The World Ends With Autism
127 posts
Determine which TWEWY character has the most autistic swag. Fail, and face erasure. Victor: Nagi Usui
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
twewyautismshowdown · 2 months ago
Do You Know This (non-canon) Autistic Character?
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He's selectively mute/prefers not to speak, uses his phone to communicate. He doesn't show much expression irl but uses a lot of expressive smiley faces like :D :/ etc. But he also uses very formal language. The protagonist actually asks/points out that he seems to have issues and he replies "well you're not mistaken" basically. He has an odd interest in fortune telling. Works with data and system management which feels autistic.
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 months ago
Do You Know This (non-canon) Autistic Character?
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Oh Nagi... where to begin. Her special interest would be her favourite video game and character, which she talks about all the time and has dedicated her backpack (ita-bag) to. Her main motivation for getting through the plot is so she can return to the real world and read the new chapter of this game (or a manga of it, idk).
She speaks in an odd way (very formally), is very blunt about who she likes and who she doesn't, doesn't tell white lies. She has a strong focus on communicating properly and doesn't rely on assumptions. And she's such a weirdo. It's a very popular headcanon if you want to do a deep-dive, but I think anyone who has played the game understands.
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
Autistic Anime Girls Group 1 Match 30
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Clara -
"- auADHD (coded) icon - (for example, struggles to read social cues, has hyperactivity, struggles to pick up social norms, has poor concentration, has special interests, verbally stims, infodumps etc...)
- is immensely adorable - exemplifies the relatable autistic/auADHD/ADHD experience of being deemed annoying, alienated, taken advantage of and discredited by your peers
- is a subversion of the 'neurodivergent-coded comic relief character' trope through the story still treating her with respect. for example... the protagonist condemns how others treat her. Clara condemns how others treat her
- she is befriended by the protagonist because he genuinely enjoys her company and likes her as a person. she becomes one of the three main characters and has the arcs, development and plot relevance that goes along with this. she is treated as a potential love interest all whilst retaining the auADHD traits that usually exclude female characters from this role in media
- she has sentient slippers
- irrespective of any flaws that can be argued Clara has as autistic (and/or ADHD) representation, it is genuinely healing to see a character with a culmination of traits many people are bullied for be explicitly presented as underserving of said bullying AND have the very traits that are often the subject of neurotypical ire be a part of why she is loved both in-universe and out
-lastly, and most importantly, Clara and her family do flashmob choreographed musical numbers."
Nagi -
"Nagi has a special interest in a game called EleStra (which she has managed to get two of her friends into) and talks in a more unusual, verbose way. She's very perceptive of people's emotions to the point that she refuses to talk to her teammate because he was faking his cheery façade. Said perceptiveness also manifested into a special ability- to dive into people's minds and see their thoughts. I also just really like her and she's just like me for real."
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
Autistic Girlies Bracket: Round 1, Side A
Matchup 16
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Only your vote can determine which of these autistic girlies will move on to the next round.
[Image ID. Image with a purple to pink gradient background that is split down the middle by a jagged white line. There is a purple 'VS' symbol in the centre. On the left of the image is Peridot from Steven Universe. On the right of the image is Nagi Usui from The World Ends With You. End ID.]
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
ADHD/Autism Duos: Second-Chance Smackdown!! Phase 1
Matchup 9
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
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*Squimbus: character that never wins or makes it in poll competitions on, typically from media that isn’t well known on tumblr but can just be a very obscure/unpopular character
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
ADHD/Autism Duos: Round 2, Side B
Matchup 6
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
inspired by @twewyautismshowdown! welcome to the twewy trans bracket!
it's a well-known fact that every twewy character is trans but which one of them is the most swag about it? that's what we aim to figure out here!
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inbox is open for all kinds of propaganda but do be nice or i'll revoke anon privileges. we all love this game so let's have a nice time okay? :D
polls will open... when i finish the graphics. so who knows! soon though i promise
Round 1 Matches!:
Shiki Misaki vs Coco Atarashi
Sanae Hanekoma vs Eiru
Futoshi vs Makoto 'Mick' Miki
Rindo Kanade vs Sho Minamimoto
Shoka Sakurane vs Beat Bito
Koki Kariya vs Sota
Shiba Miyakaze vs Tsugumi Matsunae
Kaie Ono vs Joshua Kiryu
Eri vs Hazuki Mikagi
Nao vs Kanon Tachibana
Fuya Kawahara vs Eiji Oji
Neku Sakuraba vs Shuto 'Shooter' Dan
Nagi Usui vs 777
Mitsuki Konishi vs Uzuki Yashiro
Fret Furesawa vs Ayano Kamachi
Hishima Sakuzuki vs Rhyme Bito
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
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Welcome to the TWEWY Autism Showdown Loser's Bracket!
Remember vote based on the character's autism, not just how much you like them! I will not be including descriptions this time around, but propaganda is encouraged!
The start date is yet to be decided.
Ayano Kamachi VS Rindo Kanade
Uzuki Yashiro VS Eiji Oji
Ai VS Eiru
Ken Doi VS Sota
Nao VS Sanae Hanekoma
Kanon Tachibana VS Ryoji
777 VS Tsugumi Matsunae
Shoka Sakurane VS Eri
Futoshi VS Itaru "Yammer" Yokoyamada
Megumi Kitaniji VS Hishima Sakazuki
Tanzo Kubo VS Shiba Miyakaze
Tosai "Fret" Furesawa VS Mina
Tenho VS Yodai Higashizawa
Koki Kariya VS BJ
Coco Atarashi VS Mitsuki Konishi
Makoto "Mick" Miki VS Motoi Anazawa
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
ADHD/Autism Duos: Round 1, Side B
Matchup 12:
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
And the Most Autistic TWEWY Character is... NAGI USUI! 🎉🎉🎉
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[Second image submitted by anonymous!]
Thank you to everyone who participated, and be sure to stick around for the loser's bracket, because I have big plans for that!
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
Remember to vote based on the character's autism, not just who you like better!
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twewyautismshowdown · 2 years ago
Remember to vote based on the character's autism, not just who you like better!
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