ago
Your clothes are black.
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