Mornings were never warm; without you in my arms.
allhailkingmithun (via wnq-writers)
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me: *leaving house for once*
mom: are you going to hang out with friends???!!!???
me: no i gotta catch pokémon!
mom: *look of sheer disappointment*
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I just saw 3 guys running down one of the streets by my house in Team Rocket cosplays and it was the single greatest moment of my life.
While the app crashes every time I get near a wild Pokemon, it doesn’t really matter too much because I’ve seen the most amazing things on just a 30 minute walk. From little kids with iPhones to the gentlemen in a business suit sprinting across a baseball field yelling to his wife about a Rattata, today has been pretty good. 
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Texts From Superheroes
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To you my dearest love: I miss you dearly. I miss hugging you the moment you walk in the door, and sometime even when you've just gotten out of the car. I miss rolling over in the middle of the night and making sure you're by my side, and real, and safe. I miss breathing you in and knowing you're mine. I miss the person I am when I'm by your side. I miss you my love. Sweetest dreams and safe travels. I love you with all of my heart, all of my soul, everything I am, and all that I have to offer. Come back safely to me. We're one day closer
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Do not build homes out of people. let their arms comfort you but do not reside in them.
Karunna (via wnq-writers)
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Whew. That was a doozy.
You can preorder the book at this link! And check out the main site entry (click here) for art notes and breakdown of historical record versus artistic interpretation!
Keep reading
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Awesome Gift Ideas for Bookworms
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Do you ever just calculate money into books like: “$50? You could buy 3 books with that but no you fucking didn’t”
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So, we’re moving soon so I’m doing my best to use everything up in our kitchen so we don’t waste anything. Today I decided I was in a coconut kind of mood. For all the coconut that my husband loathes, I make up for loving it. He’s going to be upset to come home to cookies he won’t want to eat, but evil bars (seven layer bars), and dark chocolate coconut cookies sounded sooooo good.
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Dancing with Death
I thought about calling it flirting with death, but I can’t flirt and honestly I don’t do any flirting in my explanation anyway. I’m sorry if this doesn’t make any sense or you don’t like it- I was just trying to get my head on straight and started writing.  I’m not sure how it works for you, but I wanted to try to figure out how to explain in words the way my head works. Death is my dear companion. I long for him. I’d like to compare our relationship to a dance. It starts with the invitation. Just a passing thought- what if I just don’t wake up tomorrow?… But if we compare it to this dance it’s more along the lines of, “I hope you’ll join me.” Slowly, time lets it creep up on you and it’s all you’re thinking about.. this dance and the partner that invited you. The day is finally here- it’s all you can think about. Your mind is enthralled by the invitation, your date, what you’re going to be doing at this dance. You’re meeting your partner there. The dress you’re wearing is black and lovely, but you know in your mind that it isn’t going to do anything about the way you look. The dress looks nice, but that’s what any compliment you may get is for- the piece of clothing. At least, that’s what is in my head. Even so, you try your best to make your hair lie right, your make-up done as well as you can, picking at everything in the mirror before you leave.  When you finally arrive, Death is dressed in a black tux, the vest, cummerbund, and tie are all a blood red. You’d think it would be all black, since death is mostly depicted that way, but you forget what death’s invitation involves: passion, anger, anguish and despair to the point of agony…suffering.  In my mind these emotions have always been soaked in red, dripping with pain. He’s the most becoming and graceful man there. His hair slicked back and a slow smile spreading across his face, he offers you a hand onto the dance floor and it begins with a slow waltz. As you dance he reminds you of your faults- your two left feet, the way you look, the things you’ve said that came out wrong, the problems you’ve had and the thoughts you can’t keep from consuming you. The dances change to faster and faster music as he continues to berate your choices, your mind, every small part of you until your feet hurt, your heart hurts, you’re trying not to cry so others don’t see and everything in your sight has turned to a deep red. He stops dancing suddenly, grabs you tight around the waist with a hand near your throat, and whispers in your ear a promise to make it stop hurting. As he leans in to kiss your lips- to finish what the invitation started- a loved one cuts into your dance, takes you by the hand, and wraps you in his/her arms. They whisper the things they love about you, how enchanting you look, how happy they are to see you here. You don’t believe them, but knowing you can’t hurt that loved one, you know you won’t kiss Death this time. He understands and bows out. But a little later- it could be days, it could be months, Death will send you another invitation and he’ll be as handsome and tempting as before. And this time you aren’t sure the loved one will be there to interrupt your dance. I’m sorry that I haven’t any artistic ability. I can see it in my mind, but I can’t draw for the life of me, so I’ve written it out. Hope you didn’t hate it. 
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Happiest of birthdays tiny grump! My little one is a year old! He did not like his birthday hat but I thought he was cute :) (kudos to my husband for holding the prickly beast)
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My poor little one is having some issues. He's got a vet appt for Monday (earliest the only exotic vet I could find near here that was available) but I'm so worried about him. Poor Quilliam :(
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I’m no literary goddess. I refuse to be a logophile. I’m dumbfounded by words- their capacity to devastate and cause joy, the depth that they bear, the duty I was entrusted with, the hidden metaphors lingering between the lines and the risk of being helplessly addicted to them.
rastophiliopustrocity (via wnq-writers)
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I got a Happy Planner and it's super cute and fancy. I'm excited about it anyway! :)
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What I'm reading right now! It's been on my list for a few months, but I got through the first chapter and knew I was going to cry while reading this at least once, so I've been putting it off. For anyone interested it's through the eyes of an intelligent dog. You're going to cry. Probably still worth it though.
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