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Nicole | she/her
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twihardon · 18 days ago
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twihardon · 1 year ago
jo is the only character on supernatural who reacts to dean appropriately. she spends the whole time she knows him just going i want to kiss him i want to be his therapist i want him to be my father i want to kill him i want him to be my big brother i want to wear his jacket i want to marry him i want to skewer him on a kebab stick. basic deangirl
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twihardon · 1 year ago
can you guys take my uquiz
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twihardon · 1 year ago
I think about this an insane amount. The eeriness of crew discussing the scene the night of and then suddenly no one acknowledging it. The abrupt shift of “homosexual declaration of love” to “its up for interpretation🙂”. Misha taking set pics with Uriel and that scene never being seen. The air of mystery revolving around 15x18 and the finale looms over me like a storm cloud. The fact that we’ll never know haunts me.
but like literally haunted by like the entire cast talking openly about 15x18 but then going completely silent about it less than a week after it aired, the empty being the s15 title card, the see double you casbaiting on twitter, finding out jensen asked someone to film the confession on his personal cell phone, jensen hating the finale for over a year before it was filmed, misha saying he was in vancouver then taking it back, jensen having to do ADR for the end of 15x18, the latin american dub, jensen and misha being the only people not in the official goodbye video, roadhouse finale with jimmy instead of cas, the choppy final product of the confession what the fuck
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twihardon · 1 year ago
how do you know if your discharge is honorable or dishonrable& why do they look at your goo in the army anyway
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twihardon · 1 year ago
i just want women to be liberated
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twihardon · 2 years ago
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PosterSpy has 31 horror movie giclee prints available through November 4. They’re £20 (approx $23) a piece, with all profits being donated to UNICEF in support of Ukraine. I’ve highlighted 10 of my favorite pieces:
The Thing by Nick Prinzing
Dracula by Sarah Atwa
Trick ‘r Treat by Kevin Tiernan
The Blob by Edgar Ascensão
The Witch by Royalston
The Evil Dead by Ciarán O Donovan
The Babadook by Liza Shumska
Annihilation by Lon Chan
Dog Soldiers by Neil Fraser
Stranger Things by Hannah Gillingham
Keep reading
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twihardon · 2 years ago
Love my whore🩷
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pov: you’re in a horror movie
1. create your own look here
2. find out what role you are here
I kind of love the result I got :)
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no pressure tags: @foodiewithdahoodie @queereldritch @elhaspowers @gothbower @ohfallingdisco @josephandjamie @josephfakingquinn @johnsimms @cuethemulti @can-of-pringles @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @nebulousfishgills @mimisempai @thelostsisters @lokisgoodgirl @cultofsheep @onesmainbitch @jcbbby @whumpzone @catboysienna @lussiane333 @erdarielthewhumper @abitofboth @galactic-magick @llywenn @chaos-monkeyy @highwarlockofphilly (only if you feel like playing, no pressure or anything 🥰)
if I didn’t tag you and you’d love to join, please don’t hesitate to do so. I’d love to see the results you got. everybody is welcome!
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twihardon · 2 years ago
My favorite ASMR artist is the one who keeps putting her cat into substantial financial debt
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twihardon · 2 years ago
I have been known to indulge in a glass of water
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twihardon · 2 years ago
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You inspire me @apollos-boyfriend
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twihardon · 2 years ago
Internet Archive Live Hearing happens tomorrow: March 20, 2023
Here's a link to the Internet Archive's page, describing how you can participate and listen to oral arguments on Monday March 20th at 1pm ET
You may know the Internet Archive because of the Wayback Machine!!
The court case Hachette v Internet Archive is being brought to court and threatens to tear down the Internet Archive as we know it.
"The Internet Archive is a nonprofit digital library, preserving and providing access to cultural artifacts of all kinds in electronic form. CDL allows people to check out digital copies of books for two weeks or less, and only permits patrons to check out as many copies as the Archive and its partner libraries physically own. That means that if the Archive and its partner libraries have only one copy of a book, then only one patron can borrow it at a time, just like any other library. Through CDL, the Internet Archive is helping to foster research and learning by helping its patrons access books and by keeping books in circulation when their publishers have lost interest in them."
This is so important because not only does the Internet Archive provide books that are long out of circulation and copies for people to borrow, they are also used as sources for things like Wikipedia articles! Imagine if suddenly, no one could access sources that someone cites for their information! Having access to information digitally today is a very important thing, and with all of the paywalls people face nowadays for news, imagine if you suddenly had to pay for access to any books. Websites like Amazon already are attempting to replace any sort of ebook rentals with paid services, when we have the right to borrow books online just as we do physically. The Internet Archive is extremely important and one of our rights- access to information- is actively being fought against.
REMEMBER: This will not JUST affect the internet archive. This could change how libraries in general work, and could threaten public access to information. Imagine how many youtube video essay sources would be null and void, imagine just trying to research an obscure topic at 3am-- If all of that was behind a paywall, only those with money would be able to access them! The harder it is for libraries to share books and archive information, the more the public suffers!
Please show your support! Read more about the case here:
I'm not sure how quick Tumblr will work on approving this blazed post but if the day/time has passed, please know that you can actively look into more information on this case and other info on the Internet Archive Blogs. You can also add your name to a list of supporters of Battle for Libraries Here.
Let's work together on making sure we have access to information! In this digital age, we deserve to access just as much online as we do offline!
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twihardon · 2 years ago
my mom bought a bottle of costco baileys the size of my head for st patricks day and had exactly one (1) glass before going i dont want this here ya go so anyways im entering my old gregg era
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twihardon · 2 years ago
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twihardon · 2 years ago
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twihardon · 2 years ago
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twihardon · 2 years ago
Reblog to give a nonbinary person a warm cup of soup.
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