perhaps a small one.. who knows
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been toying around w the idea of making a mutuals server for a while because iam an incurable discord server making enjoyer but 1) i am in two very different mutual circles & 2) the server ive had joint custody over w a friend for 3 years has been more inactive lately as i enjoy talking in it less and less & i dont want him 2 be upset that im sort of abandoning it . .. also if we are being honestthere are maybe a few people i would ideally say no to but would not be able to because im too nicies
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mom just admitted that its only a big deal in our house when IM upset because "i have a bigger impact on the household mood" 😭 everyone else can be upset and be ignored but nooo not me. sorry about my stupid autism i fucking guess
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this is so LAMEEE why am i so sad. whatever. this is preparation for camp or something. if i can survive this i can survive camp . whatever whatever whatever whatever whjatever im 17 os it doesnt matter. im feeling this way becaiuse its 10 pm andf im seventeen years old ji dont know i dont knowwwww. sorry guys
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thought id feel chill after getting some sleep but i have felt so profoundly lonely all day. it feels so silly and juvenile but god i wish someone would kiss me...
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i always feel like im perpetuating a stereotype like NO aro people do not need love to be fulfilled. but personally. me. i need...something? that platonic relationships are just not giving me. and then to make it extra worse i cannot imagine being in like a Long Term relationship that sounds horrifying to me . like whatttt is your problem girlll.... whatever ive survived thus far i guess if i liive my whole life without having a truly emotionally fulfilling relationship i will simply have to deal. goodnight
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hellooooooooooooooooo everyone post hangout depression hitting againnnnn... do my friends truly like me? will i ever feel like i have any kind of truly fulfilling interpersonal relationship? am i doomed to live a life without healthy intimacy? is my aromanticism fucking everything up? stay tuned for more
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going to a grad party 2day and there will be a pool ! excited
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like every time i see those posts that r like u should be a little bit in love with yr friends its like im trying!!!!!! its not working!!!!! whateverrr
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i think any kind of real intimacy would be good for me but unfortunately the idea makes my gut churn! its not even that im scared of letting people in its the feelings associated with it... sometimes i feel like the people i love the most and feel most comfortable with are my mutuals... theres a different kind of feeling associated w it idk.... anw this isnt a sad post just a mildly frustrated and introspective one.... someday yuri will happen to me 🤞
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my parents are arguing again cus my mom is being pissy againnnnnnnn i dont even know what its about but i would bet money that my mom is the one being unreasonable. im sorry women
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was like mom wouldn't it be cute to print out these invites to my piano recital & she was like no thatll cost money. id be willing to spend money to print oit the programs tho and i was like ok but we literally dont need to spend money for that they dont need to be on cardstock and she started talking about how i should "give the real things to the real people in real lifw when i see them" & i was like what the devil are you talking about i just thought it would be cute to have actual physical invitations that people can keep & she was like theure not as important as the programs cus only the people who actually come get the programs & i was like well hopefully everyone will come since im not inviting that many people & she started saying like You always make everything into an argument??????? idk im pissed off & i rly wanted today to be a good day
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i rlyyy need to pick journaling back up but i feel like sharing & i like posting on this blog. my room is almost clean ^.^ like. clean enough. it feels so good to be in hereeeeee so comfy.... anw. my itinerary for 2mr:
wake up arnd 9ish maybe. shower. eat breakfast. if i am up earlier and have time i will play my silly game.. Do my ap lang homework. do a health assignment. practice my piano. take the trumpet out of the case & mess around. hmm maybe i should draw some of the plants in the garden as a motivator to go outside. i mightttt see if some of my friends wanna come over and hang out in the garden or make food in my kitchen idk.
ALSO ive been planning my final piano recital cus thats gonna be in june and its not gonna be that big or impressive or anything but i made an invitation card thats sooooo cute ☆ im thinking of having the snacks be thumbprint cookies w strawberry jam & cheesecake crackers.. we will see..
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