twinkadventures · 7 years
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So. I found this in the comments of the original and….
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twinkadventures · 7 years
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twinkadventures · 7 years
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drew the SAM stance from the intro with @mymiqotemisadventure ‘s catman
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twinkadventures · 7 years
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alisaie doing gods work
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twinkadventures · 7 years
so a lot of fantasy settings do the thing where there’s one or two or maybe three human societies, all based on European cultures unless they’re bad guys, and then the non-human cultures are all based on non-European cultures, like orcs will be loosely based on Mongols and there’ll be an animal race with superficial Native American trappings.  And for many reasons this can get really annoying.
But what if we turn it around?  There’s an awful lot to explore if we stick a different angle on it.  I want to see a thing where the human kingdoms are based on, say, imperial Mali around the time of Mansa Musa and the Mughal empire, and then maybe the orcs are based on pre-Roman Gaul, and the marauding beastfolk raiders look like Polish winged hussars, and your secretive-and-xenophobic but wise-and-spiritual elves or whatever are based on all the most alien and unfamiliar bits of medieval Catholicism.
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twinkadventures · 7 years
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For the longest time I couldn’t place why I liked this photo of Tribbles.
Then I realized, she is Disaster Girl.
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twinkadventures · 7 years
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Voltaire also had a little makeover. Haircut (it was one of the past the shoulder styles), changed the highlights from pink to white, and darkened his pink haircolor to a little... darker... pink.
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twinkadventures · 7 years
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Updated Ana’s look because I was getting a little tired of the look I’ve had since the beginning of her conception. Shortened her hair, pink highlights instead of purple, changed her face paint to freckles, and lightened the color. Also changed her lip color. She looks like a new Ana!
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twinkadventures · 8 years
So, I took a spin with Tribs over to Dun Scaith this week. Starting party makeup:
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.... Wow, that’s a lot of Black Mages... XD
Sadly, the group didn’t last past the First Hollow, and we had to refill our ranks.
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Umh, Okay then. XD Well, I got my caster gear that I needed for this week, so I don’t have to go in it again until next week. -cheer-
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twinkadventures · 8 years
Level 7 in the Aquapolis. >:3c -cheers-
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twinkadventures · 8 years
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man, this new trial tonight on Final Fantasy XIV is rough.
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twinkadventures · 8 years
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So, this last week has been an absolute WILD ride. I’ve gotten ponies, a Kirin, and polished off the MSQ... just in time to pick it up again when maintenance comes back up.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t crying like a fool in the last cut scene. Maybe I’m just overemotional...
I do love Alisaie and Alphinaud’s new clothing. YOU CAN TELL THEM APART!
Also, unlocked Sephirot and Sophia, again in time for part 3 of their story to come out. I must admit I RAGED when I got that notification. Who is Uncle Khai? Who is his master?! -vibrates with rage-
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twinkadventures · 8 years
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"We're going to the Aquapolis!" R'oadan declared over the linkpearl.
"The Aquapolis? Is it dangerous?" I inquired back.
"It wouldn't be fun if it weren't!" R'oadan replied. I could just imagine his response was accented by a toothy grin. "Just get a couple of dragonskin maps and we'll meet up at the house!"
After a brief stint at the house and general market, I met up with them.... in the Sea of Clouds, since they had teleported away by the time I arrived.
"To get to the Aquapolis, we must treasure hunt! Dragonskin maps are the best way to get there." He explained as he took the lead to his map.
I didn't express my concern as I realized these maps were for eight men groups...
But we were okay, we were good. Silvaire healed admirably, Selithia tanked like a boss, and R'oadan managed to kill things before I did. I didn't understand R'oadan's disappointment as we looted his treasure, then he told me to lead the way to mine.
The mobs spawned and were killed on my hunt, and R'oadan shouted with glee as a strange portal appeared before us.
"Go on! TOUCH IT!" He exclaimed expectantly.
"What?!" I asked, taken aback by his enthusiasm.
"How else do you think we'd get to the Aquapolis? By airship?" He chuckled mischeviously.
"...." My eyes wide with fear, I reached out... and was sucked into another world alongside my companions. The Aquapolis was exciting, it was... adventure incarnate!
"Quick, kill Arges!" R'oadan shouted as a creature charged into the room on floor two. Another chest emerged from its defiled corpse.
By floor four, the excitement was palpatable from the other three members.
"Kill the gobbies! After them!" Selithia shrieked on floor five as she handled the intense mob. One got away, but the other left a treasure in its wake. I was panting for breath by the end of the encounter.
"It's only going to get harder after this..." R'oadan said chipperly as he gave Silvaire a hug of glee.
We made it to floor 7 in my first Aquapolis.
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twinkadventures · 8 years
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twinkadventures · 8 years
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twinkadventures · 8 years
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twinkadventures · 8 years
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Yeah, “You have left the sanctuary, no kidding!” 
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