twisted-mystery 3 years
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finished rosepetal beads. 馃槏馃馃挌 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQpMHmrNc1T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twisted-mystery 3 years
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drying roses from my yard. 馃馃尮馃 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPg16unt1rN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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twisted-mystery 3 years
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ancient woodstove is keeping us toasty, tho. (a little too toasty, sometimes! 馃敟) (at Fillmore County, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeT4e_DXPX/?igshid=86j7w7mzvbfr
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twisted-mystery 3 years
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it's snowing! forcast is between 8 and 15 inches, lol. 鉂勶笍鉂勶笍 (at Fillmore County, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeTucOjIGB/?igshid=6ecb321vkr36
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twisted-mystery 3 years
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mim and i got our spinning wheels oiled today. 馃槉 now we've got something to do when it snows next week. lol. good thing i have a lot of wool! it felt really nice to go outside and walk around a little! i've been recovering from covid for a week now and i'm finally looking for projects to work on rather than being exhausted from staring at the wall, lol. the yarrow is poking her head above the snow, and it looks like my ephedra is doing better than i thought it would be overwintering wise. so i'm happy for that, too. 馃槉 (at Shickley, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJo0NWnDOR3/?igshid=1f5mieljwxso4
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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birdthing - edward edward would like to visit the woods outside your house and leave a few treats for the critters. ooak art doll: wire, tape, sculpey, labradorite, acrylics, waxed linen, leather and fur scraps. ($180 - usa shipping included) #art #artdolls #blackbirdmarmalade #edward #birdthing #ooakdoll https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhO0qMjNJX/?igshid=tm9yb4p7afy0
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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birdthing - emmaline emmaline's perfect day includes good friends, an overstuffed chair, lady grey tea and doom metal. ooak art doll: wire, tape, sculpey, malachite, acrylics, waxed linen, leather and fur scraps. ($180 - usa shipping included) #art #artdolls #blackbirdmarmalade #emmaline #birdthing #birddoll #ooakdoll https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhOKVVj8bN/?igshid=1thvr4mpj58xx
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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birdthing - francis francis loves watching the water, but doesn't like to swim. he's favorite snack is shortbread cookies and hot chocolate on an autumn day. ooak art doll: wire, tape, sculpey, turquoise, acrylics, waxed linen, leather and fur scraps. (commission) #art #artdolls #blackbirdmarmalade #francis #birdthing #birddoll #ooakdoll https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhLyiljbyn/?igshid=1cztu5os52ut0
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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birdthing - phoenix phoenix was in a few bands back in the day, but lately he's been enjoying doing crosswords and reading the gardening section. ooak art doll: wire, tape, sculpey, amethyst, acrylics, waxed linen, leather and fur scraps. ($180 - usa shipping included) #art #artdolls #blackbirdmarmalade #phoenix #birdthing #birddoll #ooakdoll https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhLwBLjWMP/?igshid=d2rncm4xsztw
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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birdthing - linus linus likes to sip margaritas while watching the rabbit races. sometimes he likes to dance. ooak art doll: wire, tape, sculpey, tiger eye, acrylics, waxed linen, leather and fur scraps. ($180 - usa shipping included) #art #artdolls #blackbirdmarmalade #linus #birdthing #birddoll #ooakdoll https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhLkAFD9DQ/?igshid=j448vqtnz80j
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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future crowthings. just add feet. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIfBnIaDEy1/?igshid=vecfam1lj8a1
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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birdthings all in a row 馃惁 #birdthing #artdolls #blackbirdmarmalade #sculpey (at Shickley, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIeelzYjtXE/?igshid=ddrdtg6yf0pk
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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finished! omg. i need to take them out in the yard and take portraits now. #birdthing #blackbirdmarmalade #art #artdolls #bandportrait #lol https://www.instagram.com/p/CIeMSv1DAaI/?igshid=uxqxg1k8sm5z
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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almost done! working on the last birdthing and started 7 crowthings. i'll take individual portraits after i finish the red one. #art #sculpting #artdoll #blackbirdmarmalade #bird #birdthing #birddoll https://www.instagram.com/p/CIbtnInDZJF/?igshid=4m3yoco13xy4
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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they're getting there, bit by bit! https://www.instagram.com/p/CIIC1pYDbHw/?igshid=h9wv7bc06i8c
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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all ready for sewing!! 馃帀馃惁馃帀馃惁馃帀馃惁馃帀 #artspace #artdolls #blackbirdmarmalade #birdthing #leather #sewing #wip #freakingfinally https://www.instagram.com/p/CHvfs1vD72f/?igshid=1od259sp9mhef
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twisted-mystery 4 years
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they're flying! lol. number 4's gonna need a second trip in the oven as i used a different mix of clays, so she's a bit wobbly, but the rest are ready for sewing as soon as the paint's dry! 馃帀馃惁 #artspace #birdthing #doomkit #painting #artdoll #blackbirdmarmalade https://www.instagram.com/p/CHorNtgjaiU/?igshid=r0jv792n4nsg
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