twilightoftheidols · 3 years
Andai kubisa menemukan bahasa baru
untuk menumpahkan perasaan cintaku
kepadamu, kamu mungkin takkan lagi bilang,
“Semua orang ngomong gitu”.
Sial, bahasa kita terbatas, gadisku.
Tapi, itu tak mengurangi fakta
bahwa ya, aku menyayangimu.
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
Pulp dan Godaan Nakal
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You say you've got to go home
'Cause he's sitting on his own again this evening
I know you're gonna let him bore your pants off again
Oh God, it's half past eight
You'll be late
You say you've never been sure
Though it makes good sense for you to be together
Still you bought a toy that can reach the places he never goes.
Oh, now it's getting late
He's so straight
Do you remember the first time?
I can't remember a worse time
But you know that we've changed so much since then
Oh yeah,
We've grown
Demikian Pulp bernyanyi di kamar kosanku yang sempit. Lirik lagu Do You Remember The First Time? ini sering membuatku tertawa. Lirik yang meledek, nakal sekaligus manis. Bagaimana seorang lelaki menggoda partner lamanya dengan bilang bahwa ya perempuan itu sekarang bersama laki-laki pilihannya, yang membosankan tapi toh yasudahlah dia bisa menjadi penghilang sepi perempuan itu. Walau, walau... dia “bought a toy that can reach the places he never goes.” Lolol ini mesum dan nakal abis.
Senin pagi ini gerah dan Pulp bikin nyengir.
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
Kita berhura-hura soal labelisasi si A sebagai jenius sastro, si B jenius teknologi tai kuda nil, padahal kosong blas—ya ga om haris? Lol
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
Kekalahan, melihat sekujur lantai kusam
semua bergerak datar tanpa darah-amarah
lorong masih gelap
cahaya tak kunjung hinggap
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
Malam gelap menyergap diri
yang sedang mengitari
orbit pikiran sendumu
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
for there is no place
that does not see you.
You must change your life.
—Rilke, Archaic Torso of Apollo
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
Couldn’t one translate Hegel into Gottlob Frege—the “old logic” into “the new”?
(Inspired by Carl Sachs)
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
We (humanity, i.e. our mode of production) are not just “destroying nature,” we are co-creating a new nature in which there will be no place for us.
—Zizek, Pandemic! 2
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
Kesepian adalah sebotol soju lawas yang ditenggak rakus saat hujan mengguyur dan pikiran meluncur gencar ke muaramu yang tak lagi kosong.
Atau kesepian adalah secangkir air liur yang tak kunjung ditenggak akibat terlalu lama halu membayangkan ciuman basahmu yang sudah lama pergi tanpa basa-basi.
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
“One should therefore invert the common wisdom according to which sexual lust is bodily while love is spiritual: sexual love is more bodily than sex without love.”
—Zizek, Pandemic! 2
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
Selamat Natal dan Tuhan baru
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
“Let us say that in its fundamental use the phantasy is that by which the subject sustains himself at the level of his vanishing desire, vanishing in so far as the very satisfaction of demand hides his object from him.”
—Lacan, Ecrits: A Selection
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
If you decide to stay in my mind,
let me build a dwelling for you
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
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Poor Schopenhauer
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
120 Days of Sodom Pure
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You said hello,
I smiled.
you hugged me,
I kissed you.
you’re gone,
I stay.
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
It seems that
I have finally met
My Waterloo:
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twilightoftheidols · 4 years
Your love hesitantly
creeps into being
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