**Please help!!
Hey guys, I know that I keep making these annoying posts but I’m getting really, really desperate. I had to pay my rent today (November 24th) and I only have £6.52 left of my benefit after paying it and that’s to get me through all of December (Christmas/New Year) and you can’t imagine what kind of struggle that’s going to be for food/bills and I am unable to receive help from anywhere else (local council or food banks)
If anyone could possibly spare anything at all, even if it’s just £1/$1, please consider donating to my PayPal
($/€ donations please use the PayPal icon on my blog)
Thank you ❤❤
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anyways i dont wanna see m*lanie m*rtinez on my dash ever again because she is literally a fucking rapist
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**Please help!!
Hey guys, I know that I keep making these annoying posts but I’m getting really, really desperate. I had to pay my rent today (November 24th) and I only have £6.52 left of my benefit after paying it and that’s to get me through all of December (Christmas/New Year) and you can’t imagine what kind of struggle that’s going to be for food/bills and I am unable to receive help from anywhere else (local council or food banks)
If anyone could possibly spare anything at all, even if it’s just £1/$1, please consider donating to my PayPal
($/€ donations please use the PayPal icon on my blog)
Thank you ❤❤
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hey,,, really hate doing this and ive been heavily debating on it for awhile but! we’re so broke. both my parents are unemployed and have been for years, my mom has done freelance writing work and my dad does whatever work comes his way; i can’t get a full-time job right now and have minimal income. we usually make it pretty okay, but we were hit with an unexpected cost that amounts to $700 and NEEDS to be paid by this time next month, no exceptions. we can pay it, but it takes a huge, huge chunk out of our income, which we could sorta manage if next month wasn’t december. i have 2 disabled and neurodivergent younger siblings, 13 and 10, and i really want them to have a good christmas; they both deal with a lot and deserve to just be kids, without worrying about this. so, in short, i’m asking if anyone has money to donate so we can buy them good gifts, or at least boost this post if you can’t.
thank you, so so much.
my mom’s paypal under the cut:
Keep reading
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Hi there, my name is Gemma and I’m in desperate need of help. A few weeks ago, due to a reassessment of my mental health under the benefit cuts that are widespread in the UK, I lost my Universal Credit benefit which basically helps me get through the month with rent, bills and food as my mental health prevents me from finding work. It was supposed to get sorted, but as of September 22nd 2017 I am still not in receipt of my U.C benefit due to my reassessment being an ongoing case, which I have been now been told can take a further 3 - 4 weeks to be processed.
This leaves me with absolutely nothing to pay my rent, my bills or even buy groceries with and until it’s reinstated I honestly don’t know how I’m going to get through this. I have absolutely no one to turn to for help and have already exhausted all resources through my local government, food banks and even the local church.
I know times are hard for everyone, but I really have nowhere else to turn. This is also very time sensitive as my rent is due at the end of this month and a failed payment will result in an eviction notice.
If you can help, please consider donating to my paypal so that I can buy food and hopefully pay some utility bills: https://www.paypal.me/Gemzy
Or donate to my youcaring page where I’ve set the goal of £400 to try and see me through the next few weeks. If you can’t donate please signal boost. It would mean a lot to me. Thank you 🙏❤❤
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hey im zera and this is my youcaring please help me stay out of illegal work
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i dont care about pedophiles "getting better" becuz i hope they all die
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hey so um, i’m a jewish trans woman and i need to get out of here so that i don’t keep getting retraumatized by my dad, and i need some help with money for transportation and rent, and i’m looking to move to the seattle area because i have several friends there, and it’s as far as possible away from my parents
if you can donate, my PayPal is https://www.paypal.me/eliyahuharel, and if anyone would be able to help with housing, like if you have or know of anywhere i could stay, please send me an ask or message me
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It's so repulsive to me how you straight girls have turned gay sexuality into a fucking joke
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hey my names keith im a mentally ill minor under the age of 17 and im currently in a really rough spot. ive gone through so much this year and ive tried to come up with other solutions to better my situtation and after a failed suicide attempt & an admission to a mental hospital last week i realized tht theres really no other way to go about this
i need to get out of an abusive household as soon as possible; ive tried making a post simular to this before but after complications with the person i was planning to stay with, it didnt work out & i completely dropped the idea.
i dont wanna give out too much information about my life but im forced to see my stepdad, who abused me since the age of 7, everyday and hear him yell nd scream about how much he wants to beat us until we bleed and even str8 up murder us. the public school im currently going to is full of pedophiles and my r*pist as well. ive tried asking my mom if i could change schools and even though she knows how bad seeing him makes me feel, she yelled at me and kept threatening to send me back to the hospital and stay there till i rot. shes made many threats of kicking me out and/or sending me to live with my biological father who honest to god wouldnt even take me in & just let me die on the streets
im making this post because im worried that if i stay here longer id end up harming myself again, everythings stressing me out and with the way things are going i cant even see myself alive for christmas time.
i have no money & no job. i currently cant make any funds without putting myself in dangerous & unhealthy situations that only retraumatize me which is why im asking for help, even if its less than a dollar
im still working on getting a place to stay for a while / finding somebody who’d take me in until i can get a job and move on from there
my paypal email is [email protected] or if its easier my paypal.me link is here
my friends suggested i make an amazon wishlist with things ill need to help me out (food, water, clothes, survival knives nd other stuff) so if you cannot donate but still wanna help me out that can work as well, ill update the post and add it as soon as its done
thanks in advance !
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Now there’s a chance to support her, support black businesses!
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caring more about animals than humans is not a sign of empathy, it is a way to distance yourself from problems that makes you uncomfortable.
when you talk about the treatment of animals and say “what if this was done to humans!?” remember that this was, or still is done to humans.
I have zero patience for people who prioritize Veganism over anti-racism and feminism
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hey everybody, i really hate to make this post but at this point i’m out of options so here we go
i’m a trans girl, working and going to school full time. i’ve got to get an access code so i can do my homework for my math class ($120) and get the oil changed in my car ($30) and that’s over an entire week’s paycheck. i’ve stored away what i can but i’m still gonna be short when i put gas in my car and pay my phone bill. so if anyone can spare a few bucks and would like to help a girl out, my paypal is [email protected]
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“In Nepal, 150 people have been killed and 90,000 homes have been destroyed in what the UN has called the worst flooding incident in the country in a decade.
According to the Red Cross, at least 7.1 million people have been affected in Bangladesh - more than the population of Scotland - and around 1.4 million people have been affected in Nepal.
International aid agencies said thousands of villages have been cut off by flooding with people being deprived of food and clean water for days.”
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I hate to ask for money, but things have gotten to the point where I can’t support myself.
As of now I have been on testosterone for a consecutive 3 months, which my insurance has been paying for up until now. On the 29th of July I will be turning 18 and will lose my insurance. I have made the choice to not enter college on a full load of classes due to personal issues. This will mean that I will not be supported by my insurance company and therefore I will have to pay out of pocket for my doctors appointments, testosterone and transportation (gas) to and from said appointments. Also, since I will legally be of age to change my name, I plan to take action on this as soon as possible. I would like to do this first in hopes of alleviating dysphoria and finally getting a job. Please boost this if you cannot donate.
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Hey if you live in south west Texas anywhere along the coast and up to San Antonio, Austin, and Houston, check your local weather updates because Hurricane Harvey is supposed to hit us friday night.
Please evacuate if they tell you to. If you dont have to, be sure you have plenty of batteries, water (fill up your bathtubs so you can use the water to flush), ice (for your perishable food if your power goes out), gas if you have a generator, flashlights, and plenty of non-perishables.
I suggest getting a portable charger for your phone and making sure its charged up too.
**Also, pet owners**: Make sure your pets have tags and you have your vets contact info. A lot of animals get out during storms.
If you think your dog wont be able to go to the bathroom outside, I suggest buying Puppy Potty Training Pads.That way they can to the the bathroom inside but its on a nice litte sheet that you can just toss.
If you are able to take your dogs out, i suggest taking them out on a leash or checking your fence first. Sometimes storms can knock down a fence without you knowing, so be careful if you’re used to just letting your dog out in the back yard.
Finally: • stay away from windows • stay inside • keep updated • NEVER run your generator inside • watch out for flooding, if the waterlooks too deep or you’re not sure, dont drive through it. Turn around. • be safe
If you’re like me and you live in an apartment and this is your first hurricane you have to deal with by yourself feel free to message me if you wanna talk. I’m from Houston so I have some experience with these things lol
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